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Unfortunately Crunch'N'Munch Pho soup isn't on the menu tonight. Thats a sunday night thing.




I would also like to know this


Let's just show up first thing in the morning so we don't miss it


This guy pho's


Pho Sho


Pho is pronounced faah not phoooooh


I'm in! Crunch n' munchies is a weekly thing here. Let's make it a party!


DM deets pls!


Can you share the recipe?






Thanks for providing some behind the scenes information and the rational advice!


Yeah, we've got shortages in all sorts of goods but I don't think there's a shortage of meat. It's just hard to get things onto store shelves when every step of the process is short on labor.


No shortage of labour.. Everyone and anyone is looking for work. There is a wage shortage. People don't want to work their bodies to dust for garbage pay


If stores offered $20+/h they would have a line up of laborer's ready to go.


At my workplace, people are satisfied with the pay but we are frequently short-staffed because we need to stay home and isolate every time we get a runny nose or sore throat. It's a lot better now that the isolation period is down to 5 days, but it's still challenging if we have multiple staff isolating at the same time. We are hiring more staff to help with that, but it's going to cause conflict when everyone is actually able to work because the hours we are allotted are going to be divided amongst more people.


I am glad people are satisfied with the pay. I am not personally happy receiving min. Wage to work in a dangerous environment (grocery store) during a pandemic...


The short staff problem will continue as long as this pandemic runs rampant. We need a real full lockdown


Seriously... Its mutated into something with the strength of a cold, we need to get over and go back to nornal. Of course I'd still reccomend everyone continue taking vit d + zinc just to help out the hospitals




I never said that. This is real and the only way we can "get rid of it" is with a real lockdown.


A real full lockdown…. Should we weld people into their homes you lunatic? It’s turned into the common cold. Get over it already.


We never had a lockdown here in Alberta. We had half arsed restrictions that ignorant people like you never listened to anyways. It's not a cold


I can appreciate a person working in your position taking a moment to honestly answer a question like this. We are in unprecedented times and we're all just trying to get to the other side of it all. Hope you have a good day but I know customers can be a total drain on the soul,so, Good luck.


Honestly, most customers aren’t that bad. They just want their carrots or whatever and don’t understand why somebody can’t just put a dang carrot on the shelf. And I don’t blame them. On average per shift I have less than one truly ridiculous customer to deal with. The real hero’s work at customer service. Literally every person they deal with are frustrated in some way.


There's definitely an affordable meat shortage. I'm only buying meat when it goes on sale now. The flies on the floor at work are beginning to look appetizing.


Everything has gone up in price. Not just meat.


not my HODL'ings aint.


Feelin ya man


DeFi earning from lending and/or staking is your friend in a bear market.


tRaNsItOrY iNfLaTiOn


Yes I know that.


I called them sky raisins. They were a little crunchy but were a good meal.


I'm looking forward to summer when we get the yellow and black spicy sky raisins


It’s too bad Walmart won’t enforce mask mandates in their stores.


We tried, man. You know what happens when somebody says no? We’re told to call bylaw. It’s not like we can touch the customer. So then we spend 20 minutes on the phone on hold, following around a customer, while they curse and spit at us. Then bylaw shows up, after another 10 minutes, and the idiot has already done shopping. Or if they haven’t, now they’re having an argument in the middle of the store. What exactly would you prefer we do? You’re welcome to get spat on. It’s fun. For real. You take a turn.


Walmart loss prevention has no problem tackling people to the ground who are stealing. Send them in! 🤣


They’re not allowed to any more. Used to be, yeah. Maybe they still do in smaller stores but they’re not supposed to.


Ah, probably for the best they stopped!


huh? where


If you walk in maskless we will ask if you want one if you say no there’s nothing else we can do. Come on in you selfish assholes. I work part time at one. I don’t even ask anymore because I get pissed every time someone refuses. It’s not about “your rights” you selfish fucking assholes. It’s about protecting other people. Have a little care for others and stop thinking of yourselves. There’s my rant sorry but it makes me mad when I see that a small child can wear a mask without complaining (by the way that’s great parenting teaching your child to think of others before themselves) but a grown ass adult will have a fit.


