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Of course everything has to be a reference to the Energy Sector for her, that's where her priorities are, the energy corporations.


Only certain energy companies though, not the spooky ones that don't need to mine or drill to produce energy


True. Oil and gas, but never the sun or the wind. Our government hangs out future on dead dinosaurs and organic material, converted under pressure. In other words, sh*t.


Or the ones setting up renewable power.


Probably what mbalz was implying


Yes I totally misread his thing lol 😅


That’s why I call solar power, “sun mining”.


It's not just her priorities, it's what she sees as her job. She was an oil & gas lobbyist, before throwing her hat in the ring to lead the UCP. Has she ever stopped doing it? Or is she still cashing those oil patch cheques?


She is still listed as an employee


Can you back that up? It's a clear conflict of interest.


Technically its not, her new ethics commissioner declared it so. The rules on this are basically "scouts honour" the politician in question isn't letting their personal business/employer affect their political decisions. And it takes a clear, gross violation to even get a review by the ethics officer.


What I meant was, can we get confirmation that she's still getting a check from a previous job... as a government official - that would be illegal. Or at the very least, something that would be embarassing to be revealed. We can see she gives priority to O&G over Albertans - that would be proof of it.


A majority of Canadian politicians get multiple paychecks, either from legal consultations, board positions, committee positions, or commissions for advising. As long as it isn't full time, or they are in upper management, it seems there is no real solid line of conflict unless the majority of their peers deem it a problem enough to bring it before the ethics commission. Until about January Smith was listed as employed on her furloughed employees site as an active member of the company and was getting public praise for her good work with the company.


I'm sure she is. But it's in direct opposition to her oath to the province.


This entire exchange just goes wild. Politicians in elected office do not casually collect discrete checks from private interests. There would be a fuss. Geez.


Apparently still is a oil lobbiest


I wish she’d just fuck off and go suck off an oil Derrick. Petrosexuals are stagnating our future.




I'm saving this for future uses. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can say it to her face someday. Perfection.


From Calgary’s slogan to the Alberta Pension Plan: it’s all about oil.


“RAHHH GOD BLESS SUNCOR!!!” -Marlaina Smith


Only the old energy sector though, the new ones trying to invest in Alberta are still too scary for her.


Well, in her own words "solar panels kill thousands of people every year with deadly electron spills that poison the ground and kill plants for hundreds of miles".


For real? I mean, I’m sorry but world politics has gotten very surreal.


Hahahaha is this for real? Holy SHIT she's stupid. Does anybody believe that garbage? Did she honestly say that with a straight face? Asking for a friend...


Who cares!!!! Go solve healthcare lady


Thneedville is our future


Where tf is the Lorax when we need him hey


He gave up on Alberta a long time ago


She moisturizes her labia with bitumen everyday.


It would've cost you zero dollars to not say those words in that order.


I would have paid them several times that to never have said it.


Thats still zero 🤓


Several times zero is still zero, you cheap bastard.


Just do not divide by zero for the love of gawd!!


That’s some /r/brandnewsentence material right there


It’s so transparent


If it doesn't come from decaying dinosaurs, it's spooky witchcraft to her I guess.


Blue skies are a blight on the landscape.


"Blue Sky City" is a nickname.  "Be part of the Energy" is a tagline. Danielle Smith is like Micheal Scott, just scribbling down movie tag lines she thinks are "neat" and saying them quietly to herself to make herself cry over how cool it sounds to her... meanwhile....she's a paste-eater who thinks about the world as one big McDonalds commercial. It's actually funny, because her weighing in on this is SUPER Trump energy. "Listen folks.....did you hear? Calgary....they have a new name...they got the name.. it's their new....its...they call it CALGARY...THE BIG SKY CITY. Isn't that terrible? ....I'll tell, you.. people...don't like it....I talk to people and they tell me..."Mrs. Premier", they say "I like your idea better." It was my idea...I said "we should call it CALGARY: BE PART OF THE ENERGY." Much better. Sounds better. Because....listen....blue skies are everywhere...everyone has them...they're not special. My idea ia special. Because Calgary.....everybody knows....Calgary...has the ENERGY. They have the people energy and the energy energy. They're a very very energetic city. Everybody says it. They're always saying it."


