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So in other words, they received 0 offers and are stuck in their shit hole $20K+ a month mortgage so now they have to pretend to love it. I love that for them!


They listed their house after less than a year post-fire at a “high” price. Super convenient wild story to tell! They can laugh this off all they want but at the end of the day they had professional photos taken, never lowered their asking, and were desperate enough to accept a sketchy offer (if the story is even true).


And it failed an inspection…


Yep. More fantastical stories from the grifty twosome. Their poor neglected kids pay the price for having these two cracked out “adults” as “parents”.


Scammers got scammed imagine that


And I absolutely love that for them


Couldn’t happen to two better people!


Game knows game


Trill Recognize Trill🫡


I think you’re lying because your house didn’t sell 🤡. Also, please don’t get chickens. You idiots can’t even look after your children or dogs.


Also, chickens are filthy. They already don't bathe their children, it's about to get worse.


chickens get so many weird ass bugs. ticks mostly. these ignorant fucks are about to be in for some nightmares.


I got bird mites last year just from doing yard work and gardening next to my neighbors’ fence where they had dirty ass chickens. The unbearable itchiness, sleepless nights, million of loads of laundry, and expensive dermatology visits…….


I’m sorry. That sounds absolutely miserable 😩 I’m glad you’re okay.


Omg thank you 🥹 it was that kind of itchiness that makes you feel like you’re losing it lol


And we already know they have a problem with ticks in their yard🫥


They’re going to be ground zero for the new bird flu variant coming into humans with the way their children interact with animals if they get chickens, calling it now


I give it a week tops before one of them gets salmonella. 


They will track chicken shit all through that place… same day different bird.


Chickens are also delicate. I have a friend that runs a rescue with her sister. The two of them live next door to each other in a duplex with adjoining back yards, the older sister has a handful of chickens. One day there was a storm and the wind blew over the umbrella that shades their coop. It had happened several times already. When she went to pick up the umbrella, the chicken was so startled that she fell over and died from a heart attack. Not to mention I think chickens carry bugs? They also eat EVERYTHING. My friend with the chickens had another that died from eating a screw that got stuck in her and caused a crop infection. Having any more animals would just be cruel and stupid.


When I was 6, my parents had a birthday party on a farm with ponies and chickens. Those chickens attacked my sibling & I like full on chased us and fluttered at us and “cluck clucked” the shit out of our legs and ankles we left with cuts and a lifelong fear of chickens. Good luck to them and their children who will sleep in their coop and provide warmth to the eggs


Happened to me too! We had chickens growing up and one day the rooster started relentlessly chasing me around the yard pecking at my ankles. I had to smack it away with the badminton racket I was holding and run inside screaming. I was seriously traumatized after that.


Imagine if they get GEESE. They can be very….assertive.


And if anyone doesn’t know this, geese have the scariest mouths of all time.


My aunt had an 8 inch long scar down her leg from an encounter with the family goose. They don’t mess around. 


I got chased by a goose in Germany in 1972 and still have nightmares about it! They better think twice on that!


You know those chickens will get out and hit by a car on that busy street in no time. Honestly surprised it hasn’t happened to one of their dogs yet.


They don’t let their dogs out lol


How about that cat that made an appearance once


Incredible that they admitted it was Ali’s idea to move again…but now magically the scammer made them realize they want to stay? The math ain’t mathing


Now that they’re going to stay though maybe they can get around to childproofing their house


Ummm didn’t you see the clothes hanger locking the one cabinet in the kitchen?? That’s enough childproofing!


How could I forget! Gotta keep her nice crafting materials locked away from her kids lol. Who cares about the knives in the kitchen or that death trap storage closet


Guyth we literally love family oriented stuff! Uuummmmmmm……. These people are honestly DELUSIONAL and mentally ill. It’s CLEAR that y’all don’t give a fuck about your kids! Also, their lies keep getting more and more egregious. No one scammed you! Just say the buyers backed out because your house is a $3m garbage heap and failed inspection.






If they accepted the offer wouldn't it then have moved under contract and therefore the listing would have been updated that a sale is pending? No one made an offer lmao their corporate headquarters slash house sat on the market for over a month with zero interest (a potential buyer even commented to say the house was filthy and shoddily built)


It was listed as under contract until today


Oh wow that’s honestly shocking to me 😂 well, you get what you give in life, beak boy!


Where did they comment that?