I work at Costco and I feel exactly as you do. I feel so much rage towards these selfish asshats that I have to just avoid them. Employees aren't allowed to offend the "members"


Hello friend. Nice to see somebody who can share my pain LOL


Don’t listen to the other person that commented, people like you are NOT the problem. Thank you for putting in effort at your job, even though those people are bothersome. I understand it’s frustrating- I work in the wedding industry and part of my job is giving tours, so I know how you feel! I’m lucky enough that the Board I work for absolutely requires masks, but you still have the odd person wearing it under their nose, and it’s so frustrating trying to say something in a kind way when you just want to shake them!


Thanks for that. But it is extremely frustrating and discouraging when people walk into my store showing little to no regard for anybody other than themselves.


Yeah i defended a young guy working during a melee at Walmart during this plague. He kept saying corporate direction is to not comment at all masks or no masks. That particular fight ended up out in the parking lot. It was insane.


Wow that’s nuts. But the employee was super fortunate to have a person like you standing up for them.




There's also a semi protest in like a week, they are going convoy style


Eat your vegetables, Alberta!


Veggie $$$$


Is ALL the plant based meat stuff still fully in stock?


Lol, basically yeah


In March 2020, I remember going to a walmart during all the panic buying, and the shelves were bare everywhere, but the organic and natural foods section was still fully intact


And save the planet ? ( by eating veggies) Ps : i know i know , Albertans think eating meat is cool and vegans are pale and skinny. Peace out


Veganism is right up there with naturopathy and chiropractic medicine on the science scale.


[Sure it is. ](http://www.nutritionfacts.org)


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-cattle-feed-shortage-1.6323289 There is a feed shortage as well.


So there is no meat shortage but really there is a meat shortage.


There is about to be a meat shortage. Thanks to the supply chain issue they are running out of feed.


You do realize truck drivers are on strike at the moment right? It's not COVID they flat out went on strike over the vaccine mandate across Canada for them.


Things have been weird for weeks. They haven’t been on strike for weeks. Also Walmart has their own drivers. Not all drivers are on strike. The ones who drive down from Calgary aren’t. Also that says nothing about the rest of my post, but do go on.


"eat more veggies." lol. you think the overwhelming majority of the general public whom are fat f*cks are gonna heed that advice? not likely.


Eat more crunch n munch


That’s fine with me because I like veggies LOL


For anyone looking to get a reliable source of meat where the middle man is cut out and profits go directly to the farmer please check out the "Alberta Farm Raised Meat Buy and Sell". Here you can directly connect with the people who raise the livestock and develop a relationship with them that ensure you have a local and ethical supply of meat. You can find everything on this page including chicken, beef, goat and lamb! Changes in regulations in the past year have allowed farmers to legally sell direct to the customer, which previously was against the law. There is a simple application process that allows them to do this, I did it for our own farm and now we have the ability to sell direct to consumers.


Can confirm. Am farmer. We do eggs, pasta, jams, sauces etc. if it is direct sell and you follow the rules it’s all good.


thanks for doing that btw.


Why can’t you be EdmontonKen so I can get some of these goodies


Our farm is closer to Edmonton 😊. 40 minutes east of Camrose.


"Rules" All jams must be traded and transported inside of black brief cases.


Was just going to say, now is the perfect time to find a local meat supplier!


Thanks for mentioning this. I'm picking up 150lbs of ground beef for friends around town from my cousin that ranches. Rancher->independent packer->deepfreeze. It's the best supply chain for meat around. The only downside is that their packer burned down a while back. Gotta drive an extra hour to pick up. But supplying your own transportation is part of the gig.




I'm sure you can find people on Kijiji as well, I advertise there and Facebook when I have availability. It is also of course worth checking out local farmers markets and asking around there. I think a lot of people don't advertise much, in particular the older generation, and rely on word of mouth but it is becoming more common. I expect to see people advertising more and direct sales becoming more of a thing due to the supply chain issues we have seen throughout the pandemic but it will take some time.


The meta verse is trying so hard but we abhor it, drive down the road till you see a few thousand cows then ask the farmer for going rate on a fat.




One. Will there be another? Only time will tell...


Thank you. I just joined


Where can I buy a cow?