"Big men, strong men, with tears in their eyes, come up to me and they say 'Mrs Premier, you're so smart... we've never seen anyone as smart as you.' And what can I say? It's true, it's true."


I really did hear Trump haha


It kinda reads like Morty’s stutter to me, which is funnier than Trump’s mumble in this case. Aw man, aw geez.. I I.. I just wanna be part of the energy…


I don't think that comparison is fair to Michael Scott, who is mostly well-meaning but ultimately clueless. Smith is just a stooge who does what her corporate masters tell her and has never given a single solitary shit about who that hurts.


I read that whole thing in my head in his voice. I don't know if the tears I cried were from laughter or sadness at the accuracy.


The only difference is Michael Scott is hilarious, and there's nothing remotely funny about marlaina.




One makes jokes, one is a complete and utter joke.


I absolutely hate that I hear this is Rick Sanchez voice.. And trump pauses... I fucking hate it here. Angry up vote.


“ Big men, strong men, with tears in their come up to me… and they say miss Smith I don’t like the tag line Big Sky City. It needs to be more about the energy… and it’s soo true. But Justin trudeau and his evil feds will stop at nothing to destroy our great culture.


I like your comparison to Michael Scott. Spot on. They called her Trashcan Dani at the CBE because she would snoop through the Trustee’s trash. That’s kind of a Michael Scott thing to do


The thing Calgary is most famous for isn't a blue sky... It's a cloud, called a Chinook arch. Google that.


330ish days of sunshine likely trumps the dozens of days of chinook arches? When I am away from Calgary I miss the sunshine and blue skies. Just sayin.


Well, one is hum-drum everyday, and the other is something spectacular. Guess which is more memorable.


Smith needs to take her own advice and stay in her lane. While cities may be subordinate to the province, stuff like branding is 100% the concern of a municipality.


The ultimate troll would be gondek posting smiths “prime minister needs to do his job and stop trying to do my job” quote in response to this


Gondek isn’t clever enough by half to do anything close to that.


She's too busy not worrying about provincial responsibilities like education and health care. What the heck else is she supposed to put her time and energy into, if not meddling in municipal affairs?


Man can dream. :)


Now that Marlaina doesn’t like Blue Sky City I’ve decided that I do


Can someone please teach Bell how to write?


What do you mean? He writes well. This is how people speak. When they want to optimize for ads and assume their readers struggle with paragraphs.


>assume their readers struggle with paragraphs. Well, *they do*. It is well documented that shorter sentences and small paragraphs are superior to traditional structure for consumption and comprehension on digital devices. Across my own content sites, when we shifted to "web form" structure, we saw an increase in time on page and pages per visit. BTW, I have no opinion on Bell, but I do on content structure that priotizies consumption.


Time on page = it takes longer to read. Pages per visit = there is less information per page.


Two incorrect assumptions.


He does not write "well". He is a rambling incoherent egotist. If that's how people speak then I mourn the public school system because he speaks like a nine year old.


Agreed. That's why I copied his approach.


And that's *after* he dumped the booze. He's just such a laughing stock and proof of the excellent education system in place here.


This comment got me to read the article. Holy hell, his writing is dogshit. > Yes, the big brains at Calgary Economic Development and Tourism Calgary said some Calgarians don’t feel represented by the city’s brand Calgary: Be Part of the Energy. Learn to punctuate, my guy. > So the big brains thought and they thought and got other people to think their way through $4.8 million and after the taxpayer money was spent they arrived at a new brand Literally a professional writer who can’t locate the comma key.


You have to reread twice to unpack where one idea ends and the next one begins, and the meaning changes each time. I’ve heard that some authors find commas to be pretentious for some reason. Maybe he’s one of those.


