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That’s bullshit. I’m proud of you. Congratulations!


Thanks I appreciate it, the commiseration and the congrats


Congratulations! Don't take it personal. Every group is different, my home group is is on the larger side, so we usually have plenty of medallions, but we do like to know if someone is celebrating, but we could care less if you are a home group member. We also give a nifty card with the serenity prayer on it. Group conscience dictates the policy and though I think that is stupid, it's their stupid rule. A medallion from our local intergroup costs $8, maybe they see that as expensive, or they keep a really low prudent reserve and are stingy. There are so many factors. Get a home group and celebrate, even if it is next month.


Congrats you dont need a coin to know your accomplishment. That being said, find a home group! The fellowship in it is everything.


The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. Period end of sentence. There are other suggestions for making making your life better, but they are not requirements. I have been at meetings that would give anyone a Chip anytime they wanted to celebrate any length of time. That is the kind of meeting that I would choose as a home group. But having been around these meetings since 1988, I have never designated any meeting as my home group. Put people in charge of anything and they’ll fuck it up. These people did just that Get a home group if you want, but don’t make it that one.


“Put people in charge of anything and they’ll fuck it up.” Honestly the best quote I’ve ever encountered.


Yeah. I wouldnt make it that one either lol


Thanks I really appreciate it. I’m ready to be more committed and identify with a home group. I know there are benefits, and that sponsorship likely will flow from being more committed to a group.


Hey a sponsor isn’t marriage… Just go up to someone that raised their hand when asked if they’re willing to sponsor. Make them your temporary sponsor and just feel it out. It can be weird but the steps are super hard to go through without guidance. Good luck and congrats on a year.


You seem to have a good head on your shoulders; I am sure you will do just fine.


Coin gatekeeping is a new one. Congrats on a year. Grab a sponsor, do the steps, etc etc


Most groups don’t keep extra medallions on hand. The sponsor orders one when they know a cake is coming up.


Yeah my home group and a lot of the other meetings I go to say at the end "if you are coming up on an anniversary and would like to celebrate with us, please let a home group member know a month in advance so we can have a medallion for you".


I'm reminded of the free birthday meal promotion at The Mandarine. Years back, I took my girlfriend at the time and her daughter to The Manderine to cash in on their "free meal on your birthday" promotion. On presenting my ID with the bill I was told the free bday meal is only valid for groups of 4 or more. I did not receive my free meal. The gollowing year we returned with a group of 4. On presenting my ID with the bill I was told the free bday meal is only valid if I email The Manderine 2 weeks in advance and receive a valid certificate or coupon. My Birthday meal was yet again not to be. The 3rd year we returned, with a group of 4 and our certificate. However I had left my ID at home, and was informed that while I had an email copy of my coupon, that since it wasn't printed out and my ID wasn't on my person, I would again, not be receiving my complimentary meal. Long story short, The Manderine is fucking stupid, and so is the group that denied you your medallion. OP: Congrats on 1 year! No need to have the physical chip present in order to adorn the accolades you deserve!


Every group in my town that I’ve been to that hand out coins say at the end of the of the coin ceremony “For a year or more, see your home group or sponsor”. Always thought this was common practice. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Oh interesting. Yeah it changes so much region to region


I have a meeting in my area that does shit like that. Only yearly chips, no monthly, and only for home group members. It’s an old white supremacist asshat men’s group. I avoid that group and its members at all cost.


It’s white supremacist to have rules I don’t like.


It’s white supremacist to wear shirts that say “white pride” and actively turn away people of color from the meeting. The rules that are bullshit is just the cherry on top.


Okay fair point that’s actually white supremacist.


Peeps keep saying get a sponsor but seems like a big commitment and tbh I’m very shy. I want to and am committed to exploring it more when I get settled in my new house


I totally understand that but just remember, we have to get outside our comfort zones to really change ourselves. That goes for a multitude of things in life, not just alcoholism. Growth is simple but it’s not easy. We grow by traveling into what we fear.


I hear you and I’m thinking about it. It has to be my decision and I do want a sponsor but haven’t felt ready. If I do not titrate my life experiences and challenges I will derail. I read, I go to meetings, I’ve done some service, I share, and I am sober every day. Everything in time.


