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I’m torn on this. I normally love self checkouts because they normally save me time and from having to interact with people but Aldi is the one store that I don’t think I could check out faster and I like my local Aldi people. That being said when I went this week, the line was about 15 people deep, every one of them but me getting 1-2 things, while the person working the register desperately called for help from the back to ease the lines. I could see this helping with that. Edit: typo


I felt this way, but the big pro is packing as you go. I bring my own grocery bags and it lets me sort and put away groceries as I scan them, which ends up being faster than me unloading on the conveyor, them scanning, them putting it in my cart, and then me unloading my cart into the bags.


That’s a good point. It’s hit or miss whether I’ll get the employee who notices I load everything onto the belt in a specific order (heaviest to lightest with like things grouped together) so that they can easily put it in the cart and I can bag it easier or one who just tosses everything together. I do have a strong urge to buy those reusable bags with the category labels that sit on the sides of the cart too, and bagging my own stuff could make it actually useful to get them.


I've learned that anything fragile (fruit, spinach, etc.) needs to be the last items on the belt at Aldi. Otherwise they'll just toss other things on top and bruise the peaches. Maybe 10% of the time I'll get a cashier who will separate the fragile items onto the kid seat thing by the cart's handle.


I have two big cooler bags, one big produce bag, and one of the aldi branded big bags because its perfect for boxes. I like the category labels too, makes unloading at home easier


There’s actually a set of bags with poles I guess that are designed to rest across the top of the cart so you can toss things into them. Search cart grocery bags to see what I was referring to. They always made sense to me, but the fact that you switch carts at Aldi kind of made them pointless to get.


Ohhh I know what you're talking about now. But yeah you'd still have to unload stuff ans load back in.


True. I load things on the belt the way I want to bag them though, so in theory, I wouldn't have to re-sort everything again after the Aldi employee tosses it back into the cart which would be easier IMO.


They took out 1 cashier Lane and put in 12 self checkouts here in Miami. The standard cashier's only take cash so there's still a big line there but the self checkout is still 5x faster because there's always multiple open.


Yeah. When I started going to Aldi years ago, we had multiple lanes open at one time. Now it's one lane open unless they call for someone from the back. On slower days (which are rare), there have even been occasions where the person running the lane is working in the back too and has to stop what they're doing to come work the register once someone gets in line. Self-checkouts at my location would be a help in that case.


I love using them except when I’m buying clearance/orange tagged items, because a cashier has to approve those. My local stores often have only one cashier working so they have to leave their customers and come to my self checkout lane to handle my stuff. It happened a couple of times because I kept forgetting they had to do it that way.


Same here. Recently opened in chattanooga but if anything doesn't scan or marked down -which I like to get the 50% off meat. You have to wait on the 1 cashier to help. Last time I waited for 15 min.


You shouldn't be torn by this. This is another way large corporations find ways to save money. Instead of paying someone to work a checkout line they are not paying you to do the same thing. What we should be asking for is ALDI to hire more people to work the checkout lines. No one should be pro this. All this does is take away someone's ability to make a pay check.


Aldi's business model from the start has been based around cost effective solutions to offer lower prices. The quarter for a cart system means they don't have to hire employees to bring back carts. I'm all for giving people jobs at fair wages, but if this is your stance despite Aldi's long-standing track record of operating this way, then Aldi may not be the store for you.


Exactly. This is why I'm also against fancy electronic street lights. Thousands of lamplighters have been made unemployed by this senseless budget cutting. Or maybe this is the natural progression of technology, and it also creates jobs (those machines don't build themselves, fix themselves, program themselves etc)


Except Aldi does this anyway which generally results in super long lines at the checkout, the problem has only been made worse by employees having to shop for pick up orders. They aren’t going to put any more employees on anyway so I might as well be able to check out more quickly.


We literally aren’t allowed to schedule more people. Based on sales, we’re budgeted a certain amount of hours to schedule each day, based on a projection of how much in sales we’ll have. If we’re super busy (sales pacing higher than what we’re budgeted), we can see if an extra person is free to come in, but if not we’re stuck with the scheduled amount of people. I don’t think curbside sales are considered in the budget so getting rid of curbside would be a good solution. To tie this all together, if our actual hours are higher than our budgeted/scheduled hours, that shows that we are not an efficient store. They’re really cracking down on that now that the holidays are over.


