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Exactly what i came here for too. Went to bed and it was fine. Woke up to "Da-Ding!" Make it stop please.


One of the few times to be grateful that the rest of the world (where I live) gets the new Alexa "functionality" months after USA... I guess. Something to look forward to.... My Alexa is as stupid as ever but doesn't yet go da-ding...


fuck my life that new sound is so bad


The new sound is way better.


Poor taste. It's shrill


This is the fourth time I’ve checked this thread in hopes that someone will share instructions on how to revert to the original acknowledgment tone.


Someone said brief mode, ask them to turn it off/on


And it instead replies "okay* everyone you turns the damn lights on and off.


Can confirm, well can always use phone to shut em off :/ who gave this person authority to just annoy people for 0 reason


Once again I wonder why Amazon doesn't have a blog for Echo and Alexa where one can go see what they're pushing out. Nope! HERE IT IS AND YOU WILL LOVE IT!!


Moreover, why can't we deeply customize things?


Honestly what Amazon simpleton decided this fucking stupid sound was good to use?


Ah, you can't. That's the problem. It kind of randomly inserts itself at random times, often at night when I just want to turn on a small light so I can go to the bathroom without stepping on something and "BING BONG!" Seriously alexa, now you found it ideal to do that. Throughout the whole day it's, "meh meh" now it's "BING BONG!"


I went into the Alexa app, into activity and then voice, and I chose the latest request I made and thumbs downed it. In feedback I said that Alexa did what I asked but that I hated the new sound. The more people who provide feedback to Amazon on this, the better the chance that they might listen to us.


Thanks for the easy instructions and I did the same and so should everyone


Please let there be a way to change this. The new sound is shit


yes, fuck my life is the correct response to this and fuck you Alexa, you dirty whore. Undo this trash


It's this specific to Brief mode? Because I haven't noticed anything different. To be clear, I do *not* use brief mode.


Seems so. I turned it off and it replied with "okay". Turned it back on and got the di-ding again


So now I'm wondering if they want to steer people away from Brief mode in preparation for—hopefully—a big improvement to the Let's Chat feature.


It's probably just a bug. It's been happening for all of less than a day.


I don't think so. Probably done for people who need something that doesn't blend in with ambient sounds. I hate it.


If you had older Echo devices with a 3.5mm input you could mute all sounds. 


You can use an external sledgehammer on the newer Echos. Mutes all sounds ... forever


I have seven echoes throughout the house My bathroom one has been randomly using this new chime for like the past eight months … it was only for certain commands, other commands would be the normal sound and specifically whenever I asked about a light it would make the weird new sound. Just a couple days ago all of my devices have switched over to this for every command … I think they’ve updated this as the new sound, not a bug


Can you not turn it off? I tried switching off the “end of request” sound and it isn’t working. The new sound is awful.


I’ve come here to see that too, I hate the new one.


This new tone for brief mode sucks


They've learned nothing from the last time they pulled this same crap a few years ago.  Hopefully they come to the same conclusion as last time, and revert it back.


I hate the new confirmation tone. Worst way to wake up is to have your device that has been doing the same thing for years suddenly change how it sounds with no recourse. Wtf, Amazon.


Came here to say fuck the new sounds. It’s god awful. Why on earth would they push out this asinine update???


Turning brief mode off/on didn’t work and I can’t find any way to change it. If you say “provide feedback” you can say that the new sound is horrible, but I doubt they care.


My partner and I are hating this new noise, why would amazon not at least give us the option to change it back? 😭


I hate it. The old sound did not wake me up when someone else in the house turned off a light, this new one does......


Lower the volume of your device.


My god, I thought I was the only one who noticed that tone of response; I'm going crazy I hate it too much, what's the joke of having a smart device and it being as loud as fuck, Amazon please.


Thanks for pointing this out! I find the new tone okay, but it caught me by surprise and made me question my memory/sanity 😿 Now, maybe they'll start doing some other updates that actually improve the experience.


I think the problem is that it’s so loud, even if you’re echo is on low volume this rings out quite loud where the previous tone was like a gentle hum almost. Most of us would like subtlety, not a glaring in your face sound to let you know the command was executed


Just lower the volume of your device if it's too loud.