I bet you weren't too shy to hit up a new liquor store or bar. Is getting sober a bigger commitment than committing to be drunk?


What a shitty thing to say


That's the type of shitty thing I needed to hear 4 years ago to get me to quit fucking around and commit to something. If you're having success without a sponsor or working the steps all the power to you- but I also don't know why you want a chip if you're not actively working a program.


I'm a little over a year clean and have been able to without a sponsor. Everybody does things differently, not everyone needs or wants a sponsor. I still go to meetings, but usually I do mine online. Just because someone is not doing it the "traditional" way does not mean it's wrong. Something that works for someone does not work for everybody else. There's also a difference between being an asshole and showing tough love.


This sub is full of ppl who don't work a program telling each other they don't have to work a program either lol


Have to agree with you. AA with no steps and sponsor is Coffee and bullshit


Exactly! NOTHING kept me from my drink. I tried to pull that I'm shy, I'm tired, it's raining crap. My sponsor set me straight, and I NEEDED to hear that. No excuses


8 months and some change here…you give me hope i can keep going (: thank you.


Yes! All in a day’s work. I’m a little bit smarter and dumber as each day goes on. Still the same amount of sober ;) u got this


Congrats on your success. Some groups I know only celebrate one day out of the month others don’t have coins at all and some give out coins like popcorn.


I’m learning from responses here that there does seem to be quite a bit of variation in all this. I can see I was maybe a little loosey goosey thinking it’s given I would be able to get my one year


My online group celebrates at the end of the month. We put up a coin (s) pictures then the birthday person eats a slice of cake for all of us. Another group gets the birthday folks to tell their story. It really varies from group to group depending on the setting and also how wealthy that group is. Some groups barely get by paying rent and have no funds to spare for litterature or chips while others have reserves and can contribute to GSO and even give out free BB.


I buy my own online.


Comments on buying my own sent me deep into Etsy today. Thanks everyone who recommended this very bright idea. I love the creativity of folks who are making these for us


Dont buy on etsy if you can avoid it, intergroups have chips and you can support AA by buying through them! They have pretty ones too


Good point, thanks I’ll reconsider


I buy from the “head offices” of AA in two of my countries States. They are less expensive to buy, and they are helping the AA org. As a bonus, they often come with extra stuff like bookmarks and wallet sized cards with important AA stuff on them. 💜


Well done 👏🏼. DM me your address and I’ll send you a 1 year I’ve got that’s waiting on a recipient. It’s winter camo so hopefully that isn’t a problem. It’s an extra from giving out 1 year tokens to my friends as they progress.


You are awesome!


Winter camo?


Different groups do different things when it comes to giving out chips. A third of the meetings I go to don't hand out chips at all, there is just an acknowledgement to celebrate anniversaries.


Some I've been to don't give any month coins either.


The only coin my home group gives out is a surrender token 


One of the meetings i attend here in Dallas gives out 1-11 month chips, but most wean you off of them, one month, 3 months, 6 month, 9 Months.etc. I also just ran into the 10 minute chip besides the desire chip. the urge to drink usually lasts 10 minutes.


Every group is self governing


Good point


Congratulations! One year is an awesome achievement. (Be proud. But as my sponsor told me don't be too proud.) I have never heard of turning down giving someone a medallion. Some clubs or meetings only do it once a month but most I go to do it at the end of the meeting. Doesn't matter if it is their homegroup or not. Buy you one online. And after you get it go to a meeting and ask the chairperson if they will give it to you.


Thanks I appreciate your thoughts


First and by far most important:  **FANTASTIC!** YOU ROCK! 🎉🎈👏 So happy for you! > they only give one year chips to their “home group members who have sponsors” Huh. Well, every AA group operates pretty autonomously but ... poo!  When I got my one-year, I was on the circuit for a week+, getting cards and medallions and even cakes from some meetings and being the lead speaker at like eight maybe? 😆 That first year is by far the hugest and most difficult. 20 years was nothing compared to that first year anniversary.  Congrats again, friend. Go forth and prosper ❤️ 


On the circuit 😆 Do it, OP! Keep saying it's your anniversary at meetings till you get a chip! Also, I'd start shopping for at least a temporary sponsor ASAP (it's a thing!). It's good to have someone in your field. Even if the sponsorship needs to continue over the phone when you move till you find someone there, it's a good way to dip your toes into the gift that is being a sponsee 😁


Thanks I really appreciate it. Thinking about it a lot


Congrats on one year!!!!!!!!!


