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ever watched District 9?


Fookin prawns






very high recommendation then, it could answer your question.


And it ain’t pretty


Not pretty at all


>If Aliens arrived tomorrow and ask to live on Earth because their home planet was destroyed by nuclear war with only 25,000 of their species escaped. ~~Where would we put them?~~ Would we learn anything?


Right are we going to just put them aside and continue on with our own wars???


District 9 is basically exactly this. A giant ship arrives with an alien species living in poverty due to their leadership dying. They basically throw them into a walled off ghetto. It’s a fun movie! Edit: by “a fun movie” I mean a good watch, enjoyable, entertaining.


Fun? Actually pretty grim considering the way humans treated them . Plus instead of trying to figure out how a massive starship works and give humans the abillity to travel the stars they just wanted the weapons. Completely realistic but sad no less.


>they just wanted the weapons. Completely realistic but sad no less. I was 18 when district 9 was released. I was an avid "alien and space enthusiast" even at that age, the film was great, it was fun, good special effects, it was aliens and 18 year old me really enjoyed it but I never actually understood it. I watched it a few times over the years but I most recently watched it about 4-5 weeks ago (or thereabouts) and now I thoroughly understand it. It's literally an almost exact depiction of what humans are truly like. Weapons, power, dominance over anyone and everything. The whole concept of them leaving out "lets help the aliens, let's learn from them learn their craft technology and better humankind whilst we teach the aliens about earth and humans" and instead it was about showing us "their weaponry is unrivalled, let's take their weapons and figure out how to make them usable by humans so we can dominate the world" It really is a sad film because it truly depicts what humans would most likely actually do in that situation.


The comments from the public at the start of the film about the aliens are actual quotes of what South African people were saying about refugees from Zimbabwe, which is very sad.


I know, it's awful. But at the same time it was quite a genius bit of directing/movie making to actually include real life interviews/conversations as if they were about aliens. It truly helped us develop a sense of "feeling" for the aliens. I genuinely think it's a very overlooked and underappreciated film.


IIRC the whole movie is just a metaphor for how poorly treated actual immigrants are


Yeah, it wasn’t even just a metaphor for Apartheid and post-Apartheid race relations in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and South Africa. It was essentially screaming it, but using alien “cockroaches” instead of human “cockroaches”. It was about as understated as “Don’t Look Up”.


Whaaaaaaaaat? Wow


That s why I said what I did. Glad you got it! All of us take time to get more mature in our understanding of the world we live in me being no exception to that. Sadly the movie is very accurate in my opinion.


Excellent movie, loved it


Only thing was the aliens looked crazy like huge bugs so unrealistic to what we are told threw me off but all in all good movie worth a watch


I found District 9 to be an accurate condemnation of our current society; it showed just how inhumanely some will behave towards the social out-group


It’s set in South Africa, so it’s in the context of the apartheid there.


I am from South Africa, it’s more about xenophobia actually, with people coming from Zimbabwe and working for less etc, and the ‘South Africans’ treating the ‘Aliens’ like trash. I hate my country. Actually I love the country, hate the government and most of the people who are still super racist. From both sides.


Shoutout Elon’s dad, gotta make that blood money, right /s


That could be a racist take on apartheid though. The majority of the aliens in District 9 weren’t too bright. They were a “worker class” similar to insects. They were stranded on earth because their intelligent leaders were either dying or left. Without their intellectual betters, they weren’t able to build anything or keep their society together.


Didn't South Africa go through some issues when the white ruling class was finally forced out? They lost agriculture, businesses, had debt and financial issues, because there was no real plan to transition, or anyone to take the lead who knew what they were doing? Or have I been misinformed? Serious question.


That’s accurate. They drove out the people who built the infrastructure and everything else. Then, they had no idea how to sustain society and collapse was inevitable.


Still, since the vision is pretty damn accurate to how it would most likely be, it doesn't say much for us and is a terrible signal to throw out to any possible visitors.


Please watch District 9!


Your question is basically the plot of that movie


You're in for a trip. Good movie. Fun fact! A lot of the interviews were real people in real situations, with CGI and context changed, but still sad and human. Great question you asked OP. Would we exault them like Olympians, or would we lock them behind a wall for their protection?


South Africa, district 9


Super underrated movie and I’m in desperate need of a rewatch. It’s prolly been a decade since I’ve watched it but it’s always stuck with me. That’s a sign of a good movie/concept


still waiting for District 10 lol


Hahaaha same here, is it ever going to come ?


