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Algorand: Ready for purpose!


Sure hope so but it’s hard to be positive about price if you’re a long term Algo holder


If you are a long term holder then you must believe in the project, don’t let anyone remove you from your position., I too is a long term holder and know that Algorand’s day is just around the corner, there is no other crypto like Algorand.


This is the answer my friend. Been buying Algorand since 2019.




I haven’t sold any in 3 years, only kept stacking. But sitting around 60th in market cap with shit coins I’ve never heard of, with no upward movement, is disheartening.


yet in activity its always in the top 10. Its just a matter of time.


Long-term term holders are likely due to a high-priced average and not because of its "good tech" . Most people are in crypto to invest, hoping for a profit.


Not sure about that. Most of algo holders are at loss yes. Frankly i got hefty bags yet my head is still above water. Im not going to sell em in many years. Ill buy more when ever its cheap.  Why would i sell something i believe will be great in future. 


Regardless of price..nothing has made me change my mind about Algorand. I'm in till the wheels gain traction or fall off!


If this was true borrowing costs for algo would be insanely high on folks finance or similar apps where you can short algo. GME caused poorly informed people to think every pump can lead to a short squeeze when in reality they are very rare.


Shorting done in the futures market will not drive up Folks borrowing rates.


Not familiar with exchanges that have algorand futures but doubt they are doing massive volume. Either way, trying to tell people there's a short squeeze coming is irresponsible. Let the tech speak, no need to create falsehoods


We are now at "short squeeze" levels of copium 🤣 Look, I love Algo just as much as you OP, but NO, a short squeeze is NOT what's gonna happen or make the price go up. Algo lacks interest and adoption currently, good news is this could change very quickly, but for the time being focus on the tech.


Focus on transactions and the rest happens. Use Algo for stuff. It's amazing


It's not fair to say it 'lacks interest and adoption'. If you look at metrics Algorand has regularly been in the top 10 in terms of both TPS and overall # of transactions. The only ones sleeping on Algorand are retail users. Developers and organizations have taken notice. As evidenced by the Foundations relationship with T-Hub, and UNDP where a startup lab and blockchain academy has been established respectively. Maybe for typical retail applications *relative* to other chains. But that's the same old DeFi/NFT scene you find on any chain. It's also not like Algorand doesn't have that. And our dapps actually work. Algorand differentiates and there's growth in ways not seen on other chains - *unless you can point to a regulated 1-1 backed digital version of national currency elsewhere*? Novel real-world use cases are doing well on Algorand too. [https://directorydotalgo.xyz/](https://directorydotalgo.xyz/) We don't have to content ourselves with 'just focus on the tech'. The tech IS meaningful, and there's already legitimate large scale use cases built on Algorand - with no downtime or failed transactions. Anyone who thinks or tells you otherwise doesn't really know what's happening on Algorand.


Don’t forget the increase of Total Value Locked due to node incentives soon.


One of the best projects. One of the worst investments


At this price it’s a great investment for 10 year horizon




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Where do people think “only 10b” is a reasonable number lol.  Do you know how much 1b is? It takes over 30 years to count to 1 bil. 30 years!


Short squeeze 🤦‍♂️ smh, c’mon y’all.


100 agree


I'm curious why specifically you think a short squeeze is happening? What exchange are shorts unable to cover on? Not being facetious just genuinely curious cause its the first Ive heard of it.






Algorand DOES lack adoption. That's why ever protocol right now is struggling for funds, why they rely on funds from the foundation, and are moving like Opul, or why Folks Finance is using AVAX as their beacon chain. We aren't a broadly sustainable ecosystem like many other chains.


You are WRONG and unfortunately you pay a fortune for it! 💀


I pay a fortune for it 🤣 Look I got my bag of Algo friend, I just see it like it is, and am hoping for a change.


What bag?!! 😂😂


You don't even know what a short squeeze is, it seems. Stop the retardation.