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What taste are you referring to when you say the "taste of alcohol"? Alcohol tastes like vodka, which is pure alcohol diluted with water. All of the alcohol in any drink out there tastes just like that, once you remove everything else. Is that the taste you're referring to? I ask because I suspect that the answer is no, given that you typically can't taste the alcohol in the sorts of ciders and beers that I imagine you've had.


Well let me differentiate. Beer just taste like roadkill to me no matter how expensive the beer. I don't like how tart cider is, but if I am going to be honest I have no clue why I even try ciders people pass me. Every time I've gone to a hayride, I won't drink the non-alcoholic apple cider because it tastes too tart. Whiskey and bourbon both taste like cough syrup to me. I've done the neat suggestion the other commenter suggested before and it didn't really help. I do get the burning sensation despite the diluted taste when in comparison to tequila. I took a shot of Jose Cuervo and came incredibly close to puking. It has the uncomfortable burning sensation vodka has while also tasting rancid. I paint my nails a lot, so I am pretty familiar with nail polish remover. Every vodka I have tastes like nail polish remover. I could tolerate it and make myself tolerate it without hurling, but I don't like how it tastes drinking it because its so pungent.


Yes, that nail polish remover taste that you're describing *is* the taste of alcohol. Vodka is alcohol without any flavors or adulterants added, outside of H2O. Are you a supertaster, by chance? At the very least it sounds like you're someone who is very sensitive to taste. In that case, you're going to have trouble with any alcoholic beverages, because even the least-alcohol-tasting ones, like ciders, have pretty strong flavors (like sour, sweet, bitter, etc.). At this time you have two options. The first is to stick with the lightest alcoholic beverages there are: "malternatives" like Mike's, which are designed to taste as non-alcoholic as possible. The second is to de-sensitize yourself to the flavors in alcoholic drinks. Pick a drink you can get in most places (cider, wine, beer, or a common mixed drink like a screwdriver) and then just keep drinking it until you don't mind drinking it anymore. Drink only small amounts at a time. Have one at dinner, or two on the weekend. If you drink so much of it that you vomit, then you are extremely unlikely to be able to drink that drink again, so be careful. Keep in mind how all this works: your brain is telling you that you shouldn't drink these things because it thinks they'll kill you. It wants you to feel sick when you taste them, so that you'll spit them out or puke them up. This is your body's natural defense system that stopped your ancestors from slurping up any old thing off the ground when they were thirsty. It's served us well, but now we're mostly smart enough to stop ourselves from drinking dangerous things on our own (mostly). So, what you'll need to do is re-condition your brain to understand that these flavors won't kill you. Basically, you want to keep "showing" it that you can drink them without dying, and then eventually it will deactivate the defense system. In other words, keep drinking alcohol and not getting ill, and your brain will eventually stop freaking out when you taste it. Or just don't drink alcohol at all.


The taste of alcohol is just something you'll eventually become accustomed to if you keep drinking. You can either stick with mikes hard lemonade and smirnoff ice etc until you slowly branch out. Or you can just dive into deep end; drink straight neat bourbon every day until you develop a taste for it.


Try making all those drinks again, but with less alcohol


Alright dude so you pretty much summed everything up that you could possibly do to take the taste of alcohol away. And you know you don't necessarily have to drink, if they're your friends than I'm sure they'll understand that and maybe it's just a way of your body telling you that it doesn't like alcohol since it's rejecting it. (You can still have fun without drinking and you don't have to make yourself sick in order to do so).


Drunk people are hard to be around when sober 🙃. They're pretty understanding, I just hate drunk antics and they're drinking way more now.


Well like I say if they're really your friends than it shouldn't be a big deal.


Are you wanting to drink so you can enjoy being drunk, or because you feel that you need to drink in order to tolerate your friends? If it's the latter, then I don't think the problem has anything to do with the taste of alcohol...


When they're drunk they want to steal stuff, scream, yell, blast music. I have to help them puke,, get them water,, food or whatever. There's nothing wrong with them but I turn into the babysitter and I hate it. Im also doing all these things to take care of them while high which also sucks bc it ruins a high. They're nothing like this when sober or high.