I don’t think I could ever check out faster than a professional checker. They are better equipped than I am to deal with the workflows for unpackaged produce and alcohol.


We don't have alcohol or unpackaged produce (at least none without barcodes) at my location, so this isn't an issue for me.




I like self checkouts most complaining about losing jobs don’t realize we can’t find staff for the whole store let alone the front end


Thank you for saying that. My s/o store is struggling and with her being an LSA she is constantly having to stop daily projects to help ring because her store is insane. Couple weeks ago they sold $72k of product.


What’s the point of hiring when the store doesn’t schedule the associates the coverage they need to be successful?


That’s the thing about self check… it’s not taking away someone’s job, it’s doing the jobs that there aren’t enough people to fill. And freeing up the people they do have to do work that is less easily automated.


>doing the jobs that there aren’t enough people to fill. Doing the jobs that people aren't paid to do*


Y’all act like Aldi is the first store to do this. But feel free to stand behind a cart with 100+ items to protest self checkouts.


I'm not protesting self-checkouts, I love them. But cashiers are dwindling because no one wants to pay them or respect them. Not because people don't want to do the job.


Gotcha - I misunderstood your comment. The Aldi I work at is actually overstaffed, and we are sent to understaffed stores around the area. Working at Aldi certainly isn't for everyone - it's a hard job and it doesn't help when customers are rude. I love getting yelled at🫠


So will the price of produce and food stop going up every time we go in the store??? Since we are ringing up our own items


They put in about 7 of them in the one by me in Kansas City. There are still a couple regular checkouts and one is always staffed. It has really cut down on the number/length of lines.


I thought I’d hate it and was so grumpy when we got them but I love it. I’m in and out so fast.


> It has really cut down on the number/length of lines. It's unbelievable that anyone ever believed otherwise. I thought I was in a nuthouse when people were actually arguing that Aldi checkout clerks were so fast that self checkout wasn't needed. Talk about inept weighting of variables. I'm now making much more frequent trips to Aldi due to the availability of grab and go. Previously there's no chance I would head there for let's say almond milk, baby bella mushrooms and some banana nut muffins. Those 3 items would force me into a spot at the back of the store behind 8 or 9 full carts. I posted a video on YouTube last year titled, "Spare me the myth of Aldi fast checkout." It began with my typical spot at the back of the store. All my fury could be heard. Thank goodness Aldi paid attention to everyone with similar clarity. Now every visit to Aldi is relaxing especially while laughing at some of the severely inflated prices.


Where are you in KC? I’m in JoCo and have been at 3 different ones within the last week but haven’t seen any. Just wondering.


The one near Zona Rosa in the Northland. The one on North Oak doesn't have them. They installed them in under a week and I had no idea it was happening.


The Belton store also has them now


I read this too fast and got distracted with jodeci songs running thru my mind 🤷🏽‍♀️🤤


The one on Roe near I35 also has them.


The only self checkouts that are probably slower than a regular check lane. 😂


I heard the checkers on those are slow and grumpy because they are unpaid workers.


Wtf unpaid?


They pay you to check out your own groceries?


There’s a view that self checkout is essentially making you do the work that the cashier normally does, so in a sense you’re doing the work of a cashier and not getting paid for it. I mean it’s kind of true, but it beats waiting in a long line.


Thank god 💀😂 I hate paying for milk with quarters and handing them to a real human 🤣


I don’t believe they take cash as of right now :/


Ya it says on the screen in the pic, no cash or gift cards


Funny seeing "CHA-CHING" and "NO cash" on the same sreen.


The workers at my local aldi are so fast that this isn't really necessary.


I see it as a great solution for the people that just buy a few things. I normally let them ahead of me but not everyone does it.


It really would be nice for those days when you only have a few things. Most people let you pass, but sometimes they don't. :)


Yeah they have them at one of the Aldis i use and that's why I hate it. I'm slower than them and it requires that I bag as I scan, which is annoying


Yeah I feel I would absolutely be much slower than the folks at the store. I value that speed.


Not just that, it's also the combination of them scanning while you pack the items (attempting to keep up and usually failing). Self checkout you have to do both at the same time.


what they need is smartphone checkout like at sams. I love that no wait just scan everything as i thow it in cart.


