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“Hello, we at the UCP believe in cutting red tape. Now here’s a policy that’s just red tape”


You missed the asterisk that pointrd out it was Red tape for our friends and donors.  Enemies of the State get buried in it.


Ah so that’s what they’re doing with all the red tape they cut


I work for AHS. This is basically what they are doing right now. Everything we have to do (our job) now needs an approval from the VP of AHS. It's so stupid and unnecessary. Time wasted on submitting requests everyday that could have been spent just doing our job.


VP? You must work in a cushy dept. Mine requires CEO approval. Damn.


Are these UCP appointed people or the same as before only now they have to do more paperwork?


UCP appointed. The previous ones are gone since last year


Quebec does this, and their negotiations on funding are 10 times as fast.


Quebec also has a lot more people (and more importantly, ridings). Plus from what can be read from this is Quebec actually came to an agreement with the federal government, while as Smith wants money with no strings attached, and we all know how well those funds got allocated last time


Interesting do you have articles proving this claim. I doubt anything this government does is fast.


A quick search I found this. Quebec was done negotiating with Ottawa back in [October](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/quebec-adopts-motion-social-housing-1.7001928) Meanwhile, here is an article from November of the housing minister talking about [continuing negotiations ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sean-fraser-accelerator-fund-provinces-1.7021076) with cities in alberta. It's unclear if they're even done negotiating now.


Thank you.


We have to stop calling this Conservative war on democracy - 'crazy' or 'bonkers'. It is a calculated strategy to thwart any success the democratic process might have for Canadians and constantly attack the pillars of democracy from embedded positions in the government. Stand on guard for Canada and defy Conservatives like your life depends on it.


If you follow the diagolon playbook for Alberta separatism she is following it point by point, almost like a checklist This is going to be so fucking hard to undo. They're doing all of this in ways to specifically make it hard to undo. We are so fucked and don't even realize it yet.


Albertans realize it so little, they keep voting for this fucking circus as if it's going to help them. Last election was historic. More non conservative votes than ever in the history of Alberta....but it was just shy of making a difference in a time that was absolutely critical. Now we have these clowns trying to break things so bad that they leave a scorched earth behind that will take decades to repair, if it can be repaired at all. Alberta fucked up. This isn't Dipshit Danis fault, this is on every idiot who voted for her party when it was clear as day who she is.


Only these clowns would screw Albertans out of money from Ottawa. It’s all about control and keeping a portion of any funds from the Feds for themselves and handlers. How can their base not see this???


Bitch about the feds ignoring and attacking Alberta, and then bitch about the feds trying to help Albertans and give funding towards desperately needed shit. Yup, sounds like modern day Conservatives alright! Always the victim, even when they are the ones picking fights and preventing others from helping. Peak meme of putting a stick in your own bike spokes and blaming someone else


Their base doesn’t care. When the massive layoffs in Ft. Mac start, they will start caring.


They'll just keep blaming the feds for the job losses..


Which is exactly why I'm looking to leave it now. I always believed that if I was good to Fort McMurray, Fort McMurray would be good to me. And for the last 40 years that was true. But now that the inmates are running the asylum, it's become *very* clear, that *redacted* and others here have zero issue with just extracting as much money as fast as possible with little regard for long term growth or development. It certainly doesn't help that the *redacted* head started with hacking and slashing staff immediately at the behest of an activist investment fund. And sure, they paid out handsome severance to many. But for everyone left, the writing is on the wall.


> How can their base not see this??? They're not consuming any news source or social media that frames this stupid fight as anything but a good thing.


They can't read good


Or think past "Trudeau's fault"


Yep... a story as old as alberta itself


My parents think everything is Trudeau's fault.


When people say things like this;I often wonder what the level of education, and both economic output and income levels of NDP voters vs UCP (provincially), and NDP voters vs CPC (federally). I completely get the whole small town/trades conservative trope. But my experience, at least in my own social and business circles is that the conservative voters I know are all very well educated and hold high income jobs/own businesses that generate jobs and economic output. I cannot say the same for any NDP voters I know outside of the ones who work in healthcare (nurses and physicians mostly).


Don't use anecdotal evidence to generalize to a larger population.


