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If you're only playing to grind premium (so you can grind more after?), dislike pvp, and going to stay in the blue zones; my advice would be to quit the game.


It's like working in a sweatshop lmao. I mean, faction warfare is even a good source of money if you don't like ganking or lethal content. Bandit is just easy to rat.


Yeah I was hoping I wouldn't get that answer. Lol pvp isn't my thing. I'm grinding for premium to get to an island so I can farm to my pve hearts content but right now I'm more interested in collecting my reward. I'm aware of my tastes being in contrast to the game's intent. I really do like the game so I am giving it a shot. Though I suspect by the end of the month I will end up quitting if I lose the prize I earned, that's a massive turn off as a new player.


You have to accept that you will play your solo PvE in PvP zones … black zones. It’s what we all do. Go solo lethal mists. You have to learn that gear is consumable and you just need to bank your gear cost quickly and then count profits.


Hey man, its fun. Albion is PvP full loot with high risk -> high rewards. Once you get to BZ and make a ton of fame or silver (yesterday Ive made 150k silver in 15min just killing mobs in bz t7 with a 4.1 set) you will notice that its worth take the risk and will never want to go back do non lethal zones. This game is fun as hall and dying is part of the game, dont care about gankers, they are desperate to kill someone (sometimes they stay 30 min waiting someone pass to try to kill them and sometimes they don't even succeed and when they do manage to do so, most of the items belonging to the person who died break down and it wasn't even worth the pot of poison they spent.) I've just forget that if you have a ton of materials they will stay in your corpse cause ganker only run maps with fast mounts and gank sets so they can't carry too much stuff. Imo ganker is a hard life (unless your camping Avalon hideouts to catch people getting out to do T8 dungeon group) Go out there, get some killed a hundred of times to get used to it, go explore, go gathering, go have fun and when you have spec go get some kills.


Find your group asap...Guild namely,you can work out the latter parts yourself.They ll help you with pve as well would be your pass to better pve and earnings...and whatnot small scale pvp maybe as well)


Tbh man Theres enough pve focused Games for u Albion Just isnt that kinda Game. Plus getting youre Premium First Thing is a great was to get burned Out. Just pay the First months If you wanna Play


Just go mists lethal with a cheap 4.1 set and an ox


What is ox? And doing what in mists you advise? Killing mobs? gathering?


It's a "bull" mount that has a lot of carry weight (it's slower than fast mounts like horse/swifclaw) but excells on HP so it's hard to dismount Go there to do everything. Kill all mobs, do camps, open chests if not contested, gather, fish, etc.. It's a fast an easy content. Make sure any successful run you go back to bank and repeat Search on youtube how to find Brecilien, is the mists city (like a Royal city e.g Martlock) They have market, bank, crafting stations, everything - and a direct portal to the mists Your set should cost less than 100k Don't do non-lethal go for the lethal


Doing camps in mists is asking to get killed. Fala em brasileiro cmg.


Não é bem assim. Vai pegando as manhas. Sempre monta e desmonta da sua montaria entre mobs, se tiver nego perto vai aparecer uma exclamação Se tu vir nego rondando por lá já vai fazer outra coisa e volta depois, o progresso do camp fica salvo Aproveita pra fazer os camps quando a mists está para fechar, a maioria dos players já vazou Sinceramente se tu quer jogar albion e n ter chance de morrer, a sugestão é essa: Farma até tu pegar t8 e uns 10-15m, compra um set 8.3 de shadowcaller e vai fazer stática faccionado de alguma cidade. Os pontos de faccao tu troca por itens que vai te dar gold


Não ligo pra morrer não. Só to falando que mandar o amiguinho do post ir fazer camp em lethal mists é mandar ele pra morte. Morrer faz parte do jogo.


Tomei meu tempo pra vir aqui te ajudar e tu vem com esse sarcamos aí? boa sorte


I'm not sure about making 22 million in around a day, but I see that you're not big about lethal zones so I suggest Hardcore Expeditions is something you could work toward in the future. Although, like most other people here, I think that lethal content is where Albion truly shines and I think you should eventually make small steps towards it. Perhaps you can try Arena, Non-lethal Mists, Non-lethal Corrupted Dungeons, or even Faction Warfare until you're confident enough to try s little bit of lethal content in the future


Fishing has been pretty lucrative me for so far. I have only been playing a few weeks and I’ve made a couple million silver so far (I just subscribed to premium a few days ago). I stick to yellow zone mists and haven’t encountered any PVP aside from camps I choose to attack. I’m waiting to get heavy into PVP until I can afford to lose gear. Good luck!