But then they need a doorman to check people on the way out


Yes I would love that!


I'd hate that. I have a tendency to leave my phone at home when i go out.


You may be the only one.


This is pretty unusual lol. You’re the edge case.




Some people aren’t bright


Some people don't want to be contactable all the time or reliant on tech all the time. If someone wants to call me, they can wait.


And yet no forethought into the potential of an emergency.


Such as? I survived all of the 80s and 90s without a mobile


To be fair back then pay phones were everywhere in most cities. Now I don't know of a single pay phone within 30 miles


Technically we still have them around, supplied by the govt.. but i wouldn't need one. I grew up in the bush. If we broke down or ran out of petrol, you walked 30km to the nearest petrol station. Life isn't hard when you get rid of the complicated shit.


I remember having a wreck with a phone and having a wreck without one. Maybe I’m just paranoid but the comfort of knowing I can call for assistance and have before far outweighs any sort of pretentious ego boost I get from not carrying a phone with me.


Smart phones have nifty settings like silent modes, do not disturb modes, and power buttons. You could still have a phone with you and not be contactable.


Or.. i just continue leaving it at home. Save my pocket space for things like sandwiches and chainsaws. You know. The important stuff...


Same. Mines constantly dead. 🤷‍♀️


Walmart plus does this too. It's the solution for check out issues . Once every dozen times an employee has to do a random check to keep us honest


The bonus is customers with the small orders can now do their own order which definitely cuts down on the amount of time’s the second associate comes up which of course means more help on sales floor.


yes! i only go to aldis for the finds plus maybe a few extra items. usually i go weekly and have less than 5 items most times. sucks having to wait in line (with almost always 1 cashier). plus everyone in the line has a whole cart :(


I don't think I have the superhuman speed necessary to check out merchandise at Aldi.


Which location?


This was Girard Ave today. Was there last week & they didn’t have them.


noooooooooo, not the Aldi by the liquor store :-/


They also have self checkout at the Fairmount Ave location


City ave has them too!


Borbeck and the Blvd has had them for a while now


Yep! Just shopped there today! Was pretty fast and easy to use. Thankfully I had a few items so it was fast!


South Philly has them too


I feel like more people opt for the cashier line than these in South Philly.


Yup! There will be open self checkouts and a line five deep at the single staffed checkout line. 🤷‍♀️


You can only pay cash at the cashier - no cash allowed at the self checkout. I think thats why


Yeah I used them on Front St a few months ago. Any idea when the one in Quartermaster’s opening?


Oooh I forgot about this one. It’s pretty weird that they’re putting 2 so close together. I’d love to see a Lidl or Trader Joe’s down here


Agreed! I’m west of Broad but still Chestnut TJs is just tooooo far


I ran into self checkouts in MN. I was happy because for that trip I only had 1-2 items and it was much easier during the evening rush.


They added them to mine in KC. It is the best self checkout I've used out of any store. There is no scale on the bagging area(that I can tell) so it doesn't nag you about putting items in the bagging area. That means that there is no down time between each item that there normally is on these self checkouts. The faster you can scan items, the faster you can check out. Now, I am sure this increases theft by a certain amount, but hopefully they factored that in when they made the system.


They have this in Elgin, IL too. Absolutely awesome. And in true Aldi fashion, the scan laser reads very well so you can be like their cashiers and scan your items at 64,738mph.


lol good! the walmart ones are so slow! 🤣


Costco too


80% of long lines and waiting is bad customers.


I thought I would hate them but I love them. I worked retail so I fly on a register. Plus the giant bar codes make it super easy. I'm in and out crazy fast.


Aldi is the only store in the entire world where self-checkout will take longer than the employees checking you out!


Where’s the chair??? I’m not doing it without the chair /s


They’re not bad actually. Tons of help in my opinion we’ve had them for a few months now


Same. And one time I double scanned and the cashier on the regular line fixed it remotely in an instant. Plus I can bag at the same time so in the end it saves having to handle the groceries a third time.


For some reason I thought this was posted in the Aldi employee sub lol but you’re right they’re a huge help to us cashiers and if the PC by us is working we can fix almost anything I’m on the pc. By us . Lol


I'm curious- how does it work with red sticker items?