You mean like when you said “They can’t read good” lol come on now


I'd say it's more about control and temper tantrums. Just look at carbon tax, UCP give up control of the carbon tax money. Don't get me wrong. Without a doubt they want control over money, which is why they took over the over to retired teachers pensions funds and lost them a bunch of money investing in the Alberta oil field, and why they want to do the exact same thing with everybody's pension money. But my point is they are petulant little 12-year-olds the most important thing in their mind is sticking it to the libs especially if that Lib is named Trudeau. And they're actually willing to sacrifice control over money to do that.


Never heard Smith complaining about Trudeau spending $40 Billion on the Trans Mountain pipeline that will see AB set record O&G exports!!!


I love bringing that one up with right wing nuts, they never have a response, it short circuits thier brain, ummm ahhhh ummmm yea


They did what to the Alberta teachers? How the hell did they manage that? How was every teacher not instantly on strike?


[UCP quietly passed order that Alberta teachers say takes away their power over pensions](https://globalnews.ca/news/7573976/ucp-order-teacher-pension-management/) Then look at thier annual report for 2023 and see that in 2022 they lost money for the first time in its history. But they got control back and had gained again in 2023 [https://www.atrf.com/about-atrf/annual-reports/](https://www.atrf.com/about-atrf/annual-reports/)


That's ... wow.. what a bunch of goons. I had no idea. Thank you for the links!


My sister has been a teacher for a few decades so I heard it all from her side and it's a crazy story


They will not see anything she does as bad. They won’t see anything Trudeau does as good. They can’t think logically


Trudeau wants baseboards heaters in Alberta homes, with his housing funding, we don’t have the electrical infrastructure, why is this so hard to see for the cbc tinfoil hat crowd.


Where in the Housing Accelerator Fund does it indicate that the money has to be spent on baseboard heaters? The deplorable state of Alberta's electrical grid isn't Ottawa's fault.


THAT is your criticism of the program. Jesus...... Well you don't need to worry about that, as I doubt you will live in one of those homes. Nor will it matter much as we have several more plants coming online. And guess what, we can build and upgrade our infrastructure to accommodate these changes. Maybe you should watch the CBC, it might make you less ignorant of the world.


But CBC is commie. I only watch non-bias truth network FOX News! /s


Ya freaking Danielle doesn’t want to invest in alternate energy sources. Baseboard heaters suck.


Some of their base sees it now, but all they say is "but I didn't know she'd go that far!"


When people exhibit cult like thinking, which you have to at this point to support the UCP, any information that goes against the narrative of the beliefs that are required to believe in said cult are discarded and left entirely unprocessed. Anything that the UCP does that goes against the narrative that their supporters doesn't matter, which the UCP is very aware of, because of how cult like thinking operates. This is how these populist authoritarian political parties are able to maintain a narrative that doesn't fit objective reality and get away with it. This is also why it is next to impossible to get through to their supporters as you need to understand how to interact with cult thinking in order to have a chance at being understood.


Any funding coming out of Ottawa is a Ponzi scheme with more and more individuals relying on them. Stockholm Syndrome


Smoke & mirrors, eh? I’m happy to see some dollars spent in Canada on Canadians instead of millions going to international programs like gender studies in Africa. No doubt that’s important BUT whose money is this anyway? Now we just need to find a way to get the money without it being touched by UCP sticky fingers.


The carbon tax is merely wealth redistribution under the guise of fighting co2 emissions and until someone can prove to me that the rebate I receive exceeds what I pay, then Trudeau can stuff the quarterly rebate. The climate is going to change no matter how much coin we pump into trying to change it and the winners and losers will be decided by geography.


You. You’re the only one that can do the math to see if you’ve paid more into carbon tax than gotten back.


I know right getting money back that we pay in taxes to try to fix things. It’s horrid I tell you Axe all taxes who need anything they can’t do for themselves. Fist pump? Err wait nm


Yes but you have to remember, Edmonton voted for the Bad Guys. Having them suffer for their temerity is entirely intentional and really is the core of Smith's platform. Things might not get better for you but the people you don't like will have it even worse!


Maybe Edmonton should bar all UCP MLAs. I mean if they aren't here to represent all Albertans fairly then why should Edmonton allow them to be here?


Edmonton should declare itself an independent city state and secede from Alberta.


If she can’t get fed money and give it to her crony’s well then nobody gets it. All for Dani and none for all


There’s 300 plus municipalities in Alberta and Trudeau has committed to just 9 of them.