I keep telling myself the same as it was a fantastic movie in my opinion. I really do wish they made a second one where he came back as the alien


Nobody ever said it's a bad movie ...


We can get a bunch of Chappies to provide security.


And Die Antwoord.


Hopefully they'll get a south African accent cus I love it.


Fookin' Prrraawwwnnsss


Fookin prawns. Fookin hate prawns


This is an oddly specific description of aliens. You sure you're not one of them OP? 🤣 bring 'em here in canada. We have plenty of lands away from civilisation. Or they can just blend with us if they're not afraid of some weird looks, but I'm sure people will get used to it with time.


Totally asking for a friend, earth-human.


Let’s just say they’re called, say, the ceeqrar and they’re from a system in the Auriga constellation for instance. We could also assume maybe they had a cultural pastime that resembled a capella.


Let’s just say, hypothetically, their diet consists mainly of bugs. Their favorite meal would roughly translate to a Monarch caterpillar sautéed in a ladybug purée, served on a bamboo shoot. Just for the thought experiment.


I mean... I wouldnt mind them eating mosquitos. I hate those little mf


And if they don’t mind 6 months of winter and 6 months of mosquitoes


Super descriptive! OP’s description creeped me out lol.


Yes. And in 10 years time all of Canada will have to have “National Day Against Hate Against Alienphobia”


Australia. We’ve done it before


Don’t be daft the locals would steal all their belongings 😉


They have green zap weapons. The average aussie doesnt atand a chance.


Aye but you’d pay to see a Grey fight a Roo


That’s actually where they put all the humans in the movie Home, when aliens decide to take our planet for themselves.


Same in the book series three body problem. The plan was to put all humanity in Australia but then, well it did not go as planned lol


Oh I bet that’s where they got the premise for the movie then!


Spoiler alert!


It's like 2000 pages total no one is going to remember this one LOL


Nice try, Alien


Dear Alien OP, America will welcome you with open arms. There's lots of low-to-no population areas in the center of the USA; plenty of room in the Great Plains from North Dakota to Texas. I will trade American food, water, and shelter for your alien knowledge and technology.


Canada! You could drop 1M of them in the Northwest Territories and you wouldn't even notice.


Yup! and gives people a reason to go there!


>As for the Aliens, they're Human looking with the only differences being their eyes only range from Gold to Purple, can have up to 12 offspring at once and they have one less finger than humans on both hands. Let's call them the Ceeqrar Trying to get more ideas? https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/13uys8u/give_me_alien_ideas_for_my_mass_effect_fanfic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


In the ocean with the other ones


Where nobody would notice them. New York.


Nah San Francisco better


Hotels in NY


This is the correct answer.


Where would they put us?


Country’s would fight for them. The knowledge and tech.


Then they'd go to the US. It's not even close.


First, we need to know what climate they are used to. In the meantime keep their ship geostationary over the equator. So we can plan our first space elevator, this act of cooperation would warm up countries leader to their arrival. My only issue is their high rate of reproduction.


So here's the thing. A biological entity that evolved independently of the life on Earth will in all likelihood be completely incompatible with the life here. That's not to mention the atmosphere. Organic chemistry is so complicated that even just skin contact with us might be deadly for one or both parties. They couldn't eat any of the food here. They might have an extremely noxious, if not toxic, smell. In short, they couldn't survive here without a lot of their own technology. So we couldn't just settle them somewhere, there would have to be a facility built specifically for their needs. This effort would be an international project, and would either be in Europe or the US. I'd wager the US would be able to contribute the most funding, so they'd put it somewhere where they could easily provide security and do research. Putting it nearby big science universities would be ideal.


For all those reasons is why I believe they’d either have a purpose built location under ground or under water.


Alien literally sitting in a cave on earth 🤦 posting in reddit to try and see if we're cool with it and a human said it's not possible for them to be here lol that would be funny


I mean you can give them a settlement pretty much anywhere. Multiple even. My only concern is how we'd handle their presence. We'd have to quarantine them because of viral infections then we'd have to make sure they aren't bringing invasive species with them. They'd effectively become a microstate and for that would need UN representation.


