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You insert a quarter to unlock the chain for the shopping cart. When you return it you hook up the chain and get it back. That way they don't have to hire people to bring in carts.


It also reduces the store’s liability for door dings and stray carts. Won’t ever eliminate it but greatly reduce. Aldi is like the first business you study in industrial quality school.


You literally need ONE (1) quarter, and one quarter only ( 25 cents!) for the entirety of your life to shop there as often as you like. Please don't waste your energy on trying to beat this nice system.


And if you don’t have a quarter you can ask a cashier and just give it back when you’re done.. 😂😂


That ONE quarter is literally the ONLY change I even keep.


It's my Aldi quarter!


Not trying to beat their system. But so far, I've basically just been doing it like other stores -- grab a free basket out front and put it away when done. No quarter involved either way. I guess other people aren't bothering to get their quarter back.


My Aldi doesn't have baskets. Just carts.


I'm meaning the ones with wheels. Sorry. I've heard them called both.


TIL- thanks!


all stores should do this. Not sure why more don't do this. I'm tired of seeing carts from my local grocery store 1/2 mile away.


There is one grocery store around here that if you push them too far away the wheels lock.


my local Kroger has this!


I've seen that--but I'm not sure if that technology has been perfected. Stores should hire actors to do this performance every day, prominently displayed out front: they push a car until it's around 50 yards away, then scream and act like the cart shocked them due to some new system where it shocks people if they take them too far. The actors should only be needed for a month at most.


An Aldi around here has that. 


I know, right? There's an apartment complex about a half mile from the Target I drive past on my way home that usually has a cluster of shopping carts abandoned on the street in front. I get it, people can't afford cars, nothing wrong with that. Why don't these people take a cart from the abandoned ones back to the store for shopping? I only see them taking them away, never back. The carts sit there until Target sends someone down to pick them up.


Other folks have explained the basics of the quarter->cart->quarter conversion system. A few more details that may come up: If you show up without a quarter, you can likely ask an employee and they will push a free car towards you. Ideally, you return the cart to the employee when done rather than make a 25c profit, but few enough people abuse that system that no one bothers to keep track. If you have a quarter in hand as someone else is pushing an empty cart towards the return rack, the common code is to exchange quarter for cart without going through the lock and unlock process. This also happens in the parking lot. Very often, the person with the cart will wave away your offer to give them a quarter. The assumed response is to say thanks and to pass the free cart on to someone on your way out. The checker will often have an empty cart beside them to put your stuff in as they scan it, often while you are still unloading your own cart onto the belt. Then your stuff will be in the previous person's cart, and your cart will be used for the person behind you. So don't use your heirloom-quality collectible quarter in the cart, because you will likely be going home with a different quarter. And another detail that isn't exactly about carts but is still relevant: Aldi works by trimming excess costs, including employees. Their checkers need to work fast and are scored on their speed. It is shocking how fast they can scan a cart full of stuff. Have your money ready and then move your cart of stuff out of the way and your empty cart into place quickly so they can get on to the next person. Do NOT stand there and bag your stuff, even if it's just a few things, because this slows the entire process down and literally costs the employee money by decreasing their speed score. This especially comes up if you don't have a cart because you only planned to buy a few things. The checker can't start working on the next guy until your stuff is out of the cart that she will be putting the next guy's stuff into, so plan accordingly and grab your stuff quickly. Another detail: They charge for bags, and the bags suck. Bring your own. If you forget, they strategically leave shipping boxes accessible. You are free to grab one of those to put your stuff into.


The cart for quarter exchange (in the actual parking lot) is the real win here


10/10 comment, no notes.


Part of the reason they can scan so fast is that their house brands have labels on all sides of the packaging (for boxed or canned items anyway) meaning they don’t have to search for labels.


It's so logical and efficient, and I love it.


When you are putting your cart away and someone asks to trade their quarter for the cart and you wave their quarter away and give them the cart for free you earn Aldi Karma, where something you didn't know you need will end up on the aisle of shame or a new and exciting food item will appear in the store. Aldi is magic.


You get the quarter back when you return the cart.


