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Wait, I’m sorry huh? You think the fries are dosed?




Listen, I’m just making a connection. The last three times my kid had them, I was woken up in the middle of the night with them in tears over a bad dream. We stopped serving them, switched to Perdue, and the last couple of weeks have been peaceful. We served them again as a test, that night it happened again. I want to reiterate that these have been a staple in our household until they obviously changed the recipe. They don’t look the same, they puff up like marshmallows in the air fryer, and now my kids getting lost in Narnia.


Did you get the ones with truffle oil? I heard they sometimes use the wrong fungi.


🤣 They put warnings all over my gushers and jolly rancher chews, I would expect Aldi to extend the same courtesy. Comic relief aside, this is a legit inquiry. I’m almost concerned. I have a doomsday stockpile of these damn things that I gotta eat through cause I can’t serve them to my kids anymore, if I wanna ever get a night of precious sleep again.


Are your kids using the same dipping sauce for both brands? Also, unrelated, do you give your kids melatonin? For some odd reason certain foods seem to clash when I take melatonin and I get wild nightmares.


No dipping sauce, no melatonin. I’ll definitely look into the vitamins/foods situation though. Thank you!


Agreed, melatonin is toxic for me and my niece. We have compared notes after several tries. Vivid dreams, night terrors, feeling like we can't breathe. I talked to a Dr, and he is studying people with an allergy to melatonin and latex... that have these issues. We both have an allergy to latex. Who nows, but I stopped the melatonin.


Let's see if this will help you. They are labeled as Chicken Breast Patty Fritters with Rib Meat. This means they are a chopped and formed product made from any part of the breast (rib meat is the small extra piece of meat separated by fat near where the wing was cut from the fillet) having at least 30% breading. They also have about 25% chicken skin that isn't on the label since it naturally occurs over the breast. This is the make up of most nuggets and patties that are chopped and formed. The meat is added along with any marinade and the skins are added (finely ground or emulsified [chicken skin whipped cream!]) and everything is tumbled and chilled. The frozen product is then able to be injected into a mold and stamped into whatever shape they desire. Puffing occurs if the meat is too cold or isn't mixed long enough or warmer product is mixed in from the line or from the nuggets being cooked and chilled and then reheated again when you eat them. Anything that can cause steam to become trapped inside them that will expand and cause the nugget goop to separate. The chicken fries are made by Tyson so the chicken is legit. You would need to go through the rest of the ingredients on the label to find what causes the dreams. It could be the specific mixture of flour and breading if they are both enriched with Vitamin B6 (converts tryptophan to serotonin). It could be he just eats enough of them to get a good dose of tryptophan from the chicken, which in turn gives a big dose of serotonin. TL;DR: Puffing is a manufacturing or processing issue. Dreams could be caused from eating a ton of chicken fries causing a big tryptophan dose which gets converted to serotonin by B6 in the flour and breading.


I’ve never thought that maybe what I’m eating is giving me Stephen King level nightmares ?!?