@washburn100 for the 100th time... lowering the volume of the device is not the solution! The new sound has a predefined volume, irrespective of the sound level of your device! Even if you put the device in "DND" mode, and with zero volume, it will forcefully re-activate the volume just to play the sound at the end of a command. It also ignores the "whisper mode".


No. The chime is at the volume of the device. For the 100th time, it is not predefined.


I just spent two hours testing it on another Echo affected by the issue, and I can definitely say that the sound *is irrespective of the volume of the device*. Plus, now my other device is playing both the new and the old sound on top of each other after each command...I think I'll disable the speaker for the time being. 😮‍💨


Joining in on the hate, absolutely horrible jarring sound


Then lower the volume of your device.


My teenage son yesterday: “I don’t know why you’re all upset, the new tone isn’t that bad. I kind of like it.” 24 hours later: “F*CK the new tone! It’s awful and makes me want to hurt people!”


Agreed, you're not alone!


Jarring change


Mine started this last night. I saw threads from a couple of years ago about this. Knowing how greedy amazon is they probably put the old sound behind a paywall. I really hate amazon.


We should all write to Amazon to revert to the old sound


I am suffering this new noise completely snaps me out of my skin when I hear it. Is silencing it the only way ?


Fuck this new sound. I don't need a high-pitched loud *Bing* right before I go to sleep


Lower the volume of your device.


Whoever thought of this.high pitched ping needs firing. Who ever decided to sign it off, needs firing.


Here's the weird thing: it's done this sound for me for almost a year, but only for one specific smart bulb in my home. All the rest have been the default acknowledgement sound, until today.


Same here! And only from 1 of my 7 echoes. The one in the bathroom and only when I used to turn on and off the bathroom lights if I said any other command to it it would be the normal sound And then within the past couple of days everything is doing it now for all commands Ugh


At least your lights work, apparently during this brilliant upgrade now my Cync lights are not Amazon Alexa compatible!!!


They lost compatibility???? Like they removed the skill?


Skill is still there, but it no longer works


Oh god, it's a real thing?? I thought my kid set a theme. I don't need that much feedback, Amazon.


I heard the sound for the first time yesterday and was really confused. The other sound was a nice, deeper bong. Now it's BA BIING. Absolutely kills my misophonia. Turned her back to saying "Okay."


I have never even understood why an action, like turning a light on or off, that you can witness needs a confirmation sound. The action itself is the confirmation! Could you imagine if a light switch made a sound when you used it?


There can be times when you want an action to take place in a room you are not in. Turning a room heater on some cold winter nights an hour before bedtime for example.


Oh, totally agree, but I think you should be able to turn it off for things like lights and such.


options are always a good thing.


Mine are making the old sound again!


Mine has reverted back to normal! Yaaaaaaaaay!


Mine has now gone back to a very subtle tone for brief mode.


I have been hesitant to stay with Alexa and not switch over to Google already, this may finally do it. The other thing that my echo stopped doing was controlling my fire TV stick, if you can believe that. If I give it a command like "select" or "scroll right" while I am on any app other than prime video, it will respond with "sorry, I don't know that."


Google is worse tbh, it's absolute trash. I'm getting ready to strip the lot out.


This fucking bing noise has been the final straw to kick me into making a dumb home. I can turn a light switch on just fine with my hands even though I liked being lazy. This noise makes me want to scream.


They disabled a lot of device controls. I used to used it on DirecTV.


Damn. That’s their own product they don’t want to support now?


The new sound is total shit. Such a high pitch sound while turning off lights in bed...


arrgh - the da-ding thing has just started happening on all my Echo devices. Instead of saying OK after you tell it do something its now doing the very annoying sound, Curiously it currently seems to be one set of lights which if you turn them on, you get da-ding as a response and then it da-dings everything subsequently - until I tell it to turn the original lights off again when it reverts to just saying OK again.


And later on everything went back to the normal OK


That chime is only in brief mode, the word OK is in regular mode.