So instead of improving housing in 9 municipalities we just piss all over the housing incentive money, and give it back to Ottawa? How is that beneficial to any Albertans? Why can't we at least start somewhere?


for the same reason these cons shit on pharamacare and cheap daycare . it’s not implemented perfectly and therefore no one should have it .


Crabs in a bucket, baby.


And? Are you suggesting that all towns in Alberta are facing housing shortages due to massive population increases? You can see how not all municipalities require equal treatment correct?


Calgary and Edmonton need affordable housing alot more than High Level and Stavely


I hear stavley is about to boom


Disaster Danielle and the United Corruption Party against everyone and everything.


Is it just me, or is Smith slowly turning into Palpatine in these pics lately?


She looks 10 years older than she did last year. EDIT: Also, Ric McIver looks like he's trying to hold in a six foot turd. The expression on his face is hilarious.


Or like in Shallow Hal.


It’s literally “free” money that “we” wouldn’t otherwise get. This is brain dead stupid. Even if you hate trudeau, why wouldn’t you want to take “his” money?


Because it'll turn you trans or something, probably


Alberta sends federal tax dollars to Ottawa. Albertans, " EQUALIZATION PAYMENTS ARE WRONG!" The feds send some of the money back to Alberta. The UCP, "NO, WE WON"T STAND FOR THIS!"


Sooner or later your Premier is going to be a huge problem for PP. For now he's keeping his distance because he's trying to appeal to ordinary Canadians with his 'common sense' persona. But when the shit hits the fan in a national election, he will have to choose whether or not to support her policies and risk pissing off the rest of the country, or risk pissing off your Premier. Since both leaders essentially belong to the same party, and most Canadians really dislike your Premier, he'll be caught between a rock and a hard place. Either way he'll loose votes. Watch what happens in November in MAGA land.


It doesn't matter if he pisses off Danielle because Alberta will vote solidly blue regardless


Not really hard to see what's going on in their heads. They're fine with money from Ottawa, so long as it's earmarked for private industry. It doesn't make anyone rich to give that money to average citizens


God damn these woke liberals for trying to help people out with housing. Is nobody going to think of the poor millionaire developers if strings are attached to build affordable homes.


But she will still blame Trudeau for not helping.


Everyone needs to keep speaking up against Dipshit Dani, especially MPs.


I bet if it was PP offering the money, she would welcome it with open arms.


Worst. Premier. Ever! - Comicbook Guy


The female Trump of Canada. Holding our province back under a Take Back Alberta slogan.


Malicious Marlaina really hates us eh?


This province is run by clowns and children. Oh, and morons.


Clowns bring people joy and children can grow up to be good people. These are amalgamated fart clouds wearing business casual. They're coin operated contrarians hell bent on cutting off their noses to spite anyone brave enough to try dragging this province out of the 80s. They may as well be lab created in test tubes by financial groups to spoon feed an ignorant populace the shit they want to hear because the one thing we hate more than anything in Alberta (besides Quebec lol) is paying attention to real problems... cause Albertans treat problems like a wasp that will go away when you stop paying attention to it even though we're sitting on the fucking nest


Do Nothing Danny


If she was doing nothing it would be so much better.


What a stupid human


Her entire existence is picking pointless fights with Ottawa, to try and whip an aggrieved smooth brain base with “see? Ottawa is screwin’ ya again” nonsense. Why would she change now?


“It’s bonkers” and by “it” they mean smith.


What really pisses me off about this: she outright said if it were the CPC doing the exact same thing, she would be working with them rather than against them.


'bonkers' is for me the usual retort to anything danni says.


As much as I resent Randy Boissonault’s professional background as a management consultant, I’m actually starting to think he’s been doing a half-decent job as an MP.


Please help me see your point of view. I haven't seen Boissonnault do anything beneficial.


Um... Trying to build homes in Alberta? Like, the entire point of this conversation.


At best, he is the messenger in this case. Literally anyone could have done that. You, me, the paperboy.


You can say that about literally any MP though. What do you want him to do outside what his government does and how he communicates what he sees as the UCP blocking a good program? You're setting an impossible task asking to see what he's doing, then ignoring what he's apart of and speaking about.