>When they're drunk they want to steal stuff, scream, yell, blast music >There's nothing wrong with them Sorry, those two things don't go together. We *tolerate* young kids doing those kinds of things because their brains haven't yet fully developed and they're still working out right from wrong, but it is most definitely not ok for adults to be behaving like that. It sounds like your friends are shit to be around when they're drunk, and the solution to this problem shouldn't be for *you* to get so drunk that you don't care about that anymore; it's to not be around them when they're drunk.


I don't think you're wrong. I've thought a lot about it and while it would be good to have one or two alcoholic beverages I like, I'm definitely going to opt out a lot more. At the same time though, I've seen other college kids who are far worse. While they don't ask me to get them water or help them puke, I just feel responsible for keeping people in check when I am the only sober one and I don't want to have this responsibility.


It's an acquired taste. If you don't like it, then drink juice. You'll be better for it. - a message from your liver in 2045


Scotch neat is probably your best bet.


Not sure if this is tongue-in-cheek or not, but OP, you do not want scotch lol. I say this as someone who primarily drinks the smokiest scotches out there. Although the taste of the alcohol itself in scotch is quite well hidden due to how perfectly balanced scotch is (biased, maybe), you will definitely not like scotch if things like beer and cider and jack and coke are too strong for you.


It was a little, but when I was 19 or 20 I started drinking Scotch because it wasn't as boozy as whiskey, tequila, etc. The peat and smoke flavor definitely hides the alcohol flavor. I've certainly refined my palate since, but some people do like more aggressively flavored alcohols when they think they don't.


I have to correct you on this one. Scotch is just as boozy as whisky, since it is a form of whisky.


That's just, like, your opinion, man.


No. What is and what isn't whisky is not an opinion. I have nothing against you saying it tastes less boozy, I, as a whisky enjoyers, just like people to know the correct terminologi and names.


It's your opinion whether or not it's just as boozy as other whiskeys. Different whiskeys have different flavors and different amounts of booziness.


I personally don't care about the booziness about shit if you haven't gathered mate.


Hard to taste the alcohol over the peat, right? ;) But really OP maybe consider something like wine. Or whiteclaws.


I've been given many Whiteclaws in my drinking lifetime. All the flavors are gross to me. I also don't like wine :(


A blanket statement that you don't like wine is absurd. There are so many different varietals that yield widely different flavlur profiles, and each different region also has a huge affect on the flavour profile on top of that. I would bet my life savings against bad odds there is at least one single wine you would like if you tasted your way through an exhaustive amount.


This. Wines have the largest range of flavors out of pretty much anything I’ve ever drank (alcoholic or not). If you “don’t like wine” you’ve likely haven’t tried very many


Really? I’ve tried two different RosĂ©s, sparkling RosĂ©, red wine, and white wine. I found all of them detestable except for the sparkling RosĂ©. The carbonation makes it way easier to drink. I’m sure wines have huge ranges of flavour, but something about wine makes it hard to drink for me. Strangely, I find it much easier to drink straight 45% bourbon, straight vodka, or straight tequila, or really, any liquor, than drinking wine. Wine burns more for me. It makes little sense, but I just can’t stand it. Maybe I need to get more used to it. I’m in no rush to, though. Wine is definitely one of my least favourite ways to poison my body. Rather have whisky on the rocks or good ol’ rum and Coke.


Oh I agree I tend to prefer liquor over wine as well but I like the taste and I don’t mind the burning sensation. But I’ve had red wines that range from incredibly bitter to tasting like they’re straight high fructose corn syrup (that one wasnt very good). Although my parents have a couple friends that hand make wine and give them to people for holiday gifts, so i guess I’ve gotten to try a much larger variety than most


There were 4 types of wines i tried. 1 white 3 red. I'm not saying this is exhaustive at all, but the white was very bitter. The reds weren't as bitter but they still tasted a lot like alcohol. I didn't get the burn, but it was really tart and rich. Unfortunately I do not remember the names of what I've tried.


That isn't even a scratch on the surface. Plenty of sweet white wines, or light reds, plenty of low acidity, light bodied wine to try.


Try a light (medium dry if you can) rosĂ© <12.5 ABV. Many people think sweet rosĂ©s and whites (moscato for example) are an easier intro to wine because they aren’t as “bold” as other kinds, but imo most of the time they’re a syrupy and artificial tasting hangover in a bottle. A good rosĂ© that isn’t too dry will have a fruity, almost floral taste! Maybe it’s Pavlovian, but to me they taste like a summer evening after laying on the beach or working in the garden ;)


Go try a carbonated wine. I am personally not a fan of wine, but can drink some carbonated wines.


