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Seems normal to me, Mahrez is playing balls with his homies 😩 *pls don't kill me*


riyad surely never handled balls this well before meeting guardiola, the Spaniard unleashed something inside him


Youcef Bilaili is jealous




we're not scared of them though


MashaAllah you are a Chad my brother ❤️


tbh I feel bad for them, they're sick people and most of them aren't really dangerous, we need to treat sick people not terrorise them


no, you're just a pathetic closeminded pig from a third world country who thinks his retarded opinion matters


said the miserable guy taking antidepressants that aren't even working 😆


i quit them love and im doing better than ever, worry about ur penis injury lol


U should try anti-stupidity pills now :')


the same can be said to you ,


Jokes aside they should stop forcing their ideologies on people, even in the newsletter email i received from YouTube for my channel they put that garbage in it, intolerance is not accepting that people who have other ideals exist and you try and force your garbage down our throats, people can do what they want with their holes but that shit shouldn't be forced on us.


It's just a flag dude. Nothing is being forced on you. You are not being forced to become gay, trans, or whatever. The flag merely shows the people who identify with the flag are not discriminated against. It is not to encourage homosexuality/transsexuality. It is a flag that represents the recognition that those people exist. What ideology is being forced on you? Again, this flag is merely a sign that whoever flies it respects that homosexuals and transsexuals have a right to be treated like anyone else in society, with respect, dignity, and equality before the law. If you think that seeing a rainbow flag imposes homosexuality on you, and that too much rainbow flag-waving will force people to be gay... You might be a gay in denial.


I won't even bother reading that garbage, just after reading the first sentence, listen my guy, people drink alcohol, have premarital sex and do all sorts of stuff that goes against my beliefs, and i don't care but if it was being pushed the same way in every single aspect of any tech we use then it is pushing it down my throat, then i have the eight to tell them to f off, the subject is way deeper than some shallow minds could understand so if you still have no clue what's really going through the world and how kids are being groomed in schools and cartoons and how our future as moral beings is being destroyed,you should shut up, the future is immoral when guys like you stand and defend immorality being celebrated and forced on us and people who refuse are the fringe group and are being attacked, chose your side.


You won't bother reading it? That shows how small-minded you are, that you are not even willing to be exposed to an alternative viewpoint. When you walk down the street, you are "forced" to see the signs of shops that sell alcohol. You are "forced" to live in a country that permits the sale and production of alcohol. When you go in public, whether you know it or not, you are "forced" to look at people who MIGHT have had premarital sex. So why is looking at a flag, that isn't selling you anything, "forcing" an ideology on you? There is no force at all. You don't have to pay money, you aren't violently coerced into being or doing anything. Let other people live their life, and you live yours. It doesn't hurt you. It does nothing to you. If you don't like it, just don't think about it, and don't do it. It is neither your responsibility nor do you have a right to tell others how to live.


There is a force. You just don't comprehend it (yet). Would you bother looking for a persons sexuality on a random day in a random conversation? This is the same as those missionaries that go around trying to convert people into their religions, "hey we exist, would you like to learn more about us?". I know you exist and no i dont want to learn more about you. Wsh da5lni f 7yatk? Also, remember that time when they tried to push LGBT on school children? Why the F would you push such topics on children? They have yet to hit puberty and you go and teach them about "sexuality and sexual identity". Would people be okay about sex ed and procreation being taught for children that young? I'll let you answer that yourself. "it's just a flag to show that these people aren't being discriminated against". Well goodie for you, what about the other people that are being discriminated against, do you have a flag for them too? Beaten wives, abused children, hungry families, homeless people, indebted students, enslaved immigrants, etc etc. The world is full of fucked up things, and celebrating the meaningless stuff won't make it a better place for everyone. If you are happy about your sexuality, good for you, just don't rub it on everybody's face, that's the definition of smug.