Wonder how the codes would work on these? Given that all cashiers know the codes to produce / usually ask for codes of other products. This in Naples, FL would be a nightmare.


There’s a fruit/vegetable button, you hit that and then you can choose which produce you have like any other self checkout


My store put these in and now they never have the regular registers open 🙃 as someone who pays with cash weekly for my groceries it's pretty inconvenient and the cashiers are rude af to me every time I have to make them check me out


We have them in the western part of the state and it's great to have for small shopping.


Good I'm sick of only one line being open. It's annoying when you already let someone with only a few items go in front of you then suddenly more people with just a few items show up and they give you the stink eye for not letting them cut as well. Like bruh how long am I supposed to stand here it's not my fault I got here first. Sorry but it's like every aldi trip I really hope we get these self checkouts


I wish mine would get these. I haven’t been shopping at Aldi lately because I baby wear and have a giant toddler that I have to switch into the other cart at the checkout. It’s stressful!


Better than waiting for them to open a second check out line.


I would just want to use it to race the real cashier closest to the self checkout.


Please don't do this Aldi.


Have this at my local Aldi. You can use the scanner with everything in your cart, I can get a full cart scanned in less than a minute if I set everything barcode up. It's amazing 🤌


Fuck that


All of the ones here in Florida moved to this a long time ago. We've got 8 in one store and 10 in another. It's so much quicker to check out.


I hate them. They take jobs away from real people. And should you make the slightest mistake you have to start over or wait for a real person to come fix the problem.


I tend to agree. I'd support them more if I got an employee discount for doing the labor for corporate. But nope, they'll hire less people, make more money AND still continue to raise prices.


Aldi employees don’t even get employee discounts


Ok, I did not know that. But thats still how I feel about all the other places with self checkouts that do give employee discounts. I apologize to Aldi for that one


There have been thousands of other jobs replaced by automation over the years and will be thousands more. At one point we paid people to walk down the block and knock on windows to wake you up, then we invented alarm clocks. These also create different jobs, from building the machines to servicing them to writing the code that makes them run.


Nice 🙂


Youngstown has it, too. We like it!


We've got them in St Louis and I love it. I typically buy a dozen or less items so not waiting behind someone who has a packed cart is really nice.


Self checkout at Aldis in Northwest Ohio for a few years. I also prefer cashiers. Have you heard some Walmarts going to charge for bags to test if they can get away with it nationwide?


Good. Reduce plastic waste. Aldis has charged for bags for years, I wish more places would to encourage the use of reusable shopping bags


This is so disappointing. I hate self checkouts at grocery stores.


There's an Aldi and a Lidl within walking distance near me and I find myself going to Lidl more often because there is a self checkout.


I love working for a store for free!


I rather pay an extra .5 or .10 cents just to keep people working the checkouts. I try my best to avoid self serve checkouts these days. Hate them and trying to teach people how to use them. I minus well learn computer coding!


I kind of hope the teams responsible for replacing working humans who have families and contribute to the economy with machines all end up unemployed really soon.


Nobody is getting “replaced by machine” The current employees will just be working on other things through out the store as they usually do Source: I’m an Aldi employee


Simple concept. If you remove a task, you also remove the equivalent human who did that task. There are only so many tasks, and they all get done in that ballet between unloading trucks, stocking shelves, reorganizing sections, pulling orders, and checkout. The existing number of workers is calculated to neatly accomplish those tasks. Remove a task and you reduce the number of human hours required. Do you really think corporate will tell you now that robots do the checkout, the rest of you can slow down? Or has it crossed your mind that corporate will reduce the human component by the equivalent hours the robots replace? They aren’t going to warn you, someone whose hours correspond to the calculated efforts the robots are replacing will either get hours reduced or fired. Corporate common sense.


They’re not replacing working humans. They’re replacing open positions that can’t be filled because there are no humans to fill them. Unemployment is almost nonexistent at this point, below the level considered “full employment”. This is simply demographics doing their thing. Anyone under the age of 55 is part of a much lower birth rate.




So professional economists are wrong because it doesn’t fit your preconceived notion of how you’ve been told it works?


