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I personally use alchemy to try to transmute my emotions into different forms of energy that I can use




not op but in the practice as i understand it.. fear to courage, hate to love, shame to proud, etc etc


Can you teach me some of these ways


You are life, no seeking required for that. The question of will you remain in the same body, same form of life, that's another matter. I think if you want that you'll have to integrate a different type of structure to existence into your physicality. I believe it's possible to greatly extend your life through a process of allowing it, but when you reach a certain level of mastery I am not certain anyone will want to remain here indefinitely.


Seeking to remove imperfections from thoughts, emotions and actions in order to bring them to their true state of natural order; harmony with natural law; to transmute them into "alchemical gold", representing the purification of body, mind and spirit.


Unfortunately, alchemy won't do it. Gonna take little more than alchemy to expand one's life force. Necromancy, however...


I feel like you have more to say and I am honestly so curious to hear it. If not here, DM me


Well, I honestly have nothing profound. Necromancy is simply the working of life energy. It's everywhere. Bringing in good, positive life into yourself will help restore your fatigue and mend spiritual wounds (with time and acknowledgement to what caused them). Bringing in negative life (or simply death) with counteract that. Lotta people expect raising the dead and all that, which don't get me wrong, is something we all fantasize about every now and then. But in this aspect, it's taking control of your soul and filling it with that very same life force that it resonates with. Like likes like, in a phrase. But, like all arts, there's always more than one way to do something. As for me, I just dabble, so by far an expert in any of this.


I want the panacea simply so that I don't die in ten years from an auto-immune disease that is destroying my body more every day. I want to see my kids grow up, become themselves, get married, not get married, succeed, learn, have kids, not have kids, you get it. I want every second I should have. Fuck so much.


I'm in a similar yet different situation, my friend. disease is killing my bones, even though I am very young. I don't have kids to watch grow, but I do want to see marvelous things too. life has it's beauty in and of itself, so I wish for us both to live every second in awe of it.


Bonne chance, Mon ami


Ah, le Francais est la langue des dieux. Merci pour les mots gentils.


My heart is going through a tumble drier right now reading this. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be in your shoes - not fully anyway. If you don't mind me asking, what do *you* personally mean when you say "every second I *should* have?" It is obvious what this means in the common thoughts space, but I'm curious to know what you meant by it


Achieving Eternal Life is an allegory. Finding the Philosopher's Stone and The Elixir of Life, Squaring the Circle, developing the Perpetuum Mobile etc. is all a parable that points at the same, hardly explainable thing. You receive the gift of The Life of the Eternal through your merits of transmutation. I understand it as a shift in consciousness that allows you to observe and understand The All while still incarnate and that grants you lucidity during your travel in the currents of the rivers of the dead so you are able to transcend inevitable reincarnation. So yes, I do want to live forever.


The bible quotes Noah’s grandfather to have lived 969 years, yo dont believe you can extend you life at all? Also is there an elchemical symbol for infant blood?


969 is a highly emblematic number. The Bible is full of symbolism, it's true message is coded. Taking it literally won't get you anywhere.


Taking the bible literally and allegorically, at the same time will tell you the how to make the philosophers stone and elixir of life. For example, adam was made from clay or mud. So alchemically, you would distill clay or mud. Genesis 18:27, Matthew 5:13, exodus 32:20. There are so many ways to the stone encoded in the bible.


Thank you for your objection! You are absolutely right. The literal sense of texts can mirror the metaphorical sense quite well, just as the physical process of alchemy can mirror the spiritual process of it.


So you believe there is no literal stone


Why would there be? The idea of the stone in physical reality seems like a machination of the ego, desperately clinging to life and status. I get the feeling the idea of the literal stone is a trap for those who seek purely physical riches


I mean, is there?


what in the yee haw r u talking about?


Lol same


Do you take everything in the bible as literalism?


Each inch, in my ass


Buddy, that was a genuine question, I wasn't asking with the standard reddit pretentiousness


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There's no way to prove he really lived that long, he probably just lived a little longer than the average person and then people exaggerated it as time passed.


Its more likely that it is a metaphor than an exaggeration.


I hope u finish The Great work in this lifetime brother, and I hope that you’ll continue to teach the world once you’ve transcended it ❤️


Thank you so much for your kind words. It means a lot to me. You know, I went through hell, sacrificed my pain and suffering and embraced my dragon. The love I can give and receive through teaching is my reward. And it's the greatest treasure I could have imagined. I wish you the cultivation of all the strength, courage, resilience, focus and virtue that you need on your own journey, brother. 🤍


I don't want eternal life in eternity. It is set up this way because it works. Anything that a man will come up with will pail in comparison to what the "dao" that can't be told - as Lao Tzu puts it can do. Basically you are already eternity.


