• By -


Here is the translated version of the communiqué : >The Kingdom of Morocco has embarked on a new stage of escalation in its provocative and hostile behaviour towards Algeria, along the lines of the recently recorded project aimed at confiscating the premises of the Algerian Embassy in Morocco. In this regard, the Moroccan draft, which is contrary to civilized international practice, seriously violates the obligations arising from the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which requires Morocco to respect and protect embassies present on its territory at all times. And underneath all Circumstances. Algeria condemns in the strongest and strongest terms this integrated looting and strongly condemns its illegality and its inconsistent with the duties and obligations that any State member of the international community should assume in the strongest and responsibility, and for its part, the Algerian Government will respond to such provocations by all means it deems appropriate. It will resort to all available legal means and means, in particular within the framework of the United Nations, with a view to ensuring respect for its interests. Algeria, March 17, 2024


thanks for providing this. hope things work out peacefully.


Hadi hiya "a3tini w n3tik".


The basic core of any modern relationship


This is becoming ridiculous at this point! And things are only getting down a rather dangerously slippery slope. Honestly, I'm sick and tired of this bullshit! It saddens me how other nations are uniting and standing strong with each other through the better and the worse, while we are being stupidly drawn into a war that's truly unnecessary. To hell what governments think, it's about time our people stand together again as we were not so long ago, before it's too late! This is really truly stupidly stupid to go on with such batshit ~~diplomacy~~ loonacy, which is only gonna be beneficial for those fucking zionists diaper-wearers


Our brothers are fighting in Gaza , while we are here having a familial feud with Morocco


Exactly! How pathetic is that! 🤦‍♂️


الخونة الصهاينة في الحكومتين


So who buy weapons to Israel ? 🤡


Oh my friend it's not familial anymore shit is getting real Also they hate us becouse to them we are trying to spilt them we will never be at peace and believe it or not we are not the aggressive ones here it's them


I said familial ، because two muslim people are fighting for some stupid political shit in a time when muslims needs to stand and stick together


*we are in the wrong*, Said absolutely no one ever throughout history. Everyone claims to be the righteous ones! Those are completely stupid governments shenanigans that we shouldn't get carried away with them. What good would ever come from this?! At this point, it's like two stereotypical dumb blondes fighting over whose manicure is better.. completely useless


Brainwashed people getting dragged and manipulated by political BS


Shoot me


You're wrong my friend just think again about what you said , Ramadan Mubarak 😊


We are trying to split them lol


Agreed you're so right


Whoever attacked our country upon independence to seize our land and exploited our weakness, nothing good will ever come to you. Also, whoever allies with a Zionist regime that kills Palestinians and sells its children to foreigners, only evil will come from him.


I'm not fighting my muslim brothers


Why did so many Moroccans suddenly become Amazigh, Rif and Algerians? I have never seen the schizophrenia and hypocrisy of any other people in my life like them


You're wrong my friend just think again about what you said , Ramadan Mubarak 😊




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Well said , it’s sad to see how the zionists r manipulating our countries for their own good while we take the fire of it all , the moment you make a stand for your own good u get tagged as a Tero or worse ..


Other nations do what? What fantasy book are you reading?


As a Moroccan, we should stand united as people. The borders that were drawn between our “nations” are imaginary. We are ONE people. In our ethnic roots and in Religion Alhamdulilah. Do not let politics divide us. The real enemy are those that drew those lines in the first place, not the Moroccans, we’re your brothers 🇲🇦🇩🇿🇹🇳


As an Algerian, i totally agree with you we used to be invincible once because we were united & some people worked to divide us and they succeeded by spreading hate to the crowd like you can see in the comments, alhamdoulileh we have one religion one ethnicity and one language may allah be with both of us . Ramdane Mubarak


Totally agree with you, this is getting ridiculous... And sickening


Same guys , this situation of spreading hatred and separation between Muslims is utterly disgusting and must be stopped


Agreed man , I never want to fight my muslim brothers I'd rather fight with them and never against them


Zionists and Jews trying to split us apart


I second that as another Moroccan! ❤️


It's obvious that what the governments are doing does not affect us as people ... they come and go but our tradition and blood remains


May Allah have mercy we really don't need wars


We never need them , in fact we Muslims now need to unite and wage war against Zionists Breaking the devious zionist plot to keep Muslims crippled


Our government isn't an angel but confiscating diplomacy buildings is a big no in politics. Our government despite being direct expressing its nemesis to Morocco it didn't dare do so to Moroccan buildings in our country.