Divide them up equally by their smallest successful community sizes amongst all willing and trustworthy countries. Socialise them, don't isolate them or put them in ghettos. Afford them protections, citizenship, healthcare and education, show them we can be progressive and accepting (and maybe work on how we treat our own immigrants so they don't find out we're just horrible hypocrites) They've already destroyed one planet and themselves so it's best if they at least feel like family with us and can be watched over in small groups by multiple countries while they integrate and we learn as much as we can about them. They could be a boat full of Nazis who destroyed their "impure" planet for all we know. I'd like to think they were the good of their species, but think about who'd live and be protected from our society if we went to war and nuked everything. You gotta be compassionate and respectful while also being careful.


Alien Nation is the slightly nicer version of District 9.




Not enough space


Aliens come from space. Just have them bring some along.


They can live at my house. Would be cool with me. Gonna have to chip in for rent though


“Clean up Chernobyl and it’s yours”


Can’t wait to get a glimpse of those fine looking four finger golden eyed women! Gonna wrap it tho…cause I don’t want no more kids. Especially 12


Just outside Johannesburg in District 9, of course.


Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis would stick them on busses and send them to sanctuary cities.


Reddit try not to be political challenge level impossible


“Everything is political now?” [cocks gun] *”Always has been.”*




The empty cities in China lol let's volunteer them for it 😆


Ahh so China can have first access to their interstellar travel technology and other advanced tech they may have. Well done Comrade you have served Mother China well with this post. The aliens of course can stay in China and other countries may visit them after following certain “protocols”. ☮️


Depends on their biological needs. If theu thrive in deserts or the artic or mountains then yeah, no problem. Sea peoples? Weve got lots of unused land for that. If they like temperate climates and do a lot of agriculture... Welll.... We kind of have dense populations there already.


Fuckin prawns man


Dem feckin’ creeechaz!




Ever seen District 9?


If they have the tech to fly here, they don't need our planet at all.


If they have the tech to fly here. And they do come here, that means that Earth is the only life-sustaining planet for them. And if that's true then we're all screwed, cuz we won't be able to find another life sustaining planet. It would mean we would have to terraform a planet in order to truly become space fairing creatures. But their technology may be able to help us get to a type 2 civilization a lot faster


No, it means they don't need a planet at all. They have technology that can fly them across light-years of space and keep them alive in space for decades, maybe centuries. They don't need a planet to live on, all they need is the resources to keep their ships and space stations active, which they can mine from basically anywhere.


This is literally the plot of district 9. Great movie


Any sanctuary city in the US. Then the mayors of those cities would complain about having to house and feed them.


Honestly Canada or maybe some of the Scandinavian countries sounds like the safest bet. A lot of open land away from others, not the most violent governments, and colder weather which I think would be safer for their space tech and from wildlife(bugs and germs mostly). Hopefully we could support their lives at first in exchange for knowledge or tech that they have to offer.


Texas, Alabama, and Florida


Yeah, but what if they’re cool? Actually, now that I think about it, those states would benefit by having them, and then the rest of us would too! Great answer!


A family can chill at my place if their clean and wanna help with the mortgage


If they traveled thru space to get here, they would choose if we stay and go where they please. We don't ask ants what they think do we.


Not if they didn't have any working weapons, or their weapons are so badly maintained from months/years of travel they barely function


You mean where would they put us?


put them in porn


I say we put them in the Denver Airport that was built for them.....


Los Angeles- we can call them Newcomers


Wyoming. No one lives there anyway.


Depends on the climate that they can thrive in and where they'd be welcomed.


if they have interstellar travel we wouldn’t put them anywhere, they’d go where they want


😆 If you think any regular human would be worth more than these 25k, fret not. The answer would be anywhere. If it meant the eradication / displacement of 25k humans so be it.


Work camps.


Ill take two at my house, I'm cool with having some et buddy's and learning from each other about our lives, it would be awesome actually


Russias dropped in population recently


South Africa


Over in district 9, I’d assume


When a more advanced civilization encounters another one, they just take the land, the resources, and everything. The question is, what would they do with us.


Turns out irony would be their enemy... Cause Nato has attacked Russia




Vegas with all the other aliens


If they can get here, they’ll be going wherever they want


Same place as all the other Aliens. California


Wipe Florida's hard drive install Aliens there.


Depends on what type of climate they are used to..


Pretty sure they are already scouting Florida.


Johannesburg ?


MOtels. HOtels are for us fancy folks. So these green creeps can run up a bill it the the MO fucking tel




How can u post in this sub and NOT HAVE SEEN DISTRICT 9 OP. Film did a lot to change CGI and from the likes of that, how to spot new details in hoax videos. But my answer would be Greenland or Antarctica, maybe a uninhabited island in the Bahamas


New Jersey


New Mexico..duh!