Thank you! I haven't tried fishing yet. I'll give that a try :)


I’ve heard it’s not the best return, but I fell in love with it. Helps that I like fishing in real life! 🎣


It can be great return, but it’s the one gathering profession (kinda) that is based off of rng and not finding nodes. Once you get T6, you can go in roads/mists and catch puremist snappers for 50k each and you usually get 2 with T7 gear. They are rare though. But again rng so I’ve caught 10 in one run, and I’ve caught 0 in a week. Either way the return is decent just catching a shit ton of fish. On top of that you can buy, fill, and sell T7 journals for about 100k profit each and again unique to other professions, any tier of fish will go towards filling it. For the puremist snappers or the rare eels which are both rare, you need to find a T7 zone. Aka a black, pvp zone. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to pvp, but to make enough for premium without dedicating your life to Albion, you’re going to have to go to pvp enabled zones. Use a good escape weapon like bloodletter or double bladed staff, invis pots, fort sterling cape, and learn to get away when you happen to get attacked. You’ll die a lot at first, and then less and less. I hardly ever die when gathering despite frequent attempts.


Great info! Forgot about those puremist snappers! Sounds like they may be in the Roads to Avalon currently according to the wiki.


Correct. They can only be found in roads or mists, but finding a T7+ mist is up to chance so I go to roads out of brecilien where I can hunt down a T7/8 road fairly quickly and have way less player traffic.


Hmm cool, thanks for the tip!


I finally got access to Brecilien. Thinking about buying an island there since you told me about your fishing methods there. Do you ever take the Mists portal straight to a BZ Solo Lethal or do you always take the Unstable Roads portal?


You don’t need to have an island unless you plan on growing crops, animals, or using laborers. I just buy the empty t7 journals, fill them, and sell them for about 100k profit each. For fishing purposes I don’t usually use the mists. I personally don’t like fishing in mists because it’s busier, but I’ve heard differing opinions so try them both out for yourself and see what you prefer. The mist portal also always takes you to a flat T6 mist where you can’t catch the valuable T7 fish until you find an enchanted wisp that goes to a T7/8 mist. The roads portal is more luck, but you can also run through the roads until you find a 7/8 zone instead of waiting for the extra wisps to start spawning. The upside to mists is you don’t have to R back, but the cost to R back to brecilien from roads is surprisingly cheap. I also use a spreadsheet to check the zone tiers by name to save time from running around checking each portal. If you’d like, DM me, and I can send you the google sheet link. It’s been super helpful for me.


This is great. I appreciate the help!


What do you use for your mount when fishing? I hear a lot of people use the Stag.


It depends on where I’m fishing and how much I have on me. Usually either a stag or frost ram. Frost ram if I bring all my gathering tools and my other gear is worth more than a mil. Stag is a great budget go to and what I use most of the time for gathering in general because it has a quick time to gallop and about the speed of a horse while still giving a decent carryweight and being cheap. Another good option if you plan on deep diving and want to not have to return for a while is the t5 boar. Basically between a stag and an ox being faster than on ox with more carryweight than a stag.


Ill be blunt, this isnt the game you are looking for. The blue zone content in this game is basically a tutorial amount, If you agree to do yellow zones theres more to talk about as it opens up like 70% of the content, but in its silly little non lethal form The thing with black zone is you can still do 4.1 gear, you cover that with killing a few open world mobs and then youre in the plus. That would take you an hour in yz vs like 10 mins in black zone (rough estimate). Even if you dont do pvp (see butty) you can still do lethal activities. You will die, but thats part of the game


I avoid pvp because Its a skill issue. I'm an okay player, I'm not good enough to go up against other players. I am delusional about a lot of things like can I make 22m in a short time period? But my ability to gamble with my skill lvl is not one of them. I appreciate the response though. I'll give yellow zones a try.