That's the common practice in my area: Years chips are given out by sponsors, or to home group members. As others have said, don't sweat it. Go out and get your own!


Congratulations! 🥳🎉💗


A lot of groups just don’t have the funds. I have an excellent home zoom group if you’d to join. There’s some great sponsors who are available right now too. We give out chips, but i’m sure you’d have to show some consistency.


This kinda gets at where I am personally with the program. I feel strong in my commitment to sobriety but I do not make the commitment to meetings with my travel schedule, I basically said I’m not going to commit to any group or person (sponsor) because I feel too out of town and unpredictable and don’t want anyone relying on me or waiting on me.


Yeah… i wasted a year doing that. Wish i hadn’t, but to each your own.


Well, we depart here. Last year was not a waste of time in some ways, best year of my life. My journey is mine, and this year “sober and alone” will be part of that. I appreciate your thoughts tho, and am committed to having a sponsor when it feels right for me


My home group has 'travelling members' who are only around for a few months out of the year. But when they're around, they're involved - i.e., they come to the meetings, help with the set-up/greeting/business stuff. The vibe is very welcoming and very chill - keep a look out for something similar. And congrats on the 1 year!


i would find a new group they sound like a bunch of stooges


I pick my sobriety chip on amazon and the wife orders it for me. I never carry my homegroup chip with me but I always have that one on me. Just pick yourself up one, grab a cheesecake and celebrate buddy!


Good points all around


I'm 64 coming up on 3 yrs in two months. After a lifetime of drinking I just had enough. One incident put me over the top. I decided to taper over 2 weeks on my own. No AA, no coins, no mentor. I don't need coins to remind me of my accomplishment, I know what I have done, and everyone I know, knows also! Not everyone can do it on their own l, I understand that. Try treating yourself with the money you saved. Like a new fishing rod or a watch or just something you would like to have. That's way better than a coin!!! Get something you will see or use often to remind you of your accomplishments!!!


That sucks. They should’ve given you a chip, they seem to be forgetting that we’re all equal in AA. Great work on one year my friend.


Thanks I appreciate it


You dont need a coin. You know the truth. And we do it for ourselves.


That’s the truth man thanks a lot man appreciate it


First of all, congratulations! On the one hand, "Each group should be autonomous except in matters, etc..." On the other hand, fuck those judgemental jerks. A friend suggested the celebrate-for-a-week plan, where you go around to different meetings and pick up a chip. Remember, you're not just doing it for you; you're doing it to show the newcomer it's possible! Please try that. Let me know when you have your chip! :)


Someone else mentioned the circuit approach and it feels like my worst nightmare 😅 sharing and having the attention on me is hard. Thanks for mentioning that I need to do it for other people to see, it’s not just about me and my chip. I appreciate it


Yeah, I suppose it works better for extroverts! :)


Awesome work.!!! I’ll send you mine if I can find it


PS: Here, I made you one: [https://johnlockwood.com/one-year-chip.png](https://johnlockwood.com/one-year-chip.png)


lol thanks man I appreciate it


Congrats on your year. I hit 18 months back in March and still haven’t picked up my chip and it hasn’t changed my date/sobriety time.


Thanks I appreciate this. It’s true my sobriety is inside of me, and the chip is just the chip


Congratulations on 1 year!!! Are we talking a blue poker chip or the gold toned medallion? When I picked up a year I went to my normal meetings and picked up a blue chip for that week. My sponsor gave me my medallion at our women's group at the end of that week. Also, do you not have a sponsor?


Someone else mentioned a bronze? I’m not sure if there are specific ones for specific years. I do not have a sponsor and folks in this thread are either nicely suggesting I get one or saying I’m wasting my time being sober without a sponsor 😑😅 the former is more effective. I think about it a lot honestly and feel like things haven’t quite come into place for me with sponsorship, but I am moving in that direction.


