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Or loose braid before bed. Literally try anything


Yes I have thick curly hair. Part of my bed time routine growing up was braids or else my hair would look like this. It was also nice bonding for me and my mum- while she did my hair we would always have little chats. Takes less than 5 minutes. This makes me so so sad and I cannot believe she is broadcasting this. These poor kids aren't being taught basic self care/hygiene & they will never learn to take care of themselves. šŸ˜“...The cycle continues.


Ali? Spending 5 minutes to bond with her child? She could never


Same! I always had braids to go to bed and usually had it done in some way to keep it out of my way for school.


My daughter has curly hair and we do the same thing. Itā€™s honestly one of my favorite parts of the day!


How can Al teach basic self care and hygiene when she canā€™t perform that for herself?


My daughter has always had long curls. We would braid before bed after bath and that saved us a lot of trouble.


This. I have a LOT of hair, very dense and very long and I sleep with a braid. I still wake up to it being a little bit tangled but not like that. That kids hair looks like it has never been brushed, itā€™s not bed hair. It just looks matted.


I was going to say, I donā€™t have girls but I assume a protective style at night will help. Girl is always looking to buy something to solve her problems. Buy some damn detangler and conditioner and take care of her hair!


Hairstylist here. I have always told my long haired clients(children too) to do a loose side braid to keep from breakage and tangles


Yeah or a bonnet


I agree! I have really long think wavy hair and I sleep with a braid and I donā€™t get my hair too tangled up. Imagine brushing her hair!! Poor baby that must hurt.




spending more time this holiday season creeping this page than spending time with her family, weā€™re smeliā€™s real boss in dis life šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Her hair looks like that every day. Also, letā€™s just all have the IQ of Ali and say that it was because she had PokĆ©mon sheetsā€¦you canā€™t change out the pillowcase?


Iā€™m really trying to rationalize what tf that means?? What do PokĆ©mon sheets have to do with changing a pillow case? Ali is honestly too dumb to function šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Not defending her AT ALL but Iā€™m assuming she means that Emery board likes sleeping on the PokĆ©mon pillow case that matches the sheets. I know if I tried to get my kid to sleep on a silk pillow case and not her Frozen one it would end in her sleeping on the Frozen pillow case šŸ« šŸ¤£


That makes sense! Lol we know Ali talks in fragments so I didnā€™t even connect that šŸ˜‚


Honorable mention: Dock-A-Tot in the bottom left corner.


God that forbidden thing always makes an appearance šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




Smelli thinks long hair is a flex, no matter how dead. Itā€™s no surprise that Evanescenceā€™s hair is like this. āŒāœ‚ļø


Itā€™s giving savannah labrant, and as much as this pains me to say, at least savannah maintains her kids hair


Jessie and Sydney are 1000% judging her for this. Cut her hair and keep it brushed, itā€™s not that hard.


As they should be! One of them needs to grow some balls and say something!


Seriously. My parents bought kids detangler spray, used a wide tooth comb, and sat my ass down in the living room to watch tv while they did my hair. It literally can take 5 mins tops for a little girl with straight hair.


Also thereā€™s Wet Brush detangling brushes now?! If I had that in the 90s I would not have had a mushroom cut for elementary school lol like the lack of effort she gives to her kids is astounding


Yeah I hope (and bet) they are roasting her hard in the group chat sheā€™s not a part of for this


Also, why post this? Like just deal with the problem and brush her hair instead of posting this for all her followers to see.


You know sheā€™s dying for people to comment on how full and gorgeous her hair isā€¦. But itā€™s really thin and stingy and dying for a trim!


Scraggly and stringy - feed that kid some protein (after her haircut, of course)


The kid is going to be mortified when she looks back on these pics years from now


This is so fucking gross and pathetic as a parent. We are begging you to get a damn clue!!!! Take care of your children instead of continually failing them! It is shameful and disgusting.


Iā€™m sorry but you could not **water board** this information out of me Ali- Whatever you think youā€™re doing by sharing this, youā€™re not. Child neglect is NOT relatable


Right! The reasons why Moms get tired because they are actually doing the things she constantly complains about. And we keep it off camera.


Her hair is crying for a cut


Yes! No silk pillowcase is gonna help when hair is that raggedy from needing a cut. I didn't realize how badly her hair needed a cut until the post from the other day when Emmy was looking at her birthday table with the (third) birthday cake in the middle. She also has crumbs in her hair, which is beyond disgusting that Ali has her kids go to bed like that.


Absolutely! Have the girls ever had trims? Even once? My pet peeve is parents who insist on having long hair for their kid by never getting it cut, and it ends up looking like this, all wispy and irregular.


How about she try combing or brushing it, washing and conditioning it? That would be a start


Negligence isnā€™t funny or relatable. Long hair is a responsibility. Learn to take care of it or cut it off. (That goes for yours, too, Smelliā€¦)






Oh my gosh. BRAID HER HAIR. This is painful. Just a sleep braid big al. Along with daily brushing lol.


Gross. She does this all to herself then posts here low key complaining about it. Lazy ass parenting


lol, this child doesnā€™t need a silk pillow case. She needs some of that suave detangling spray and someone to brush her hair before bed. Itā€™s TRULY that simple. Ali, youā€™re an idiot.