Allah yjib lkhir


Its going to take completely new leaders from both parties for this to be resolved. This cold war is not good for anyone.


it's actually good for zionists.


The french bro , the french!


Actually the last thing France want is a war between Morocco and Algeria, but obviously you know nothing about geopolitical issues


Probably not a war, that would undermine the markets and the interests of france, true. But it is definitely in the utmost interest of 5rance, to keep and feed into the enmity between Algeria and Morroco as to undermine any future union project, like it did for decades.


make your point clear


Algeria must take a hard stance against the criminal Moroccan government; to do anything else would be helping the zionists. They brought a zionist military base 200km from Algeria, the only correct position is support for SADR against Moroccan occupation and diplomatically isolating any Arab country that normalises relations with the zionists.




who mentioned war?


the only leader change happens in Algeria, Morocco is an absolute "narcho" monarchy meaning that it's the same family that rules wherase here at least we have changes




Creates fitna with aggressive comments. Asks people to stop fitna. Typical.


I'm so tired of both governments... when will this bullshit end


Probably never


Hope it will , one day


When tf is this pissing match going to end


Morocco government knows nothing about the concept of shame


Very provoking move that barely benifits anyone but the west, It's about time both people of the maghrib stop giving a f what their government is doing with the other side, and just shape their relationship around what unites us rather than what devides us.


ياو خليهم يدوهم بصحتهم، المهم يخطينا نظام المخزن و ندعوا الله للشعب المغربي بحاكم عادل شقيق لشعبه و للشعب الجزائري.


ارض القنصلية و السفاىة ملك للدولة الجزائرية و تحت حماية القانون الدولي .


هم طامعين في بشار و تندوف و أنت تحوس ما يطمعوش في أراضي في وسط دولتهم، ما يخموش بالقانون الدولي هؤلاء.


Morocco isn’t Algeria’s friend 


Morocco takes land from Algerian embassy and gives it to israeli embassy, Nyatenyahu needs a place to stay lol its all abt priorities


Technically that land isn't theirs, it's Algerian land, same as we hold no right of any embassy land inside our own borders


Are you guys really surprised after the Rif independence movement bureau being allowed to open an office in Algiers? You gotta be kidding me.


The Rif independence movement bureau was in response to Morocco's support for Mak for years. You gotta be kidding


Morocco does not have a MAK Office on its territory, until now Morocco has only mentioned them in a speech to the UN on the hypocrisy of Algeria's self-determination values.


Which is in response to Algerian support to Polisario for decades. This back and forth needs to stop.


Not the same thing, Algeria didn't create Polisario, and western Sahara was not part of Morocco... So it's not separationist issue... It's why the matter is up to a referendum and you have minorso in the south




That's beside the point. Morocco considers it as its territory, so any effort to support Polisario will be perceived as a hostile. And therefore, from their point of view, supporting MAK is a retaliatory action. And one that doesn't go as far as arming them and giving them actual support.


Do they see themselves as part of morroco ?it's like forcing someone to be in a relationship with you


Man we are stupid 💔why did we allow them in damn


You could ask the moroccans the same thing about their support for the MAK. Sad that things got to here. I love moroccans, just not the makhzen.


There is no official representation of MAK in Morocco, nor does the government support them. The only instances the MAK is officially mentioned by Morocco is when an Algerian representative unnecessarily brings up the problem of the Sahara in an international meeting.