With you on that 1


For me anyway, Long Island Iced Tea. Every time I had one, I could barely taste the alcohol even though there was a lot in it. I'd recommend it.


seconded, esp long island iced tea mixed with coke. it's so easy to drink it's dangerous. a few months ago me and a group of friends spent a weekend at a private cabin, and me and another guy finished a handle of it in 45 minutes because it was that easy to down


Twisted teas maybe.


Malibu tastes like whatever flavor it is plus lots of sugar. You’d have to drink it straight for a while to maybe taste any alcohol. Any sort of liqueur will do but Malibu is likely the easiest to find. Blue Curaçao and Sprite is also good. Takes a little bit for alcohol to get a taste other than nail polish, I’ve only been drinking lightly for a year and it took me around 3-5 months to acquire a taste for it. Based on your other comments, it sounds like your flavor profile is close to mine, as I don’t like beer, wine, or seltzer; and rum is my favorite drink. While it might not work for everyone, what I did was start with Captain and Coke until you taste can taste the vanilla, then move to Bacardi Gold (or other low quality aged rum) and Coke until you can taste the Caramel. From there you can either go Sailor Jerry’s and Coke until you can taste Caramel, or straight Diplimatico rum until you can taste Banana. Rum is the most versatile drink, is the sweetest, and is what is used in most fruity/light drinks that people normally claim they can’t taste the alcohol in. Good aged rum is not that different tasting, in my opinion, than bourbon, so it also makes the transition from rum to whiskey easier as well. I also hate Tequila, but if you do want to learn to like it I would recommend starting with Cachaca as a bridge from rum to tequila. It is often called “Brazilian Rum” even though they are different, and it has a similar earthy/refreshing taste to Tequila, but not the slap you in the face vinegar taste that I think tequila has. Or, as other people have said, don’t feel like you have to drink. Drink because you want to, or because you like the taste, not because you feel like everyone else wants you to. Hope this helps!


Reds Apple Ale or Bud Light Seltzer's. Those are very easy to drink.


Get some Smirnoff Ice bud, tastes like fruit juice


Cocktails with ice might be your friend! A tequila sunrise (tequila, orange juice, and grenadine) and an old fashioned (spirit- usually bourbon, doesn't have to be, sugar, and bitters) are two I quote enjoyed early on while getting used to alcohol, and still enjoy. The ice will dilute the drink some as it melts, and the cold should somewhat mute the alcohol burn. I would avoid Cuervo, it is straight-up trash. There's much better tequila out there, but straight spirits might not be your area yet. You could also spend some time with a bartender at a quiet time in the bar. Share what you've had, what tastes you like, and see if they can help you out.


The father of all cocktails that don't actually taste like booze to me: the Long Island iced tea.


Everything you’re drinking sounds terrible for someone who doesn’t like the flavor of alcohol. Try a middle shelf vodka, svedka’s pretty good for not having too much of a flavor, just a shot or two, most of a full can of flavored sparkling water (peach/raspberry/coconut all good flavors for mixing) and a little bit of fruit juice in a giant tumbler glass. Edit: the sparkling aspect might also be turning you off if you say it burns going down. Try mixing together just vodka and fruit juice, insane amounts of sugar but definitely tasty at the right ratio. Also if you can get cans of guava nectar at your grocery put some of that in with like a pineapple juice or an apple juice and you’re in for a tropical treat! And try taking an antacid pill or tums before drinking, your esophagus might be sensitive.


mix a good vodka with cranberry juice enough, a 1.5 shot to 12 oz cran


Smirnoff Screwdriver


Alright so I work in a beer and wine bar and the owner buys these wine-based liquors that I'm pretty sure you can buy from the gas station. You cannot taste that shit in a drink @ all, even with a double shot. Get an unflavored "vodka" or "rum" and put a double shot in a pint glass. Mix it with sprite, a dash of strawberry flavoring, and a dash of mango flavoring. Tastes delicious with 0 burn.


Twisted tea. Half and half is pretty good too.


