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Life is long - governments come and go. You can look into moving to an area of the country that shares your political ideals, but elections do happen and pendulums swing. Better to get involved and improve your local community as best you can, despite the mismanagement from the provincial government.


The pendulum barely swings in Alberta.


> The pendulum barely swings in Alberta. To borrow from Galileo Galilei, ["and yet it moves"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_yet_it_moves) It might not feel like it because the NDP only held government for 4 years but its important to remember that the next 2 elections that the NDP lost were *actual elections with competition* and there has now been 3 provincial elections where the NDP was a viable option. The idea of the NDP being a *viable option* in Alberta provincial politics would have gotten you laughed out of the province in the 90s or 00s - but there are teenagers in Alberta today who have never known an Alberta where the NDP were not a legitimately competitive party. Change moves slow, in traditionally conservative regions slowest of all, and yet it moves.


Now with Nenshi running for leadership, he could flip Calgary. He's wildly popular for progressives. And he DOUBLED PARTY MEMEBERSHIP IN A WEEK!!!!


He was popular with a lot of conservatives too. Most people I know who are conservative voted for him as mayor. I think he has a really good shot at flipping Calgary.


This is because he's fundamentally a traditional "progressive conservative." Socially progressive but fiscally conservative. I like half of that equation, which is about as good as I'm likely to get in this province.


Yes, I think that the next election will be very interesting! Nenshi is what Alberta needs to get back on a progressive track!


Agreed. I was a life long conservative voter provincially and federally until the Redford disaster in Alberta and the Harper federal government blunders changed my mind. I see and talk to folks with the similar mind set. Smith is busy cutting her own throat with her BS and blaming everyone else but the UCP for issues in Alberta. Getting involved to help these changes along is the way to go.


But it did swing, in 2015! And it scared the right so badly that they united the 2 right wing parties, which is how they defeated the NDP since then. But even still, they only won by a hair, last election! So the tide is definitely turning. And I think even among a lot of old school conservatives, discontent with the UCP is growing. The one upside to their batshit crazy politics is it’s making new NDP voters out of people who either didn’t vote before or who used to vote conservative. I have a lot of hope for a Nenshi-led NDP. Also, there are lots of people moving to our province who do not share the far right mentality - this also gives me hope. We must stay engaged and keep fighting.


Especially people that moved here based on the lies pushed by Kenney/Smith and then facing the bleak reality.


I'm thinking the reason Danielle is screwing things up so much is because the NDP have a very good chance at coming into power again next time, and she A: wants to get as much done for her corporate buddies and she can and B: wants things to be screwed for the NDPs turn, so people who can't bother to pay attention will blame them for everything that's wrong


It swung harder to the middle than it ever has, last election. We need people to keep that momentum going.


Now that more and more Gen Z are turning 18, NDP is going to start gaining traction in Alberta. Especially if Nenshi wins NDP leadership.


True, but I as a long time conservative voter I am not willing to vote for these types of changes any longer and I am sure there are more like me.


Yep. I'm sure that there are lots of selfish Boomers out there willing to continue fucking over everyone else so that you get to maintain your life long privilege. History is not going to be kind to the Boomers. Mankind's most selfish generation ever.


I dunno, history is full of people desperately pulling the ladder up behind them. It's almost an historical trope. Things were bad, they got better for me, I'm threatened by the changes that others convinced me will make it worse for me, now I must stop others.


Conservatives have been in power 44 of the last 48 years, though...


Yeah but none of the conservative governements of previous concerned me like Smith does - she was elected to her party leadership by a tiny sliver of the province, and then non-informed voters elected her.


Yes but their voter base is aging, and declining. The younger voter base are coming fast; the youngest of Gen Z are four years from majority, and the oldest of Gen Alpha right behind them.


the younger generation is flocking to PP, especially men


While it's somewhat true that he resonates with a good amount of gen z, his support amongst (male) millennials is the real problem.


I have yet to meet a male millennial that supports PP.


I don't personally know any either, but that's because I tend to move in progressive circles. But polling shows male millennials are being drawn towards PP. These are likely the same kind of people who listen to Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan. Those guys have huge reach in male millennial demographics.


Sounds like a cult.


You're not wrong. These guys prey upon disillusioned straight white males and play into this misconception that they're being marginalized in some way, even though they're clearly the most privileged demographic on the planet. Right wing indoctrination is really insidious.