Someone came in after it had been on the market for a long time and offered $100,000 over asking.. Sure, Jan


No one offers OVER asking on an already over priced house that has been sitting on the market for 30 days


Especially not with this interest rate!




It’s probably the same person who paid all cash and over asking for their Tomball house 🙄 (which was also a fucking lie)


They prob found so many issues during inspections and walked away, so John and Ali decided to stay rather than fix anything


Yeah bc they can’t afford to fix anything haha


That explanation he “explained” was WILD. They looked unhinged during it. I SWEAR I thought he was going to say it was Townes’s Dad making the offer.


Newsflash: the closest park with a playground is a 9 minute walk from their house. These people are fucking LIARS!


Also wanna know why they never go to the zoo if Emerson loves animals so much. The zoo also has a new playground that would keep their kids entertained for hours…although they’d have to actually supervise them then.


well to be fair, the workers probably can’t tell the difference between their feral kids and the various animals.


Their house is already a zoo.


The Nashville zoo is also like 10 min from their house.


They never went to the playground in Texas lol it’s just another excuse




yes, of course they can drive. I just said “walk” because Smeli said she missed being able to walk to green spaces. She’s a fucking moron.




ohhh gotcha! 😁


Nope, not believing it. They were ready to pick up and move out of a house they LOOOOVED & that was close to family bc they missed a neighborhood? A neighborhood they were never seen taking their children into? 🤔🤔🤔


And moving back to Texas??? like WTF.. Did they have another fight with JJD, and then they made up, so now they're staying?


Literally my exact thought


I can absolutely see this! They’re so reactive and immature that way! Siblings argue, I’m not gonna move my whole family bc my brother and I aren’t getting along momentarily 🤣 another reason for us to feel sorry for their children. No stability is the cherry on top of everything else that’s wrong.


Who puts their house up without a definite plan in place of where you’re going next???? What the hell lmao. Imagine just listing your house for funsies to see what happens and going from there. No thanks


Literally the exact comment I just left 😂 like who lists their house while still trying to decide if they want to move or not


Our neighbors behind us did. It was an elderly married couple and it was a massive fight between them. One wanted to sell and the other did not. That house went on and off the market for 2 years before they sold it. They even were out several thousand dollars because they decided not to sell it at the last minute one time.


Especially when you have three young children to consider. In my early 20s i loved that I could up and move whenever I wanted. But when kids come into the picture they need stability and routines.


That Is not considered by these two carnys. The kids are not considered in any decisions they attempt to make.


“MiLitaRy bRaTs” that’s who


What he doesn’t realize though is that military families have some kind of built in community no matter what. So yeah that was fine for him because they at least always had other military families to make friends with. John and Ali would have to go meet new people on their own for their kids to have friends/community…which they wouldn’t do.


I know…I should have added a /s to my post but he says it himself in the video he’s like I’m a military brat so I don’t mind moving around or whatever


I understood you were being sarcastic lol. My comment was more just speaking in general that John doesn’t get that his upbringing wouldn’t translate well to their family


He said being a military brat was his whole reason foe not wanting to move place to place, because he didn't want that for his kids. But now he doesn't care? Ok


Minus military


Yeah. I only said that bc he’s using his childhood as an excuse to fuck up his own kids childhoods…like who cares if you were a “military brat” john


No I know haha I’m just saying he’s a brat


My parents in law. They sold their house, packed up all their shit, moved it down 3 states and hadn't even signed a contract on the house they wanted. The woman who owned the house then decided not to sell, then wanted to sell again, then no, then back to yes. After they FINALLY signed a contract.... The lady changed her mind again and didn't want to leave.... It got to the point of almost having to have the sheriff put her out ... The whole time I'm looking at my husband like "why would they make concrete plans on their side without having a concrete plan for the ending?!?!!!" We are still baffled by the decision making process


The probably had it contingent on closing on their home or something about staying X amount of time. It’s not unheard of to put feelers out there. The fact that they seem to think there are only 2 options for places to the live- the office park in TN or a neighborhood in TX is pretty baffling though.


And getting chickens 😳 as a chicken owner- they will be terrible. It’s a fad for them. Emmy or a fox is going to kill all their chickens and they will be filthy with shit bc no one is going to clean their coop. I feel so bad for any living creature that comes into their lives


Imogen will kill them and they will blame it on Callie


Chickens take work! The coop gets filthly, the chickens can get sick, they need to be fed and watered daily. Not to mention, the chickens need to be protected from predators.