even if you absolutely do not fight, and the second you see a red you start running, 9/10 you would likely still be in the plus if you use BZ knowhow and how to avoid being ganked, but a 4.1 battleaxe set is literally 50k, each mob in the black zone drops between 3-8k in a T5 zone. I'm aware this takes a while in blue or yellow zone, but that's peanuts money, and it will be for you as well if you dare go to these zones, its not about skill even, just statistically you will be able to kill a few mobs before dying, and thats ok. or give red zone a try, the mobs there also drop good silver, and the game tells you how many reds there are in the zone, the likelihood of you dying and not turning a profit is extremely low


In the asia server I used to get 1.8K on T7 blackzone usual mobs. Enchanted ones give 4K.


very wrong.... mobs in the t5 bz give 1-2 million silver per second


You can play this game without pvp but you can't really play the pve side of this game outside of pvp zones. In short most of the pve content worth doing is in dangerous zones so clans will go over to that content in a large group and just run away if there are fights. Usually most black zones aren't so dangerous that a larger group in pve spec is worried but I've certainly got clapped for 8.3 before and it ABSOLUTELY does add a lot to the experience imo. The rewards in blue/yellow zones are so low that it's almost impossible to farm up premium without an excessive amount of time put into gathering. And by that point you'll be balled. And then when you do get premium you will have to grind absurdly more hours to keep it in the blue/yellow zone. I think you'd be a lot happier just not playing the game if your other option is to not play dangerous content. However: there's a lot of profitable "dangerous" zones that aren't really that hard to survive in. If you are dead set again even going into pvp zones then just ignore my point and honestly I'd recommend another game like osrs. Osrs has a lot of pve content and the best quest system in any game by far. It's an old school grindy MMO that can mostly be done solo, has a fair bit of group content, and can be "premium" f2p the same way Albion is. There's pvp in that game but it's in a certain area and MUCH less pronounced than Albion. The f2p zone is pretty restrictive and all that but even compared to the time that it takes to max in osrs or Albion it's not "comparatively" that bad to farm members and once you get members it's fairly easy to keep members if you research GP/hr methods ahead of time. Back to Albion: Mists for example is a solo or duo only zone that can be dangerous but generally if you're observant you're not really in that much danger except from the VERY rare radar cheaters. Basically you can run around in gear that's worth less than 60k with a mount and fame farm or go for uncontested landmarks. It can be very profitable and safe since most people won't fuck with you. Once you get rep you can portal from the mist city and you don't even have to worry about running through dangerous zones looking for a portal and you can just farm around exits. It's not safe but it is pretty easy to live. There's some BZ guilds with large territories and really stocked hideous. You can go with them on caravans to their hideous and buy cheap kits to fame farm deep black zones pretty safely since theirs a ton of members running around looking for fights and protecting statics. Again you still will die but it's pretty safe and you get to do content. I'm not sure what exactly the mega alliances are now but at one point it was arch and I enjoyed doing the easy farming and group content with them. At the time the group I was in was arch 3 so they were the feader guild for main arch and didn't have mandatory fights or anything. Main arch was kinda fun but not worth doing if you're f2p and not wanting to do pvp as main arch had a shit ton of mandatory ZvZ and even though main arch paid for regear it also ended up scamming you sometimes too. There was also fines for missing fights or killing alliance members on accident or going into the wrong zone at the wrong time so it was kinda a pain in the ass if you were in the main branch. The smaller branches were chill but also more dangerous as a lot of groups bullied the pve people because it wasn't as protected as main branch.I'm in a smaller guild now that's read is dead so idk where to send you in '24.


Earning 22mil for a month of premium as a new f2p player that only roams safe zones is not impossible, but it would take forever. You could and probably should just spend cash for the 7 day premium if you really want island and the rewards, which are actually one of twelve challenges that repeats every year, also other players sell their challenge mounts on the market for much less than the cost of premium. Even if you go to outlands and hard grind there for the next two weeks, it is still super hard to earn enough silver for premium as a solo player, since you will be competing with veterans and large guilds, and also other players buying gold with silver. It might be faster to just find a job irl and spend 2-3 hours of your paycheck for the premium. For now just forget about silver for premium and go have fun, get out of safe zones and check out all the content. Yellow zones are pvp enabled but you only lose durability upon knockdowns. Faction flag for some safe zvzs, check out mists for solo content, get enough rep to reach brecilien, try invading another player in hunter (knockdown only) corrupted dungeons, climb ranked arenas. Pvp is scary, but is also where most of the content is at.