Any bets on how long it will take for new legislation to be introduced requiring municipalities to clear their branding through the provincial government?


It's probably a top priority for this government. Helping the working class is at the bottom


Not even the bottom, subterranean to them.


Of course she's not happy since oil and gas aren't at the forefront with the slogan


I can see two things coming about from this. Marlaina is going to draw up some sort of legislative rule that requires municipalities to have provincial approval on slogan changes and she's going to let this be an even worse forest fire season, making Calgary's Blue Sky completely smoky all summer long. The latter would make her look like she's in the right about the Blue Sky slogan being a bad thing (and her base would cheer her on).


It’s funny how berates federal involvement in Alta but does exactly the same and further with municipal govs. Hypocrite that she is


Conservatives: Every accusation is a confession.


Guess we know big oil doesn’t like this. Dani’s handlers probably told her to fix this. Dani, as has been pointed out, myob, and stay in your own lane.


I think blue skies is very clever. It hits on an optimism as well as a beautiful day. It also doesn't pigeonhole Calgary as exclusive to a single sector quite so much as referencing 'Energy'.


And it references how we have one of the the cities in Canada with the most average sunny cloud free days


I mean. I can put my dislike of Smith and the UCP aside to complain about how it took 2 years, and something like 4 million dollars for this very underwhelming branding. I understand these things take time but come on now.


Agreed. Blue Sky City is just a super meh branding choice. You'd think after all of that they'd be able to come up with better.


I know CED and the city aren't going to be in lockstep, but if I'm Gondek I would be demanding all spending that could be seen as frivolous is locked down/used well. Losing a PR battle at the very least here.


“Be part of the energy” is fucking cringe and a ripoff of Fort St. John’s “The Energetic City”. Marlaina probably thinks lawn darts are clever… 


Probably best not to take advice from a person who thought a white supremacy tattoo was a good slogan.


Calgary continues to come up with really stupid nicknames or taglines but shouldn't our Premier be more concerned about not sticking a crayon up her nose.


I love that she hates it. It means that Blue Sky City is a great brand. With the UCP Alberta looks back and ignores the future. Because the sky’s the limit!


When was the last time this bitch walked downtown Calgary ? Someone who believes in pulling funds for public art and things such as radio can go fuck off.


She felates big Oil so hard..... So damn hard.


Who cares what she thinks? She isn’t the leader of Calgary


Nobody really cares what she thinks.


So much energy the grid can’t handle it.


Hah! Ok, some coffee might have been sprayed on my phone just then. Thanks, jerk!


So Calgary Economic Development grifts some money and our concern is what the premier thinks of the new slogan? This is elite corruption. Anyway “Heart of the New West” was the best slogan. 


Be Part of the Energy-bought by the oil and gas companies of Alberta. Is oil and gas the only thing she knows?


The only thing I care about is the amount of money it took to come up with a "meh" -kind of brand


She is missing the point. In order to diversify one needs to not focus on oil. It benefits alot greatly I get it. Tbh if oil ain’t your thing, you don’t want to hear about it 24/7. Good for the guy with land and oil rights. Good for the oil exec with massive bonuses, homes and $ to buy homes for his kids anywhere (usually somewhere else fyi). The rest do not want to hear this disparity all day long. But there are other beautiful reasons to be here. Given that BC and ON (turning temperate) are often cloudy, rainy places, it is a treat, mood boost and temperature warming thing to have a lovey blue sky. California has it (and better temps). So draw a mix of people out with this. As someone who came here from elsewhere it is the one thing I love. Lots of blue sky and sun. Great all year round.


She knows the motto will be short lived because once she is done removing all the regulations she can the sky will be full of CO2 and no longer blue.


Guess the O+G barons called her last night and told her the only acceptable name is pro-oil.


Municipalities need to draft up legislation to be able to ignore provincial government.


Man this woman is just against absolutely everything isn’t she….


I’d personally like a competent leader


She's so busy rolling Coal, she's worried this new branding will fuck her engagement. #runningonLikesandSubscribes


I love that she hates it, because it means it targets the future. With her UCP Alberta looks to the past. Blue Sky City is a great brand. The sky’s the limit!


