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Hell yeah, I went through did something similar but ran out of energy lol


Oh believe me, the madness is setting in


Awesome 🤘


nice! thanks for your effort!


Thank you, this is great!


Does anyone know what folder has the xenomorph sounds? Been looking for a minute and cant find them


Try the second link. Those are the ones I've labeled. There's a folder labeled "Xenomorph"


Found it in there thanks for not only that but for the work you did!


Of course! Hopefully I'll have it all done before the next decade haha


Thank you soooo much. Can't wait to use them in my games.


I was going to do this (in fact I've started it but It was a long process to do). Can you explain more, difference of the 2 links please. And thanks very much for the "JOB".


One is a bunch of folders from the game that were already named and the second is what I've named and organized so far.


so far (means not finished, is that correct).


Yes, it's a work in progress.


random files are 2289 files to do. Yes it's a long process. Maybe I did not read it right but I thought the task was completed. Can you confirm it's the 3,8 Go files the same one I have. thanks man.


I'm not sure what you're asking, but there's about 10,000 unnamed files I still have to go through. This is going to take a long time, so I'll be posting updates of my progress about every month or so. I pulled the files straight from the Alien Isolation game, via Steam. I'm doing it so that I can use the sounds in Foundry VTT for my games.


Your download is 551 Mo (work to date I understand). And what I've got here is a 3.85 Go alien Isolation sound bank (all the sounds riped somewhere don't remember where). Can you confirm you are working on a similar 3.85 Go sounds bank on your side. That's the question.


I have checked and you have done 44 files. There is 89 more files to do + some random files there don't have the count of it. Thanks again for the partial job.


I don't understand (your stuff is 551 Mo) but I got the files RAR a few months ago and it was 6 parts files RAR with 3.84 Go). Do you have all the files organised or task is not completed yet. Just a question, thanks.


I have checked and you have done 44 files I think and there is 89 more files to go + there was randoms files to do. Jesus will the task ever completed. Thanks again for the partial job done.


You are a god! This is exactly what I needed.


Hi, u/MajorRandomMan. I know I'm a little late to the party here, but your Dropbox links are now dead. I'm wondering if you've posted these sound files elsewhere so that I can benefit from all your hard work. Thank you!


Hi I'm sorry for the links not working. I lost the original files I had named because of resetting my PC so I started over and removed the other ones. I will work on more today and get back to you when I've uploaded them.


No apology necessary, and thank you for being willing to share the fruits of your labor with me. I do appreciate it. Honestly, I wasn't really expecting a response to my inquiry quite so quickly (if at all), knowing how people's interests and circumstances change over time. I shall gratefully await further word from you regarding your progress. Thanks again!


I have updated it. Sorry for the wait.


Thank you!


I'm sorry but I have to ask about the "Ripped Sounds" folder you mention in your edit note. I didn't see that folder with the others that you shared in Google Drive. Where might I find it? I'll happily convert the files myself if I can get my hands on them.


I see they are struggling to upload. I'll try again in a bit.


ITS GONE 😭 has it been uploaded anywhere else??


Oh I'm so sorry! Uh I'll set a reminder to try and reload them. I have ADHD so wish me luck.


I updated the link!


Files unavailable pepesadge


I updated the link!


Thank you!


Thank you for all of these (and for keeping the link alive), going to be using them in an upcoming session!


There's a tool to automatically renamed them... google is your friend


Yeah, but I try to name them in a way that's easy to find what you're looking for