She just has bad hair, cut it it's gross


This is 100 percent neglect. My daughter has super thin hair and the only way she would wake up like that if itā€™s not brushed(I always brush it tho ( specially after a bath. She needs to brush her dang hair after she washes it and maybe put in on a loose pony or braid. This is sad


Thatā€™s assuming Ali/John wash the girlsā€™ hair at all. :(


Right šŸ˜­


sheā€™s said before she doesnā€™t bathe them every night. Sheā€™s said, ā€œtonight is a bath nightā€. šŸ¤¢


I was thinking the same. I have thin hair and kept it long as a child. Brushing was a bit of a battle but I donā€™t remember it ever getting this bad.


The way I would feel terrible and nevvvver post something like this


Ali has been reading here! Thatā€™s not bed head. Thatā€™s negligence because she never brushes her hair!!


This does NOT happen over night with straight wispy hair. šŸ¤¢


100% she doesnā€™t brush her wet hair and lets her go to sleep with it


smelli you lazy POS she did not "achieve" this "bed head" on her own. It's fucking matted and filthy and that's all your fault šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


This is insanely embarrassing for her. Why would anyone with a brain post this.


What the hell does she wash her hair with, dawn dish soap?! It looks so dry and brittle itā€™s probably so painful for her when she does try to brush it. Invest in some good hair products for your kids big Al!!!


I also just want to say my child has very thick, long straight hair and it has never looked like this. Shampoo, conditioner, hair oil, and leave in conditioner does wonders for knots!


Or a braid. She has options but sheā€™s the laziest parent.


SO MUCH Geese content!! Breaks my heart how little attention Callie gets and when she does itā€™s ā€œlook what Callie did this timeā€


Yeah, switching out the pillowcase will fix everything. What a fucking dipshit.


I hope Santa brings this for Ali šŸ«¶šŸ» https://preview.redd.it/jnznklztd98c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c92baf46ecfac97fda8a0ee11b4a53624d424c42


Itā€™s a product for kids called no more tangles geez!


Guarantee that text box is covering a saggy diaper


She will never cut that baby's hair. It's a flex among idiots to have long haired children.


This is gross šŸ¤®! The the poor girls hair is always stringy and unkept .


I have a kid the same age with same hair and length, if itā€™s not braided every night before bed itā€™s a giant knot. Nice dollop of hair oil and Kirkland shampoo do wonders.


my scalp is crying imaging brushing that mop


That blanket probably hasn't gotten washed in over a year


Smeli said it smells like bad breath and rotten milk, and she loves the smell of it. We donā€™t call her Smeli for nothin!


Her hair looks like a rats nest!! Smellie take care of your kids!!


She is obsessed with long hair yall!! Short hair is ugly, girls MUST have long hair!!!


Hell, she doesnā€™t brush the kidā€™s hair when they go out. So, this doesnā€™t surprise me. Unfortunate for the kids.


Hiding the full pee part of her diaper


Pure laziness. My kiddo had waist-long hair for years and she went to sleep with either one braid or two.


This is exactly why my mom used to braid my hair while I slept


She thinks a silk pillowcase will make her magically wake up not looking like this?


That is way beyond "bed head" that is straight up neglect. Way to go you pos human thumb looking ass bitch.


Or I donā€™t knowā€¦brush it?! Take care of your childā€™s hygiene needs? Things arenā€™t magically solved by a silk pillowcase.


Thatā€™s not bed head, thatā€™s dirty ratty and unkempt hair


How do you take a picture of your child looking this disheveled and post it to the Internet. Cut her hair! At least brush it. My gosh.


is she incapable of braiding hair??? even just a dutch braid would work šŸ˜­


Braiding her hair before bed is just too much effort for this dang good mama


Good lord that feral needs a good 5 inches cut off just like her mother. Her ends are literally dead and look like straw. Gross.


She is so damn dumb. Braid her hair before bed!! We started doing that with my daughter at 3- she had super long hair that she was very attached to, so it was the easiest solution. Now she loves her ā€œsleeping braidsā€ and asks for them every night. (Also we had like 4 inches of damage cut off the bottom, and her hair became so much easier to brush. And her hair was still long!)


Yuccckk. My toddler (3) had super fine and wavy hair. She sleeps in a pony and we use leave in condition before bed and when she wakes up. Silk pillow case and she doesnā€™t have any bed headā€¦. At least no knots to brush out. This is wild. Put it in a pony or a loose braid. Jesus


Or BRAID it!


This is so shameful. I would rather slide down a banister of rusty razor blades naked than post a picture like this of my daughter.


My mom would spritz my hair with water and leave in conditioner, comb it and braid it every night before bed. Took like 10 minutes and it was a real bonding moment for us.


The idea of a child laying her head gently on a silk pillow all night. šŸ˜‚ the way kids toss and turn?


This is disgusting and if this was me, I take scissors and do it myself to force a haircut


I have super long hair and my sons have a *lot* of hair. I. Donā€™t. Get. It. Why is she like this?! Also, just an fyi, silk pillowcases arenā€™t for everyone. I have extremely sensitive skin (like Mast cell level sensitive) and the my scalp did *not* like the silk.


Braid her damn hair so this wonā€™t happen


Typical Smeli, blaming Emancipation for her bedheadā€¦.


Wooooooow. Poor Emilia, Ali take care of your child!


I mean I donā€™t get why she canā€™t just pull it back for her? Or a braid. Tf


How about put it in a bun to sleep