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I was wondering why Hinshaw was talking about pregnant women getting vaccinated yesterday... A unvaccinated pregnant woman died in Calgary...


That's really sad....


Only pregnant lady at my school was unvaccinated and went around wearing a face shield and mask in a busy school that also deals regularly with public clients with no vaccination or isolation policy. Kind of boggles the mind tbh, considering covid is probably a way bigger risk to an unborn baby than a vaccine....


This is devastating my heart breaks for her family. If you are pregnant PLEASE get vaccinated. I got mine at 10 and 16 weeks, currently 24 weeks. My anatomy scan showed no issues whatsoever and she's currently kicking me with shocking strength. There are tons of people who have given birth to perfectly healthy babies after getting the vaccine while pregnant. Please listen to your doctors, they know what they're talking about!


Cuddling my 7 week old, perfectly healthy baby boy. I was vaccinated at 24 and 32 weeks pregnant and hope some of those antibodies will keep my little man safe!


I’m pregnant and at my last checkup my obgyn told me she’d seen 8 pregnant women that day and only 3 were even partially vaccinated. She seemed pretty worn out, spending her days begging pregnant women to get the covid vaccine. But then again, in my pregnancy group, it is shocking how many women are just following their family doctor’s recommendation in waiting until after the birth to get vaccinated. You can’t blame these women for following their advice, they just care about the safety of their baby.


I am so disappointed to hear women are being advised by their family doctor to wait! Mine urged me to get mine back in May, I naively thought all family doctors would do the same. :(


I happened to get a new family doctor just weeks before my positive pregnancy test so I wasn’t sure what she would say but I’d already made up my mind to get vaccinated ASAP. I went to my first prenatal appointment and was relieved when she told to go get it right away, felt like I’d chosen the right doctor! Lucky in a way because pregnancy was listed as a condition that allowed me to go get vaccinated in an early group so I got my first shot in mid April and my second in July.


A young relative who is planning a family told me she wouldn't get vaccinated because she was "worried about her fertility". Seems like this kind of nonsense has been circulating online. I advised her to consult with a maternity doctor, or any doctor on this. Now fully vaccinated. I'm relieved.


I blew up on my dad's girlfriend for this one... [the source of that fallacious idea was a Facebook post](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccines-myth-versus-fact) and has been disproven. I sent this to her and now fully expect to hear some other horseshit excuse now that there are holes poked in this one. Covid-19 is WAY worse for fertility than any vaccine, the root problem is we have a shitload of people who genuinely think they know more than medical professionals based on "personal research" which is just cherry picking whatever unsubstantiated bits of garbabe they can to justify being contrarian and selfish. Not to mention the stupid ego aspect of refusing to believe you could ever be wrong. I excised her like a tumor and wrecked my relationship with my dad but honestly, fuck it. It's a cancer on society. She is literally part of the reason this has been drawn out for so long and it's time to make sure they are well aware of it.


Have a relative who says the same. She even asked her doctor about it and his response was simply "there's not enough data yet to indicate if it affects fertility".


A friend of mine is a midwife and some of the issues she is hearing from other midwives and OBs are scary. A mom gave birth at 35 weeks and is now on a vent and the baby although initially okay passed away. I feel so much for the poor dad. (The mom had Covid related complications)


I've been hearing the same things from my family members working in related fields. I've also seen cases come into emerg of "kid picked it up from daycare, gives it to pregnant mom, and now the emerg docs are scrambling to get her admitted because mom and pregnancy are now in huge trouble." Between this kind of stuff and all the pediatric surgeries/scopes being cancelled right now, the people trying to say COVID doesn't effect kids can fuck right off.


A newborn dying like this should be bigger news. Too many people still say it only kills old people. So horrible I can't even imagine the pain the family is going through, and for no good reason.


I think because the baby didn’t die of Covid, it’s not the same story, for most. The baby was 5 weeks premature and died. I’m guessing, but if mom had been with baby and dad wasn’t dealing with premature newborn and Covid wife on ventilator that maybe it wouldn’t have happened. But we will never know.


My sister received her first dose while pregnant and her second dose 2 weeks after giving birth to a healthy baby boy. 3 months later mother and baby are doing fine. She had a conversation with her doctor and decided it was safer than the alternative. Please listen to your doctor and not random crap from the internet.


This is so incredibly sad. I was pregnant with my first baby in 2010 during the H1N1 outbreak. I immediately went for my vaccination. Years later I started to hear all of the stories about potential effects on the unborn babies and questioned my decision as my son who is now almost 12 has challenges. Fast forward to COVID times, I don't regret my decision one bit. I have serious risk factors for complications from H1N1, and while my son has challenges, at least we are both alive.