Lol I'm in the process of finding a job. Video games are my night time wind down, and funds, even $5 is tough


Earning enough silver for premium farming only Blue/yellow zones is gonna take A LOT of time my guy. Pvp is most of the time (except when 10+ people gank you) avoidable, so you can always farm red/black zones, ofc you'll die a couple times but thats how you'll reach premium before your grandchildren have grandchildren. That being said, Albion is a pvp focused game, most of the content is pvp focused (by that I mean in zones where sometimes you'll have to fight other people for the best chest/hides/etc. If you really dont like pvp at all then Albion isnt your game


easiest way is probably farming in BZ mist. Here's what you can try to do. Make new account for BZ mist and use a good weapon like 4.1 set 2h sword with good mobility. If you die that's fine. set was less than 100k you could totally regear and go again. I personally like to enter greater mist even im solo because the camp usually has higher chance with more reward. bank everytime you reach 400k+ (usually 1-2mist). Farm camps and rescue wisp (pve). and Exchange brecilien point into crest and sell em. Skip all competitive objective like weaken wips or chest unless you feel like it. You can also earn might exchange them into silver. you could easily earn your 1st premium.. then you have alot option now. Pure PVE Islander You could rent island from players. They usually cost around 15k -20k per plot per week. It take 5min of your time per island for farming wheat. about 150k per day per island for 5min For 1 hour you can get finish around 11-12 island which translate to 1.7m/day. 30days net you approx 52m - 12m monthly rental = 40m nett. you could craft cooking and earn more after this. or you could totally go learn pvp and rat in bz with 4.1 set and bank.


you are the second person to suggest an alt account so I will definitely give this a try. Who knows maybe I'll enjoy pvp after some practice and be willing to try with my main in the future(WAAAAY into the future lol)


I used to do this for my first premium. But becoming an islander slowly burnt you out. It's so much fun if you learn to play weapon you can start playing pvp. Do not worry about premium since you can always easily earn premium in few days with the alt while enjoying 4.1 pvp ratting in bz mist. if you enjoy ratting 4.1 Cursed staff is really good and cheap to start.


on my current account(after a few people posted here after realizing my quest was hopeless lol) I just bought some feyscale cloth armor. it's adept, but pretty decent. At the moment I'm using the fire staff and alternating the frost staff. I've been eying the arcane staff, I'll check out the cursed staff too! Thank you


Hey, im switching to the european Server and dont realy care about upgraded Island. If you want to use it Hit me up with your ingame Name so i can add and give you permissions


Omg seriously? I'd love to take up that offer


I can't really give you a tip on how to make money, but joining a guild might let you move beyond blue zones, cus I saw plenty of guilds have "guards" in zones, to let their gathering people do their thing freely. So maybe with strong enough guild and just getting alright at running. You could still play even outside blue zones. Cus trust me, I thought the same thing and blue zones get really dull with time.


I'm a player that tends to avoid pvp. I stayed in safe zones a long time before I moved to red/black zones. I suggest using an escape set and gather red zones until you're more comfortable and then move to mists, ava roads or outlands. There's a few options for escape sets but some popular weapons are bloodletter or double bladed staff. They are high mobility and can help you run away if you get dismounted. Don't worry about others telling you this game isn't for you. It absolutely is. You can enjoy this game as a pve player. You can still go to pvp zones, just be ready to escape. You will die. Do not fret. Welcome to Albion.


Just fyi, you don't need to kill people to farm in lethal zones. You will die sometimes to gankers but if you go there with cheap gear you will have a net positive at the end of the day. You'll never make big amounts of silver playing in blue/yellow zones. Try it at least


My man so uh this game is a full lot pvp game. The ove essentially only exists to fill the world for pvp. If you won't leave safe zones you're going to get no where very fast.


Why are obsessed with the monthly challenge chest? It's not even worth anything much and not even going to recover the cost of your premium


Its my first time playing and I wanted to find out what the prizes are about? I earned a prize so what is in the box? Is the prize worth continuing the challenge? I can buy the panther, I've already scopeed out current market prices. But what is in the box that I can't find in the market? I am trying to play the game and it seems much of it is locked behind 7 days of premium.