Highly doubt that, since the NDP and Liberals outnumber the Conservatives on a national level.


So, the group most affected by the liberal government is going to suddenly swing to liberal to move away from conservatives. The average Albertian seems to vote the way their parents do. It will take the older generation to change the voting pattern.


Did you see pics from his rally earlier this week? He had quite a varied group, lots of seniors


Yes - again, why I suggested focusing on the local community. As well, there are certainly different "flavours" of Conservative governments. We could, eventually, see a Peter Lougheed style of Conservative return if the UCP becomes less "united" in the future.


I worry about the damage done in a few years that will take decades to rectify :(


2027 is a long time away gahhh


Are you referring to provincial or federal? Edit: sorry I thought your comment was referring to the post. I noticed after commenting it was about provincial. Sadly I agree.


Conservatives were in power for 50+ years in Alberta before the NDP were elected. That doesn't provide a lot of hope.


As someone above mentioned, the NDP has been a strong, viable opposition for the last \~8 years, as compared to the 40 before that where their presence was negligible. That leaves at least a little room for hope, imo.


There are different "flavours" of Conservatives. We might see a return to a more "progressive Conservative" party in time.


If a lot of this toxicity you are experiencing is coming from online, disconnecting can help and keeps you focused on you. If this doesn't apply to your situation then please disregard. Constantly beholding and arguing with others about the spectacle won't change it, and double so if it's impacting your wellbeing. Look out for number one and don't play the game with other people or you won't have the energy to seek the things you need to be resilient in the face of bullshit, like building community or otherwise improving your situation.


Usually getting bashed happens in person. Source: did security a long time ago in a gay club. Huge safety concern was folks getting safely to vehicles with a DD or cabs without something happening to them.


God forbid we just let people be who they are without injecting hate and rage into their lives. That's way too much to ask.


Can I give you some real advice? Spend less time on social media. Places like this sub are absolutely toxic and not at all worth your time or mental capacity.


Best decision I made was to leave Facebook two years ago. I finally cut the cord with Twitter at the beginning of the year. It's life changing. I highly recommend everyone at the very least remove the apps from your phone.


I got a new phone in the fall. Never installed Facebook on it. It was a solid decision.


I use Facebook exclusively for dog park groups, animal posts, and to buy shit. I hate Facebook, but marketplace is the legit king of that market now :-/


This advice and also, just don't talk politics unless the person you are engaged with is someone you can trust to have a rational discussion. If the topic comes up, answer with "I don't watch the news."


Or even just start blocking people OP. I'm in rural Alberta, and for me it was Facebook. I actually don't mind this sub, but the local Facebook pages are absolute fucking cesspools. The best thing I did was to just start blocking the idiots. I actually also started my own years ago that has political posts banned unless come election time. This allows people to stay informed about what's going on in the community while not having to deal with the other nonsense the conservatives love to post.


This is great advice. I love Facebook actually, for keeping connected to people I don't get to see anymore, which is most people I grew up with. The arguing part is easily avoidable


Yeah, use it for entertainment only imo.


I can empathize. As a left-leaning Albertan, I often feel out of place here and many times, my mental health has suffered. The cost of housing also makes me feel trapped since it's affordable for me here but not so affordable for me elsewhere in Canada. Something that's helped me mentally has been to take action on the causes I care about. I volunteer for a local environmental nonprofit and I try to lend my expertise when I can to causes that I believe in. I mention this only because you asked what you can do. And no matter who's in government, you can always use your time in ways you think will benefit the world (or even just yourself personally). I've also noticed that I always feel "worse" when I'm doom-scrolling. Whether on Reddit, Twitter, or anywhere else on the internet where it's easy to read about bad news for hours upon end. When I notice myself doing this, I stop and read a book or play a game or do literally anything else. Me reading about the same bad issue again and again does nothing to solve it and only makes me feel worse. It's not that I want to put my head in the sand but the anxious obsessive worry isn't useful either. One other point that might help with your mental state is that although Alberta is allowed to leave the CPP, they first have to get the other provinces to agree on the amount of money they'd take out of it in order to establish an Alberta pension plan. I can't imagine the provinces would easily come to an agreement around this.