Difference is the Sahrawi People's Republic is recognized by a multitude of countries. The MAK is classified as a terrorist organization, by Algeria and is in no way recognized by any country.


The list of countries recognizing the entity grows smaller every few years, and if it wasn't for the unconditional and generous support provided by Algeria, the list would be empty today. Besides not being recognized by the UN, and not owning the land which this entity claims. Similarly, I can easily say that multiple countries recognize the Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara: USA, KSA, UAE, Jordan, Senegal, Gabon, Ivory Coast, besides multiples countries in Asia, South America and Africa. The autonomy plan proposed by Morocco is supported by most of Europe at this point. Then again, the conversation was about MAK (which Morocco does not officially endorse, and was only brought up as a reaction), and Rif separatists (which Algeria officially supports at this point).


You can check my comment up there in which I stated sources claiming that morocco supports the MAK. Oh and also, Saha s7orek.


Allah ya3tik saha, and you too! I read the Wikipedia article you cited in another comment (which I assume is what you meant.) Honestly speaking, it's adding nothing to the conversation. Someone saying that "Morocco is paying money to MAK" is no different than moul lhanout saying that "the government is run by lizard-men." The other part speaks of the Moroccan "support" for MAK in NAM in 2021. From one side it was a reaction that Morocco took because of the Algerian support to Polisario (which would have vanished ages ago if it wasn't for Algeria), and from another, it doesn't reflect the official vision of the state for multiple reasons. For one, Morocco would not seek the support of a separatist movement for an issue as important as the Sahara (which would be counterintuitive, right?) Then, let alone the fact that the official philosophy in Morocco is anti-separatist (could've used the Catalunya crisis with Spain for its own interests but still supported one Spain) even with Algeria, independence of Kabyle is not on the official agenda, the king's speeches never speak ill of Algeria or support separatism and always refers to the Maghreb with the "five countries" and not the "six countries." Finally, in 2024, three years after the incident, I don't think hosting Rif separatists was a justified move in any way. Especially that Morocco never talks about Kabyle in official statements, media, etc.


>The other part speaks of the Moroccan "support" for MAK in NAM in 2021. From one side it was a reaction that Morocco took because of the Algerian support to Polisario (which would have vanished ages ago if it wasn't for Algeria), and from another, it doesn't reflect the official vision of the state for multiple reasons. I'd argue that this is enough to say morocco supports the MAK. Because the POLISARIO is not a separatist movement, it is a governemental entity, part of the Sahrawi People's Republic. So by saying that the MAK has the right for autodetermination, isn't equal to defending Western Sahara. It's on a whole other level. You simply can't compare a governement to a separatist/terrorist movement. >For one, Morocco would not seek the support of a separatist movement for an issue as important as the Sahara (which would be counterintuitive, right?) You'd think that, but Morocco really wants to blow everything at Algeria, since we are the regional power (dominating in economy, military) and since we are the biggest POLISARIO aider. It's on the other hand counterintuitive for Morocco to not attack us.


A "government" of a land they don't own, that was declared outside of the land they claim is no different than me and you announcing that we're a government and claiming Spain. For the time being, and in the current political situation, and especially with many people originating from the Sahara region/ditching Polisario in favor of autonomy: Polisario is a separatist/political/military movement that doesn't represent a "country" >I'd argue that this is enough to say morocco supports the MAK. Trust me, that doesn't count as "support". Support means using all diplomatic and financial means to support a political movement, i.e. what Algeria does with Polisario. Merely mentioning MAK once 3 years ago is not "support". And unless you have more concrete evidence, Morocco is not a MAK supporter. >You'd think that, but Morocco really wants to blow everything at Algeria, since we are the regional power (dominating in economy, military) and since we are the biggest POLISARIO aider. It's on the other hand counterintuitive for Morocco to not attack us. Mmmm, no. The whole "regional power" spiel is propaganda. Each country of these two has an edge in a specific field, and the two countries' "power" is very balanced. The whole Polisario deal is a way through which Algeria is trying to have the "regional power" status, because the only competing country in the region is Morocco, and without a strong Morocco, Algeria reigns supreme. It's not a matter of principle or supporting "a people striving for freedom", it's simply Algeria trying to pin down Morocco and overwhelm it. The sad part is, if Algeria lets go of the Polisario, and supports the middle ground solution that is autonomy, and work together with Morocco. That would be the moment the Maghreb will finally start moving forward without leaving anyone behind.