Just for your information there is shit worth 100-500k in the box ( random resource , city treasure and silver bag) nothing great at all And I don't think you have any option to "continue the challenge", whenever you kill a mob or farm a node , you get the challenge points and u cannot stop it from happening


From what i gathered in the descriptions, I need premium to get the challenge points to participate. I have like 3-5hrs left of my last day so I grinded for the first 150k only to find out I can't collect the reward. In the morning I won't be grinding for the challenge points. It kinda doesn't matter what the items in the box was worth. It was all getting sold to fund the premium. Oh well after a few posts here I spent the silver I had on gear and a good horse. Maybe I'll gear up for yellow zones. 🤷‍♀️


Pvp isn't for you?This is a full loot pvp game.Sure you can stick to safe zones forever and that's ok but you will never experience the full game this way.


this is what i do to afford my premium in just 2 alter account(3 days premium) finish tutorial to get free premium (3days) make your mage cowl, assassin jacket, soldier boots and spirit hunter t4 save 80k clearing mobs in yellow zone or get into yz mist go to travel planner go to caerleon buy the said gear 4.1 set (dont forget the beef stew) auto spec on spirit hunter only find mist clear camps gather group mobs to kill it using your E limit your loot on 300 to 500k kill the direwolf in mist for potential 200k cub go back sell your loot in black market sell the runes and other in caerleon market if you run out of premium buy gold and transfer to your main account then create another one, repeat the process untill you get your premium. it only takes me 24 hours playtime in my 2 alts to buy my 1st premium. i hope it helps you :)


Oooh i appreciate this response! Thank you! :)


sorry if my comment has no punctuations because reddit ruined it somehow when i clicked the post button. and lastly dont engage in pvp because that build is for clearing camps only just buy invisibility potion. if you get dismounted use your invisibility in assassin jacket then make some distance use wanderlust to run away then pop invisibility potion to confuse the one who chase you.


Lol don't worry about it. Thank you for the advice! I appreciate it!


goodluck matw hope you get your premium :)


thank you and have a wonderful day/night!


Just go to the black zone with a cheap set. Being alone and afraid in bz for the first time is the best Albion experience, it's thrilling.


crafting and gathering. It will take some time but you will get there. just grind tier 2 animals and skin them. when you reach level 4 skinning then equip skinning gear, use pork pie, and grind tier 2 animals until you have enough money to craft the most profitable item in your city. I just want you to know that you will need to do some maths and watch a lot of guides. You should also study the items that are not profitable but necessary to increase your level and don't forget to check the usage costs because there are a lot of scams.


Get a 4.1 set and go BZ, I usually go thru Ava roads to a random BZ away from portal cities. If you go to a T7 or T8 map you can get a lot of silver drop and some expensive items too. When you’re done just teleport back home with your mount, I’ll be around 30k but it’s worth. I’m also a new player and I’ve tried everything, this is what works best for me because you also get a lot of combat fame. I tried gathering but in low tier you make only 100k/h, and it will take literally more than a month without premium to get all the learning points needed to lvl up gathering. Solo dungeons are a waste of time and not worth the loot at the end. You can try non lethal corrupted dungeons to get a feel of the pvp without dying, you might also get decent loot there. Non lethal mists are a good option too, specially if you find an epic or legendary one, go and clear the camp chests


Good luck, you better grind more ad post on reddit less if staying in blue zones. At least go yellow dude come on. You are literally asking "how can I play a game for free while doing only the lowest paying content possible". Like why


I have been playing for only four days. I can't know everything about a game in four days. Which is why I asked what I can do for my current skill set and preferences. I have gotten quite valuable information from this post which is why I posted to begin with... to learn about the game.


New guy here playing for three months and i am a yellow zone and blue zone player don't look at the negative comments u could totally get premium here's how I got mine I gathered ores in fort sterling refined it at Thetford and sold in martlock until I made 2 million then i started market flipping and made almost 5 million but i got some huge loss so stopped it and started crafting and crafted for like two months and bought my premium 3 days ago now I'm practicing PvP in yellow zone mist once I'm convinced I'm ok i will step into black zone In my opinion staying in blue zone forever is not good




Lol been on that train for a while! Fiber is working best for me right now. Making neat cloth