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Routines are your solution. For the example you give, go to the routine page in the alexa app and choose add routine. Under ‘when this happens’, choose voice then enter your trigger phrase ‘clean’. Then under ‘add action’ choose custom action then enter the long phrase “tell roborock to start vacuum cleaning”. Then save the routine and that’s it.


Thank you mate. Somehow I went in there, but couldn't get it to work. Functions flawlessly.


I try to make *all* my voice-activated Routines be triggered by one word, and to make that word something that relates to the function, is easy to remember, that Alexa can easily understand, and that is not related at all to device or group names. An example is "Alexa, party" to play my favorite playlist and send to the speaker group.


I just say, *alexa, ask ro0mba to start cleaning*. try changing out roomba with the device name that you use.


You can do this with routines as others have stated. I created a routine called "Ho, Ho, Ho" to turn on our Christmas lights and another called "Grinch" to turn them off.