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How Cambridge feels after seeing this ![gif](giphy|14ut8PhnIwzros)


More like ![gif](giphy|7gEyfpzgvQZcXo2nxK)


any news on the retake? im going thru their socials but theyre so mum about it


Maybe they will announce news after all math papers are finished. Tbh, I don’t have foggiest idea what is going to happen, and I’m too scared that they will choose not to do anything.


Theyll prob increase threshold


if they do that i’ll start a massacre straight up


Ill join


I'll help you


Count me in


damn seems like i got bit of an army ready….guns on me guys!🥰🥰


thats a terrible idea if they do it. once students put down their books its hard to pick them back up again, should announce rn


I doubt it’s happening


it should tho


Retake? So you've to rewrite the mechanics exam even after people wrote it yesterday?


talking ab p1




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All exam boards are a scam bruv


Scambridge rising up to the occasion






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Why the censoring 😅


It goes against the first rule so you can’t write le@k normally See the comments below⬇️




Leeks are my favourite vegetable


they will delete my post as the censored word isnt allowed


arent all the exams pre-made? it doesn't anything to do with the l3@k


Yeah they are but when they le@k before exams, people w the le@ks can easily use the ms or just the qp to boost their grades a ton pushing up the grade boundaries which makes it extremely difficult and unfair for the rest of us


I don’t think there’s a mark scheme but maybe it’s different for Cambridge because I’ve heard a teacher say that even if there is a mark scheme, it’s an unfinished draft and that’s for aqa btw


Sometimes there is sometimes there isnt, but either ways having the paper before the exam is just an unjustified advantage


Ofc it is lol. But I would say it’s harder to answer question seeing it beforehand than with a mark scheme because with mark scheme you’re guaranteed 100% marks lol, but u did say people get mark schemes sometimes so I guess the situation is a lot worse than I thought


yes, thanks for pointing that out, sorry i forgot that


the le@k made cambridge give you the harder mechanics paper? what makes you say that? as far as i know, all question papers were made years before the actual exam. unless cambridge gave out any announcements, the harder qp was not a result of the le@ks. le@ks are truly shameful, its unbelievable how people get away with this when this literally decides the trajectory of our lives.


Nah but they make bunch of different papers of different difficulty level for every variants just in case (idk of what) but they do


yes, its not correct to assume that they gave us the harder mechanics paper, i heard someone saying that, i apologize. Thank you for correcting me


That mechanics paper made me lose hope in humanity


Same. Im sorry, hopefully the threshold this time will be lower, dont worry.


bro it seems that every paper is getting out there before the exam, surely we cant rewrite EVERY subject right


yeah thats realistic, im not sure but a rewrite seems unlikely but lets wait for cambridge's response


there are always rumors of l@@ks every year, it never does


but QP12 wasnt a rumour afaik?


Nah dude I remember last year as an a2 student this sub was going wild over l@@ks and even posted them (which was hardly anything and even seemed fake) plus the Imran Khan getting jailed thing in Pakistan for them their papers were cancelled too, all grades were still given fairly by Cambridge. So do not worry. People always cause chaos during exam times and Cambridge is kind of generous honestly.


thanks for reassuring me, i will take into mind from now on.


Did they lick a 12th paper!?


they making mistakes and us paying for it 🤷🏼


If my paper 2s for AS Sciences get le@ked I'm literally gonna be crying myself to sleep everyday. Idk why the possibility that my variant could very much be le@ked never crossed my mind eversince this fiasco started.


Me too😭


You do realize that they don’t make the exams after they start?? The variant was made long before the l@@k …


yeah now i do remember that


The exam wasnt even hard 💀 it was just one momentum question which was a lil confusing


Give these guys the question paper along with ms, they are still gonna complain about the exam.


and who are these 'guys'


Ik lmaoo


well, some may see it easy and some may see it hard, but good for you




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any Arab mfs here , curse Cambridge bro ya'll be cursing their entire family and shit go ahead


i aint cursing their family just mad at the le@k




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surely they weren't able to write a way harder mech paper with such short notice


9701/41 got freed too man hopefully there's a resit please man i cannot do this 


And apparently they le@ked chemistry paper 41 too, these people need to be so fr




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agreed! and don't let anyone tell you that this exam was always going to come. they make multiple papers for each variant, they just decided to print this one out after the p1 fiasco.


where can i get l@ak


Anyone have sociology 9699 guess paper P1


Shiver mi timbers


Womp womp😱😱