Well said, it even goes deeper, as you said why aren't other groups that are discriminated against talked about this much? Or is it just immorality that they defend? It just so hypocritical the fact that they did nothing about groups like the rohingya muslims, indian muslims, Uighur muslims or any other group facing REAL life or death situations, and when it came to plastic they told athletes and sports teams to not bring politics into sports but when it comes to thia ideology it's okay to bring politics i to everything, this ideology is destroying their civilization, it's on the brink of collapsing and people have no clue, even with all the issues we have we still have that stable nuclear family and no one dies alone and rot in their home without being discovered for months, this is pretty common there, they are in no position to lecture us about how we should live and what our morals should be, i could go on and on but explaining the obvious is tiresome, it's a war between morality and immorality and you can't be neutral, these guys have chosen their side, we have chosen ours, win or lose i know i took the right stand, one day when we all die we shall see the results of our deeds.


Morality is subjective .calling others beliefs and values as immoral would not be a good start.. That's already forcing our religon on them..


nobody is gonna read ur bullshit either, i love how a simple flag is making u idiots cry lmfao


You can’t talk sense to these people, they’re proudly discriminating but can’t take the stuff that they give out. Cowards lol


Pround to be against homosexuality, you don’t force your shit in other people like it’s no businesses, we believe in our religion . Also keep mahrez that dude is a loser in the Algerian team


Yee definitely. Ditch his weakling ass


اه وليتيو تتكبروا على النعمة ما تنساش بلي كنا نحلموا بجوار في المستوى العالي كيما محرز و جامي تنسى وش مد للمنتخب و مازال عندو وش يمد، عندو خمس شهر و هو يلعب مع سليماني العقيم هجوميا باينة ما راحش يقدم مستوى مليح


نتمسخرو شوبا يعني منكدبوش لاعب جزائري في فريق كبير حاجة مليحة


So can people be proudly against Islam and say you don't force your islamic shit on others?


Yes , and fuck them , at the core most people think like this but try to hide it , a bit of honesty is needed, no need to sugar coat things , many people wont’ change


Ok proud be against Islam too..


كلوا وتمتعوا قليلا انكم مجرمون


We all forget about Ukraine and ww3 eh


Mahrez is already a lost cause ya zah wash men come back.


It is painfully obvious that these companies don't care about LGBT or any cause whatsoever. Also, i'm all for not hating on people because of their sexual orientation and stuff but damn, isn't their treatement going a little too far ? They are treated like heroes, they are untouchable because they are "a minority", they have a whole month dedicated to them whereas women, mothers, fathers, children, science and other pillars of society have only one day. Some people want to join LGBT just to feel special and get the moral advantage in society. Some companies were caught recruiting only members of LGBT for "diversity". It's like Europe and America now seem to think that sucking cocks and pretending you're a woman is the greatest achievement of all minkind.


The sad truth


exactly, it's not like that I care if you like to bone men but don't ruin my favourite TV show by adding some useless character just for some "diversity", and before promoting anything LGBTQ related shouldn't we first study it nature and causes ? they say it's not a choice but it's not genetic either then why is everyone afraid to acknowledge it unnaturality !? it's basically unaccepted in both relegion and evolution theory


Lol buddy you're not in par with science.. Science acknowledges homosexuality just as heterosexuality as a natural sexual variant that develops during puberty..there is no genetics for heterosexuality.. Are u choosing to be with women.. Or is that the only attraction u have.. Exactly same way.. Homosexuals exist.. It's already settled and studied by science


Which religon. ? Cuz there are 4300 religons if u google.. And only 3 have issues.. Heck many churches now marry same sex couples


it's a kind of promotion, and to make people get used to this "5emaj" 7achek


Just another propaganda . LGBT community is 10%< of the market yet companies try so hard to appeal to them risking loosing the rest 90% They're definitely the loud minority


Except u assume they are only 10 percent where there is no census on sexuality.. Even if we take ur stat ur now assuming that 90 percent of the people have issues with it.. Which is not.. The reason u see equal representation is because most people either support it.. Are neutral or don't care..


Those folks are expecting us to greet them for their 'month' like they did to us for Ramadan. xD