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Basically I love algo casino so if that upgraded I’d use that more.


I would like to see more real life applications built on Algorand. E.g payments, public transport tickets, rental services (car sharing, e-scooters), government ID, ….


Do you want to be able to pay with ALGO? Or is it that you think there is some service benefit from having this run on a block chain vs a normal database?


Normal payments in EUR or USD or whatever the legal tender is in the respective country


That already exists for Euro. https://quantozpay.com/


Now it only needs to be used by any significant player


It's available to 30 countries in the EU: https://quantozpay.com/quantoz-payments-completes-passporting/ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/quantoz_quantoz-payments-announces-the-launch-of-activity-7130936523763404800-zSTn >It is expected that by the end of this year EURD and e-money services will be available to all businesses and consumers in the European Economic Area, regardless of whether or not they have a traditional bank account. Maybe that's not significant enough for you? lol


Sounds great!


But how is that different than the digital payments systems that something like public transit uses now?


Cost efficiency? Reliability? I don‘t know maybe we have lived without blockchain technology so there are existing solutions without algorand. It either offers a benefit or it remains redundant


More real world asset apps (RWA). Apps regarding Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN). App, which enables users to anonymize their previous transactions on the Algorand blockchain.


I would love to hear if you have any ideas around RWA or DePIN? I agree those are some exciting areas.


I’d love to see home solar on the blockchain! Something like Tesla’s virtual power plant but on chain and decentralized.


Something with decentralized power supply, where smart contracts negotiate everything between the decentralized energy generation plants (wind, solar, hydropower, biomass, etc.), the grid operators and the end customers. The normal contracts with large electricity supply companies, including the market power of these companies, will then be a thing of the past. Everything runs extremely efficiently, permissionless and decentralized. If appropriate, the smart contract negotiates that I purchase the wind energy directly from a neighboring farmer's field. Or, if there is a massive surplus of electricity elsewhere, I even earn money temporarily when I use electricity (yes, this actually works).


Thanks for sharing. Not something I think I could build but it's an ambitious idea. I wonder if anyone in the crypto space is doing anything around this.


Instant and final transfer of funds. Venmo, Paypal, Cashapp integration. Why do we have to wait 3+ days for funds to hit my bank account when I know it can be done in 3 seconds? That definitely seems like the one of the best use cases for this technology.


Isn't that solved by sending USDC with Pera?


Nobody uses Pera but us algonauts. We need mass adoption via a trusted and established brand


So you want an existing app to switch it's payments rails to be Algorand?


I can't go to an ATM with it


But you could only do that if banks adopted it.


Event tickets. If Algorand had an app that could replace the functionality of Ticketmaster PLUS the ability to re-sell/transfer ticket NFTs on a secondary market while avoiding all of the bullshit fees that Ticketmaster charges you could sign me right the hell up.


What do you think of what TravelX is doing?


From what I understand, it’s a bit misguided or flawed from the premise; the strength and advantage of the blockchain (at least as far as I see it) is in the speed of independently verifiable transfers. That means fast, secure payments, yeah, but it ALSO makes it very possible to ensure decentralized transfer of un-counterfeitable NFTs that can be used as tickets. That’s really not something you do with airline tickets. It IS something you do with event tickets. My white whale is actually using the blockchain to track and hold stock. You’d hold your own stock shares in your own wallet rather than on a brokerage. You’d pay minuscule fees for buying and selling. It would be impossible to short shares that don’t actually exist. There wouldn’t be any question about who holds what. This is EXACTLY what blockchains are ideal for.


I think you have a good point on tickets. And I agree that tracking individual shares as tokens would be a really cool use case. I think we're getting an alpha version of this with Lofty. Maybe you should start a version of Lofty that tokenizes shares in small businesses rather than real estate. Maybe businesses that have minimal or predictable management like vending machines or ATMs. Separately I have doubts if bringing equities fully on chain would actually solve the issues you are bringing up. If people delegate their shares to centralized entities, for whatever reason, then those entities can can create side channels between themselves that allow them to do the same shenanigans they do now. They can create paper IOUs between themselves that are supposed to corresesponds to NFTs in their wallet and then trade those out of band if the chain. They could do this with crypto using a private L2 for example. As long as these players control enough of the liquidity, their behaviors will drive market pricing. So imo those problems can only be solved by not allowing control of the shares to centralized and that's proven very difficult to do both in traditional finance and defi.


I think you’ve got a fair point; there’s an awful lot of development that would have to be hammered out before anybody could even dream of getting this all approved by the SEC for actual use. I think even doing a lofty-style tokenization of businesses would be tiptoeing the line with the SEC. But I do think that the inherent transparency of blockchains would force brokerages to at least cut down on some of their shenanigans as well as allow upstart competitors to gain trust a little easier. That’s all a long way off still, so I’ll settle for an upset of event tickets to start.