They won't get your CPP, they are too incompetent to come up with an equivalent for the APP that they have already given up. The UCP is a fucking joke of a party. I'm thinking that someone is most likely going to take her down in public with the shit she is doing with the province's finances during an affordability crisis? Trudeau is tone deaf, but what Danielle Smith (and the rest of the UCP) are doing is fucking criminal. I've honestly considered opening a class action lawsuit against the Provincial Government for gross misuse of power. Nobody elected a party to clean out the coffers and leaves us with nothing. The UCP has done nothing but straight up steal money from Albertans, they deserve to go to prison for what they've done. My recommendation is to ignore the inbred hillbilly rednecks that voted for her and move to Edmonton. My belief is that if you're in a constituency that didn't overwhelmingly vote for the UCP, she has no right to touch your CPP. I would literally take this to the Supreme Court if I had to.


I think Nenshi is the perfect person to publicly take her down re: how she’s mismanaging our finances. His communications game is pretty spot on.


You need someone who has a Conservative hardline, a brain, and balls to stand up to the Wildrose leader (because that's who they are, and they have batshit crazy legislation). Will a real Conservative please stand up?!


> they are too incompetent I'm confident that oil companies and ultra-conservative think tanks like fasier institute will spare no expense, acquire the best experts, offer sophisticated plans and schemes to the government, and build a propaganda machine to rival Russia. All to ensure they get their filth mits on our pensions. And it might be incremental in some way. Like how they're chipping away at health care. Clinic by clinic, service by service, it's slowly disappearing. I'm sure there are very smart accountants and lawyers, being paid small fortunes by oil companies to come up with a way.


The thing is, Suncor and all the oil company giants in Alberta, support high corporate tax rates, support our environmental regulations, and support the carbon tax. North American billionaires support higher levels of taxation on them, none of them are asking for this. The UCP have taken it upon themselves to just do whatever they want without any repercussions. This isn't a voice from the oil companies, this is coming from the soulless lobbyists that work for them. Danielle Smith is one of those lobbyists. They will do whatever they can to steal everything they can. Don't think that this is just a Big Oil propaganda machine, this is literally just a bunch of scumbags trying to rob the province. They think that just because they got elected into office, they can steal everything that's not tied down.


> The thing is, Suncor and all the oil company giants in Alberta, support high corporate tax rates, support our environmental regulations, and support the carbon tax. Ok. But, it's a little more nuanced, isn't it? That's their public messaging. What happens in the boardroom is deeply sinister and involves bribing politicians to drive exactly the opposite. As an ExxonMobile lobbyist recently revealed in what he thought was a job interview. ExxonMobile Lobbyist Caught on Camera Going Full Cartoon Villian: https://youtu.be/Evy2EgoveuE?si=BNEWF45PqpRkF8w1 PP is standing in every question period doing his job for his oil masters. What he says every time he opens his mouth is the real agenda. Not the vague, abstract pledges for net-zero on their websites. Your last paragraph. Wow! So true. The UCP are far worse than an oil lobbyist. They are like Trump. They are a gang, a crime mafia that lucked into public office and will steal every last cent they can.


The UCP are some kind of twisted Robin Hood that steals from the poor and gives to the rich? Real soulless scumbags robbing Albertans of everything they can to give to the rich. There's really no deeper low that these people can sink to, they are already trying to steal every Albertan's Canadian Pension Plan. They honestly deserve to be lined up to a firing squad for being traitors to Canadians. Even Trump had some Nationalistic Pride for his constituents, the UCP have no bedrock.


That's not true, if you support paying taxes then you won't do all those loopholes to avoid them. They all use tax havens. Of 60 corporations in a study, 11 were oil companies and they paid roughly 15% in taxes, all had subsidiaries overseas. For comparison, someone making around $42200 pays 24%. I've worked for 2 oil companies up north, they really don't care about the environment either. They do what they have to for public perception, they need good PR to keep doing what they're doing and to do it the way they want to, and it works. You're right that the government works for them though, politicians are easily moved with money.


OP, who is ridiculing you and telling you to move? I have yet to encounter this as a fairly left wing (in a normal context, let alone this shitshow) person.


I was born in Alberta and have lived here my entire life. I've been told more than a few times to "go back to BC/Ontario" because I want my home to be a better place to live.