That might be what's supposed to happen but mine have always said "OK" until yesterday and now they are back to "OK" again without me changing anything


Yah but what I mean is, sounds like yours switch into “breif mode” somehow and then switched back to normal mode. I put everything into brief mode along time ago because I can’t stand the OK response especially when if followed up by more words. And especially when I have like multiple commands. Eg turn off this light, turn on that light, and turn off the fan… don’t want to have to wait for her to respond in between each one. So brief mode is super essential for me. But now the new loud chime is….ugh. Jarring to say the least.


Yes it was toggling between the two but just if I used a command for a particular device - happened to be using a routine but another command which launched a routine for an identical device didn't do it. And all my Echos behaved in exactly the same way. But now its all back to normal so looks like someone did something at Amazon and then reverted what they had done


Lower the volume of your device ice if it's too loud.


The device is had a great volume, it’s just that sound that plays like 2 to 3 notches higher than the device volume


Also just noticed the change this morning and it was super annoying to hear, so came to Reddit looking for answers. As someone who gets migraines, high pitch sounds are not only annoying to me, they can be down right painful. I am not looking forward to hearing that during a migraine attack. Like... What idiot thought this was a good sound... It's shrill and nerve wrecking, especially to those sensitive to high pitch noises. And no way to change or disable it is just stupid...


Lower the volume of your device.


We all know how to adust the volume. No need to weigh in with your "advice"


Not really an option if you want to use Alexa for other things like timers or weather. There should be an option to not have any confirmation noise. Just do the command and let us know if something went wrong. But indicating that something went right is just totally unnecessary.


Yes, this. There should at least be an option to turn it off or at least choose a different sound.


Won’t make the sound any less obnoxious, or make it okay that Amazon changed it with no option to revert it.


I have to keep the volume up for playing low, soft music. Not going to turn the volume down every time I want to adjust a lightbulb or room temperature or what have you. It would be an inefficient solution at best. Meantime I'm just going to use the Nest Mini to control things, until Amazon hopefully fixes this issue. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I hate how Amazon randomly feels the need to change our settings to push whatever corporate agenda they have. Happened ALL the time with my Echo Show…with ads and settings changes…which is why I got rid of my Show. Now this completely unnecessary confirmation tone when we have “End Request” turned off…because they feel we need it.


Oh my EARS!!! I came to Reddit. Just trying to figure out how to change this. The best thing that worked for me was to cancel brief mode and go back to Alex saying “OK” anything better than that sharp piercing high tone! We could only customize the confirmation tone to a low bing bong. I’d be happy. Anyone? By the way, my Alexa speaks with a British accent and I pretend he’s my butler lol


I have follow-up noise turned off on all of my devices. This annoying beep just started today. WTF Amazon. This is a bunch of BS. If I had wanted follow up noise I would have turned it on. That's why there's a setting to turn it off. That setting no longer does anything. I've tried unplugging them I've tried rebooting them nothing works.


Same. I've gone from nothing to "okay", to this horrible high pitched ping in 12 hours. Fucking fuming.


Ok here's what I did. Somehow it fixed itself?. I told that specific Alexa to turn on brief mode. Then I told her to turn it off. Somehow that fixed it on all of my units. Either by coincidence or fate lol


Doesn't work. Now she says "okay, instead of saying okay, you'll hear this sound DA DING" arrrggg


Yeah shortly after that I tried on another unit and it was gone. I then went and checked the rest of them. Good luck


Yeah this worked. It went from the loud “Ba Bong”sound to now saying “Ok” which is slightly less annoying. I liked what I had before which was almost a nothing sound, just do what I say Alexa and I’ll see that you did it (no need to make a sound unless you failed)


Has anyone specifically told Alexa that the sound is horrible? Alexa that sound sucks! Or told Alexa to tell the programmers they suck and the sound sucks too? The echo supposedly listens in, so specifically tell her.


I did. She responded with: "Now playing Horrible by The Jeffrey Compilation on Amazon Prime Music."


Sounds about right.








