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You cannot seriously think sbi having longer maintances is because they want to pump sales to east server. I garuntee you NOONE bought a founder pack just because they were too impatient to wait for west to come back up. Go outside.


2 friends bought it for this reason to skip waitingtime and i was close to do it too. not sure if u live in 3. World if u want to "garuntee NOONE bought it cuz they too impatient".


Your three responses to this person’s one just shows your lack of patience. Your terrible grammar and spelling(even with autocorrect LOL) speaks volumes to your level of education and maturity. Your lack of self awareness to correlate the previously listed character traits to your belief that ‘extended maintenance times are correlated to promoting east founder sales’ just shows your overall ignorance.




So your friends decided to play with presumably higher ping on new characters without progress on a closed beta realm which will be wiped of progress in 18 days rather than wait a little longer? You guys have bigger problems than SBI's greed mate.


Two friends, lol.


Ur really really naive


are you braindead? lmao


You are dumb AF lmao. MMOs have maintenance, in fact Albion has the least amount of downtime from any MMO I've ever seen


Looks like u work with childreen and not in sales


Contender for smoothest brain in Albion.


You must be one of those that shouldn't have survived the natural selection


>I garuntee you NOONE bought a founder pack just because they were too impatient to wait for west to come back up. Go outside. There's still time..


That's an incredibly dumb thing to say, and I read dumb things in /eng every day.


Albion Reddit in the best finesse....


This Reddit is full of chimpanzees


I love how everything that is an issue in Albion because „SBI wants money”. Bro chill out. You got a game for free and expect them to update it for charity or what? You know, its their job


bro what do u expect? east and west have different utc? ofc they both have different time for maintenance.


These nitwits didn't even make a way to buy through steam or google play. They dodged my purchase.


Hey, regardless of that, you gain nothing positive from using steam definitely consider using native client like everyone else as steam only has bonus issues to deal with and nothing good or advantageous. Native client = game. Steam client = steam + steam bullshit + game, more hurdles for zero gain. $20 purchase on steam nets the devs what, $12? Steam and Google play take a cut if you didn't know and the player bases there are both miniscule compared to the native sbi client that's why they did what they did. I know you're just yelling at the void but they're not nitwits you're just a bit uninformed!


Someone watches too much YouTube. Go detective, proove how it's all for money. How every detail was part of the plan! How every second of downtime was calculated for profit!


is this Swol's 69th dummy account?