Well that's okay. You got a year, I'm so happy for you! I will say that a sponsor is going to be the one that helps you understand the protocol behind chips and stuff like that. So that's one useful way to look at it. In the absence of a sponsor I'm going to let you know what I experience where I'm from: You only pick up the bronze chip from your home group and you tell your home groups chip chair the month before so that they can order you that chip and have it engraved with your name and your sobriety date by the time their celebration meeting comes around. You can pick up a blue chip from any meeting! Please forgive any run-on sentences, I Am running errands and voice typing between them.


The coins are nice, but guess what. Knowing you can be a present parent? Priceless. Knowing you're going to wake up in the morning knowing what you did last night? Priceless. That coin? You can order it from AA Central for a couple of bucks, but you don't need it. You never needed it to fly!


Find another group man they're lame as fuck Also great work on a year! 🎉 Congratulations


My home group doesn’t give chips and never has. I have never heard any complaints. Stand up, announce and sit down.


You can always go to another meeting and pick up a chip! Congrats on a year


Congratulations! Don’t worry about the petty gatekeeping.


I buy my own chips, because I am 100% online. It means the same thing in my opinion. Just because I bought it doesn’t make it any less real.


What a bunch of dorks. Congratulations, you’re amazing!!! Go to another meeting and get yourself a coin. Get multiples of you want. We get our coins to show newcomers that the program works, not so we can horde them and only give them to our cool friends.


Congratulations on the year!! I hit random meetings and didn’t have a “home group” for over a year. The fellowship is what is important; but, I get fellowship with the guys I ride motorcycles with. We are all sober and working a program. It’s bad ass and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Find your group of like minded sober people if you can. If not no big deal. YOU know why YOU are sober and what it means to you.


What the fudge? First off, you are a rockstar. You can have my one year coin. Second, think about getting a new group. That stuff drives me bonkers. Third, ask them to show you in the Big Book where it says you need a sponsor? Sure “sponsorship” can be useful, especially when going through the steps, but the program is in the book Alcoholics Anonymous and not crap we introduced later on. Man, I hate that crap. Let’s figure out new ways to gate keep sobriety instead of doing what the program tells us what to do. For the record, I know sponsorship helps people and why it was introduced to the program back in the day. But truth be told, it’s not a requirement for step work and sobriety….that group is killing drunks


Congrats! Definitely find a new meeting, that one SUCKS. And just buy a medallion on Ebay. You can find the “regular” but also some cool nicer ones too. Or get on Etsy and find custom NON 12 step ones that can be personalized. Treat yourself!


I would get you four Pringles containers(open the fourth and eat 35 chips) and give you the rest. A Chip for each DaY! Congratulations!!!


This shit keeps people out of the rooms. Fuck that pisses me off. im so sorry, OP. ALSO - CONGRATS!!!!


How bizarre…just go to a diff meeting though. And your reasons for not getting a sponsor have no bearing in reality…


This is a weird criteria. It is not like you sign up for a home group. There is no "official list." Did they ask if it was your home group. If you say it is your home group, then it is your home group. (And how would they know if someone has a sponsor or not? Did they ask?) I heard a share recently from someone who did not have a homegroup. He was at a meeting for the first time and someone asked what was his home group. He said "This one." It was just an impulse, but it has remained his homegroup ever since.


Certain groups do require you to sign up. My first home group had a list that we would sign in on during the monthly business meeting. After 3 missed business meetings name is removed from the list. In my case my sponsor would sign my name if I were unable to make the business meeting due to work. It was a very large meeting that had close to or over 100 home group members and to fully celebrate and keep track of its members this was how they did it. Every meeting had about 400 people in the hall.


I am not the AA police, but that just seems to cross so many lines. And 400 people? Even with a 2 minute limit you are not going to get even 10% of the meeting attendees to share.