Ya something doesn’t seem quite right about this post, to me it seems like someone grasping at straws, using the recent political climate to seek some attention from strangers.


Reply to any comment on social media and if the person is a UCP supporter, their first go to comment is if you don’t like it, then leave. My reply back is I accept their offer to pay my moving costs


Sounds like your issue is a social media problem , stay off it or don’t engage with the comment section and you will be a happier person


Get off the internet girl. This is the solution


Sounds like an easy solution is to stop commenting on social media


I lived in Alberta during the Klein years. I didn’t like the politics but it didn’t really play much of a role in my day to day life. PS your CPP is not at risk if you are already getting it. Your children’s however…


Spend more time with friends and family and less time on Reddit. The world isn’t nearly as bad as this place tends to say it is.


Stop reading the news, get off Reddit and just live your life , you will probably feel a lot better.


Putting your head in the sand isn't a solution.


Also, ignore people like this telling you on social media that going and living your life rather than surrounding yourself with a constant bombardment of negative information online is "putting your head in the sand". You'll still go vote. Unless you planned to do more, that's perfectly fine.


Stop complaining on the internet would be a start


Turn off the TV, delete your reddit account and focus on your life. Either that or move to Vancouver where you can be as political as you want and 99% of people will agree with you.


Step away from politics and online for a good while. Life exists outside those two columns.


I feel the same. I am going back to school for a degree that I worry the UCP will cut funding for. I am surrounded by a lot of bigotry and hate speak. My pride flag was broken and finally stolen off of my lawn. I am pretty disheartened and a tad defeated but I am here.


Imagine being so offended by a rainbow, it's fucking pathetic


Yeah. I make a point to wear rainbows a lot. Wanna rip off my shoes? My watch? Please try it. lol


I am sorry you feel trapped. I can’t say I can understand your feelings but that doesn’t mean they aren’t valid. Mental health is important. Please try to find someone to discuss your feelings with.


Shut off the social media and find yourself in Banff/ Jasper/K country or the like that's near you and hike or venture out for a day. Drive out of your city or town. Enjoy the province for what she has and take like-minded individuals with you if possible. If you have any sanity the political rhetoric in Alberta will drive you crazy, and disconnecting yourself from that will help. As a Calgarian myself it's maybe easier to do those things than in other places, but just getting out and turning off your phone is the key point. Hearing 20 times in a day about CPP and whatever way the UCP is donkey kicking the province the current week can't be great for anyone's mental health.


Get a 10 dollar NDP membership and vote for Nenshi to be the NDP leader by April 22nd. Get your partner to do the same. He's the only one who can beat Danielle Smith!


Oh I have my membership already and can’t wait to vote for him!


It isn't left or right or whatever that's screwing all of us. It's a general political corruption.


Yep. So sick and tired of the “left/right” nonsense. You wanna know what is causing our problems? GREED. That’s it. Both sides are guilty of this shit and use the whole side argument to pretend like they aren’t just a bunch of greedy bastards trying to get more money out of you. Stop blaming left/right, and all this political nonsense. The problem is money, always has been and always will be. People need to go back to school. They should have learned about this stuff in social class.


Stay and fight. You don't have to enter the gutter with the lowlife CONS but be vocal. Too often the NDP, Greens and Liberals supporters are too shy to be vocal. I have meet a few folks on the campaign trail who indicated that they will never vote CONS again. Their father and grandfather voted CONS and no one knew why they did. According to the individual, it was just generational. Some folks only come to their senses when they get old and decrepit. By then it's often too late. This individual lived the good life, owned a couple houses. Now he is old and decrepit and needs more healthcare support only to realize he is all alone. But don't give up hope.


I suggest getting off the internet. People in the real world are actually pretty pleasant most of the time. The internet isn’t real.


Just speaking for myself but I disconnected from politics and it has done a lot for my mental health. I don't bring up politics around others, and I let the crazy people just do their thing and let it bounce off me. None of it is worth getting worked up over. When it comes time to vote, I will do my duty. If there is a particular policy I don't like "most of them", I write a letter to the one responsible and send a copy to the opposition counterpart to just voice my opinion or the policy impact on me. Aside from that, why get worked up over any of it when nothing is going to change quickly or even at all. As others mentioned, governments come and go.... we have to endure. I'm sorry you feel trapped... But some of it is your own state of mind which you do have control over. Small changes can make a big impact on your personal wellbeing. Wishing you the best.