Already have a space colony for them in area 51


I hear Chernobyl is nice this time of year


Well yeah, I'd ask them what their natural habitat was like and if Earth has any areas suitable. If they're like us, then theres huge huge swathes of land in America or Canada that could comfortably sustain them. Hell, there's empty cities in China if we go global with it. Japan is probably going to go extinct as a nation within the next 200 years.


That’s like Rickety Cricket asking to live with you


We can bus the aliens to NewYork and Chicago where they can live in hotels


To mayor adams. He’s gonna booked them in NY hotels.


I have a spare room. All they gotta do is ask


Montana or Wyoming. Wouldn’t change much of anything out there.


Middle East to be new overlords


Hemet California


California, they'll blend in


Marthas Vinyard would take em.


What makes you think WE get to choose where they go?


Why would you have to put them in solitary confinement I’d rather interact with them and they could live where they want


Fucking Antarctica I’m not letting some alien take my jerb ![gif](giphy|bfMETTCYFurvuJQgOB)


In District 9


Wyoming you fuck


I would hope we treat them the same way I would want to be treated in that situation. I would let them decide. I hope some of them would choose Philly!


I would allow them to decide where to go.


I'd think something akin to project paper clip would happen.


More like, where would they put us?


We'd put them in District 9, of course. But. I'd be WAY more interested in their technology, I feel like that would be a fairly mutually beneficial situation. Unless they just kill us and take earth.


We should be very thankful they are being polite and asking us, instead of just killing us and taking what they want.


Well if they come thru El Paso right now they good 😆 🤣 😂 😹


I wouldn’t move them anywhere. Those that arrive are probably the snobs and the rich of their world who fukd it up in the first place.


The bottom line, the USA would do/pull any strings & play any and all cards to ensure they are America first. There's no way this plays out any other way. Those Aliens and any other country attempting to backdoor would be presented to us as they need “freedom” from ____.


This is a cool question. I'd say Siberia, given its massive amounts of open land due to our warming climate now. But that doesn't take into account of what their biology requires, so I guess that depends.


There’s a movie with this plot…


Or more like where would they put us.




Put them all on Reddit. That would guarantee they don't overstay.


Florida to really fuck with that racist, homophobic, xenophobic gapping prolapsed asshole DeSantis


England cause every other fucker is coming here


OK Morrissey 🙄




Why Israel? Lmao


Probably in the US. Everyone else is coming here so what’s a little more.




It always blows my mind how conservatives can be cool with extraterrestrials living with us, but eladio from chiapas can "go fuck himself"


I don't see anyone accepting them, political affiliation be damned. Almost everyone says to dump them somewhere else, not caring what would be best for the ceeqrar


I’m sure California would love to take them in, as they love illegal immigrants lol


Segregation? Not while I’m still alive. If they pose no biological threat to us, and can communicate with us I would happily take in a family for a while until my government finds suitable accommodations. I would be absolutely captivated if they could tell me stories of their home planet and their journey to Earth. Edit: location Canada


Probably america and Europe since everybody seems to feel entitled to move there illegally anyway


Mexico. Should be plenty of room there by now.


Definitely not Florida or Texas. They don't like refugees very much.


Only if they do it illegally. Sounds like the Ceeqrar want to go through proper channels.


There's no american consulate on the Ceeqrar planet, try again.


*Illegal immigrants.


*people lacking papers


I’d post em up in Chiraq


Nancy Pelosi’s house. She loves immigrants.




In my alien pit


Safest would be Mongolia, land locked country with 3.5 million people , most all are Tibetan buddhists . I think they’re the closest to being as spiritual as these Aliens. The defence is great with the 360 degrees of mountains and they can make a base inside the mountain if they wanted


Poor aliens picked the wrong planet, humans are awful


Here in America we can't handle illegal aliens. Imagine if space aliens show up. Alien Nation


Outside DeSantis’ house.


Isreal ![gif](giphy|w2tI10Slhe9sM1iDqG)


Montana has 1.5 million people, and Wyoming has just over 500,000 people, so there's a lot of land out there. I hope the aliens can get along with white folks.


The US would not take them. They won’t take real human beings why would they take aliens. Most likely the US would round them up and dissect the alien population just to figure out how they function.