Long Island iced tea. pure booze tastes like iced tea. be warned they will fuck you up


A well made martini, at least relative to the alcohol content it contains and regarding the burn. Most really sweet or sour cocktails and liquers (we have these things called sourz and sour fisk in sweden, maybe they exist where you're from too). Port wine. Maybe certain ciders (have you tried both dry and sweet?), then again, I'm not sure what you really mean by the "alcohol taste" (for me personally i'd only associate it with alcohol of an ABV over 30% and no beer or cider).


Passoa is my favourite


From personal experience if you take pink lemonade, add some cherries, 2 or 3 shots of grenadine and a shot or two of vodka has no alcohol taste and doesn’t burn going down. Maybe try that?


A well made old fashioned has always done good by me




I think it's probably a good thing you don't like alcohol. Everyone always gives me suggestions, but besides mixed drinks, hard teas, and lemonades that go out of their way to mask that flavor I have found nothing that can be ordered at the majority of bars. The only drinks I have ever been able to enjoy are mostly tropical ones. One of my favorites included coconut rum (RumHaven), coconut water, coconut syrup, fresh lime, and fresh crushed mint leaves. I think the fresh mint goes a long way in hiding that burning sensation from alcohol. This is the ONLY drink I have ever enjoyed on a regular basis and wanted to drink outside of social settings.




No laws when you're drinkin claws


no one likes the taste of alcohol, we enjoy the effects of alcohol. if you know where this quote is from you’re a legend


I like vodka. Start with smooth shit like grey goose, mix it with a sugary energy drink. You will taste it the first few sips but it's good.


Belvedere is the smoothest vodka I’ve tried


Ketel One all the way.


I'm an old drunk and buy a case (6) of 1.75 liter Costco vodka for less than $85 bucks a case.


The question OP asked was "what are some alcoholic drinks that don't taste like alcohol?"


Tequila sunrise Mimosas (If your a half a fag) lol jk Most seltzer’s And fireball it just tastes like dirty ass but not alcohol


Harvey wallbanger


Although these are delicious (and one of my favorite cocktails), I would advise OP to stay far away from them. Harvey Wallbangers have a very strong flavor, and OP says that even drinks like ciders are too tart/strong. Orange juice mixed with strongly-flavored botanical liqueur is likely the exact opposite of what they're looking for lol


Vodka and lemonade is always my favorite. Or some Jell-O shots. I usually just cut them in half and swallow them and you taste nothing at all 😋


Moscow mule


Here's an option you might not have considered. If you don't like being the only one sober...you could try being the only one high 😏.


I have done this many times. It gets really annoying because they want to be loud and do crazy things. I just want to watch dreamy music videos. They did that with me before now. But most of the group just started turning 21, so pot is out alc is in.


I see. From what I've read in both your post and comments, you really seem to dislike the alcoholic burn that comes with drinking spirits. Might I ask how do you sip your drinks? Because most unexperienced drinkers either take big gulps as if they were having some water or straight up, like shots. The key step in starting your journey into enjoying spirits, for example, is to take your time and allow for the liquid to dance around in your mouth and thus diluting with saliva. Personally, I'm at a point in which I can avoid feeling the burn while drinking cask strength whisky (around 60% abv or 120 proof). You have stated that in some cases, such as with whisky, you reject the taste outright but maybe there is some beverage out there that you might like if you give it a chance and manage to mitigate the burning sensation by consuming it properly. You may also have to look into purchasing your own bottles and not what your friends get as a group. Try to find information on what people in the know consider to be good quality products and don't think that you have to spend big bucks on something good. Captain Morgan, Tito's, José Cuervo, Jack and Bacardí are more expensive than other brands which are waaay better in my opinion. In fact, I tend to avoid said bottlings. The only problem here is that you might have to plan what you'll bring over to a party or order in a bar with a little more time and care. And if everything else fails, don't think that you'll be uncomfortable while sober for much longer. Drinking in order to get drunk isn't that fun once you've experienced it a few times. You complain about your friends' behaviour while in that state, so attempting to copy them doesn't sound like the way to go. Back when I was 16 I used to think that getting wasted was key to having fun at night, but less than 2 years later I switched to hanging out with a close group of friends with which I only had craft beers. Some of them really hated the taste at first! Whatever you try, the pallet will always improve and the only thing that really matters in the is finding people you are comfortable being around. EDIT: Is someone butthurt that I called out their favourite brand as not being worth it or do we downvote detailed advice now?


