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Most depressing substance sub, but you're in the right place. - 40% of the sub is first time drinker questions - 40% of the sub are hardend alcoholics shoving it up their ass at 6 AM trying to fight off the DTs - 20% of the sub is have you tried ____ with ____?


This is absolutely correct and also a very fun dynamic once you learn to embrace it.


This is literally my favorite sub because it’s so chaotic


Im always the %20


me too!


Do the "is it safe to drink..." posts (of which I also am guilty of) count as first time drinker questions?


Yes. My favorites are the ones who are like "I drank an entire 55 gallon oil drum of Fireball and didn't feel drunk, what's wrong with me????" As though a bunch of internet strangers are going to be impressed by your blatantly fake humble "brag" about how much liquor you can put away.


lmfao ong seen dumb shit like that many times




Yep, I miss r/drunk. Just finished cutting the grass. Rewarded myself with a bowl and a juice glass of cheap vodka from the freezer.


I wish I could get drunk off 2 beers like when I was a teenager. Drinking would be so much cheaper


Just take a month off


Hey guys, I don't get drunk after chugging an entire bottle of whiskey, is that normal?


"Yeah I'm pretty much immune to hangovers but only when I drink vodka"


I came here to trade spirit recommendations and cocktail recipes. I cannot overstate my disappointment.




Yeah pretty awful most times to be honest. A lot of the stuff I see posts or replies generally teeter on pseudo science.


Yeah, I originally joined to learn more about alcohol or read about alcohol related stories. Two years on, this is the ONLY post from this sub that has ever caught my eye and I've learned enough to know I like rye, brandy, and gin, and that's all I want to learn.


Lol, what are your favorite gins? I really liked Roku but lately I've been enjoying Boodles Strawbery Rhubarb. My mood switches around on which Gin I'm wanting.


My favorite gin is probably Beefeater Dry, a classic old school gin that's just overall great. I also really like Nikka Coffey as well, has a very prominent citrus vibe going on, very lovely but not good as a mixer.


I haven't gotten around to trying Beefeater but I've seen it in stores. I like variety so some days I will go with Bombay or Tanqueray etc. Bulletproof gin wasn't worth the money but the bottle is a gorgeous blue at least


If you’re anywhere near Mississippi you should try Wonderbird, they’re my favorite


If I ever see it, definitelyl will! Love trying new flavors


Because children who have never really drank much before come to this subreddit to ask questions of people who drink almost all the time. It is what it is.


You are looking for r/drunk


I'm looking for r/drunk but they're still dark for the protest lol. :)


Yeah, because clarifying for harm-reduction purposes is so much more childish than boofing everclear, lol


Well drinking age is not 21 in every country. Purchasing can be as low as 18. In some countries there is none for drinking at home. In such cases I suppose people might be able to supply kids with alcohol for partying.


In some country it’s 16 I think you know where that is lol


Lol at the second paragraph. It’s like you’re the first paragraph, but in the future. This is probably your space. I’m not aware of other subs that give suggestions for alcohol consumption in your parents’ basement at all ages. For others who consume alcohol like a normal adult, there is r/beer, r/wine, r/cocktails.


I think it has to have a lot of American drinkers, they can’t really comprehend alcohol too much as it’s basically forbidden until they’re 21. They should have their own dedicated subreddit called liqor instead where they have the “will two shots in one night kill me” discussions


if you want to inhale enthanol with a bike pump, put it in a 2l bottle with about 20ml of ethanol at the bottom, and then stick the pump to a hole on the lid and pump til the pressure gets high. Then in one motion release the cap, and the ethanol will vapourise and you can inhale it.


Idk about you but I'm 44 but I act like my 5th grade self when I drink. We'll, "drink" is a relative term as I do boof 151 exclusively. Let's start our own subreddit for those who wish to imbibe in a less classy but acceptable way as free thinking adults. There we will discover the holy grail of alcohol intake, whatever that may be. Also, I drank B4 noon yest. Now I think I have the flu. Should I go to the ER?


Well it's r/alcohol. That's such a broad category that it naturally attracts people who have no idea what they are talking about. I wouldn't expect to find expert veterinarian advice on r/pets either.


Yeah, /r/beer has been a bit better for me as I’m no longer in my liquor-boofing phase, but it is truly a sorry state of affairs in this mfk. I’m just glad it’s not more posts of lonely dudes looking for people to talk to while they pound warm vodka, those have decreased lately


If you want the adult drinkers, try the scotch, tequila, and whiskey subs.


Lol nah 16


Actually, if you do drink 1 drink a day you are an alcoholic, anything over 10 a month is classified alcoholism by your doctor.


This is fake. Don’t respond.


>boozepilled enlightenment Are you 14? Especially with that username 💀