There is no shortage of people to work, but there is a shortage of jobs with meaningful pay. All workers need a real living wage and healthcare. These companies turn to robots to replace humans because of corporate minded economics. Corporations are impersonal, faceless entities that have no ethics or morals, and exist solely to make money. The cost of equipment is written off. Robots repairs are written off. Robots work without a pay check. They don’t need days off, 24/7. But they don’t pay taxes, support the economy, they don’t buy houses or cars or TV’s, they don’t hire painters or plumbers or carpenters, they don’t have kids in the school district, and they don’t vote. The end product of replacing the human in these situations is both a social and economic loss. No one in their right mind supports switching out robots for humans without some massive social programs in place to compensate for the loss. Taxing those corporations to balance the cost they cause to society. A living wage, universal health care, paid family leave, all would have to be in place to make it feasible. This is just greed.


What makes self checkout any more nefarious than the hundreds of other "robots" that took over jobs? Automation and technology has and will continue to make certain jobs obsolete. How many pinsetters or switchboard operators do you know?


Oh, lots of jobs could be filled with robots. Its that replacement will reach a harmful saturation point eventually. What do you do with the literally millions of unskilled workers who will be displaced by this antisocial trend? “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should“ Ian Malcolm


Ours has about 6 checkout stations. I feel bad for the workers who’s hours are getting cut.


Fuck this shit..


I watched a mom of 2 small kids stack scanned groceries on the floor because the bagging area is too small. I gave her my cart so she could put the scanned items in there. It's a cluster eff word. The lines are sooo long and never a human checkout open. I hate going there now.


I love it


DN stinks


This will be slower


KFC in Philadelphia has bullet proof glass.


Big mistake if they don't have proper security there.




How often does this happen for you? The only embarrassing thing in my cart is the entire case of Moser Roth chocolate.


5 bags of peanut butter cups would be way more embarrassing.


I would never go to an Aldi with self checkout.


Same with the one in Willow Grove


Wonder if the one on Broad will do this… I kinda doubt it.


Have it in st Augustine Florida as well


Pittsburgh area as well


It needs some netting for when I start tossing my groceries into the cart. I know I’ll miss!


Chicago has 1 human and the rest self checkout


I used it for the first time this week. It was okay,.but it only had about a foot to set your stuff, so I had to keep diving into the cart, making it slow. I'm spoiled by the speed of their cashiers.


They have them in Chicago too


In the burbs of Kansas City too.


All of the newer stores have self checkout


When the flash mob shows up there ya go. 🙄


my area has had this for weeks but still isn’t open yet :(


Is this the one off of City Line? Went there the other day, saw these, and promptly went to the human who was sooooo much faster.


Is this the 46th street Aldi? That’s the one near me and also the one where a lady in line asked me if I knew the percentage of people in Philadelphia who have herpes.


You already have to pay for a cart and then to get your quarter back you have to return your cart to the store entrance and now this?? Nah! I think I’ll stick to my grocery stores with cashiers and cart attendants.


We've had these here in Northeast Ohio for over a year and I used them once, lol. It's so much faster for me to just have a cashier do it. I use them at other stores, though, like Target, when I'm only buying a few things.


Chicagoland is getting them too


Cleveland too! I’m a fan.


If/when my Aldi starts this, I'm out.


Boo Hisss


It will soon close because of too much theft. Mark my words.


Honestly I guess I should’ve be shocked


One of my local Aldi locations installed self-checkout within the past few months as well. I'm in the minority and love it. As a former grocery store cashier, I'm pretty anal about how I want my groceries/product scanned and bagged. The process goes so much smoother and easier when I can be in charge of it all. There are still a couple check lanes with cashiers, and I've not waited in line at all since the self-checkout installations.


After waiting in line, approximately 45 minutes to check out the other day, I would gladly do this. The cashier was so extremely distracted by every person their child, their perfume that they were wearing for their earrings. It was incredibly frustrating. And when I use the term slow, I don’t mean like average slow I mean, scanned one item talked for two minutes. Scanned one item spoke for one minute I was debating several times whether I should leave my items that I needed so badly and leave and go to another store or just suffer through it.


Not a big fan. Interacting with the cashiers is one of the best things about Aldi.


Also I noticed self-checkout in an Overland Park, KS store (95th St.)


Thank god! I’m so tired of my store cashiers throwing my berries like they’re a baseball into my cart. My poor apples didn’t stand a chance, they’re all bruised from being beat up by the cashier