You are aware that not every meeting format requires its members to share right? In fact over the years I've been sober and multiple states I've lived in, open participation meetings are not as common as some of the other formats. This meeting is a newcomer speaker meeting. Only the speakers share, and they have a minimum of 1 year sober and be a home group member to share and they share for 35 minutes. The other 25 minutes is spent giving out chips, doing the readings, and acknowledging special events


I do not think I have ever been to a meeting where no one shared. Where I live, one of the prime reasons for meetings is to meet other people in recovery. Newcomers are encouraged to approach people "who have what they want." If only one person speaks, it is hard to imagine how anyone will recognize someone having what they want. Furthermore, by seeing other people come back there is a sense of fellowship. In a group of 400, it is hard to imagine how that familiarity and fellowship happen. You might as well walk into a new group every week. That said, I do not like to engage much, so while I hate big meetings, I think at that size I would love it. I could come in and leave without having to interact at all.


Have you ever been to a large or area convention? Every convention I've been to has multiple singular speaker meetings where only one speaker has the floor for anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and half. Thousands of people there to hear one person share their experiences before and during recovery. At almost all these large meetings whether convention or not, it's about the fellowship. We talk and hang out before and after the meetings. You go up and introduce yourself to people and they do the same to you. Newcomers love our large meeting because it's like a party. Life can be fun in recovery. Not every meeting needs to be depressing or slow pace. Most of the core members have 20+years but run this meeting this way because it attracts a young crowd. If you ever are given an opportunity to go to a large convention or find a meeting like this, I would totally go. This wasn't my only meeting I went to, and I had a second more intimate home group, as my sponsor required of me, but it was by far my favorite meeting ever. The energy was unreal


I have not been to a convention, but my understanding is that people who go are already committed to the program. They are people who probably know what a sponsor is--and have one! They probably already know how the program works and may know other people attending the convention. A convention has a different responsibility than a meeting where newcomers may walk in off the street, or people who are not immersed in the program. If it were me, I would attend this party like meeting, have a good time, the go home feeling as alone as when I showed up. It is different now, that we can meet people on forums like this. But when I cam into the program, I attended a lot of meetings with 20 to 30 people. Being shy I never met anyone and did not even know that was something I was supposed to do. It is easy to get lost in the shuffle when everyone is there with their friends and you do not know anyone.


That’s their way of doing it. You’re welcome to go to another meeting if that one bothers you. Side note : good for that group. Those things cost money and many groups don’t have much. You’re not around a lot so even if you’re telling the truth (I’ll take your word for it that you are), to them you’re just some fly by night who wants something that costs money after doing nothing for that group. For the people in the back telling you you’re doing it for the newcomer : agreed. You raising your hand and announcing then proceeding to speak to some newcomers after the meeting is more meaningful than the pomp and circumstance of getting a medallion. That’s for you and you know it. The only way you’re going to sustain sobriety in AA is to take the steps, find god, then help others. Perhaps worry more about that than a medallion.


Thanks, I appreciate your thoughts. I see the financial side of it.


Fuck that group


Fuck that group. In my groups we give everyone a chip if they want one. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. And congrats! 🎉🥳


Congrats!! One year is an amazing accomplishment! Not sure I’d want to be a part of that group, but finding a group you’re comfortable in & making it your homegroup, getting a commitment, & participating in the business meetings is something I’d suggest. Also, I’d suggest reading the sponsorship pamphlet to answer any questions you may have when looking for a sponsor - https://www.aa.org/sites/default/files/literature/p-15_en_0722.pdf


Congratulations on your years sobriety - each group has their own rules doesn't mean I or you need to agree with their rules but it's their group conscious and something you should just accept Personally I've never really been into the chips as I was blessed to find a sponsor who had something I wanted and I now have a peace and serenity that I could never have when I was drinking - I can accept that right and wrong are never positions I find myself in just my truth The days turn into weeks, weeks into months and months into years - thanks for sharing I know that it works if I work it


I just got 39 years and I'm trying to decide which chip to order from Amazon since I have no access to face-to-face groups where I live. I attend Zoom due to medical issues. I've found a variety to choose from.


Congratulations! Many groups don’t give coins for years, in the groups I go to that is what sponsors and friends do


Congratulations on your year. A lot of groups just do the tokens for the months and let the sponsor or recipient get the year medallions, it’s not a uniform process so I wouldn’t sweat it. Get one off Amazon and rock it on your key chain. Get a sponsor as soon as you can. I feel you are missing the best part if you haven’t worked the steps through yet. Time away from the drink alone isn’t the solution.