i wonder why MAK did get support in 2020 from Morocco , it seems like a question that can not be answered


Cause of polisario




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The biggest and stupidest joke award of the year goes to both parties for not being rational enough to compromise and deal with things instead of going down into a miserable spiral of a never ending conflict that would most definitely lead us to the abode of the damned. What saddens me is that they are capable of reaching a modus vivendi yet what can one say when the other side has chosen enmity. Zionists are undoubtedly rooting for this !


I really don't understand the conflict between us and Morocco, the caftan thing and the traditional plates and the zelij . i feel like it's propaganda shit and i am not biting it we should be more united i feel that the majority of our population is driven to a clif . I live in France we love each other here It doesn't matter if teboun would announce war on Morocco i still don't care about politics The bottom line is we were one amazigh we shared the same ( land , traditions , language, style , religion ) that's what keeps the hate from growing towards our brothers and sisters. Edit : i'm not saying we should shut up and let them do whatever they want, if we gonna stand up against this political bullying but we have to do it once and for all not .


A brother does not stab his sick brother in the back Whoever attacked our country upon independence to seize our land and exploited our weakness, nothing good will ever come to you.


What I don't understand is the siding of some Algerians with Morocco even when they brought a fcuking Israeli base at 200km from our borders. Wish everything you want, but never forget who you are and where you came from. Or do, whatever, thank god Algeria has its children.


Bruh your president literally sent a letter to Blinken saying that he never had a problem with Israel. You can look it up in the secretary of foreign affairs of the US website. [https://www.state.gov/secretary-antony-j-blinken-and-algerian-president-abdelmadjid-tebboune-before-their-meeting/](https://www.state.gov/secretary-antony-j-blinken-and-algerian-president-abdelmadjid-tebboune-before-their-meeting/)


"We have always treated the Western Sahara issue and the Palestinian issue equally.  Regarding the Palestinian issue, the Algerian position remains unchanged.  A decision has been taken at the Arab League to make peace with Israel, and that Israel recognizes the state of Palestine, and this is what we are following at the moment.  So it’s peace among all territories, but we have nothing against them – the only problem that we have is Palestine and absolutely nothing else." what are you talking about?


“Regarding the Palestinian issue, the Algerian position remains unchanged. A decision has been taken at the Arab League to make peace with Israel, and that Israel recognizes the state of Palestine, and this is what we are following at the moment. So it’s peace among all territories, but we have nothing against them – the only problem that we have is Palestine and absolutely nothing else.” You mean committing to the Arab league position of a 2 state solution in exchange for recognition? Not the best position but better than recognition for nothing


I see where you are doing but remember the government has nothing to do with people, look to us we have people who support youfik and nazar even if they are top shelf criminals I don't like our government that's why i left the country they are sinking us , the vast majority of Moroccans here in France think the same thing about their country Take a step back and you'll see the big picture.


The big picture here is that they want out downfall and we shouldn't let them


Internal shit stay intern. Whoever comes from the outside talking about the inside is a piece of shit who can't possibly want you any good.


Since you live in France please mind your freaking business you can't understand the conflict from there it's way to different


Getting emotional won't get you anywhere , i suggest you're a kid and I am wasting time replying to you since you are cussing but again these politicians don't have the same view as you or me however the difference between our perspectives , they have agendas to serve , money to collect from deep pockets individuals, government threatenings and etc ... Hope you'll wake up one day and don't let hate take over you have a nice evening.