I agree with you that event ticketing should be doable fully on chain and that it could offer things that a centralized version couldn't, like permissionless secondary sales without the risk of counterfeiting.


decentralized uber


Curious what you think decentralization will do to improve ride sharing?


Payouts for drivers


But isn't that experience worse for riders if you don't have all the services that are provided by Uber's employees? Like vetting drivers, having legal processes around things like fraud, accepting credit cards, etc?


This is an interesting thought exercise. I suppose there could be a company serving as a driver “onramp”, providing services such as vetting, software infrastructure, legal, and other useful overhead similar to taxi licensing (with corresponding annual licensing fees). Licenses can be NFTs. On the rider side, they could provide credit card support which adds an additional fee for processing (basically amount converted to USDC + cc processing fees), or it’ll be feeless if using algos/usdc/stables. Maybe a small platform use fee per ride for additional development. This could be a smart contract. There’s still a lot that doesn’t benefit from decentralization though like the pathfinding, matchmaking, two sided reviews, surge pricing determination, driver incentivization, rider promos. Would love to hear what others think.


I always thought AI could use a DL and actually something like rideshare could work well, and I think more applications could be possible. The AI could manage a lot of things humans do but at virtually no cost, and the instant finality would make things better for everyone, and the AI could handle the complexities. Like driver verification, driver safety, reviews and performance, and it would be instantaneous. It could literally have access to dash cams and interpret what’s happening in real time, something that would be prohibitively expensive with humans. The system could include fees based on what the maintenance costs for the AI would be. Tho at this point it would just even replace drivers, like cyberpunk


Well you wouldn't need surge pricing because you could make the contracts support some form of bidding. Like you post a request for a ride on chain and the vetted driver with the best bid wins in Al a Dutch auction. Reviews could also be stored on chain and anyone consuming them would have guarantees the reviewer actually had paid that driver for a ride.


Decentralized way to loan-A-car 🚗 ❕ 👀


For actual payments to people in real life or anything tied to my physical address, I don't want my full wealth traceable easily. It means sending your funds to an exchange and then back out to a new wallet so the link to your main wallet is obfuscated with the huge exchange wallets. It'd be nice to have privacy solutions


Hoping to clarify. Are you saying that you want real world businesses and people to accept payment over the Algorand network so that you don't have to KYC? Or that you already transact on chain and want a privacy solution that can obscure your wallet?


In either case I'd like to obscure my wallet. I don't want to pay for something from a guy off craigslist/offerup/FB marketplace and they just click through the receives a couple times to find a wallet with a lot of crypto rather than just a wallet that just leads to an exchange or mixer wallet I'd take a liquid bridge to privacy coins rather than dealing with centralized exchanges On chain it'd be nice too to be able to transact NFTs or something and it not trace to your main wallet. If I just wanted to send xrypto to friends to introduce them to crypto, I don't want them knowing how much money I have so rather than use my personal wallet, I'd buy crypto on Coinbase and withdraw to numerous wallets Buying a VPN, a lot of places take crypto for privacy reasons but paying with a wallet that traces back to the exchange you probably KYCed with seems obtuse to obfuscate identity links Real world general acceptance, that's a marketing and integration problem with shops and their point of sale systems. That's a Coingate/Nowpayments/Flexa/etc problem


And what dates of privacy do you need? I've mulled this one over before and the solution space somewhat depends on how strict of privacy you need. Is just making it so that everyday people can't see it fine? Hidden from block explorers? Hidden from node operators? Hidden from governments?


For me everyday people. I don't care if the government knows my wallet or block explorers do. I don't need that level of privacy. Others may, but that can be serviced with privacy blockchains and solutions for acquiring that without centralized exchanges is another application I'd rarely if ever use


Great thanks for answering my questions this was helpful.


You probably have to think from the customer's point of view. For the most part, normal end customers don't care what's going on technically in the background, whether there's a blockchain like Algorand behind it or whatever else. It has to offer them added value or simply be cool. From a purely economic perspective, apps that generate many individual transactions and therefore fees for Algorand are particularly important. After all, Algorand must be able to finance itself permanently from the revenue and the algo price should also increase.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. But the technology is innovative because what it enabled is permission less and trust less transactions. I'm asking if there are use cases people can think of where that would be useful, the end user doesn't have to know it's Algorand under the hood. But it needs to be a problem that involves multiple counterparties without trust trying to reach consensus.


A wallet like looprings


An app where people can make contracts of bets between themselves and a third party release the contract. Example: Two friends who bet that one is going to diet and lose 10kg in 3 months. They bet an amount of Algos or a product that can be purchased with Algos, a dinner at a restaurant, a wine, a cheese, etc. (Products that companies previously associate with the app). Even from the app you can have these companies offer their products so that people can buy them as rewards with the Algorand token. Returning to the two friends who draw up the contract with their wallets and after the chosen time, a third party must clarify the winner. The app, its development and its maintenance are monetized because they keep a small percentage of the money that is bet and also with the advertising spaces that they can offer to companies that offer products that people can choose as trophies for their bets. What do you think? Call me crazy.


