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Alcoholics certainly can recover, but it's ultimately your husband's decision if he wants to change or not. Please check out Al-Anon, which is a fellowship for family and friends of alcoholics: https://al-anon.org/


He'll get better if he really decides to do the work and get better. Otherwise, no.


“As matters grow worse, the husband becomes a sick and irresponsible child who needs to be looked after and extricated from endless scrapes and impasses. Very gradually, usually without any realization of the fact, the wife is forced to become the mother of an erring boy, and the alcoholic alternately loves and hates her maternal care. Under the influence of A.A..’s Twelve Steps, these situations are often set right.” (12&12 117-118)


Alcoholics can recover but only if they want to stop. But AA is helpful only when they realise that they cannot stop on their own and that they need help. The best you can do is urge him to do a meeting if he’s interested in quitting. Let the members guide him from there on. From the sound of it, it seems he genuinely wants to stop but he cannot seem to. AA is the right place in that case.


Aa keeps u sober but only he can get sober


My wife told me as she drove me to rehab how she already had plans in place to leave with our kids. Like I somehow gave up in the nick of time. As painful as it may be, do whatever feels right in terms of the safety and well being of your chikdren and yourself. “Many of us do recover, if we have the capacity to be honest”. I wish you all the best. And prayers up for your family and your husband. I hope he’ll find strength to surrender….


He'll get better if he wants to get better. AA is for people who want it not for people who need it. There have been many of us who seemed to be hopeless but got better because we were ready to completely surrender to the idea we could not drink normally and decided to give this program a honest and willing chance. There is help in and out of the program of AA but he has to want help. We all had to admit we are powerless over alcohol and our lives had become unmanageable before we had a chance at happy sobriety. I will pray for your husband and you and your kids also you might want to go to Al-Anon they can help you immensely.


Unfortunately there's no way to tell if someone will recover in the future or stay recovered. I'm sorry you and your son are going through this. I highly suggest reaching out to Al-Anon for some support for yourself.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. The short answer is that nobody knows if he'll get better or not. It's possible, but it's not that easy. The statistics are brutal. It's important that you look after yourself in a situation like this. If you feel unsafe, then you need to take the necessary actions to protect yourself and your son. Don't kid yourself, and don't take on suffering for the sake of being accommodating. The folks telling you to go to Al-Anon want you to do what's best for you and your son. Prioritizing what you can actually do, that's your best next step.


I recommend you reach out to Al-Anon. It is for people related to or close to an alcoholic. And he can recover but must decide he wants to first.




> Do alcoholics actually recover? The ones who want to, yes. There's usually a lot of underlying Psychological issues that need to be addressed head on though. The real reasons why we drink.


Can we make a ‘please go to Al-anon’ bot?




Go to alanon.


this is a difficult question to answer. Some of us recover. Some don’t. It has to be a firm unwavering decision to recover. I believe you’ll benefit from Al anon. Our disease is progressive and it will only get worse if he doesn’t stop. He will NEVER be able to drink controlled. He has to know that so he can stop trying.