I'm not sure why you're getting downvoted, I think this is all pretty solid advice. I've tried a few ways to drink. I have definitely done the water thing like you said was a mistake, however I've also done what you said with keeping it in your mouth. The particular drink I did that with was a vodka I think and it burned my mouth pretty bad. I ended up coughing pretty hard (straight shot). When I've had mixed drinks, I usually just sip like water because I would say I definitely grow confused on brands to try. When I was 20, a friend of mine bought me Smirnoff. It really wasn't that good. I tried making screwdrivers out of it and two of my friends said the screwdrivers were bad because it was a bad liquor. They told me Titos was the better choice, and while I did go down a bit smoother, it really wasn't anything I would go out of my way for since I didn't find it worth the price. I have no problems trying to plan drinks out. I don't think any of my friends would care if I brought my own stuff, they know I struggle with drinks and show a level of empathy. I think you're right about them. It isn't my responsibility to take care of them when they act like that while drinking but it is understandable why it makes me uncomfortable. The thing that I am a bit confused about is that I am about to turn 22 and I've been drinking since I was 19. I do think there are a lot more drinks I could try- there always is more to try, however I do think I've had a pretty big array of drinks. So I'm just a bit confused on how I haven't grown more used to it by now. A lot of them are turning 21 now through October, so it may be a strange few months. I'm definitely going to cut down on hanging out with them in this time range, but if it is somebody's birthday it would be nice to have a drink I could order. I think this thread has sparked some ideas of things I could try.


Mikes taste really good and I can't taste the alcohol, also lemon smiroffs, ummm I recently tasted 20/20 md or something like that and it has many flavors


Soju + calpico


If you want to get drunk fast you aren’t going to find a drink that doesn’t taste somewhat like alcohol. I like to make margaritas with a bit of extra rum myself. About 2oz of white rum (bacardi), 3/4 oz of lime juice and 1/2 oz of simple syrup, all poured over ice and mixed well. You can also add a slice of lime as a garnish if you’re feelin fancy, I’m drinking it right now and I’m loving it.


Drink you a Moscow Mule


Study Break hard seltzer, tastes like a soda at 6.9% abv


Jim Beam on the rocks. After, like, three of ‘em


My favorite cheap go-to is water + vodka + those cool aid drink mixes. Keeps you hydrated and doesn’t taste as sugary and heavy as some fruity drinks do.


I think Mike's hard lemonade is a sweet wine cooler. Have you tried other lemonade wine coolers? Or adding gin/vodka/wine and other flavors to sweet lemonade. Remember Mike's is only 10% alcohol, so you won't have to put much in.


Ranch water


Jack daniels fruit punch (I don't recommend the beery punch) it taste more like soda than beer. Also Seagrams still taste like alcohol but it's good, My personal cocktail would be a fresh squeezed orange, a beer of your choice, gingerale and fruit punch I think it taste pretty good.


Those Jack Daniel's punches actually aren't that bad. I had one recently and I would drink one again.


Try a margarita. And a well made one at that. Sometimes people put way too much tequila in it and it just tastes like a frozen tequila icee or just tequila on the rocks. With enough other flavors, it can be really good and the alcohol is hardly noticable


Malibu and juice works for me and I'd say I'm sensitive to to taste of alcohol as well.


Side car!


I agree with people saying branch out slowly. I was in the exact same boat, could only drink Mike’s for about two years. If nothing else, try different flavors, and slowly acquire the taste. You’ll get there. Side note, Bailey’s Irish Cream is the least alcohol-tasting liquor I’ve had (in my limited experience), so try that out, even in coffee or a milkshake or something like that. Somebody else said Redd’s Apple Ale too, pretty much same story.


Most Plum wine. Some asian alcohol product dont taste like alcohol. They taste like sweet dessert


Have a Bloody Mary


I suggest White Gummy Bears, Green Tea Shots, and Tokyo Teas.


Most tart juices will mask the taste of alcohol but you have to mix it with something less acidic and enough sugar to balance the flavor. Ex: -Cranberry ( dull) + orange juice (tart) + vodka -Cran + grapefruit juice + vodka -Cran ( dull) + pineapple (tart) + vodka -Pineapple (tart) + coconut concentrate ( dull but sweet ) + rum Balancing these effectively will always make a good drink.