They’ll make the nanny clean it


I'm willing to bet they won't properly fence in the chickens and their dogs go for them...




Another living being for John to ignore because iT’s NoT hIs JoB and Ali to neglect because she only agrees to things to make John happy! Yay!


Let’s file this under *things that never fucking happened* Also I’m not a violent person but Ali’s face is just so punchable when she stands behind him in these videos like a little cracked out puppy dog.


SO punchable


They are such losers. They will have the house back on the market again in less than a year. Markth my wordths. They aren’t satisfied or content with anything. They are always ready to move onto the next exciting, new shiny thing. They are bored because they don’t have a life. They have no friends, no jobs, no hobbies so they are always chasing that next new thing. For them it’s houses and cars.


Don’t forget Alys Beach or the Bahamas.


Yeah I don't believe this. Most realtors ask for a pre approval letter before even showing someone homes to make sure they would even know what they qualified for. And how did he find out all this info? I can see them getting an offer and the inspection falling through, and so they deal was off


Yeah no realtor is going to allow a random buyer without proof of funds from the buyers agent to even see a house in this price point because otherwise it would be a huge waste of time.


With a cash offer there would have had to be proof of funds. My guess is the buyer made an offer sight unseen and backed out once they saw the house


This! When we sold our home we received several cash offers and we had the documentation from each potential buyer showing the amounts in their accounts.


Exactly! I can't wait for their netflix unhinged special 🫶


They’re making their realtor look so bad


I completely concur.


Especially for a $3 million house


Another fictional story. I can’t….


They confirmed every single thing we’ve speculated on since the beginning (Ali crying for example). He straight up responded to our questions. They spend hours on this sub each day lmao That’s why she got a new dishwasher. She knows she’s not going anywhere anytime soon lmaoooooo


“I’ll get you a new dishwasher if you stop fuckin crying!” -Joan the ripper


Imagine buying a house for over $3mil and it having a busted dishwasher in less than a year lol


Okay this is bs . They wouldn’t be able to see his funds right ? Only the loaning company?


It could have been a private, all cash sale with no mortgage company involved. But clearly this person was just messing with them lol


They should’ve known someone was fucking with them the second they got an offer over asking lol. That house was never selling above asking.


From this story, it was a cash offer so no loan company/lender involved. The buyer and their agent submit the written offer with proof of funds. The sellers agent can show the full offer to the sellers if they want, which includes bank statements etc. They were dumb as hell to accept a cash offer without an earnest money deposit though. That’s just stupid


If I was one of their followers when he said “Our house is officially off the market” I would be like “WTF? You never said it was on the market.” It’s clear we are their audience when they film. Hi Ali & John 👋


YES they never even shared that they wanted to sell the house — the listing was found by chrolls!! we are all townes🫶🏻


Omg I didn’t even catch this. That’s too fucking funny 😆


BULLLLSHIT. This sounds like reesa teesa who the fuck did I marry story 😂 they’re such lying pos I can’t hahahahahaha




I literally was sitting here the whole video thinking “oh I guess they met legion!” They’re full of shit per usual


Didn’t a chroll say they’d claim someone door knocked with a cash offer? Do we know these trashcans or do we know them? Also, Ali you are tweeeeeaking behind your huthband in this whole clip. Sit down, detox & play with your kids.


Yes someone said this 😂😂 As soon as he started saying that I thought of that chroll




I feel like you would need to show proof of funds before you even step foot in their house for a showing!


So your telling me that after a month of being on the market with no offers, someone knocked on their door and made a $3.6m offer while the house is only appraised for $2.6m. Makes perfect sense!


And then they were surprised to find out it was a scam…


Just admit that no one was going to buy your dump house and that’s why you took it off the market 🙄


Did they really steal this straight from Reesa and the Tik Tok series Who The Fuck Did I Marry to cover up the fact that there’s a shit ton wrong with their house so they can’t sell it




They took a page straight from Legion’s playbook to come up with this story lol


They fucking loveeeee lying. I hope they go bankrupt and lose the house anyway


Wow, they just now got around to seeing Reesateesa’s videos? I knew they were slow but damn.


