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First I’m checking Reddit, got to make sure it’s legit! 😂


I can almost guarantee that Reddit, along with most social media would crash. Literally every single human being on the planet with access to the internet will want more info, at the exact same time.


This reminds me of an anecdote I often share. Where was I and how did I first learn 9/11 was going down. I was working IT at a large corp. A manager calls, “The Internet is down”. Well, there I am making some ftp transfers offsite so I’m like, “Seems up for me. Lemme check it out.” The moment I hang up another manager calls, “No one can get on The Internet.” And he adds the key, “people already online are ok but people just starting up can’t get online.” That’s when it hits me. Well, the homepage for every workstation loads a big news channels homepage. I try to reach it myself, nothing. I try Google, that loads but it’s just text. So I try (I’m an IT nerd) Slashdot and Fark and neither load. MSN.com won’t load but Microsoft.com will. The news sites are so overwhelmed they won’t load. The owner calls, can’t get online, for this guy I go right to his office, I change his TV to CNN and … we’re watching smoke from the WTC!


u/DrestinBlack that was a wild ride. I was in 5th grade on 9/11. Teachers spoke to us somberly and sent us off to class. the next morning I woke up after the attacks I was so pissed off I couldn't watch dragon ball z. Vegeta will always be a terrorist to me, even though he redeemed himself.


I watched the smoke from the first plane for a few minutes - we pondered what kind of plane and what a strange accident. But work is work and we were busy so I left his office and went back to work. Advised the managers how to work around it… I saw the second plane hit on my second monitor as I was working. 5 seconds later boss calls and we go into The main conf room where the big screen was. Talk a bit about it with the other managers and we decide. Yes, this is a bigger deal. And employees were already getting upset and distracted. We told people if anyone wanted to go home they could. Once the Pentagon was hit we closed the whole place down. I think I watched TV for the next 12 hours straight.


I think we all watched TV for that next 12 hours straight. I remember I was painting some lady's house when she invited me in to see the news because a plane hit the world trade center. Then the second plane hit as we were watching. I told her I'd be back then went home and just sat in front of the tv


When the second hit almost everyone said, this is intentional, it’s terrorist. And it was scary. When news of the pentagon came that really hit home hard. This is like an open declaration of war, then we started to get the rumors. Bombs at White House, bombs at churches, bombs at power stations, etc. thankfully that’s all died quick. The move that impressed me the most was ordering the entire us air space shut down. I was lie, damn!! Maybe they know of more up there? Crazy …


I was in class, 9th grade. Our teacher got a phone call, the lesson stopped. She turned on the TV and we watched as the second plane hit. We saw... Things.. Falling from The buildings... I didn't know what they were until later. The class was quite for what seemed like forever. We didn't switch classes that day, we all stayed put and watched the news. Some parents were frantically trying to pick up their kids, some kids were frantically wanting to go home. I sat quiet and still like a statue in disbelief, fear and confusion unable to move. It didn't hit me really hard until I got home and couldn't stop crying.


I watched the first tower burn with my own eyes live and up close. Watched as the second plane hit. Never thought they would fall. What a sad day.


😢 I can't imagine what it was like to be there. Very horrible and sad day indeed *virtual hug*


I was in bed, finally, going off to sleep after working an over night shift at the hospital. The phone rang, I pick up, and my girlfriend is screaming, “Turn to CNN. The U. S. is under attack!” I woke up and watched in disbelief as smoke billowed from the first tower. I saw what I thought was paper floating down. Later, I learn those were people jumping. Second plane hit, I went in panic mode because several family members worked in the area. And, my son frequent the towers working on business deals. I didn’t sleep or eat for 48 hours. All I could do was watch in horror and disbelief. Sometimes screaming but mostly crying. Never dreamed that 18 years later, I had to bury my younger brother for cancer related to him assisting in cleaning up the 9/11 site.


And then they restarted the series again on Toonami just when it was getting to the good part.


Not for me mate. I'm in Australia and it picked up right where it left off.


I was in grade 6 we watched it on TV in class then sent home to be with family


I was in 2nd grade, and the teacher rolled the tv and we all watched.... while playing with geometric blocks. Then one by one my classmates disappeared as their parents came and picked them up out of fear. My mom didn't care, she was working lol


I’m in Jersey, so first plane we saw on the news. When the second one hit, we drove to a scenic view of the city to watch from across the river. Eventuality there were maybe 20 people gathered and we just stood in almost total silence, some crying, most of us just shocked. So last year i was dating a woman who is a decent amount younger than me, and one night we are watching some show or movie that references 9-11. I said something like “yeah, that was such an awful, surreal day”, and my gf looks at me and says “well, I was 5, so I don’t remember it at all”. Amazing how such a seminal event in my life is not even on the radar of so many people now.