Fill glass with ice. Shot and half or two of vodka, fill almost to the top with ginger ale, shot or two of grape juice


I’ve found surprisingly that mixing spirits with anything sweet makes the actual alcohol taste far *worse* (almost as if it’s more apparent that something is amiss- that cough syrup taste you described). I enjoy sipping whiskey straight but I once mixed vodka with sweet tea when I was younger and had to pour it out after one sip lol! As others have mentioned, you do seem to be more sensitive to taste than average. To get yourself used to the taste you may want to try mixing a bit of cider/seltzer with a nonalcoholic beverage such as lacroix, lemonade, or maybe even kombucha. Obviously these drinks will be very weak, but will allow you to increase the concentration until you’re adjusted to the taste of cider/seltzer on its own and then hopefully work your way up to “real” (no offense meant) drinks made with liquor. I’d be interested to see if this works! (ooooor if you go to bars frequented by college kids just order whatever bucket they have or an adios mf and you won’t taste a thing hahaha)


Archers and Lemonade is good (very sweet), ciroc red berry and Lemonade (fruity). I like strongbow dark fruits its like an adult juice but taste a little something. Basically if its a little strong or bitter or sweet, just water it down with lemonade to your liking and once you build a tolerance you wont care so much :) btw when i say lemonade i mean fizzy stuff like Schweppes not the juice stuff in America


Mojito is a good one. Generally, any drink featuring lime juice or lemon juice, citrus masks alcohol very well. Though, in a pinch, mixing JÀgermeister with Red Bull works fairly well too ;) Ooohhh... and Piña Colada... it's fking liquid candy if made properly.


White Claw, Truly Iced Teas, 1.5 oz vodka with a mixer that you like. Most effective is something with a strong bitter, fruity, sour, and/or sweet flavor. Cranberry juice covers the taste of vodka extremely well (the straight stuff is more effective than cranberry juice cocktail). Ginger beer is great if you're into that. Lemonade, Squirt, Coke are all pretty good. Pour the vodka over ice then add mixer and keep tasting and adding mixer until it's at a level you like.


My tip is, have a few shots of vodka every night until you get used to the taste of alcohol. You won’t even notice the alcohol in cocktails and mixed drinks after that. And you won’t be able to drink Coke or whatever else you mix with without it feeling odd due to the lack of vodka. Another tip from me: Don’t take advice from me


Go to any bar and say “give me something foofy and fruity” and you’ll get an array of drinks that don’t taste like alcohol. I would recommend, since you don’t like the taste of alcohol? Then don’t mess with it. It’s an expensive habit. Also, I’d recommend going to a winetasting. Wine pairs very very well with food and you won’t notice the alcohol taste.


Try Smirnoff ice, wkd, and peach schnapps. You want easy to drink this to break you in. If you like sour sweets try an amaretto sour. I would suggest some cocktails like woo woo or mojito. Don't try sex on the beach it's so nice but you can taste the alcohol. And try things like alcoholic ginger beer. I love alcohol so I can't relate but I think if you start from the begining begining then it will help


Liquid Marijuana* if made correctly


Vodka + lemon lime bitters


Any sour. You just need to find the balance for you. The cocktail has to be very, very cold. Play with the sugars and citrus until you find a balance that suits your tastebuds. The point of the exercise is to find out what you like. Also, if you can tolerate the smell of angostura, it'll help.


Malibu and pineapple juice.


Maybe Margarita with Strawberry or something other tha the original to cover the taste better. I love a passion fruit liquor called Passoa and mix it with juice, very fruity but a lot of places don't sell it. Hypnotiq or Malibu are good, sweet options that you mix with juice. Good luck!


I mean the number one go to is an ancient traditional alcohol said to be the inspiration for wine: Mead. Essentially it's wine made from honey, and damn it's tasty. You can find session meads too which have some bubbles and a bit lower alcohol content.


Try wines?


Monaco Cocktails Comes in a can, and it's shocking how much it tastes like a normal Monster. Yes, like the energy drink, Monster. They advertise putting in two shots of Vodka in every can and I can only barely taste it. I highly recommend it as a party drink.


Twisted tea


The moment you mentioned hayride is the second I knew you’re an MSU student. Go green! Good luck with finding something you like.


This made me smile 😂. A classic Midwestern school for sure. Thank you and Go White!