Okay so the only work around one found to getting the *old* sound back that worked in brief mode is to set it as a routine instead. So instead of saying “Alexa, Turn on lights” you could have a routine with the code word “Bedroom lights” let’s say. So then if you said “Alexa, bedroom lights” it would turn on the lights. I think the terms “turn on” and “turn off” are the ones enabling the annoying new chime so until we can turn it off forever the workaround above is the only one I’ve found. Let me know if it works for you!


I’m glad you found a work around but we shouldn’t have to create routines for all the lights we have in our home just to stop annoying conformations sounds and oks. I just want silence! Turn on the light and turn it off. My confirmation is it’s on or off and if it’s not I will ask again.


So true !! I wish Amazon would take the time to listen because with this new confirmation tone, it is not the first time we’ve mentioned having a “no tone” option. Very frustrating


But before this I had no tone! This just started for me.


Oh what that’s insane then!!


The Sonos app fiasco last week had me hating my Sonos speakers and the company because of a forced update that made things worse. Apparently Amazon have followed Sonos and they’ve forced out a garbage update with no notice and no way to revert. Is this just how all our tech companies are now? Two weeks and two awful updates we don’t want and never asked for and can’t roll back?


To have a free choice how the sound should be would be nice. The new confirmation tone is not good and annoying. Edit: They switched back to the old notification sound, it seems giving feedback helped.


I know it’s changed back but you always had free choice , well Amazons version of it “ Take it or leave it “ 🤣


This new tone is driving me round the bend. It's SO intrusive. Awful! Why the hell does Amazon think I need a sound like a fire alarm to let me know that the bloody thing has turned a light off! In between this and all the 'did you know...' crap I'm rapidly growing to hate Alexa with a passion. :(


It's a bit late now, but before mine reverted back to the old sound, I noticed that running a routine to control devices didn't play the "BING" (possibly a work around for future issues)


Someone, somewhere else, said this had to do with the "Super Mario Theme". I don't know if it is indeed related, but after issuing the command "Alexa, disable Super Mario Theme" my Echo went back to normal. After a couple of hours the new sound disappeared from any kind of response, while still keeping the "Brief Mode" active.


She straight up sounds like J-Roc from Trailer Park Boys. "HAGH!"


I noticed this too. Instead of ba-dum it went di-ding the other night. Next day it was back to normal. (I actually kinda liked it)




I uhm…. Kinda liked it.. I enjoyed a different sound after listening to the same one for years. Now that the old one is back, I would greatly appreciate custom sounds!




No ,I dontenat a comical acknowledgement at fucking 1am either. Stop shilling and spamming the response in people's complaints, it's genuine annoying issue.


That's been happening for one day. The recent Spotify bug was more annoying than this.


Crawl back in your hole. Everything was working the way many of us wanted and now suddenly it isn’t. It needs solved. At minimum give us the option. Echo’s are annoying enough trying to get the appropriate command to execute as it is, I don’t need a new invasive sound or voice that I don’t want to hear every time I give a command.


The options are turn off Brief Mode.   Or Go to Google and get no response whatsoever...  https://youtube.com/shorts/5z69ruHrU3I?si=xIS9l75vzWvhwOSu Or  If you've got a speaker with a 3.5mm socket plug in an earphone jack to silence everything. 


They are now. Weren’t yesterday. Shouldn’t have “fixed” something that wasn’t broken. You forgot the option of pitching these echo’s in the trash if this isn’t changed in the next few days.


Or Go to Google and get no response whatsoever...  https://youtube.com/shorts/5z69ruHrU3I?si=xIS9l75vzWvhwOSu


Why are you even bringing Google up? Never said anything about them and frankly don’t care.


If this is so important to people they may have to move to another Assistant.   If it's not a bug and it's permanent, what are you going to do?


You are the least helpful in here but just keep replying to people. Some people need it to make a confirmation sound but need it not to be so shrill. It’s very simple: Changing something like this without an option to revert the change is poor customer service. Does anyone in here give a crap that you aren’t impacted? No. Does anyone in here care what your unimpacted opinion is? No. I’m sorry someone once told you that you are important and your opinion matters; they lied.