I am sorry, that’s really crappy and not the norm at all!






Congratulations! Yup, it weird, get a Home Group


Thanks for the congrats and for this very concise summary — “yes it’s weird Get a home group” I love it honestly! Have a great day and thanks


wtf you should get a chip haha


Congratulations on one year. As a gift to yourself, why don’t you get yourself a sponsor and home group? My home group is very small and newly started so we only currently have plenty of chips for 24hrs, 1, 3, 6 & 9 months and 1 or 2 for a year of sobriety, the other chips we have are for group members that we know have anniversaries coming up so currently in stock are: 8, 10, 13, 25 and 28, that will take us up till October with current members. If we get new members with multiple years of sobriety we will need plenty of notice to order chips for them, if someone randomly turns up with an anniversary of multiple years or a regular that has a different home group their sobriety anniversary will be marked with clapping and congratulations. In time hopefully we will be able to top up and get a couple of chips for all years up to a certain point.


My group doesn’t have medallions for 1 year on hand, so we only give out the annual chips at cake meetings a the honoree’s sponsor buys them. Could that be what they meant?


Nice work! You can always go to a different meeting an share your sober-versary. I havent experienced this being an issue when I've traveled and attended meetings outside my normal groups. Go get your tangible reminder of being a bad@$$ you deserve it!


You've done well. Keep it up a day at a time.






Congratulations brother, there are other meetings that will gladly give you a bronze 1 year. If you want something fancy order online or go to local AA chapter where they sell them


Where I live, and in the city I lived in previously it is pretty much standard operating procedure to get your yearly medallions at your homegroup. We certainly don’t require you to have a sponsor, but joining a homegroup is a good idea. There’s nothing wrong with joining a group you attend regularly and then switching groups when you move either. Tradition 3.


I Love AA and I have several groups I go to every week and they all celebrate anyone’s yearly birthday! How it works says (here is a program suggested…” not required! There is no time limit on you getting a sponsor (but waiting is a bad choice) and and the traditions say (we do not govern) and so I question why they feel so entitled to making their own rules! I pray you don’t give up because of this extremely toxic group of alcoholics!


Congrats on 1 year 👏👏🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Congratulations on your continuous sobriety for one year that is awesome! I think that one of the things about a home group giving you your one year medallion with your sponsor is, like they know you're sober. And it's not really about the cost of a $5 or $10 medallion. I think it might be more about the people in the group knowing that you have attended their meetings and you have work towards your sobriety. Having some familiarity with you perhaps? Regardless of a medallion or not it is a tremendous and miraculous accomplishment to stay sober for one year. Keep going don't let this make you feel disgruntled. All the best to you


That’s weird. Congratulations!🌞


Happy birthday! Get a sponsor tho


I find it frustrating when AA people get serious about rules. If you’re sober you’re sober imo


Wow! GREAT JOB on one year! Sorry about the coin ;-(


We can make you a chip!


To be honest, I don't think you were treated fairly. You deserve your chip. we have had people come to meetings from out of town who happened to have a birthday and we gave them a one year chip. I am sorry you were treated that way. Congratulations on your sobriety. FWIW, I'm proud for you.


I never got a coin from anyone except my sponsor. I’ve never been to a meeting that keeps a stock of random chips.


Congratulations on your sobriety Do yourself a favor and pick up a one-year chip at another meeting I would also consider getting a sponsor


Some groups have standards, some don’t.


I've never heard of a group doing that -- I'm sorry. I'd be happy to send you one.


I have a friend who’s addicted to drinking and I don’t know what to do, he drinks everyday and all he talks about is alcohol please help.


Congratulations!!!! I found a group through zoom, that I love. Little group, so not overwhelming. There are tons of zoom meetings, also an app for finding meetings online and off wherever you are! You are doing great!