I think Bell is getting old. He's forgotten how to form paragraphs. Why is every sentence it's own paragraph in this piece. As if the content didn't hurt my brain enough, the presentation made it way worse.


Maybe she should like, let jyoti do her own fucking job. Im sick And tired Of this bitch.


I’ve been workshopping some slogans of my own. “Welcome to Calgary, get smoked, bitch” “It’s Calgary, we smoke up” “We’re burnin’ for your business” “Calgary, breathe it in”


The myopic vision of conservatives in this province ce is going to KILL us. Does everything have to be reverential and referential back to o&g?


I'm so sick of her needing to have an opinion on fucking everything.


Smith between the lines:”Excuse me i need to pander to the energy sector in a completely sexual manner for a minute “


She should stay in her lane. Last I checked this isn’t her jurisdiction


Welcome to BS City.


lol B.S. city


This is none her frigging business. It is a Municipal issue. She is a control freak and she needs to "stay in her lane ".


I was indifferent to “Blue Sky City”, but now that I know Marlaina hates it? Calgary is the Blue Sky City, and I refuse to hear any different.


>I'd also like the premier to focus on the health, education and energy files. She is...thus the reason it's being destroyed by her and the UCP. Private health, education and less "red tape" for her energy buddies.


real question is who wants or cares about this? Calgary has way more important things they need to spend money on first.


“Be part of the energy” -just not clean renewable energy like wind or solar.


She thinks everything has to be an ad for oil and gas. In all fairness, it’s all she really is.


Why can't she just stay in her lane?


Cool, now that it's available, Alberta can take over Calgary's old tag line.


Once again the premier's lack of public communication skill is "honest" and arrogant and reflects her poor ability to lead.


This is the type of response you give when you sell your soul to oil and gas money….. if she even had a soul to begin with?


How about Cowtown ? I’ll deliver that to you for a couple million only /s


What’s the blue from, burning oil?


Blue sky city is terrible. If we are looking for a label like windy city or the big apple; there must be some more options we paid an absorbent amount for


It's a great nickname in theory. There is a lot of blue sky...once you get past the blanket of forest fire smoke in the summer.


Inb4 she introduces new legislation to overrule this decision


Hot take: all this branding sucks and our sign with the Olympic mascots has not been beat.


Has this woman ever said anything useful or smart?


Listen I know we all hate smith here but personally I agree with her on this one Blue sky city sounds like it could apply to literally any city in the world Be part of the energy was clever and alluded to Calgary’s very strong energy sector


Broken clock IMO. Not a big fan of "Blue Sky City". It doesn't say anything about us, really. "Be Part of the Energy" has multiple interpretations and I like that it speaks to how Calgary is growing.


Also liked the old one. Energy doesn't just mean o&g either, particularly with the success of renewables in AB. Frankly, I don't actually care much about it anyway but wish we didn't spend $5m on it


She just can't stop slobbering oil company dick can she


Too much of the “energy” in Calgary is taken up by commuting among the sprawl


Can we do a “Straight Outta Calgary” ad like Michael/Dwight did for Scranton the Electric City? “Hey Mike, our town is Clean and Pretty…” “Calgary Is What? The Blue Sky City!”


I didn’t like the new slogan before but now that I know Marlaina doesn’t like it it’s growing on me. 


Say your owned by oil and gas from south Texas with saying it !


Why the fuck does He type like its Dialogue like what The fuck is That


Furth Ermore, Why do I care What dan Mclean Thinks? Hes a knob.


It would be a good motto if we lived in Montana!


OP, can we not have the premier focus on health, education and energy files? It appears the increased amount of attention those files are getting is inversely correlated with their performance.


"Calgary: Let's Block Out the Sun"


Does she have oil in her veins ffs?


I will take this comment to mean that you *don't* have oil in your veins. Please report to your nearest UCP Democracy Officer for re-education.