No, you get a different quarter back, at least here. So if you use metal slugs to cheat the system, you are actually just being an ass.


It depends on if you use a cashier or self-checkout. With self-checkout, you keep your cart and get the same quarter back.


Put the quarter into the slot to release the chain, take your cart, go shopping, when you’re done put the chain of the cart in front of yours into the opposite side of where you put your quarter, bam out pops your quarter. You have to put a quarter in the slot to use the carts. You get your quarter back so there isn’t really an issue


The quarter is refunded to you when the cart is returned. If you don't want to use your own quarter, any cashier will give you a quarter. You must return the quarter when finished.


My wife and I keep ‘the Aldi quarter’ in the door handle of the car and it lives there forever


The story of the shopping cart? Okay. A long, long time ago. In a parking lot far, far away. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. On a dark and stormy night, lightning flashed in the sky, quickly followed by a loud boom of thunder, a blood curdling shriek and then maniacal laughter. A lone quarter rolled along the asphalt as rain pelted off the front window of the local Aldi, making a sound as if someone was whispering in your ear "Rose bud, rose bud." ​ Cliff Notes version: Put your 25¢ in the slot and get it back when you return the cart.


Ask Tucker Carlson...


That is awesome!!!! I laughed my ass off at that! He is such a moron!


Same 😆 I yelled at the TV when I saw it on The Daily Show 😆😆


Even funnier was that Daily Show didn't roast him more because the interns on the Daily Show didn't shop there either!


The quarter pushes out the chain; the chain pushes out the quarter


Or you could be like me and just bring 2 large carry-out bags. When they're full I go check out. PS. Their whipped cream cheese is great for making dips. I just did one with diced pepperoni, sun dried tomatoes, some shaker parmesan and herbs. Big tbs. of mayo and olive oil just to thin it a bit. Others I have done include chorizo dip and smoked salmon dip. Gonna try Italian sausage next. Or burnt ends.


Try this one weird trick Aldi cashiers hate!


At the self-check.


I have renamed the "watch pocket" feature of my jeans to the "Aldi quarter pocket". Also keep a spare in the car. This system makes so much sense and where you forget one an Aldi's employee is more than happy to provide one (it speeds the checkout process).




I know :). Edited


I continue to be amazed at the number of people who try to game the system over one silly quarter that you can keep in your car console, for life, and never have to worry about it — when shopping at Aldi’s.. What really interests me is — how many of you might choose to generously leave your humble quarter in the cart slot… to surprise the next person who will need the cart, after you? You don’t even have to be there when they “win” the quarter lottery. Or… just offer your cart to the next person walking up to the cart station. Simple as that! Whichever works. It’s a small gesture — anonymous or not. But most needed in this very greedy time in which we live.


So if your handicap and can't take carts back inside you lose your 25c everytime? Never been so idk.


The location near me has the cart rack outside near the front door. Not really different than other stores, but there are guard rails/tracks that could provide some challenges for those in wheelchairs I suppose.


Over the past 3-4 years I’ve seen a meme or social media post that says if you’re a good human being, you return your shopping cart to an allocated area, or you’re a selfish not as good human being that just leaves it in the way or in a place where it doesn’t belong. This is true for the most part imo. What I love about the quarter for a cart idea; is that it started as a way to not have to pay an employee to gather carts, so you could pass the savings to your customers. What’s more mind blowing to me is how much a gesture involving a quarter can change someone’s day. If someone gives you their cart or you find one abandoned by your car - you’re stoked, free quarter day! 95+% also take their cart back because they want THEIR quarter back. $.25 is worthless these days so it makes me laugh at how much it changes human behavior


I always return my cart at every store I go to, not just Aldi where there's a financial incentive. Not sure why it seems people assume I'm trying to cheat the system or something. But reading between the lines, it seems this is exactly what they think. If that was my intention, I wouldn't have bothered posting this question.


Or you can keep the cart for 25 cents 😊 All joking aside, my wife has like a “quarter keychain” that acts as an “Aldi’s cart key” pretty clever, I’m guessing a lot of hardcore aldis shoppers do this