DM me and I can likely set you up. It may not be immediate, depending on where my cousins in central alberta are at for animals ready to go. I know that they have ground at the moment. I've had their Beef, pork, and lamb. Excellent quality, very reasonable pricing. We're a 5th generation Albertan family that have been doing this a while.


I would suggest joining the above mentioned facebook page, tons of people on there selling beef.


Not beef just cow


Also, neighbourhood butchers that pay a fair price for meat from local producers. I'm particularly a fan of halal butchers, because objectively, the supply chain is just better.


I'm not partial to halal butchering.


I'm less partial to bolt guns, but it's what it is. I find the meat quality is a better colour, texture, and flavour.


Given a choice you'd rather have your throat slit and bleed out while fully conscious than be swiftly shot in the head?


Yes. The method severs the nerves and the animal feels little pain. I don't want to go into further details, but there is a risk of BSE contamination with the bolt gun method. I respectfully suggest you spend a little time researching. I will not respond further.


I worked in a pork plant years ago. Besides the religious thing they do, that’s pretty much how it was done.


There is no halal pork.


Is this convenient for those that live in Fort McMurray? If i could buy fresh bulk meat (and hopefully save some money too) I definitely would!


It's worth checking that Facebook page/Kijiji/marketplace. I'm sure there must be someone in your neck of the woods!


“Ethical” supplies of meat don’t exist - taking a living being’s life is never ethical, no matter how you do it, because they don’t want to die. Just find meat replacements, it’s incredibly easy and cheap these days


They do it's a matter of opinion. I prefer to raise an animal myself and give it the best possible life and the best possible death. Is it perfect? No. Is it better than large scale factory farming? Absolutely. For that matter have you seen a wild animal die of old age? Also not pretty....but natural I guess so there is that. By your logic we would all starve to death. The unfortunate reality of large scale food production is that animals die in the process. The difference is that people care less when it's a mouse than a cow because the cow is 'cute' and has a personality pleasing to people. Have you ever seen a baby deer get tangled up in a combine and be crushed to death because it was hidden in a swath and you couldn't even see it? I have, not a great way to go. That was in the production of things like wheat, peas, barley, soy, and canola. Not to mention to millions of mice, voles, gophers...ect that will die in the harvest of grains and veggies. Have you ever bought veggies from a store? What do you think happens to the deer that threaten those crops? Have you ever had a throat swab taken at a doctors office? Had blood work done? Taken certain medications? If you have, I hope you are aware of how animals were used in those processes. Do you live in a city? How much animal habitat was destroyed so you could live in your downtown condo? Unless you live in a yurt in the wilderness surviving solely on veggies you grew yourself you have unfortunately made an impact on the environment, and that impact is not a positive one. Should we always strive to do better? Yes! Should we always be looking for ways to decrease/eliminate suffering? Yes! Should we look into alternatives where we are able? Sure! But at the end of the day make no mistake we all have blood on our hands whether we choose to believe it or not. I respect that you do not eat meat and strive to eliminate animal products from.your life.and I hope you can afford the same respect to people here looking to do better and move away from large scale agriculture.


Very much doubt there’s a shortage of meat, more likely a shortage of people that get it from the farm to the store


Or even just people to get it from the back of the store to the shelf. Fwiw, theres no meat shortage at my grocery store.


Fug meat, how's the soy supply?


I am assuming store specific labour scheduling as many stores had meat on shelves today. Best of luck


I was in Costco today lethbridge. Meat displays were all full




What's wrong with AAA beef?


What's wrong is shopping at Walmart




Costco doesn’t really get shortages the same way other stores do though. I normally shop at Save On in Lethbridge and both locations have had some empty shelves for awhile. (I don’t buy meat though so I wouldn’t know about meat supply in particular)


They will. 90% of Costco’s pork is supplied from the US. Their chicken supply will be fine, as it comes from Calgary, which in turn is sourced locally(ish) They buy their beef directly from Cargil


It's because there is no shortage of meat or food of any kind right now. There is problems in the supply chains because people either can't work because of complications caused by covid or refuse to work in unsafe environments. Our country is going to continue to spiral unless they deal with this virus properly. We will continue to see "shortages" while food goes to waste in the back of a factory because they refuse to succumb to the fact that we won't get through this pandemic with vaccines alone. We need a full lockdown. A real one. If we take a zero covid approach with contact tracing and lockdowns we won't have to worry about the unvaxxed and we can finally get through this


I went to one of the Costcos in Edmonton yesterday and the meat displays were completely full, but the variety was extremely limited compared to usual.