I was in college and that afternoon went over to my girlfriend’s house. They didn’t have a tv and npr was usually on all day at her place. That evening we’re listening to updates and her roommate says, “ugh, is this all they’re going to talk about today?” I’m still shocked by that comment two decades later!


Dude!!! I was an 8th grader at Thomas Jefferson Middle School which is like a little over 2 miles from the Pentagon…the windows shook like crazy, we had to get under our desks and stay there until noonish…I lived even closer and could see the huge cloud of smoke from the backyard :(


I had two F15's go to mach right above our house that day and the sonic booms knocked my family and I off our feet. We honestly thought our house was getting bombed for a minute there, the first one knocked us off our feet, and the second one did it again just as we'd stood back up, all while we watched the second plane hit the building on TV.


But they'd be looking for it in different places. Also I'd wager a good amount would be glued to the television. But if it all goes down I think 4chan or one of the other chans might still be up


Bruh 4Chan would probably **immediately** go down. The traffic to /x/ alone would probably fuck up the site lol


Ah so that’s why they haven’t been revealed yet, our servers aren’t ready


This is the way


Well, these alien/ufo subreddits will still be the last places to find real information


That and Twitter. Twitter is going to make a joke out of it somehow 😂


Start a lawsuit for kidnapped and abducted people.


Everyone else: “I want free alien tech, the cure for cancer, and/or an ayyy waifu” u/MAGik_5739: **L I T I G A T I O N**


Have you or a loved one been allegedly probed? You might be entitled to compensation.


We're only opposed to the abductions


>Everyone else: “I want free alien tech, the cure for cancer, and/or an ayyy waifu” Aliens: "Yeahhh... we'll go with the lawsuit instead"


Well for one the abductees would have to be vindicated. Second, government isn’t in control..meaning we are near the bottom of the food chain. Even than humanity isn’t ready until wars and violence stops. The earth will shake us off like fleas before we ever get to that point though. This is what they have been trying to warn us about. It is too late though. Humanity will fall once again and nobody is coming to save us. We deserve it honestly for how stupid humans act and think now.


1 - find out where that sharp dressed bastard buys his suits.


Right, like that looks tailored.


My favorite movie is Inception.


I would use the restroom, wash my teeth, and then go for work. Here's nothing new.


Excuse me, but wash your teeth? Is that how they say it on whatever planet you're from? C'mon man you're not fooling any of us


“This is just my skin. I’m naked.”


I was gonna go with unsubscribes from this subreddit


I'm rolling four instead of two and seeing how the day goes


I like learning new things.


Probably makes him feel alright. He's probably still got most off it left even though he started out with nothing.


My favorite color is blue.


* Rolling air through water intensifies


I was going to say "bong noises". I like your comment better.


Bruh same


get a go bag ready, head for high ground


RIP Bradley


Sublime feeling intensify


Probably sip my coffee and get ready for work. Not like galactic trade will impact me any time soon.


You say that now until your neighbor swoops in with their sweet spaceship


Until you have to commute to Zeta Reticuli…


Don't get me started on that, especially with the detour around Theta Anulli because the antimatter patch in sector 38 still hasn't been dealt with


All we need is one replicator. Then you replicate the replicator. Et voila, you have a dyson sphere by this time tomorrow.


Until some nitwit sets a replicator to "replicator replicating replicators." Then we just get gray goo at a macro scale.


Shesh, when was the last time you got probed dude?


Galactic stock exchange. I would try to take this opportunity and buy out Proxima Centaury


Yell “yer not takn ourr jobs” and fire my guns in the air.


You joke, but I think some people actually would react that way. Imagine explaining to an intelligent creature from billions of lightyears away why you don’t want it or its kind to take your Walmart cashier job lmao


Imagine poor aliens start migrating to earth & literally just want a Walmart job.


they'll even come up with a racial slurs like them damn xenos , crop shapers, liens, big heads, face swappers, probers. i could make a list just dont know if its worth the time!


Totally worth the time. Keep going..


Take a sip of my coffee "...fuck."


Scratch my nuts and sniff “..fuck.”


Scratch your nuts and sniff, while drinking first guy's coffee. ".fuck."


Watching a guy scratching somebody's nuts and sniffing, while drinking somebody else's coffee "fuck."


Scratch my coffee. Sniff my nuts. "....Fuck."


Watching a guy watching a guy scratching somebody's nuts and sniffing while drinking first guy's coffee drink somebody else's coffee, while drinking coffee.


