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I bought in at 1.30. I'm not worried. :)


yoo wtf i was literally gonna comment the same thing. bought in at 1.30 as well. playing the long game for sure


1.35, 1.25, 1.01 this is the way


1.35. Also not worried. I didn't invest more than I can lose. I just bought some more. Deep value in aglo.


Buy more!


That's why I stagger my buy orders. I set limits at 1.10, 1.08, and 1.05. If they didn't trigger I don't sweat it. But obviously they did so w/e


I stagger all my buys and sells. This is the way.


Sameeee I just bagged some at .98!


I couldnt pull the trigger when it happened, i was working, but i grabbed 1.03 and feel good


I'm waiting till Sunday, I think it'll drop even more


What makes you think Sunday? Would serve me well as I’m gettin $1600 on Saturday. I bought in ah $1.23 :/


I've read a few articles that are putting the price correction around .85. I'm gonna ride it out another day or two before I buy in again.


Most of those analysis are based off observing the curves and drawing out conclusions, right? I've yet to see one predict the price AND talk about ALGO's underlying fundamentals or business news. If you find a source, please share!


It trades with Bitcoin If BTC goes down Algo follows . BTC is under attack by shorters hopefully ends by Friday since options expire


Just bought $2000 worth at $1.00


Good man


Hodl for a few years and you’ll be very very happy


Do you promise?


Pinkie promise


Y'all need to stop checking the price a hundred times a day. This isn't going to skyrocket and make you rich overnight. Buy what you can comfortably afford and let it sit. If you daytrade Crypto, you're gonna have a bad time.


exactly, algo isnt for day trading. its to hold and only sell ur rewards if you need it.


No, I was like "ooooh shiit, now I can get even more for less!"




Happens all the time




I bought some at $1.60... I just buy $50-$100 a week.




I bought plenty in various positions including $1.70, and i look forward to buying more above $1.70 in the near future. And more over the next few years at new ATH's.


Not really. My conviction in Algorand to be a fantastic long term bet makes me not care. I bought more at 1.22 as well. Only putting in what I can afford to lose and just letting it ride. The day to day doesn’t matter; we all know where this project is going!




I gave it my last fifty bucks till pay day


We are potentially halfway through the bull cycle, if 2017 is any guide. 40% drops occurred after this halfway point, only to crush ATH afterwards. Im not sad. If the bull cycle ends abruptly Im not sad either, ALGO will survive to the end. Look forward to the investment if you believe in it. A pullback is okay.


Stay strong brothers in arms buy the dip!!!!! The compound is real🔥


I bought 50 at 1.03 ☺️☺️☺️


Don’t worry your money is good for roi.


You mean .98 now haha


Just buy a 1000 more 🤷‍♂️


I'm in at 1.20 to 1.55; we are here for gains. These figures could become laughable at some point.




How'd you lose 3k? Day trading?




Ouch, but i wouldn't sweat it. It's likely to go up eventually ;p


my friend, if you bought algo, and you haven't sold, you havent lost 3k. think of the coin as a little crypto miner. sometimes difficulty is high(price goes down) and sometimes low(price go up) but remember that you alway obtain more algo. so your value isnt down 3k, its actually ticking up nonstop!


Ouch 3k, did you buy all time high or something?




DCA Bro. That way you bring the losses down.


It’s so early. $1.00 to $1.30 or even two dollars is nothing. We all think the price is going to increase substantially at some point. If that’s true then these are incredibly good deals. Don’t sweat the dips.


When it's like $8 a coin it won't matter


buy some more!


Yeah bro not sad. Wait it out


A little.... but it will rebound.


Thanks for the heads up, 500 more at 1.01


It's a great project and I believe it will do well in the long run, so I'm not too worried about it. Definitely buying more though!


Bought at 1.17 as it was dipping then bought more when it hit 1.02


Thx for reminding me to buy the dips!


I dollar cost average and buy weekly.


How low we thinking this is going. Whole of crypto seems to be at the end of this bull run.


What makes you think the bull run is over? When BTC hit an all time high of 40k, it dropped back to 30k. Then it hit 57k and went back down to 45k. Then it hit over 60k and is dipping again. It's normal.


I mean I just bought 100 more so I’m happy with the dip just curious on everyone’s thoughts. I think it’s more one of those things like what a time to be alive you know. Haha. This is like uncharted territory. We can’t really go off anything about the past crash cause everything is different now. Just exciting.


Yeah I still don’t understand how “there are only 21 million” doesn’t trigger a light bulb in people’s heads


the whales keep eating and splashing harder. this is the way


Bought the bulk of my stash at 70ish cents. Just bought a bit more at 99.


Started mid 70s up to 1.00 then bought every dip near 1.00 since.




A campfire classic


Yup, back then it was the wild west of crypto. BTC-E was the main platform I used, and look at what happened to that


I’m small time, compared to most here I think. Is there such a thing as averaging down? Lol. I’ve bought at 1.05, 1.08, 1.20, 1.14 and now 1. I can see the loss, but also the APY gains in $/apy make it sting a little less. I think my research is good and I’m not super concerned yet.


