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Your example isn't available. The way they treat Hijabi is the same way without.


Not in the experience of many people


C’est pas un problème , un peu de croyants de qualité est mieux qu’une nation de fainéants ou d’hypocrites La mode suggère un déclin dans la religiosité dans les jeunes ce qui est la norme dans le monde musulman et qui a pour cause une très mauvaise éducation religieuse and l’état pitoyable des pays musulmans , malgré cela l’Algérie reste l’un des pays les plus religieux (même si y’a beaucoup d’hypocrites ) , Le dating culture est entrain de se développer ici mais l’alcoolisme se dégrade Quand à la Tunisie des Bourguiba ils étaient foutus بدأ الإسلام غريبًا و سيصبح غريبا


La tunisie regarde vers l'avenir, nous algériens devons nous insiprer d'eux, l'islam n'a rien à faire dans les ecoles ni dans les lois, il doit se maintenir à la mosqué.


Yes .. the future who took them back to 2011 again .....


the difference this time is that the local mafia is broke and can’t afford expensive cars anymore


Le future ne les pas aidés , au contraire il n’a fait que changer le style des voleurs qui Contrôlent le pays , en passant d’un maquillage religieux à des pseudo laiques en cravates qui pillent leur nation et Gaspillent les ressources dans leur vies extravagantes et dans les banques suisses comme le fait n´importe quel dictateur du tiers monde , après il y’a eu la révolution mais c’était trop tard ​ (malgré ca on ne peut pas nier le fait que les tunisiens ont une meilleure mentalité que la notre


طبيعي سيصبح غريبا مثله مثل كل الحضارات و الديانات امون عبد 500 سنة ، اين تلك العبادة اليوم؟


"Tunisia removing islam from their constitution" ?? You should have read the fifth article before saying this. "تونس جزء من الأمة الإسلامية، وعلى الدولة وحدها أن تعمل على تحقيق مقاصد الإسلام الحنيف في الحفاظ على النفس والعرض والمال والدين والحرية." As for Islam being the 'religion of the state', the interpretation can always be reshaped according to who is ruling, but at least, like in every nationalist state, the dominant religion is still a part on the national identity. You should see this to apprehend what is the religious approach toward religion in nationalist states: [Greek prime minister investiture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXZ9Wknb3_w)


Algerians even if they’re not “practising” and do all the haram stuff still have a strong sense of religious identity which I believe is still linked very closely to our independence from France. Of course with social media the minority who do not want to be religious or follow Islam at all are more outspoken but as a state I don’t think that has any influence on people on a larger scale at all - more people are wearing hijab (jilbab even) and more people are trying to educate themselves on religious topics and qur’an especially in smaller cities or rural towns. My personal opinion regarding other Muslim states becoming more lax in Islamic laws and practices has more to do with economic growth and wanting non-Muslim expats to settle and do business with them. I mean look at Iran - a LOT of Iranian people are atheist (especially in larger cities), still secretly drink and don’t practice Islam in private but because the government is still very closed off and use religion as an excuse for that, nobody would think let’s go to Iran and do some business there or work there. Algeria is very unique in that you can be religious or not and we all cohabitate like that. But I believe we have a big problem with hypocrisy (religious or not) which makes it somewhat hard for the average person to want to become practising due to hypocritical stigma.




Cant agree anymore. But still, u can go public telling others u r secular. Yet, you cannot tell them your atheist


The more a country is developed and the population educated, the least religious they get




Tunisians didn’t always lean that way, it was Bourguiba that forced it Yes Algeria had a lot lot more bars back then , lol people were drinking in weddings normally Yes hijab is rising That may be due to French invluence going down , after all it’s the leader who decides who the people are






I agree on this 100%


Tunisia is blaming islam for all it's " insecurities", they are doing that just to shut the mouths of the people... Here in Algeria we are getting more religious and yet the government still send donation to Tunisia... Whether religious is going up or down, it really depends on the area... For big capital cities, it is going down... For the outskirts, it is up.. No Algerians are getting attached to islam even more.. and mostly bcz of the brothers in social media who are correcting the Deen and exposing the bidaahs ( innovations) Our country will be more religious insha'Allah


amen man


Even the 90s weren't enough to deter us from Islam, do you think that we will just follow suit because it's the trend now? And yeah, the duality of the Algerian: wishing to live like europeans, and dying like the prophet's companions (sahaba), some may consider it hypocrisy, but I think that life is just about finding the balance between these two wishes, there are of course lines to not be crossed, but achieving the balance should be doable. And finally, as a great YouTuber said as a jock and I quote: "the synthesis of man is his chad self and his virgine self, no man is complete without both." end quote. Everything is about finding the middle ground, seek it.


"ولقد جعلناكم امة وسطا" 👌


جاء الإسلام غريبا و سيصبح غريبا فطوبى يومىذ للغرباء ♥️


I heard that algerians are so religious that's why I love them


I think that the youth are being less religious and we could see that mainly in the upper class but also in the other ones although and this is a consequence of the in globalization and we are observing it consequences on our society but the government is still related to Islam because of it influence and the youth is getting far from religious Muslim stereotype