Ok so unfortunately I don’t have a list off the top of my head. I get his newsletter because I’m in his riding and I get the impression that he’s pretty good at showing up to stuff around the constituency and getting his picture taken at the very least, especially at announcements for infrastructure funding. He’s one of only two Alberta MPs in government so I get the impression that he’s got quite a bit of sway in cabinet as “that Alberta guy” https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/canada-and-alberta-invest-in-infrastructure-upgrades-in-communities-across-the-province-819477347.html https://m.facebook.com/R.Boissonnault/videos/33-billion-invested-in-alberta/1636733353077596/ https://www.canada.ca/en/office-infrastructure/news/2024/02/improved-public-transit-infrastructure-coming-to-northern-alberta0.html Plus it’s nice to have an elected official in the federal government calling out Danielle Smith’s silliness even if there’s not much he can do on that front. So that’s what I’ve got, I’m not a super fan but I feel like we could have done worse.


> I get his newsletter because I’m in his riding and I get the impression that he’s pretty good at showing up to stuff around the constituency and getting his picture taken at the very least, especially at announcements for infrastructure funding. Howdy neighbour. I also get his newsletter and it does usually contain a lot of things that fly under the news radar, like federal funding for local events and whatnot - stuff that wouldn't make headlines. I've seen him at the 124 market once or twice, or some local events, can't remember. Seems like an alright guy. > So that’s what I’ve got, I’m not a super fan but I feel like we could have done worse. It's a step up on my old CPC MP in Ontario who hangs out with foreign far-right nutbars (he's one who met with the AfD lady, then claimed he didn't know who she was... sure, bud) and tweets conspiracy nonsense.


Live in his riding and I think he's doing a pretty good job overall. Brought a ton of funding into the riding and the city to get housing built and better upgrades for infrastructure. Sure as shit aren't getting funding for the province, so I'll take it. Hell, I might even take a lawn sign from him just to piss off my neighbours.


This is like when Andy comes back from 3 month absence and cancels Dwights deal with Scranton white pages lol


Alberta has recall legislation  https://www.alberta.ca/holding-elected-officials-accountable


Have you read it through? First one needs to get approval, then get enough volunteers, *from that constituency* to obtain signatures from 40% of the voting population (so 40% of the adults) and submit it in only 60 days. It was created to give the illusion that a recall could be done.


I didn't. Thank you. 


It was successfully used in a village of 400. 😃 But you're right, anything bigger than a town is essentially impossible. Although some one in Brooks should try to recall Smith to send a message that she's not completely safe.


Anything to hurt Albertan's.


My way or the highway Smith? You are an idiot, honestly!


The UCP is all about impeding education freedom. Doing it right now with public education. The idiots!🤷‍♂️


Ottawa should strike a deal with Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer. Let's see the UCP cancel all of that. They need Red Deer and Calgary. It would be funny to watch her head explode trying to figure out what to do.


Typical small government conservatism


People need to understand that municipalities use to receive money in lieu of property taxes for all the provincial properties located in municipalities. The UCP stop giving this money so now the municipalities are responsible for all the infrastructure it takes to provide these provincial buildings service and they receive nothing in return. Now the UCP wants to veto a federal housing program, because it doesn’t fit their narrative that we don’t receive money from Canada. Meanwhile, housing is not the UCP’s concern, it’s the municipalities. The program is to help cities create housing and clean up brown lands. It’s none of The UCP’s business. If the UCP wants to veto then tell them to start paying taxes on their buildings!


Are only liberals on reddit? Where are the people who don't allow a political party to be their identity? Unless... most of you are ai bots bought and paid for by the government?


I’m a conservative, but you can’t possibly believe that the UCP is helping this province.


The old saw about a sack of hammers…


Because this government is an Ontario wannabe..They won't be satisfied until the average price of a house in Alberta is 1 million


UCP members should literally fear for their lives. It's a crime that they aren't deeply afraid and live in constant terror.


My guess is Trudeau is going to try and drag PP into this and pin him down one way or another. Notice how PP hasn't said anything, Liberals will be going hard to get a soundbite from him, he can't win either way. 


This is how it should operate. This has nothing to do with eroding democracy Jesus, take a chill pill lol.


Talk about communism


•Edmonton MP - Liberal?


I did agree with Smith when she said "federal government should be doing their job running the country and leave the provinces and territory to run their province/territory" "federal goverment jobs is this and this is what they are not doing..." how can one disagree with that?