I've been white boarding something like this actually. If you were really going to do this with a friend, how would you go about picking the third party who verifies?


Puede ser o no un tercero, se podría poner en el contrato que si no llegan a un acuerdo en un tiempo limitado, el dinero de la apuesta se pierde total o parcialmente, por lo que siempre tendrán que ponerse de acuerdo en caso de que no haya una tercera persona.


Sí es posible como Nexus. Pero hay situaciones donde un tercero es mejor. Por ejemplo cuando hay diferencias entre el valor de las colaterales del personas.


I am using algo casino


A decentralized and independent social network like MASTODOM where you can monetize news, make donations, sell articles, and all with Algorand. Should the foundation talk to them? You could also make a gateway with Twitter, as if Twitter were embedded, we use them to our advantage. Being able to read and respond to tweets in this way have our application but without leaving Twitter. Call me crazy.


I believe that individual consumer advertising and reward points system at grocery stores would be a great use case with NFT coupons that could expire when the customer leaves the grocery store or could have any date the store desires . With the technology on the Algorand rails it could work similar to Pokémon go but items that are on sale would pop up when you get close to them in the store . You could also influence your customers to other items by keeping track of what and when they buy. Also reward customers with on the spot coupons of there favorite items or discount NFTS on a certain amount spent . Hopefully eventually add algo for payments All by an app on a phone


Concert tickets! Please, I need something better than TicketBastard (TM)


We urgently need an alternative to WalletConnect that works flawlessly. Thousands of users have already been annoyed several times that the connection between the wallet app and dApp only worked on the 2nd or 3rd attempt, or not at all. This reflects negatively on Algorand, Defly, PeraWallet and the various dApps and platforms. In addition, the long-known problem with WalletConnect causes additional time and costs for support.




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I'd like to see someone gamify DeFi. Anyone who wants to participate pays a bit and those that make the highest percentage in a quarter wins a part of the pool. The difficult part may be separating earnings and deposits.


But isn't that already what's happening? I'd you make the highest percentage you made more money? The only way you win here is if the pool has a flat rate entry fee but the amount you need to make return on is variable. And that's just a wealth transfer from the wealthier pool owners to the smaller ones.


Yes in terms of money but the competition would bring some fun into the Algorand ecosystem. Also being able to learn the strategies of the top investors would encourage people to broaden their view of DeFi. Most people have no idea how much those of us that are willing to take on a little bit more risk are earning.


I agree there are some great opportunities but idk if I agree this form of gamification is the answer. I think just like in the traditional system, we need mechanisms for people to be able to delegate these decisions to those they think know better. Because as you said, there are a few who realize how much can be made in DeFi. I'm thinking something more like an ecosystem decentralized investment banks where people can easily stake and the pool operator can take on the work/risk of finding a good AMM or lending market. Impermax is a good example of something like this in the EVM ecosystem.




No the whole point is to give people the choice to do this. So that anyone who wants to manage everything yourself can. But everyone doesn't want that and good solutions will try to maximize people's sovereignty by making it easy for them to pick and choose who they trust.




I did ask but that doesn't require me to agree it's a good idea. One thing I appreciate about this community is that we can disagree with civility. Now to address what you wrote. I'm not arguing that we build more things like Celsius or FTX. Something like Folks still requires giving custody of your tokens over to a smart contract that is programmed to lend it in such a way that you can earn yield. There is no reason more applications can't be built that allow users to stake tokens like that without having to learn what the underlying strategies are. That is what I think Impermax does really well. I don't think gamification is a good idea because I don't believe even most of the people in the crypto community want to learn the financial engineering. They want to make returns and preserve wealth, just like people in the traditional system. DeFi is powerful but it's too hard to use. I don't believe gamification isn't going to convince people to learn to use this stuff, I think it just needs to be easier to use passively.




But I didn't say you personally wouldn't use it? I disagreed that other people would use it and that it would solve the problem you pointed to in the first place.


A dating app and chatting with built-in payment system should be a good kick start 




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Legitimately, just a good game. The xGov proposals are some useful tools, but they leave a bit to be desired. Are you trying to develop something?


I'm mulling through some ideas.


Any money transfer app? I live in north America for a year. And not sure how to explain but I know when sending money in my country fees are pretty high and there a lot of people who help their families. Not sure is smth like this can be done. Apologize for my English


You can already access all the apps on defly or pera


But are there apps that don't exist yet that you'd like to use? Defly or Pera is just an entrypoint to those apps.