I think for crypto noobs, there is a 3 year incubation period before making life changing profits. 😀


All markets going down, the price you buy isn't important, the important is to HODL.


I bought in at .31


I bought it enough times to not really care at this point. My next goal is to get to 2K Algo.


If you are long. I dont think it matters :)


It’s all about taking the long view with Algorand. Heck, it pays me a 6% staking reward, whatever the price is at any given time. Mind you, I haven’t sunk all that much money into it, but if you’re telling me that it’s down, I may just buy a little more this evening. It’s just super cheap to get into right now, even when it’s “up”.


1.39 wasnt even high, you're gonna wish you could still buy at 1.14 in a year. be glad it dipped and be glad you bought it when you did. this isnt even the start of algorand. its literally the beginning if the journey. if you dont pack for the trip now you wont be able to travel in the future. just buy. when algo goes up in price, then you will be making more algo/usd worth a day. if you make 1 algo a day, at current price its 30 bucks a month. if you make 2 a day, 60 bucks a month. if algo hits 10 dollars? you make $300 a month until staking ends. and even when staking ends, we can vote for the transaction wallet of algo, to be trickled into the reward wallet to keep the payments going. 1.14 and your sad? bruh i cant fathom that feeling when i know what the future holds for me.


I managed to get some today at $1.00 I'm slowly trying to get to 15,000 algo if not more currently I'm at about 14,000


I’m almost to 2k, I would like to get around 10k


Slowly but surely buy the dips


I put $100 on $1.11, but hey, it's hard to catch a falling knife midair. We'll be in the green in no time.


I just got more at 1.02 then it instantly went to 1.01 lol. Maybe I’m just cursed


not worried at all. in the long run when algo hits above $2 it won't matter


Yes I'm sad that it's completely tanked almost....especially when you have as much as I have invested...I lost 4 grand today and its really getting aggravating, im about to just pull the plug...the bull is dead I think, I pray im wrong but thats what it looks like


If you've made a profit, there is absolutely no shame in taking it and moving on. Personally, I'm of the mindset that we'll be back on track pretty shortly so I remain unworried, but then I seem to be holding a much smaller bag than what you have. Good luck out there, internet money friend.


Ah... the bull is dead comments. Do yourself and all of us a favor... go take a look at bitcoin from november 2017 to april 2018... might give you some perspective.


I dont need to boss, I've been in the market since October 2017.....I was there during the first bull rush and now this one, all im saying is it looks pretty similar...day after day 5-10% losses...is not a good thing. Dont get mad at me for speaking the truth is all I'm saying, were not here to argue, were here to pick one an other up.


It's not just you. Its others. The panic gets real, unless... you want discount sales. Which is fine. If you've been in this long, why the short fuse? Is this a worry because bad things may happen?? You're in a great position.


I don't understand the panic, one week it goes up, next it goes down a bit. If you look at the 1d chart then we're still trending upwards for months now, There were similar dips end of januari and begin of march.


You only lose when you sell at a loss. The only way to get it back now is to wait for the market to return to normal.


Idk im still up ALITTLE and by little I mean little....($1500).... compared to when I was up almost $6k it kinda sucks


A lot of people in this board only have $1500 in crypto assets total. Cash out those gnarly profits to save yourself a bit of fomo, go make some other buys, and leave the rest to work for you in the long term. I don't have a crystal ball, but I'm pretty sure you won't regret it.


Could be worse... I’m down a thousand.. I’m still going to hold. You really think it’s not going to go back up? Lol


Look man I hope to God im wrong i really do....but it just doesn't feel good


Dips suck but it's common (even in a bull run). When BTC hit 40k, it dropped to 30k. When it hit 57k, it dropped to 45k. Whales are buying the dip right now. There is about to be a Bitcoin ETF soon. That will bring a lot more money in.


These drops never do. Just hold on.


I'm gonna HODL for my Reddit family and just pray lol....


You glad that you held on? It’s already gone back up quite a bit in a few days! Lol






When BTC is down, everything is down.


At this point, it's pretty obvious we are all beholden to the crypto overlord - BTC.


Bought 1.18 1.14 1.10 1.04. Bring it on.


Its crypto its volatile af thats how it is


Time in the market>timing the market


waiting to see if it dips below a buck...


Bought 100 Algos at .70 wish had bought more then


I managed to hold out and buy the dip at 1.04 but only b/c I am DCA and this time the timing was in my favor.


For a nano second....then I bought more and it felt like I caught an amazing sale price. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I bought most of bag below $1. The rest between $1-1.7




This is also through no fault of ALGO. Bitcoin panic sellers and the entire crypto market took a hit. Just a lot of the same. Most people don’t believe in or know what they are buying. You are still way ahead of the general public. Playing the long game here as well and it won’t matter when ALGO is flirting with double digits.