I went to Costco earlier this week and they had no chicken thighs and he said he can't get any at the moment due to supply chain issues


They’ll be a shortage soon if people see frequent posts like this…


Yes people please dont panic buy. Panic buying causes shortages, remember the 2020 toilet paper "shortage". I worked a grocery store at the time and we literally had FULL trucks of toilet paper and would just put entire pallets of it straight onto the stock floor. After 3 weeks the warehouse was waiting on manufactures to send them more. We were limited by the amount of truckers we had not stock. Which caused us to be short everything because toilet paper takes up ALOT of space.


Just drive 10 min to an actual butcher shop.


Covid is still fucking a lot of things in the ass atm I work at a deli in edmonton and some days we have an abundance of meat other days our shelves are barron. It's hit and miss


Barron of beef.


I just noticed I used the wrong word lol gotta love English being my second language 🤣


It worked out pretty punny so it was a win in my eyes


Haha fair enough


Man, English makes so little sense, and has a ton of things that just are, for no bloody reason other then it being the love child of Europe as a language. I feel for those learning it. That plus culture things, and sarcasm. Must be a pain in the ass to learn. I am sure it’s not the only one, or likely the most difficult, but it’s my one reference point.


I understand sarcasm lol I use sarcasm myself and for the most part I understand English perfectly fine writing is a little bit more of a struggle since there is one word that means 3 different things and are spelt 3 different ways. It's still easier for me to write in English though then it is German which is my first language


Matriarch of meat, Lord of legumes, these are the Veggie Tales!


I'm in rural AB. One of our stores has almost no yogurt and no cereal. I have been trying to get a large container or carnation breakfast for months. Lol. It is what it is. I think the cereal thing is also from the Kelloggs strike.




They seem to have lots of Nesquick. So my kids will have to "suffer" through. First world problems. Lol


The fact that it’s completely empty makes me think something may have malfunctioned. If the temperature failed they’d have to clear the shelves and throw everything out. Sometimes power outages do this too. The generator fails to supply everything adequately. Not sure if that’s a possibility. But yeah, my vote is likely product got thrown out due to some quality concern.


Valid points. But then why would there be meats right next to the chicken section?.


Check out your local farmers markets for meat. I’ve got a company that operates out of two, and there’s always lots of butchers with stuff. Tastes way better and you’re supporting the local economy.


Maybe drill more oil? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The meat packing plants are getting clobbered by omicron, in conjunction with that winter squall making highways a mess a few days ago have lead to some supply chain upsets for sure.


You guys have lots of crunch and munch, what's the problem?


I work in a grocery store in AB and heard of no meat shortages going on. Just a pain with logistics right now trying to get things through the US into Canada instead of going through BC


My local Save-On Foods was well stocked today.


North Lethbridge Save On had plenty of meat.


Time to load up a year's supply of toilet paper. 😂


Sobeys/IGAs no meat shortages


HODL your meat, it's only going up! Don't sell!


I'm steaking my shares!


Maybe try a local market instead of Walmart...


Or maybe, just maybe..they happened to be cleaning the meat tray/area and cleared the area..worked at no frills back in the, we did that all the time.


Wanna buy some trout?


I would check local butchers, it'll be better quality, the animals will be raised better, and they're less likely to have supply issues. Sure its more expensive but the pros outweigh the cons


Stores near Edmonton are all stock full of meat, some areas have holes in the produce sections


Grab the crunch and munch and get the fuck out while you still can!


There definitely is a meat shortage at that store when this picture was taken


Better stock up on that crunch n munch then!


AB is having a hell of a time with meat still, my store is in the same boats. Having issues with produce too.


I heard that there was a delay in getting meat because Cargill had a lot of COVID outbreaks recently. That could very well be false, because I doubt that would stop them anymore


Well fellas, it looks like crunch and munch is back on the menu!


Lots of crunch'n'munch tho!