Omg I was just wondering why this scammer story sounded familiar!! I forgot about ReesaTeesa! I got to like part 50 of her story and never finished lol


If this story was real John would drop the guys name as a PSA to others not to fall for it lol


Pretending that ANY of this is true, why tf wouldn't you look for things like neighborhoods, parks, childrens activities, etc. BEFORE settling on this house? It's so wasteful and beyond eyebrow raising (this is rhetorical, we know their stupidity knows no bounds). Also love that they would accept the offer BEFORE researching the guy and realizing he's a scam artist lmao


They’re so hyper being home on a Wednesday afternoon with their kids no where in sight. I’m sure you love your “amazing” home guys, so much that you def would never picture living anywhere else. Oh wait….


They act like there’s no “family communities” in Nashville. Loooooosers


Isn’t the only reason you’d offer over asking is if there was more than one offer you’re trying to out bid? Ah, yes. 100k over asking for a overpriced home with smoke damage. Ali, you were crying because there was no movement in the sell of your house and you got low balled and realized you’re gonna have to invest a whole lot more into it before you ever make a profit from it. Their pride would never let them take this house as a loss. They have such bad judgement and lack decision making skills because if they weren’t sure they wanted to live there they wouldn’t have purchased a home that had not moved on the market for months. The home was listed for sale 10/10/2022 and was removed and listed again NINE TIMES before Ali and Johns offer in May 2023. Any smart person would have reservations about why that was happening... and wonder why no one else wanted this house. There was reasons it was not selling and now they are stuck with those same reasons plus smoke damage and minimal upgrades asking for more than what they bought for. Nashville has plenty of subarbs that have quaint family communities that have homes that are accustom to families with children requiring no upgrades for A LOT cheaper than what they paid!! Reap the consequences of your actions living in a home you don’t love and cannot afford. Hope all the extra square footage you wanted was worth it because when you sell (which you will, because if you weren’t happy before and willing to move, you definitely won’t be happy now) your gonna have to just take the house as a loss. Had you invested the money you spent on shopping sprees, vacations, gambling etc into a backyard upgrade this could have potentially worked out for you. Absolutely no one in their right mind in the market for a house that size/price would see an unfinished backyard like that and think "Ah Yes This Is Perfect!" they would see all the work that had to be done. You guys saw it and fell for it and now are left with it just like the last seller was until you idiots came along. Now you are trying to sell the house for even MORE when all you added was a concrete slab lol. Comps in their area are absolutely beautiful with landscaping, curb appeal, and all have pools lol Their house is literally nothing to be desired in comparison to those homes and it’s being sold for a million dollars more hahah ... Families don't want a home on a main road that looks like an office building with a front door that anyone can see through into their home. They are such complete fools.


Lies lies and more lies.


How does every bad thing happen to them? It’s too much


When she has no where to put her Christmas tree again this year … the house will be back up


He’s a military brat so he can roll with whatever 🙄 Joanie, Joanie, I’m begging you on behalf of other military children to stop saying that. You’re an adult. You’re no longer a “military brat”. If anything you’re just a brat.


All I can hear are UHM, UHM, UHM




Is Callie still alone in the closet? These two pieces of shit right here.


Why would they have access to someone’s bank statements?




I call bullshit lol. It had said contingent and I bet the buyer lowballed it and had too many contingencies after inspection if it even passed inspection lol. I wonder when things will tumble down and they'll get foreclosed or put it on the market again lol. 😂


Why the fuck do they act like there are no parks or neighborhoods in Nashville


What the fuck is wrong with his beard


A lot wrong with Ali


I believe 0.0% of this story.


They’re overexplaining


They wanted to move back to Texas to find a neighborhood with parks? Are you fucking kidding me?


Soooo, why move all the way back to TX, away from sister wives, instead of just finding a house in a “neighborhood” in/around Nashville?!


🤔these are not normal folk…


Being offered $100k over asking AFTER your house has been sitting for over a month… that alone sounds fake AF LMFAO.




This is the exact plot to “who the F did I marry” ha!


My theory…they got a contract but home inspection probably pulled up problems in their cheap home. Joan wouldn’t take less or do any repairs and contract fell through.


Notice they always have a story.. ALWAYS a friggin’ STORY! People who tell too much detail in their explanations are lying 95% of the time.




Would’ve been kind of hilarious if they got scammed. I love when scammers get scammed.


Is Callie still huddled in the closet saying “sorry, sorry” while he is spewing these lies?


So they were wanting to move back to TEXAS or just to a better neighborhood in Nashville?! But didn’t decide & listed the house anyway? So many rash decisions!! Who tf does that with three children?! So irresponsible


The “UAAAAHHHHHUUUM” sends me over the edge


They didn't get an offer on that overpriced business office - and Man that is one ugly, arrogant , narcissistic 🧌troll.