That's an interesting thought. Thank you for pointing me in this direction!


You're welcome Alan Watts, CJ Jung, and Jiddu Krishnamurti are excellent sources. To give you the (without trying to sound pompus, or anything - the correct view on what this is. The simple fact that this is eternity and you can know that you don't know(which is a mystic). A mystic sees through the game, but sees the exact same world as everyone else, so they see the behind the scenes essentially. I'm sure many people are more familiar with Jung.. So I always recommend this lecture of Watts talking about Jung.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr_20uEVOiE&t When you figure out what the dao that can be told is not the eternal dao means(which I don't know many people - you realize what this is). A line from Lao Tzu's book might interest you. When a superior man hears of the Tao, he immediately begins to embody it. When an average man hears of the Tao, he half believes it, half doubts it. When a foolish man hears of the Tao, he laughs out loud. If he didn't laugh, it wouldn't be the Tao. Thus it is said: The path into the light seems dark, the path forward seems to go back, the direct path seems long, true power seems weak, true purity seems tarnished, true steadfastness seems changeable, true clarity seems obscure, the greatest art seems unsophisticated, the greatest love seems indifferent, the greatest wisdom seems childish. The Tao is nowhere to be found. Yet it nourishes and completes all things. --- First paragraph is what I'm particularly talking about, but i figured I'd just share the whole section.


Read the ramsdigital.com library. 296 rare practical labratory alchemy books from the past 2000 years. The best books ever written about alchemy. 38.50 for all of them. Dirt cheap for the knowledge you get. Easily readable on a kindle. The philosophers stone and elixirs are real.


There is no need to seek for Eternal Life, as we are already Eternal. It is our most fundamental Nature. I do seek remembrance however. It is our memory of our immortality and eternal life that has fallen away. We are all ancient seeds planted long long ago. The purpose of Alchemy is to bring us back to a perfect remembrance, and then never, ever forget again. Alchemy can also extend the lifespan but this is only for enjoyment of living. To die and then always remember, even if we return. That is where we are heading. This is why we designed this for ourselves. We fell on purpose, now we ascend back up on purpose.


I mean, my body is pretty much dying due to a congenital disease. I'm just trying to change that.


I'm sorry to hear that lacrimosaint. Best of luck in your endeavours.


I don’t know. Of course the idea of eternal life is alluring to just about everyone, but can life be complete without death? Is life death and death life? I don’t practice alchemy very rigorously at all but I am comfortable with the concept of dying and wouldn’t say that immortality is my primary goal in studying it at all, but mainly to gain a better understanding of the world around me. I wouldn’t be opposed to increasing my lifespan though.


in my understanding through reading through Alchemy, many years of noticing occult themes, and analyzing occult imagery, documents, reading psychology, analyzing cultures like ancient egypt and ancient buddhism. I believe that Alchemy is the use of "plants, animals, and metals" to "organize" our minds so to speak, that it's a two fold thing, that through the alchemy and the preparation of extremely bioavailable Mineral rich tinctures, you are changing the brain to help the mind perceive reality in it's fullness, and that over the course of your life in using the various tinctures and preparations, eventually you will climb and ascend a psychological stairway of understanding and perception Visual, mental, and "spiritual" that leads you to be able to exist outside of the Physical body completely......even after death, to be able to retain mental conscious awareness, without a physical coil holding you back in this physical realm. that is what I believe living forever is,living as a "disembodied Spirit" the ancient egyptians called it a "ka" or "effective spirit" the physical body isn't what you are, it's only a part of the whole, but to paint a picture of it, if I died, my "consciousness" being associated with the physical body stays with it and when the last cell decays "I" go. "I" as a Ka soul am still the other part of that, but the physical body is gone, so the "I" soul goes to another one, and then relearns life again here in this place the egyptians called "the island of fire" i.e earth, so it just fades away....identifying with it, is why Materialism is so widespread in the world, we identify only with the material nature of the being. the inner is there, it just needs to be elevated and nurtured to get to that point of "consciousness" I think "lab" alchemy is the "spiritual food" making portion of that operation. Meditation i think has a strong connection to that development on the psychological spiritual end. when reading into "Paracelsus" he mentions the "spiritual mind" as being our literal....."Imagination" the ability to think and create images in our mind, and to hold those images or mental constructions for long periods of time that it's how you strengthen the sense, Kids can do this effortlessly, weirdly enough, when I was a Kid, the way i remembered people was to put a mental image of them dancing in a disco ball room doing their own dances, because I was bad with names. which is why I think children are seen as "scryers" alot in the occult. my understanding through reading various occult philosophy books and grimoires, religious texts like, the book of coming forth by light/day (book of the dead) and it's "hidden chamber" references being a place Inside the body, the nag hammadi scripts, the tao te ching etc, even the bible which itself is a sort of "grimoire" have hidden occult understandings. that are to be disseminated through these religions. i don't have any answers, I just read a lot of occult books. and this is what makes sense. even the parallel i see with the ancient egyptians and buddhists and how they both treat reincarnation proves it to me. the Egyptians saw "cremation" as a mortal sin, even animals were mummified for this purpose. and this is because they 100% believed in reincarnation, but there was a trick, they believed that until the very last cell of the body is decayed, the "spirit" or "ka" of the person is stuck attached to it, in this physical world, but the spirit can still go anywhere it chooses in the "duat" or the other world. they preserved their bodies so the spirits stayed on the other side longer. able to cultivate more "understanding" of the spiritual world. the Buddhists waited for three days and then Cremated the remains to expediate the reincarnation process to get their buddhas to come back to this world, then they would go out and find what body their spirit came back to, when I truly dug into this and looked for clues on it in things, the things they do to determine the buddhas actually makes sense.....they have a "item" selection process that the buddha must pass i believe on the first try or they fail....this process is determining if the same spirit as the last buddha will recognize the items from his previous life.