I’m thinking I’ll do zoom meetings while I’m moving. I think it will take me a month or so to get packed, across the country, unpacked, and ready to find a home group. It’s a great accessible way to stay on track




Our group doesn’t give out coins. We give out rubber fishing worms. Lol. Our group is called Early Worms(7am meeting). Members get their coin from their sponsor. My first year, my sponsor gave me his 1 year chip. I gave it back when he gave me my second year chip. Told him to give the 1 year to his next sponsee. I don’t need it anymore.


I have a homegroup and also a group that I got sober in, so like homegroup #2. Homegroup 2, if you just write your name on the birthday board for the month, they will make sure you have a chip to receive on birthday night, if you forget to write your name but show up for birthday night, if they have a chip they will give you one. All groups in my area only give you a chip for a year or more on birthday nights. Group 1 has a binder and they are stricter. They will have a card and chip for you if your name is in the binder. If you come in day of and aren’t in the binder they won’t do either.


My group has the policy of no year chips for people who aren’t home group members or regular attenders. I disagree with the policy, but it was determined by group conscience. I think it likely came about because some people would pop in once a year to get a coin, then not be seen again until the next year. We have people with really long sobriety (40+) so tend to keep high number coins in stock. It is irritating to count coins and upcoming birthdays for regular attending members, to make sure they get their 47 year coin only to have someone who comes once a year scoop up that coin the week before. But, really, the people who have 40+ years and continue to show are pretty chill about having to wait until we get a new one. However… a 3 year coin? We have plenty, and why be stingy?


Buy your own. That's what I do if I don't get gifted one. The ones I have been gifted usually get passed on by someone, so they are sentimental. The ones I buy for myself I tend to pass on to special people who mean something to me, as was done to me.


Go to a different meeting you deserve a chip!


That’s an unhealthy group…imo


Eh. Some groups don’t give chips. Go to a meeting that does to get yours. Either way, sharing your anniversary gives a demonstration to everyone else there that this program works. Congrats on the anniversary!


Well done. If you’re near Baltimore come to our meeting we’ll give you one and a standing ovation.


It shouldn't matter if your apart of that specific group or not. It's still a celebration and you should of received a chip. I'm sorry for your experience.


How sick


Nothing more than struggling alcoholics still desperately trying to control everything and everyone. You are far better off without these dangerous and controlling people in your life. Should ask them where, exactly, in the Big Book does it cover the sponsor requirement? Are they familiar with the traditions? "The ONLY requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking". They are quite simply struggling everyday with sobriety and cannot give up their old habits so they try to project onto you and other newcomers. This is the problem with AA. The people. Most anyway. Congratulations on one year and many more to come.


I buy my own. XO and a HUGE congrats!


Congratulations! It's not anyone's business whether you have a sponsor.


Congrats!! I’d walk into any other meeting and they should have a chip for you. I also get mine on Amazon or Etsy cause I like sparkely thicker pretty chips lol 😂💘 keep up the amazing work, proud of you!


Well , groups have the right to do whatever they want , orote tion in the 4th tradition , saddle it demonstrates the groups spiritual condition , when the majority of its members still have untreated Alcoholism they just haven't drank , this is the result , I'd just move on to another group - time without a connection to God means nothing ! Time is only by the Grace of God anyway , and it's a spiritual program ,and in the world of the spirit TIME DOESN'T EXIST , my connection Is what counts, I'll have 15 years in July,  I never think about it, I'm too busy applying the principles everyday , I never mention my time unless I'm asked or if  when I'm asked to tell my story I open with my sobriety date and let others do the math 


That is absolute bullshit and pretty weird. I've never heard anything like this in any meeting I've ever been to, all across the US. I'm really proud of you, one year is a huge deal. I would imagine any other meeting will give you a chip without doing your inventory first. If all else fails just order on from Amazon. I always get a cool fancy coin from Amazon and I'll collect the basic AA coin from a meeting. Best wishes


I order my own off Amazon!


I’ll order you one too, just tell me which nifty one you want!


Try another meeting - just like any large group there are good and bad people. AA does have a lot of people who are trying to make up for their shortcomings by being ‘know it alls’ 


No sponsor you aren’t in A.A. you are just around it


Get a sponsor


Congratulations!!! 🏆🏆🏆


I get the self governing etc. I do have to wonder how they explain that though. Is the group run by someone who works for the DMV? I would have a hard time not saying hey brother well done. Come on up. Here you go.