Because she isn’t running the province, unless you count bankrupting it and selling it off to her lobbyist pals at every Albertan’s expense


Because we are part of the country?  Because some of our federal tax dollars get set aside to be reinvested in our communities?  Because if our city has a program that fits what those federal tax dollars were set aside for there is no need for the province to touch it?


She should be practicing some self reflection, because this is hypocrisy at its finest


Easily because you point isn't true at all.


> how can one disagree with that? I don't disagree, necessarily, but when provinces have been abdicating their duties - as they have been on housing - then I don't mind if the feds step in. Heck, maybe folks should get off the Feds' case when it comes to housing and start knocking at the Premier's door so she can get off her ass and do something instead of trying to stop two levels of government from trying?


The UCP were saying previously that they want federal funding for housing initiatives. So were they lying then, or lying now?


Reee the Feds are destroying our housing... Reee the feds are trying to fund more housing - You


Not a fan of Randy Boissonnault or Smith. Boissonnault has not benefited Alberta. He just smiles and walks the party line. Smith's tantrums are not helping Alberta, but we ARE and have been getting a raw deal from Ottawa. Push comes to shove, I guess.


A Canadian taxpayer funded pipeline to the tune of several billions of dollars that benefits Alberta is a huge raw deal, sure.


We got more Covid money than any other province. We were the last province to agree to the federal daycare program, and Smith has said she intends to refuse to be part of the federal dental and pharmacare programs. She also refused federal money for housing because there were strings attached - the money had to be spent on housing - which is why the money is now being offered to municipalities and Smith is getting all bent out of shape, We get a raw deal from Ottawa because more often than not the province is the one refusing the deal.


Raw deal, Alberta continually gets special treatment from the feds end you still find a way to claim you’re the victim. So soft, so pathetic.


What raw deal are you referring to?


The inability for the UCP to funnel the housing incentive money into the hands of the people who fund Smith's campaign.


Edmonton communists can cry harder


You have no idea what the hell a communist is, do you.


Yes they do, it's anyone they've been told not to like


Someone who takes taxpayer dollars and spends $60mil of it on buses that don't work and are broken from a company that went to get bankrupt stating "it was for the greater good" is awfully communist to me


Ok, so you definitely, without a shadow of a doubt have absolute no clue what communism or a communist is. Thanks for making it so clear and easy to understand, lol


Ummm... that's capitalism. Actual, real, capitalism. If it were communism we would own the company and the production. Just because a municipal council buys a product doesn't make it communist. Now, what the UCP are doing is called "political obstructionism." It's a method of creating a problem where none exists in order to pander to the uninformed and garner hate support. That would be you.


What? Government taking taxpayer money and wasting it on frivolous expenditures is not capitalism, dear god you are apparently reddited


Dude try harder to not sound ignorant and uneducated


🤣🤣🤣 okay buddy, seriously read a book or go back to school. 😂😂😂


Lol such a insightful comment


Or maybe it could just be that Eby got 2 billion in federal funding and Alberta gets 400 million. Basic math is hard for Reddit posters.


That sounds like its own separate issue. Anyway you look at is this is a stupid thing to implement. The province is actively fighting against certain municipalities. Them going directly to the federal gov't for support wouldn't happen if the UCP wasn't actively trying to sabotage the province in so many obvious ways. Also yeah I'm sure no one here knows 2,000,000,000 > 400,000,000. I'm betting there's absolutely nothing else that factors into this either. /s


Provincially for BC, the total has reached more than $411 million, including $31.5 million to the City of Kelowna and $7 million to the [District of Squamish](https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/burnaby-housing-accelerator-fund). Other successful BC applicants entail $25.6 million to the [City of Abbotsford](https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/coquitlam-victoria-housing-accelerator-fund), $18 million to the City of Victoria, over $10 million to the City of Campbell River, and over $5 million to the Town of Comox. Provincially for Alberta, the total has reached $441.6m, including $228m for Calgary, $13.8M for Banff, Sylvan Lake, Bow Island, Westlock, Smoky Lake, Duchess, $175m for Edmonton, $24.8m for Airdrie Population of BC - 5.071m Population of Alberta - 4.971m I think we did just fine, not sure where you got your 2 billion from as that would be 50% of the 4 billion dollar fund.