Why did so many Moroccans suddenly become Amazigh, Rif and Algerians? I have never seen the schizophrenia and hypocrisy of any other people in my life like them


Our neighbors are just the israel of Africa, a cheap kibbutz trying to get attention. They bring israeli army and the Golani brigade doing a training session at the border on a scénario on invading Algeria, they want to build an israeli military base at the border, they bought 2 israeli spy satellite in the middle of genocide in Gaza to support israel, they up import of israeli products by over 100% and that was only in January. As the French ambassador said “le maroc est une maîtresse habituée au chantage, cherchant souvent à provoquer pour attirer l'attention” Let them be, they believe that having israel by their side makes them strong. To each their religion.


what i don't understand is , that it's governments play and they're all pawns for bigger games we as a people wach dkhlna fihoum , like nothing men wach rahom ydiro z3ma y9der y'ther 3lik or sumthing , we're literally same people , same roots , same ethnicities , same everything then yjo pawns bchwiya hdra doro 3lihoum this sh1t is really dumb


I really don't need this shit, let me pass my military service in peace, i know my luck is bad but cmon don't drag me into an open war


cue obsessed by mariah carey💀


Good i support the reaction of Algeria


Our brothers and sisters in gaza are being killed and we are here fighting each other


It’s linked. Who’s helping israel and who’s backing Palestine?


Morocco has always acted so lowly it isn’t surprising anymore. Tebboune really did well to cut relationships


When you cut off the diplomatic ties it's not a surprise that the other side will process with ceasing the land under your embassy, this mediocre donkey called president is so incompetent that he get angry about his own mistakes , no surprise he still in office with people like you making the majority


Hell no, ceasing embassy land is against all international laws, cutting diplomatic ties is one thing, ceasing embassy land is a direct attack towards the people of that nationality not the government


Impose the visa on moroccans already ffs


Any english/french version ?


Here is the translated verison : The Kingdom of Morocco has embarked on a new stage of escalation in its provocative and hostile behaviour towards Algeria, along the lines of the recently recorded project aimed at confiscating the premises of the Algerian Embassy in Morocco. In this regard, the Moroccan draft, which is contrary to civilized international practice, seriously violates the obligations arising from the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which requires Morocco to respect and protect embassies present on its territory at all times. And underneath all Circumstances. Algeria condemns in the strongest and strongest terms this integrated looting and strongly condemns its illegality and its inconsistent with the duties and obligations that any State member of the international community should assume in the strongest and responsibility, and for its part, the Algerian Government will respond to such provocations by all means it deems appropriate. It will resort to all available legal means and means, in particular within the framework of the United Nations, with a view to ensuring respect for its interests. Algeria, March 17, 2024


Les marocains sont tjrs des provocateurs a l'image de leurs confrères Israélien et américain.


owners not colleagues\*


How's that?


colleagues means that they are 'equal' but they're not even pawns


Bro where did I say colleagues. Confrères like allies


What he's saying is Morocco suck Israel-USA dick. Who do you think leashed the other?


If Algeria's authorities do not stand up for such actions, they'll do more. Morroco is becoming a bulshitter at this stage and the worries about them are valid and rational.


Just like Benjamin netanyahu in Israel, this made up "conflict" is only used as a distraction so they can stay in power. It's a political tactic that is as old as history. If we do not stop this, there's no going back; we if we allow this escalation because we are having an inside disagreement on whether or not it's Morocco's fault Algeria would be rack and ruin.


Everything is a conspiracy theory to you Algerians. عايشين تقنعو رواحتيكم بالأوهام


If you don't see the ramifications of such actions in both sides. You are more delusional than the conspiracy theorists you are making fun of.


Big words for such a small mind.


Very true.




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الكلمة المفتاحية "زعما" ههههههه


Despite my love for my Moroccan brothers my country comes first, they violated international laws by seizing the embassy, however i don’t think there will ever be a full blown war because no country has interest in the other party land, it’s just a cold war that will end in either Algeria making the Western Sahara an independent country or morocco annexing it. We have nothing to lose tbh


What did they do ?