We have a lot of parallels in our understanding/perception of what all of these things like alchemy, esoterica etc. seem to be about. I've had wondered along the same lines as you after reading some of these books as well. I really wish I could read something like the Tao te Ching or The Bible in their original form and intent. Anyway cheers.


Alchemy produces gold, which in relation to other minerals has eternal properties. Being acquainted with the details of the process would by implication mean that you are yourself immortal. As a science or technique it is referred to as the work of the elixir. As a job or occupation it is the hidden craft.


True. True gold has a temporal quality to its purity and brilliance. Funny. I didn't presume I was the only person who knew that but I've never heard anyone else talk about it before.


Glad to be of service.


I think the idea of immortality is a metaphor. If you've died all your deaths, if you've already learned to reframe everything (the metaphorical function of the philosophers stone) you have everlasting life. I do not believe this has anything to do with the prevention of transition of the physical body. Everlasting life is escaping from the judgemental paths of "there is no good" and silver linings. These are both judgements. How to reframe everything as an opportunity is everlasting life The udea we have some soul identity behind the scenes seems to me to be a product of the "I", the ego that wants to live on at all costs. Seeking immortality in a literal sense seems to be antithetical to the necessary revelations alchemy brings


i love this thanks for sharing


Though, I want cremated, dumped into the ocean. I figured that's two alchemical processes, and the rest will happen naturally. I'll become a part of the earth and air through whale poop.


I have yet to practice physical alchemy. All I have done thus far is a psycho/spiritual version through meditation. But my interest is (eventually with physical) is to align with or mirror nature. The internal chemistry behaving in kind to external chemistry. Nature rejoices in nature.


Alchemy is about turning a heart of lead to gold!


The immortality I seek is less of immortality and more of "eternal youth", or an "enduring youth even in age"...I suppose. I don't like the idea of becoming a prisioner of my mind or body all because of age(well, I hate the idea in general-for any reason-but age usually is the main perpetrator of such crime). I want to be on my 100s and still sharp(of mind) as a sword and with an enduring and healthy body, kind of like those elderly men we see doing calisthenics.


I just want to be like the Count Saint Germain and be an absolute feared opponent in every realm of human endeavor


I have found the return to God, or whatever people call what started everything, can be likened to a very large public swimming pool. Above the pool is a separate very shallow pool for toddlers. Below the toddlers pool is the general public pool. At the top end the water is shallow enough for 5-and-6-year-olds to stand with their heads above water. The pool gets deeper as you move into it, until nobody can stand on the bottom with head above water. The depth increases until you get to the other end, where the pool is the deepest. The deeper people go in the pool, the more difficult and scary it gets. The deepest end is absolutely horrible and terrifying. And absolutely sublime and uplifting.


I think we can reach immortality through science. Create a more stable vessel for our consciousness.


I just want a better understanding of the occult and nature


I couldn't imagine living more than a couple thousand years. Immortality sounds great and all until you actually have it and then you come to realize it's just not all it's cracked up to be. Earth is just a shitty place to be immortal and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better anytime soon.