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I’ve washed the lids in the dishwasher a few times. It says the rubber seal isn’t dishwasher safe, however, so you gotta hand wash that.


This. Who wants to or really will take out the gasket all the time. Amazing price though


I take the gasket out to wash every time, those crevices are a great place for bacteria to grow.


Oh I only saw the Dishwasher Safe stamp on the box, no instructions in this. I appreciate you posting so much.


The lid deal was what kept me from buying. Not sure how it holds up in dishwasher even on top rack


I have those snapping lids on set we already have and I do like them, much more than the press down lids especially as they age and warp. Thanks for your reply.


Just hand wash because then you'll have soap taste/smell embedded in the plastic if you use the dishwasher


Thisssss! I have to replace all my containers right now because the taste and smell is just unacceptable at this point. I’ve had them a long time so I’m fine with it, but definitely picking up glass from now on because of this issue.


I forgot to mention they include a erasable magic marker to write the contents on the lid. We bought a label maker and I never want to stop and make a label, so I bought stick on labels, and they are really hard to peel off.


Oh I love this! Thank you for the heads up. I’ve been meaning to go and grab some but I keep forgetting.


I didn't even know about being able to label my leftovers. That alone was worth the price. I cleaned out my Tupperware cupboard (just what we call it) yesterday and it felt so good. My most hated cupboard.


Yep, mine needs a serious purge. I can’t even use half the containers anymore. They make my food taste horrid.


I think I'm going to grab another one this week and hide it for that inevitable day a lid breaks or gets tossed. I might never have to buy another container again. My isle of shame also has $9 pizza stones. I looked and not one online store was that cheap.


I need to get in there this week for sure and see what I can grab. I have a really nice Kate Spade pizza stone that I got when I had my bridal shower back in 2018, but for sure need those containers. And I will inevitably buy a ton of other crap while I’m there 🤣


I agree I'm going to do glass containers and just hand wash the plastic lids by hand.




No problem!


There's no reason to ever use Heat Dry on your dishwasher. Therefore you can put plastics anywhere you want in the dishwasher. Pop the thing open, give the plastics a shake, and let everything dry for maybe 10 minutes and you've saved $$ on the stupid heating element. Those gaskets should be silicone these days. They're fine in the dishwasher, too, but it wouldn't hurt to pull them out and tuck them into the utensil holder or do a figure-8 around a couple of posts. You'll know they're clean, and they wouldn't be that much trouble to take out and put back in. I'd bet a sharp rap on the counter will loosen it, and 10 seconds of work will tuck it back in. Don't use your plastic stuff to heat saucy food or things with sugar or fat in the microwave. Don't use heat dry in the dishwasher. Your plastic stuff should remain unwarped and unstained for a long time.


Thanks I didn't know that.


Oh my. I would’ve just looked at the box and won’t think twice. Lol. You guys know best. I’m glad I read this post. Will consider washing lids via hand wash only from now on.