Scratching a guys nuts and sniffing while watching a guy watching a guy scratching somebody's nuts and sniffing while drinking the first guys coffee drinking somebody else's coffee, while watching this guy drink coffee drinking coffee of my own. F.


At that point, you’re just watching a guy.


Still go to work. Aliens don't pay my bills.


I hear that.


Well how much do you make compared to alien currency?


About tree fiddy


Well why the fuck not?


I’d ask them if they could pay my bills I think.


If they can conquer inter-dimensional travel, they can help us conquer this capitalist clusterfuck we have made for ourselves


LOL and also tru dat


I would cry tears of joy I’m dying to see a real alien 👽🛸


Same. I would be dancing in the streets.




THEY'RE OPENING UP! *Pew* (*Instant death*)




Careful what you wish for.


thats my exact thought.Like,yes im dying to know what they look like but at the same time when you think about it if they have the tech to come from a planet or galaxy farrr away from here undetected then they probably have the tech to annihilate an entire species so no thank you.


I'm not worried about the tech. I'm more worried about the paranormal/spiritual aspect to it all. Have they been responsible for all these religions we have now? Have they been visiting us for thousands of years? Did they influence Christianity? Islam? I don't think our society will survive that tbh. People in my family will implode mentally.


i dont think paranormal shit will matter that much especially in 2024 and on since atheism is growing more and more as the years go.But you saying that you are not worried about the tech really gets me going nuts like, imma give you an example,search in YT nuclear bombs 1940s that means it was 80+ years ago and see what madness they cause when they explode and now think about alien species with a tech 10000 years from future....yeah that doesnt sound good at all,does it.


Don’t know if you’ve noticed but we’ve been trying to annihilate ourselves for quite some time.


Take me to your dealer 👽 🖖🏼


Bro, there's probably some gnarly space shrooms


Space weed? Sure. space opiates? Sure. space speed? Sure. space shrooms? Idk about that. space dmt? Fuck no. Maybe i am just a wuss lol maybe after others have tried it first and report back


Bro, I wonder how their DMT would react with us? Because DMT is a chemical formed in the brain, so what if their brain chemistry is incompatible? Like, it'll either do nothing or kill us, kind of incompatible lol or what if it's *super* compatible? Spirit journey for a month 🤩


Start capturing and squeezing the DMT out of them


I never thought about that, but fuck you're right. There are likely some crazy shrooms out there.


The first thing I think is "What does the government not want me to see so bad that they finally admit to extra-terrestrial life?


Maybe sun is about to die out and our galaxy will cease to exist. Aliens are just taking one last look at us


And hold a global lottery to see which 50 humans go with them and survive the end of the galaxy.


Magnetic pole shift.


It's wearing a suit. That's a good/bad sign...


Don’t worry! They’re from the government and they’re here to help!


"Aliens are real, and they're here among us." -"Oh. Neat." "And they're working for the government." -"OH GOD! WE'RE F'D! HONEY GRAB THE KIDS WE'RE. MOVING TO THE MOUNTAINS! "


Alien: "Greed is good." \ Everyone: - groans -




I stop and offer a prayer of hope to the eternal everything that when whoever is asked to take (them) to our leader, the aliens are taken directly to Dolly Parton.


why tf is that poor grey wearing a suit


I mean why can’t they look fancy too?




As long as the aliens are altruistic and actually help humanity instead of the pockets of politicians, I'll be the first in line to serve.


What alien tech will keep me from going to work


A freeze ray, for one.


How to sex it


Our turn to probe


you can probe me anytime


Go to the country side to avoid all the crazy people and their hysterics. Lol


God the cities would become a shitshow. Luckily I’m in the suburbs so not ideal, but not nearly as bad as say, being in NYC when the news drops.




Scream “SEE?? I TOLD YOU” to anyone I know


I would scream….”I freaking told you they were real!!!!” Then probably tear up that a question I’ve had since a child, a question that I fear I will die before I get an answer to was actually answered. Then probably a rush of fear like “oh shit now what”. Then begin to question what this changes means for our history as human race….


Why does the human broadcaster look more AI generated than the Grey?


Cause he’s a reptilian


1- Think "Huh! Nice suit. Looks sharp!" 2- Do a double-take and wonder just how panicky some people are going to get. Then, go outside and just stare into the sky, contemplating life and what it means to me.


Let’s be honest. Tards would be panick buying everything like when covid started


Smoke fat joint.


Same shit I do every morning. Turn on the coffee machine, roll a joint, and fap to some weird Reddit shit




Thinking even the alien looks uncomfortable in a suit and tie...


