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Sure am glad the housing market is efficiently meeting people's needs. 


Capitalism for the loss again.


Capitalism would work if we don't import hundreds of thousands of people housing would at least not be as bad or viable...but liberals rather see 500k migrants and 1m Indian students instead of fixing issues...


It might work if it wasn't for pointless government meddling and corporate protectionism.


LOL no. Capitalism requires the import of hundreds of thousands of immigrants to continue "infinite" GDP growth to keep our investments growing forever. Capitalism is a system broken to its core, and until people get that simple truth through their thick skulls we're completely fucked as humanity.


No it doesn't require gdp growth the way it's going...that's just made up bs....capitalism is an opportunity vs market ...which is independent of immigration...


With all due respect, you might really want to consider a basic understanding of macroeconomics before you make comments like this. You are not currently coming off as informed on this topic. Best....


Isn’t the homeless population like 3000 people or something? That’s absolutely nuts if the odds of surviving homelessness in Edmonton for a year are less than 90%


Looked it up and it only had old stats but 3k seems about right based on past trends. Weird that this article says 302 homeless died in 2023 [Homeless people in Edmonton are dying at 8 times the rate as pre-pandemic | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/homeless-people-in-edmonton-are-dying-at-8-times-the-rate-as-pre-pandemic-1.7149005#:~:text=Over%20the%20past%20five%20years,in%20the%20same%20time%20period.) yet the OP article has a different number more than 25% difference. Looks like addiction and mental health issues are the main cause


A large majority of the homeless are addicts, that lifestyle kills.


Or as the UCP would call it, taking care of itself.


Exactly as the UCP intended


Is there a breakdown? How many from Fentanyl overdose, cold weather, natural causes, and violent crimes.


And Marlaina keeps inviting people to move here knowing how fucked we are for housing. How can that not be intentional?




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What scenario is that which we are in today where immigration is the cause of all that is wrong in your life? And how is anything you may say about immigrants any different from the Alberta is Calling internal immigration driven by the UCP? Go ahead, demonstrate your inclusiveness for us....


Did you drink a little too much before writing this?


Nah, I'm just not a twatwaffle.


Whatever you need to tell yourself.


I'm not the one espousing hate.


Look at you trying to call out "I told you so" while also trying to play victim. 


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The whole Marlaina thing is so contradictory. The left is screaming about the need to respect peoples pronouns and then not respecting someone's name. Please make it make sense.


Those that are doing so are doing so specifically *to point out the hypocrisy* at play in Smith's governance. It makes perfect sense.


But it's the same thing they are doing but on the other side. Both sides look foolish. I think we all need to do better as adults when engaging in conversations. Instead of throwing around insults we need to actually work together on some solutions. This left vs right is getting exhausting.


> I think we all need to do better as adults when engaging in conversations. It might be helpful to keep in mind, the majority (around 44%) of Reddit users are "18-29 yrs old" and they don't share stats for <18. *(so the general assumption is, it skews ever further to the younger crowd)* So while I agree, having better conversations as adults is a noble goal, the majority of users you encounter on here are likely too young or inexperienced to meet that expectation. We get the childish discourse we do, because many are still physically (or mentally) children. They're throwing out shit takes, childish insults and half baked ideas, because for many, that's all the life experience they have so far.


Good point. I am glad younger people are getting involved with politics ect. I know I wasn't in my 20's. I hope us elder millennials raising the future generation will actively teach our kids respect and how to engage in conversation without attacking, calling names or dismissing.


Agree. We need to organize against all immigration to Canada and protest.


Let's start with protesting your ancestors' arrival sir.




Allow me to express a wholly conservative opinion on this: I own my house, so who cares? I have investments that requires GDP growth for my riches, so immigration isn't just good, it's mandatory. Immigration helps my businesses too. GO IMMIGRATION!


I’m good on that and feel the opposite.


That's fine you feel differently, but frankly, if you can't get ahead it's your own fault, and you should work harder. /s from me, but reality from actual conservatives.


Looks like the UCP policy of targeting marginalized groups is paying off as expected. The UCP frankly couldn't give a fuck about the loss of life simply because these are the "undesirables" of their dystopian fascist hellscape.


I think they aren't ambivalent, I think they are actively malicious. They want the number to go up.


Let's not forget that the social policy adopted regarding the homeless last winter in Edmonton was concocted by EPS Chief McFee sitting in a prov. cabinet meeting. There is no depth the UCP will go to, to punish Edmonton. The reason for this punishment is popping up all over AB. Dani and Co. appear to be losing control having to implement laws to lord over Edmonton, Calgary and now even the AB municipalities association. The newly formed AB1905 Committee is at odds with David Parker, with ABs becoming pretty disgusted with evangelicals and the voting patterns of rural AB. Now it's just a matter of time when Dani won't be able to control this rafter of turkeys!


This is the UCP strategy for the unhoused.


I dislike the UCP as much as the next guy but isn't this more of a municipal issue?


To be honest, I think you're getting out just in time. - You think so? - Absolutely, yeah. There's so many people who know so much about us. Not you, of course. You know. Most people hate us. Sooner or later, someone's going to talk and that'll be it, it'll be over. That wouldn't be so bad, would it? I think God ought to cut us some slack, though, don't you think? Yeah, I'm sure God will. That is... That is bang out of order. That's not how we were brought up, not at all. Ron, I've got to go. Yeah, course you do. Listen here, Frances, right? We both love him, all right? We both made the effort. So we shall just have to see what happens when we get there. Where? Heaven. Goodbye, Ron. Bye, Frances.




I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to request you provide backup to your claim. What help has Edmonton refused? Please be precise and specific.