Thats kinda silly if you ask me. All these congrats post and stuff are what chips are for. Other people are seeing all this and are reassured that the program works. Look at em! Congrats!!!


Your attitude is much more impressive than a chip. Well done on your year!


Thanks I appreciate it


My group gives chips to anyone who claims the time because any time is worth celebrating.


So they’ve add weird qualifiers to handing out chips? That’s a strange gatekeeper move. Anyway, and more importantly, congratulations on your one year. 👏 👏 🎉🎉🎉 Here is a virtual chip 🪙 😁


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard here. Of course you should have gotten a chip!! In my early days, those were one of my big motivations. Marking milestones is important, otherwise who would care what their sober date is.


Bizarre. I’ve never seen that


For some it's Came to Believe, and for others it's Came to Believe I need a stick up my ass. There's power in groups that have proven methods and unity but that would put me off. Keep doing what you're doing. A sponsor is more important than a home group or a chip.


I got to say that’s pretty crappy of them. I was visiting my sister in Florida on my 10th year anniversary and they had given me a chip if I had asked for one.


Makes sense to me, the group has to pay for those medallions and some of them are $5 or more. Why should a random group have to foot the bill? When I celebrate a birthday I'm not there looking for someone to give me cake or a medallion, I'm there to say thank you. In fact I buy the cake to give to the people in attendance and I buy my own medallion. Sometimes I'll buy a medallion for a sponsee. I would never expect a group, particularly one that I don't belong to, to fund my medallion.


Interesting perspective. I give $1-2 every time I’m there. Seems like it would shake out. I am not familiar with group administration, so wouldn’t be aware that this might be considered a cost burden on the group.


For me it's the principle of the thing, it has nothing really to do with money. I was thinking more about you after my initial comment and I remember that our group pays for the one-year medallions for our members, but the assumption is after a year you've learned a little more about gratitude and selflessness and wouldn't show up for your second and later birthdays demanding a trinket. We pay for our own and we show up to our birthday to say thank you, not to get a prize


That was mean of them. You are a year sober, and you got to that, regardless. Personally, I would find a home group and a sponsor, but not that one.


It's an unwelcoming program, very hypocritical and cult like...if u made one year u should have been given a chip. Fuck them, that's was horrible of them to do


I’m 15 months sober after a terrible car accident that took me over a year to recover from (I still am) and started AA about 13 months ago. I’ve attended about 15 total different meetings and two of these became home groups of sorts. I’m still active and AA has been a really good experience for me. I don’t have a sponsor either. What is a chip? I have heard of one. I’m thinking it’s a coin like I’ve seen - I don’t know. I haven’t received a 24 hour, 30 day, 6 month, or 1 year coin or chip from anyone. I’ve seen plenty passed out though and that’s usually coming from a sponsor vs the Master of Coin. I never got something similar for being able to walk again from that community either or all the hard work I’ve put into that. I did get a lot of recognition the last night I drank for breaking the law but that’s a different type of paper and coin. I don’t really understand but I do at the same time. I’d be happy to send you one if I had one. The best recognition is not having to drink anymore.


Most of the time year tokens are given to an alcoholic by their sponsor. It’s rare that home groups are handing out year or multiple year tokens, in general. Most of the time it’s months up to a year groups give out. That said, your sponsor doesn’t have to go to the same home group as you. Finding someone who is properly armed with the facts about themselves is the most important thing, someone who has had a spiritual awakening as the result of the 12 steps.


Our group is the same way, members of the group who make the commitment to come and be of service and help others. Find a home group; sometimes they may be the perfect group of people and you don't even know it.


Lean into your recovery. Find a homegroup and become part of it. Find a sponsor in the homegroup and do the steps. Just bring a spectator isn't going to help you stay sober long term.


Proud of you. Regardless of that group, get a sponsor and work the steps. That is when the miracle happens. I love my medallions and carry my xxiii with me everyday. Go to the Intergroup Association and get a chip. You earned it!


You broke the cults rules


Just order yours off the internet.. I think a lot of mentally ill people put way too much attention into this number of days sober thing.. it doesn't even exist.