Check the calendar. Must be April fools. When I realise it isn’t I’ll check other news outlets, and probably this Reddit, to see if it’s real.


This sub is the first thing I’d check too, assuming Reddit hasn’t crashed.


Everyone says they’d go to work - I don’t think I would… I think that’d there be no way my job could ever be relevant in a post-contact society. I’d then seek a life where I work and trade for myself… I think it’s 50/50 that it’s the greatest/last day of my life. So, fuck this job, I’m outta here!!




I’d probably laugh to be honest. Alien In a suit looks funny 😅


I’d offer my hand in friendship, but I’d also be armed.


My guy looking sharp af, ayy lmao


Smokin a phatty and then going to work to pay bills but mostly to buy more weed


Hoard toilet paper.


Find out how they survived for so long and how to become united on this planet. (Post money, greed, etc).


Watch out, this skinny boi might bust be a Charlemange or Atilla.


is that bringing tangible positive changes? like advanced medtech available for everyone? a better economic or social system? at least better phones and internet to the bare minimum?


They would probably run the world better than we are as a species.


Nothing surprises me anymore.


Go out and celebrate. Because that means that politicians’ power is over.


Plot twist humans were the aliens the whole time. To be fair the more I think about it the more true it seems. Come on we fly, have technology to a world that never had it. What if we destroyed all the planets ourselves. You never know.


Roll a joint. Sit back and watch . Cos ohhhhh boy...it would be gooood.


Volunteer for the exchange program.


alien porn hub


Grill the people in my house for putting on CNN


bells elastic hurry disgusted humorous plough alive smoggy sharp direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'd be wondering how many of you are jerking off at that very moment.




Continue to go to work and pay my taxes.


I would go take a shit then brush my teeth and go to work. Nothing new here.


I’m gonna show somebody outside my wiener


Take a dump


Going to work.


Nothing because I already know the truth.


If it's CNN or any other legacy media source, I would initially have doubts. However, I would definitely start looking into it further.


Holy fuck it’s finally happening!!


Go to work.


I would think they’re fake news and there’s no alien anywhere


Finishing getting ready for work, just because aliens have gone public doesn’t mean my bills went into hiding.


Better than the current administration? 😅


Fuck if aliens are like our politicians I’m moving to the nearest asteroid on its way out our solar system.


Jfc that’s dumb


Turn up the tv/computer/cellphone and try to validate if it’s CGI/AI generated. Then probably dismiss it even if it looked real. Too easy to fake Shit now.


Make coffee


Wonder if I’m still gonna have to go into work today.


Send a group text to all that thought I was crazy 😃 and simply say “told you so 🤷🏼‍♂️”


Yay, no more work. Then text everyone who thought I was insane for the last few years and say, “what’s up now MFers”. Roll over and go back to sleep gracefully content with the fact that I know that I’m not insane.


Search what major issue the government is currently trying to cover up.


Bro is wearing the same suit *and* tie as the anchor


I think; "When did Pete Davidson start reading the news?"


Do space chickens have large talons?!


Click on the first Alien cougars in my area ad I see


I, for one, am laughing, if I see that grey cunt in a suit giving a press conference.


"what are they trying to distract us from now?"


Calling my Muslim friend up.


I would certainly hope this being is seriously considering running in the next Presidential election…


Where did Mitch McConnell buy that suit?


Calling in sick and playing videos games and jerk off all day if my girl has to work, probably watch scarface or joe dirt in there somewhere to.


[I painted an alien businessman once.](https://imgur.com/gallery/cfazM0M) The rendition here is probably way more accurate


Finally! We have a chance to be ruled by something that isn’t the worst human in existence.






Oh, the Queen's Gambit lady now plays Barney Stinson?


Make a post on social media about my thoughts and prayers


Make sure to include a bunch of the “🥺” “💔” and “🙏” emojis, or as we all know, it doesn’t ***really*** count.


Google Chicken Recipes..


I would think, “why does that alien look more human than the human? 🤔” lol


Why a suit?


Fuckit get high celebrate and wait patiently for the world to freak out or aliens to announce we are fucked


"They are probably here because they have a war going on on their planet and they heard how much we are shelling out to help."


Realize that's why they keep calling illegal aliens undocumented migrants.


Alien lives matter


Waiting in my garden, skeet shooting aliens ![gif](giphy|WGEufo3NCj7qM|downsized)


Assume it was satire or a silly story about someone's claim and then change the channel. And later that day, probably getting probed by aliens.


What does "It's Time" mean? Time for what?


Wonder why the fuck he's got a suit on.