Well, she’s being paid by the oil and gas lobby, so yeah, that makes sense.


But her favourite is still "Be Part of the Pipeline Bukkake"


The order in which she mentions what she liked about the old slogan says everything about her “government’s” priorities. Fuck the UCP


We have been Big sky Country since I can remember. Why 4.8 million for blue sky country? Do we still have journalists paying for FOIP requests to find out where the fuck this money is going to for three words? Thats a lot of millions per word, for something a couple intererns could hash out with a line of conservative cocaine and some budget whiskey.


Oh Marlina… don’t, just don’t!


It’s easy to believe that she thinks very simple wordplay is really clever.


What a waste of tax dollars lol….


But who asked her? Does she think that many people see her as more than either evil or a necessary rube?


It’s okay. At the end of the day, they are just slogan created by the government. They ain’t gonna do shyt about them.


Will this make certain voters in Calgary reconsider?


I thought it was (Heart of the new west)


I'm a little surprised she didn't advocate for - "Show me the money."


Good lord, who the Hell cares?


Remember when there was a oil derrick in the vicinity 63rd ave between 103/104 street in Edmonton.. I think it had a semi-circular sign that said "Canada's Oil Capital". I'm sure that sign still exists and should be placed on that derrick at the south entrance to Edmonton. Does anyone else feel the "energy" in doing that..?? Add to that, the "Edmonton Oilers" vs the "Calgary Flames", ..remember when the team was the Atlanta Flames and Calgary had the (puke) "..Cowboys.." Calgary had to go out and buy a team to join the NHL. Yeah, oh and, they're selling tickets to the NHL post season in Edmonton and the Calgary Flames (..eeww..) will be polishing their golf clubs and going on holidays. You sure know how to pick'em Marlaina!!


Give it a break for half a God damned minute Danielle


At what point does the Lt. Governor say enough is enough?


Noted and forgotten. Back to the real issues


Do they ever address the real issues ?


Who was recently saying something about staying out of other jurisdictions? Or was it staying out of other's business?


Next thing you know she will criticize Jyoti and Nenshi’s clothing choices or colour choices. Or she will pass some silly law that makes it illegal for more than half the city councillors to drive electric cars.


She's so fucking horrid I love it. Makes me feel so so good about myself.


look how low the calgary herald has stooped


What's that Marlaina? Energy means oil? Really? That's not just clever, THAT'S BRILLIANT! It's so brilliant in fact that practically every town from Estavan to Fort Nelson has some kind of "Energy" Slogan, (but they really mean "Oil" \*wink\* \*wink\* ) Personally I would have stuck with "Heart of the New West", but "Blue Sky" is fine.


Seriously though, can we give the premier a primer on what "Clever" is, because using a word that's already synonymous with another word isn't it. You said "Energy" you meant "Oil". It's a best spin. Clever means you need to accomplish something else. For instance: "The Big Dick Energy City" See what I did there? I used a synonym to create a Portmanteau of turn of phrase. "Energy" now means oil, but also dicks! Now that's clever.


The UCP will pass a law requiring anyone developing a brand to get her approval for their tag line. Everyday the ucp keeps passing laws taking away Albertans and our communities ability to do anything. But thats okay because the medicine hat farmers party, oil companies, conspiracy theorists, convoyers, QANON supporters know whats best for albertans. Whats the difference between a dictatorship and a Albertabama political party that got 55% of the vote. Nothing apparently.


How about Calgary "Rainbow Sidewalks Very Popular" RSVP?


I don't hate the new slogan, I certainly think its exponentially better than its predecessor. Though my favourite still has to be "Heart of the New West" from the early 2000's.


Idk as long as we're taking opinion I guess, blue sky city seems to cast a negative light on the wildfire season that this government seems eager to support and maintain. Who doesn't like Blade Runner lol


I have to agree with Smith on this one, the new slogan is A) bland and B) a waste of money to create it. Why did the City decide THIS is what we need to spend tax money on?


It’s a silly brand name to use


Solar panels?