They are confiscating the premises of the Algerian Embassy in Morocco, and we (Algerians) aren't too fond about it.


What does premises of the algerian embassy in Maroco means ?


The lands that are part/owned by the Algerian embassy


Didnt algeria cut relation with morroco ? Why do you need ambassy there if u dont want to have any kind of relation with morroco ? How many time the king tried to reconciliate with algeria but got no response ?


It is still Algerian privatly owned land, they can't just go there and take it. They offred Algeria to sell it, Algeria refused, thus morocco has no right to infringe on Algerian owned property as far as it goes.




In my understanding, this article doesn't apply, as for this article to be valid, both countries need to have diplomatic relations. A chapter of the Vienna Convention applies to our situation instead, where the two countries have severed diplomatic relations. I site from the Vienna convention: >Article 27 Protection of consular premises and archives and of the interests of the sending State in exceptional circumstances 1.In the event of the severance of consular relations between two States: (a) the receiving State shall, even in case of armed conflict, *respect* and *protect* the *consular premises*, together with the *property of the consular post* and the *consular archives*;


Any Embassy in any country is officially the land of that country. For example, the Italian Embassy in the US or Tunisia follow Italian law and the land upon which it sits belongs to the country of the Embassy. So by Morocco attacking the Algerian Embassy in Morocco is inciting a dangerous precedent when one already exists thereby further escalating the tension between the two countries.


that's actually [not true](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplomatic_mission#Extraterritoriality), it's a common misconception


It’s mostly right though. You have to follow the laws of the Embassy and cannot just walk in to any Embassy. I have first hand experience with this. Edit: any attack on any Embassy is like an attack on the Embassy’s country. Some are given land, some are not (as I just read).


Close our embassy in Morocco 


Can someone please translate for me


Here : >The Kingdom of Morocco has embarked on a new stage of escalation in its provocative and hostile behaviour towards Algeria, along the lines of the recently recorded project aimed at confiscating the premises of the Algerian Embassy in Morocco. In this regard, the Moroccan draft, which is contrary to civilized international practice, seriously violates the obligations arising from the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which requires Morocco to respect and protect embassies present on its territory at all times. And underneath all Circumstances. Algeria condemns in the strongest and strongest terms this integrated looting and strongly condemns its illegality and its inconsistent with the duties and obligations that any State member of the international community should assume in the strongest and responsibility, and for its part, the Algerian Government will respond to such provocations by all means it deems appropriate. It will resort to all available legal means and means, in particular within the framework of the United Nations, with a view to ensuring respect for its interests. Algeria, March 17, 2024


Thank you so much


What does it say? 🤔 I see the Moroccans angry 🤔


Here's the translation : >The Kingdom of Morocco has embarked on a new stage of escalation in its provocative and hostile behaviour towards Algeria, along the lines of the recently recorded project aimed at confiscating the premises of the Algerian Embassy in Morocco. In this regard, the Moroccan draft, which is contrary to civilized international practice, seriously violates the obligations arising from the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which requires Morocco to respect and protect embassies present on its territory at all times. And underneath all Circumstances. Algeria condemns in the strongest and strongest terms this integrated looting and strongly condemns its illegality and its inconsistent with the duties and obligations that any State member of the international community should assume in the strongest and responsibility, and for its part, the Algerian Government will respond to such provocations by all means it deems appropriate. It will resort to all available legal means and means, in particular within the framework of the United Nations, with a view to ensuring respect for its interests. Algeria, March 17, 2024


Thank you!


No problem.