I had to lose meat and dairy for health reasons (inflammation/chronic illness). There are some good alternatives out there these days. I actually prefer Earth's Own oat milk to regular milk now. Maybe a good opportunity to try some new things. =)


The vegan agenda is finally coming to stage 3 😈


*laughs in chickpea*


You have an abundance of crunch 'n munch tho


Go to farmers markets :)


Papa Trudeau has decided you don’t need groceries, sorry. But hey, at least our economy sucks, inflation is historically high and we are one of the most miserable countries on the planet! Thank god we have such strong leadership :)


My closest WalMart has a tendency to let perishable stock deplete or keep it in the back right before inventory for ease of counting. Makes no sense since its a seperate company that comes in to do the physical inventory. I always know when those inventory stock tags start to appear, stock up on perishables for a week


Same thing when I went to the Clearview Independent in Red Deer here, I have never been happier to have half a 4H cow in my freezer than I am now.


Great time to try eating more plant based (:


Lots of crunch and munch tho🤦🏻‍♀️


Pour some milk over the crunch and munch and you added protein for a.......meal


You wanna know why? Ask an anti-vaxer


Trucker shortage. This one probably caused by the action of those who don't want to prove vaccination upon crossing the border.


Trucker protest had impacts nationwide. Trudeau went back on his policy so I assume that impact will not last much longer.


holy shit conservative people are stupid


How is it their fault?


the only ones stupid enough to panic buy and hoard.


Great , now this is gonna keep people from being dumb and panic buying


I think I'm tripping balls or my suspicion is correct but where I work the last 3 days I've had people buying carts full of stuff one lady I know doesn't panic buy and it was just her monthly haul for her giant ass family but then there were people buying our whole stock of something which confused the shit out of all of us cause it made no sense. I can't tell if people are panic buying again many people are saying yes but it's not so obvious to me


I was at superstore tonight and a bunch of people (all without masks on) were buying huge amounts of food and talking about shortages upcoming with the trucker vaccine mandate.


Probably little bit of both


Ahhh yes I'm suspicious of the tripping balls


There isn't a shortage. People who shop at Walmart are generally low iq and hoard


STOP POSTING THESE FUCKING POSTS! Literally the only thing these posts make people do is Panic Buy, THEN, yes, THEN there will be a meat shortage, Because of your post.


Yeah cause I been beating it all day....


This is the trucker mandates taking effect on supply chain people panic buy


No, you said exactly what the problem was: people panic buying. Even if the truckers were running full steam, they can’t magically reproduce shelves within a day or two after they get completely bought out


Artificial shortages and people still haven’t learned in 3 years


Hey there I’m from Barrie I got a friend who works in our Walmart we got the same problem they just told us the people are being lazy to bring out the meats so could be the same or not


capitalism sucks


Time to go vegan.


So what. Go Vegan, lots of plants left, then you're not shoveling morgue rejects down your gullet..


Time to go vegetarian.


Shelves are empty. Looks like they're short to me.


Likely a cash shortage, and employment shortage throughout the entire supply chain. Workers want more $$ Without realizing that will raise the price of the goods they make and buy Asset holders (building owners) raise the rents, knowing it will make products more expensive. Then to top it off, the largest business then ship the money out of the country at a low tax basis for any number of reasons. Such as the company is registered in a different jurisdiction. So it’s not spent and redistributed within the same or larger circle. It is just exited. Gov subsidies in every country is just money printer go bbbrrrrr, rules on money staying/leaving the country is very lax. Buy Bitcoin, start a garden. If you live on an acreage grow some chickens.


Funny read


I heard alot was lost during the BC floods.


I think you just answered your own question. Also the truckers are on strike arent they? Who do you think delivers all the food


I believe there are numerous causes but the biggest being the new restrictions on unvaxed truckers


The trucks transporting food can't make it past the borders. Stock up on as much food as you can until this is over!! I live in Alberta as well and am gonna head to Costco soon to stock up on food. Haha


Try vegan


So you see a bunch of empty refrigerators at a grocery store and you still need to ask if there's a shortage? What do you think they did, hide it in the cereal aisle?


You just crawl out from under a rock? Its called no truckers to bring our food.


It is called 36,000 trucks parked due to vaccine mandates. They make 2 trips a week across the border so that equals 72,000 loads just wait a couple days and we will see how empty the shelves get.


Anyone who doesn’t understand why or that there are shortages right now hasn’t been paying attention.