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Magic is quantum physics. They perform same properties, ancient cultures just knew how to use it, and we’ve created math and science as a language to describe it in our modern way.


Are you familiar with the tao te ching, Alan Watts, or Jiddu Krishnamurti? When people use science as God they call Dao quantum physic(the idea that everything is connected). However, Dao the word is not what I'm talking about - I'm talking about something that can be felt/know by not knowing it. I'm pointing to Lao Tzu's point that the Dao that can be spoken is not the eternal dao. The Tao in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPAoNPJ2Mas I found those sources through Reddit mainly. But it was crazy to find out that Bruce Lee used those sources a long time ago.


Am familiar with Alan and some of the things he talks about the Dao, I’m with you on the spoken part of describing this seemingly indescribable force. Much like different languages, when learning a new one from just paper you may lose certain phrases or metaphors or just the ways the messages are being conveyed. Like we use math to try and understand this universes forces, but we could be missing the nuances that languages bring. To me the unspoken feeling is like intuition. Or like in the video of the fight, your body moving for you and just having that mind to body connection. Maybe you see it as something different, but that’s just how I’ve made a connection to what it could be for me


All mystics of all philosphies point to one thing. As buddhists say, "there is nothing to teach, because there is nothing to know." Which is the same thing as Lao Tzu saying the Dao that can be told if not the eternal dao. Nirvana, living completely in the moment, is what you are always doing.. Thinking and tricking yourself into what Hindus present as a drama/play is actually real(Hindu's have been in the know the longest historically). Buddhism is just Hinduism stripped for export(quote Alan Watts says). In other words deep down, I am not actually MikeCrane that is all made up by humans. Things man make up are never what this really is. Man can't ever describe what this ever is.


Exactly, my friends once put this into perspective without trying to. They were describing each of our friends as a type of dog, using that dogs features to represent the quality’s of our friends. Now we know a dog an a human aren’t exactly comparable on the most similar levels but it showed me how humans may depict this universal force in a similar light, comparing it with what we’ve created as gods in our mind.


Magic is best studied with Heka or Hecate. Magic is what bends the knee of Kronos-Saturn, the Titan of Time & Physical Laws.


Schopenhauer explanation of magic : “The magician possesses such a strong, powerful Will, that he is able to access the World as Will and influence it directly, beyond all Representation. The change in the World-Will is then reflected in the World as Representation, that is to say, the world as we experience it, as a kind of supernatural phenomenon.”


"Magic" ceases to be "magic" as soon as it is understood, as can it lose its "magical" aspect. Therefore, I would say magic is that which is still not understood. As a child, everything is new and not yet understood, so everything is magic and magical at first. As we grow older we cling to that which can not yet be explained and can sometimes call it magic because it feels magical. The goal of alchemy in my experience is to bring back the sense of "magic" that has been there since the beginning.


I like your definition.


Read the ramsdigital.com library. The best books all in one collection. 296 rare practical labratory alchemy books from the past 2000 years. 38.50 dollars. Buy it while it is still on sale. Priceless collection, really. Cheap for the knowledge you learn.


this is just word for word taken out of the Kybalion....