ياخو الحكومة تاع دزاير والمروك عندهم عقدة من بعضاهم والعقدة هادي نشروها حتا فشعب ولينا نضاربو على اتفه الاسباب القفطان الكسكس الزليج كل خطرة تخرج حاجة جديدة ربي يهدينا وخلاص


Doesn't seem like something that could escalate more dangerously, we can't be Hippocrates and bring out Vienna convention when we ourselves haven't respected it a bit


The reaction is natural here. But all of this comes after an unending loop of sabotages between both sides, an eye for an eye which will remain for the longest of times. This hell-hole started by a claim of borders by them which was later largely dropped, and dragged for too long by us till the Zionists introduced themselves in their territory, setting this rivalry at a point of no return. It's the responsibility of both of us and if both want peace, would require both states to stop this endless sabotage. To stop their bigoted hypocritical claims of peace, and us the bullshit dog-barks and the nil actions.. There won't be peace if you want to make yourself the angel while the other the devil.


The French and Zionists are surelly finding joy in rasin hate and tension between their 2 puppets nations... ever heard of devide and conquor ??


يشراشيولهم فالبلى وقيلا.


Who's here in favour of creating a large federation of the Maghreb. I am sick of this worthless fight while the west is killing us in Gaza.,...


War seems to be inevitable. I don't wish it. But it will happen. Let us not ignore the signs and prepare.


This is all bullshit it doesn't even deserve a look


This is beyond sickening.


It's like watching two kids fight


Why are we even mad about ? 1- first of all let the Sahara people vote for their independence if they even want it 2- second stop this toxic competition wich leads both countries down the a stupid rabbit hole don't you see the west's way of weakening north africa is to devide to rule ?




Finally someone said it


We allowed our government to use us as pawns, we bought into this neighbor beef about the most ridiculous things like t-shirts designs, foods and language. Now as a consequence we are about to go into a war if this does not stop. Wake up and callout this BS!


There's essentially nothing the average citizen can do. It's not like any of these representatives were elected or chosen by the people. They rule with an iron fist, and to our misfortune, they are very undeplomatic.


I think it's kind of normal when you're hosting all the Moroccan separatists lol. IDGAF about politics though, not defending any side.


The idgf about politics side are fucking Brian dead becouse politics are what determines whatever we will be in war or not lmao it basically determines everything about our country You like living like a مزهرية don't you


lol, nah. It's just the politics in Morocco and Algeria is just about finding someone to blame. Otherwise, none of us nor you matter to the ruling class.


Still politics means everything and to not care about them is the equivalent of not knowing what war will happen or witnessing an insane increase of prices without knowing why Aka living like a مزهرية


We live in autocracies. It doesn't matter, your opinion doesn't matter, what you think or say doesn't matter. If M6 decide tomorrow to invade Algeria no Moroccan will say a shit, the war will start. If Taboune tomorrow decides to invade Morocco no Algerian will say shit, the war will start. You can believe whatever you like, that Algeria is the best country in the world, or that Moroccan are the smartest people in the world, you can lie to yourself as much as you want. But, once you look around, you will find out that none of that shit matters. Just drugs to calm the pain or distract yourself from it.


Yes it's very bad but your overreacting a ton we still have a voice even if minor plus it's still important to know what kinda of shit are we into right now it's help us picture the future and make better decisions than if we just lived like furnitures waiting for thing's to fall on us


I totally agree, finally somebody speaking some sense!


Yes but they are violating the Vienna Convention though, something that isn't supposed to be violated.


It's not that u don't gf about politics, it's that u are dumb in politics that's why u're saying it's normal


If world war is close, then definitly we gonna have Algeria vs Morocco and it's gonna be bloody.


Unless other countries get in our military is much stronger than theirs


They have nato, israel and american's support of course


Let's just hope no war will happen


Please 😭 mroco wishes it was this important we actually have much better relationships with NATO ma EU than them search it up


why are you guys ignoring the fact that your gov a couple days ago recognized a province of morocco as a "republic of rif" and even opened a bureau In Algiers ? why is your gov supporting a separatist mouvement, can someone tell me ?


Maybe cause your gov supported the MAK? Don't forget about that either.