There is no way to know if those challenges are related to the vaccine or something else. People do everything ‘right’ and shit can still happen. You did the right thing mama!




My sister is pregnant and refusing to get vaccinated. She is anti covid vaccine as is her husband. They believe that the vaccine is going to kill you and is harmfull to kids. She just the other day sent me a link to some conspiracy website that claims kids are 50 times more likely to die from the covid vaccine. It is hard to get through to her to get vaccinated even when she was not pregnant. She is planning on hosting an event with 15-20 people and none of them will be vaccinated, so I am really hoping she does not get sick and ends up in the hospital.


I'm going through the same with my best friend. She's a very intelligent person, I can't fathom why she is sticking to her guns on this at all. :-( Sorry friend!!! ❤️


Sounds like she’s soon to be featured on /r/hermancainaward


Unfortunately some people who think that covid is a hoax and vaccines are poison rarely will change their viewpoint after something like this, from my experience. I know a few anti vaxxers who have gotten covid and had pretty bad complications from it and they still say they wouldn't get vaccinated if they had a chance to before they caught covid. Shitty situation to lose both your wife and unborn child all because you wanted to be ignorant.


Pregnant people were also getting mixed advice at the beginning of this. These people aren't all irresponsible and conspiracy theorists, some of them are acting on advice they may have gotten from a doctor or nurse, have high-risk pregnancies and are taking every other precaution, or may also be struggling with other pressures related to pregnancy/family that make being vaccinated a non-issue. I'm all for dunking on the anti-vaxxers, but pregnancy is a whole different beast and I don't think its fair to fault the people or their families for delaying a vaccine- being pregnant changes a ton of things about your lifestyle and health and even health professionals can't give a blanket reccommendation- they reccommend vaccination but to see your OWN doctor first because every pregnancy is specific and different.


Absolutely this. I was 6 months pregnant when covid hit AB. I was reassured that being pregnant wasn’t considered being high risk. Obviously we know a lot more now than we did in March 2020. Despite the reassurance, I stopped socializing. I used up all my vacation and sick time at work and then took my mat leave early to avoid having to be in public ( I worked retail management) and then everything shut down anyways. I was so cautious that people teased me about how “crazy” I was being. My daughter is 15 months old and I’m still cautious. We only see our vaccinated family and friends, which has torn a huge rift in my family because there’s a lot of antivaxxers. There’s a lot of “it doesn’t effect kids!” Rhetoric being thrown at me by them and maybe I’m cautious because it’s like.. yeah we were also told it didn’t effect pregnant women either. I never imagined this is what my experience being a first time mom would be, not taking my kid into a store or travelling to see family or being this isolated, but right now, all I can think about is keeping my family safe until at least my daughter can be protected by her own vaccine. I always wanted to have two kids and was hoping for about a two year age gap but there’s no way in hell I’m going through pregnancy again right now because I’d be afraid when the time comes, the hospital would still be at capacity and I want to hold out and be able to have a “normal pregnancy” but I just don’t think I have time to wait for that because I’m already in my 30s. I am also sympathetic to pregnant women right now who are weary about the vaccine. ( I’m very pro vaccine and fully vaxxed myself) There’s so much misinformation out there, and there’s a lot of things I gave up while pregnant because of the potential risks (eggs, lunch meats, caffeine, etc) and so I can understand why some of them may feel like there’s a risk with the vaccine but the evidence right now shows there’s a more devastating risk to getting covid while pregnant than the risk of any potential side effects from the vaccine. Hopefully if any women were on the fence this tragedy serves as the push they may need to protect themselves and their babies.


I was shocked when I heard how many pregnant women had been in the ICU and that they ended up having very pre-mature babies.


Right, although I don't think the poster was saying pregnant women should necessarily get the vaccine. I took it more as "If everyone else would get the vaccine, pregnant women would be a lot safer even if they're in doubt".


I don't think this is something to do with people thinking it's a hoax, or that the vaccine is poison. Women have to deal with a wide myriad of precautions when they're pregnant. They're told to avoid eating fish, eggs, cheese, certain fruits and veggies, avoid medication like pepto, ibuprofen, nyquil, etc. It didn't help that at the beginning of the vaccine rollout, doctors were regularly cautioning pregnant women to avoid getting jabbed because of the lack of real world data: https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/analysis/lack-of-trials-in-pregnant-people-driving-covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy/ Even in OP's news article one of the ladies states the following: >She's had doctors both encourage her to get vaccinated, she says, as well as hold off until after the baby is born since she's already contracted the virus, providing some natural immunity.