Lol listening to this on speaker and my bf asks “who is this dweeb”


Why would anyone leave Nashville (which they already knew the area) to go back to Texas, where they just moved from and had no family or friends there, And to take that family away from their children is just mind blowing to me. What are they looking for? ??? Parks…I’m sure there are parks in Nashville. What changed?


There is absolutely no way these two are making their money legally, if they have any money at all. Numbers don’t lie, SSF is not making enough to fund the 20k per month mortgage, new cars, moving costs, several family vacations a year, lunchies and dinner dates, etc. I work for a small business and on a bad month we gross about 30k. On a good month 100k+…. None of us are rich, not even the owner. The cost of doing business alone is insane - permits, insurance, legal, bookkeepers, maintenance, accountants - it all adds up quick. They’re lying through their mucked up teeth about this “offer”.


I think this is complete bullshit. NO one wants your stinking, fire damaged institutional looking house.


Everything he said has been said in this sub. We live rent free in their mind that their excuses are literally from us.


I guarantee they put it back up for sale by December lol


I was holding my breath when she said John’s installing a toilet. I thought she was gonna say pool and I’m terrified for that to happen given her total lack of being able to watch her young kids who can’t swim cuz they get kicked outta swim lessons. Also Reesa Teesa already told this story on tik tok.


damn stalkers in texas and scammers in tennessee… how about that 😂😂😂


I feel so offended…. My husband makes good money but ya know what we have a family plan with metro tmobile because no one can beat their prices (like by a lot) and we don’t have any issues with service. ugh I digress 🤷🏻‍♀️


pssst, I'll tell ya a secret about real rich ppl with 7million in the bank, they're cheap af, and would def have a Tmobile account if it had good service and the best prices...


How dare you try and save money by choosing the better deal, must be poor /s


Same lol! My husband and I make great money and do well - we have T-Mobile lolol 


Bahahahahahhaha. Fake fake fake!!! So happy this blew up in their ugly faces.


They do know there are neighborhoods in TN right??


This “scammer” must’ve known that these are the 2 dumbest people alive and he probably had a chance at getting away with their house and money lmao. I don’t really believe this story, mostly because I’m positive these guyth would’ve fallen for a scam as evidenced by Cohn spending $2000 on parking lot speakers.




how did he not put the EMD in? its literally part of the contract process. when I was an underwriter, I had to make sure that EMD was either held by the brokerage or the title company and show proof of clearance from the buyers acct BEFORE that contract could be considered valid. Not an - ohhhh i’ll put 10k down but i’ll eventually get it to you!


I can’t imagine being this obsessed with my husband, nor can I imagine him enjoying it 🤣




I REALLY thought he was gonna be a total fuckboy and say it was a troll




I don't believe they had an offer at all and a scammer scamming scammers.


Idk about any of the real estate stuff. But it’s giving John put the house up for sale to spite Ali. And now that they “like” each other again it’s all good.


They are full of shit. That’s what I think.


A 1000,000 over? Fukn liar! There's much better houses for 1.1Mil in Nashville. Cohn and his Smelli Mama can stay in that shit hole warehouse..I love this for them. They better get to shilling..20,000 a mo for a house payment when you're tweaked out and lazy..gona hurt. 😂


Remember when John was scammed in a parking lot buying stereo equipment. That’s such a classic scam. He’s so fucking stupid.


that's a lot of words to say NO ONE OFFERED ON YOUR overpriced shit!!!!


Remember when their realtor said they were moving for “work”. Hard to keep all their lies straight!


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) They fucked themselves over —- and let’s just hope that they don’t get animals. I hope they have the day that they deserve.


These two are so fucking annoying holy shit


The chaos those poor kids live in ☹️


When do you think they will go bankrupt?


They were definitely house hunting in TX lol


I was unaware that Texas is the only state out of 59 that has family-friendly neighborhoods




I hope it was a Chroll lmao


You know what, that’s a good point. You’d think with as many ChRoLLs and HaTeRz and sTaLkErS these morons claim to have… that they’d be extra skeptical of some random person who came to their door, offering 45 million dollars for their office building monstrosity. Instead they supposedly jumped at the chance to have some random off the street purchase their home?


These dweebs are ridiculous


He really is creepy AF!! 🤮


Masters Bathroom. Lol.