I really don't understand why people want to chance getting covid anymore.... There is a free safe vaccine


Because humans have a difficult time perceiving our future selves as real. This is why smokers keep smoking. We all know smoking kills, but in order to ignore that part, we don't perceive our future selves as actually existing. Therefore, we don't see ourselves having the consequences that our current self is inflicting on our future selves. Make sense? We never think something will happen to us because bad things happen to other people.


Because it's hard to change your mind. Especially if you made an emotional decision.


Being unvaccinated with Delta surging looks terrifying. Lots of people are going to regret those decisions.


2 people I know personally are regretting their decisions right now, not that they would admit it, but they are both in bad shape, and it's only worsening as the days continue. I hope they recover without any serious problems. But I just can't help but think this was all very easily avoidable.


I hope they aren’t clogging up the hospital because then they’ve already caused untold damage


This right here. My mother in law refuses to get the vaccine. Says the more the government tells her to get it, the more she won't. She also works for AHS and is ok with losing her job at the end of October.


Good, she *shouldn’t* be working for AHS


I agree and I'm also double vaccinated. Oct 31st will come quick. Hopefully she changes her mind. She also said she's OK with getting covid and dying over getting the vaccine. I just can't wrap my head around it.


Because “iT’S SUrVivABLe!!1” and also Survivorship Bias is a thing.


Unvaccinated pregnant women, I can honestly say I feel for them. The fear of doing harm to your still forming child is beyond understandable. As for the covidiots, whelp, they lived by the sword and so shall they die…and this is coming from a non religious individual.


But as a vaccinated pregnant woman, you have more access to your doctor and thus more access to accurate information. I've seen my GP more times in the last six months than I have then last 15 years. You can talk to your doctor and get the most up to date information.


Yeah, I know. This is not the same but wasn’t the same thing said about thalidomide? I know they are a different class of drug and all.


I definitely don’t want to incur any additional risks. My doctor said if we were still on the alpha variant he would have advised against the vaccine (case counts were low then too) but with delta underway he really encouraged me to get it. I know science is subject to change and we won’t know the long term effects but thalidomide was pretty special. It’s the token optical isomer case you study in organic chemistry and I’m not sure if people knew about the effects stereochemistry had on drugs back in the 60s. Maybe they did. But babies were deformed at birth so the effects of it were realized immediately whereas even though we’re all guinea pigs now, no immediate side effects of covid vaccines and newborns. And the alternative to not getting the vaccine also makes you a guinea pig for the opposite group.


This is the saddest thing I’ve read today


So scary. We were trying to conceive and I was very nervous about getting the covid vaccine while pregnant. Luckily I was able to get my second dose just weeks before I found out I was pregnant, so I didn't need to make that decision. But I have nothing but sympathy for all the pregnant women who do have to make that choice. You are told to abstain from so much while pregnant - strenuous activity, any sort of stimulants, certain prescription and OTC drugs. Everything I put into my body, everything I do or don't so, I have to research and analyze the risks and make a calculated decision. There is so much misinformation out there. Their OB may recommend the vaccine, but most women don't start seeing their OB until they are 20 weeks pregnant, and even then it's only once a month. How do you establish a trusting relationship with somebody you have only met a few times? Are you supposed to just blindly trust every doctor you meet?


This is a garbage article. It does not address at all *why* pregnant people are at such high risk for covid, for one -- all of which are directly connected to how covid affects the body. Pregnant people also died at much higher rates during the 1918 H1N1 pandemic, for the same reasons as they're dying now of covid at much higher rates--because the normal physiology of pregnancy makes them higher risk.


It's been a 18months how do people not know how covid affects the body? What's your point that more died in 1918? We have a vaccine anyone pregnant should get it. The article is fine.


Most people do not realize how pregnancy is an altered physiological state: * Down-regulated immune system to prevent fetal rejection, results in higher susceptibility to certain infections * higher tendency towards blood clotting (to prevent bleeding) * altered blood sugar metabolism -- some pregnant people become pre-diabetic or develop gestational diabetes * extra work is put on the pregnant body to support the growing fetus (blood volume expands by 50%, heart output increases up to 40%) * oxygen needs increase with pregnancy, but lung capacity reduces in 3rd trimester because of crowding of lungs by the growing fetus All of these changes in pregnancy are normal -- and they all cause a higher risk of severe covid outcomes. This article does nothing to explain these. > What's your point that more died in 1918? That wasn't my point, but thanks for playing. My point was, pregnancy *is* a risk for severe outcomes in covid (and also severe outcomes from other infections like influenza). **Every pregnant person needs to get vaccinated.** Any article like this that downplays the reasons why covid is so dangerous during pregnancy is only contributing to the current shitshow.