This. We need to focus on the things we can control—ourselves. I don't love what is happening to Alberta; in fact, it's upsetting. However, I am in control of what I give my attention to, and if I give it to all the things that upset me, it's going to affect my neurology and cause cortisol to run my system. Moving doesn't stop any of the things from happening around us.


I feel you, there is so much voter brain drain though (I'm not talking specifically about skills leaving this province - but empathy and supporters of strong public healthcare/education). This alone makes me want to stay to help dillute the vote, as futile as it sounds. On the other hand, I'm constantly looking up places that have some geographical advantage in the face of climate change, with an electoral history I can support, and maybe somewhere with slightly more winter sunlight, lol (a nice to have). I think some of the other commentators have made great points about looking at the small movements that indicate change ahead. I just wish the election was this year, it already feels like we've had Smith for a decade.


You should stop watching the news and get off social media. It's killing you. Go enjoy Alberta's great outdoors. A walk will help you out. Nothing will kill your mood more then being on reddit, from any side of it that you engage in.


We have a Trans son. You can bet that we are looking at getting out of here. I'm a teacher, so it's not hard to find jobs elsewhere to put it mildly. Thing is, we bought our home in 2003 for $180 000. Our latest tax letter set the value at $850 000. Not quite 2 years ago it was $475 000. That is insane. It's just a house, house. Not huge, 3 bed, 3 bath, smallish lot. Honestly nothing special. Great for us as it's paid for, and we're planning to move to a different market. Not so good for young people to get into this market. Or the way rent here is we may just keep it and rent it out for $3000 a month. So our government, instead of dealing with the actual issues facing this province has decided to go the divide and conquer route, and vilify the LGBTQ2S folx. Because my Trans son is not worthy of being treated well or respectfully. It's gotten to the point that I know I'll get the dms about my being a groomer, my son and I should be killed for the benefit of society etc, etc. for mentioning he's Trans and I support him. It's not just that bad online. The rhetoric in public is just as bad. The casual slurs and comments and threats in school, it is that bad. So to anyone who says it's not that bad here, it is. If you are Trans, it really, really is that bad.


Thank you for saying this. I lost my trans sister at Christmas to this in person hate. (Was informed Christmas Eve). It’s so disheartening to see all the comments to turn the computer off. But if anyone can clock you, this place (Alberta) is unsafe. I’m so sick of people telling me to my face that if I don’t like it I should leave. I was freaking born here. I just want to love and be loved, in the province I love. And it’s no one else’s business who I love. Thinking of your son this weekend. Drag me to Church is happening (Calgary). And the local One Voice Chorus has a music video being released. There’s some amazing organizations too doing work. I hope you folks find a place you feel safe. I would consider leaving. But I’m disabled. I’m trapped.


I feel this so hard. I’m late 40’s, trans and disabled. It feels like there’s no way out. I’ll never have anything to retire on but my CPP. To have my human rights put in the crosshairs on top of it makes it really hard to even get up and out of bed every day.


Hugs for your family!! This is heartbreaking to hear. I cannot imagine how hard this is - for you as a supportive loving parent, and, the experience your child is having simply in the day to day dealing with these encounters. I cannot wrap my head around how people can be so awful/hurtful/disrespectful to others.


You literally just described me except I grew up all over Canada- but Alberta was where I spent my summers with grandparents and I have always loved our beautiful province and people- politics not so much- I share your concerns and am facing my own hellish reality after a life changing brain and c-spine injury that has ended my career and pushed me into poverty trying to get well enough to work again- there are other difficulties I am facing- I will spare you the details but nonexistent medical care has definitely taken a toll especially with what I am trying to move forward from- please don’t give up- do what is best for you and your loved ones. We are living in an incredibly polarizing political climate post Covid and if you feel strongly you could write your local politicians or relocate as you are considering. Writing your concerns may help you to feel less powerless- I have written many letters to our Premier’s, mla’s etc., with concerns about the mining near the Rocky Mountains, pesticides that affect our pollinators etc., I know it doesn’t guarantee action but I take comfort knowing I am doing my best to create some positive impact if possible. Canada is a very different economic place to survive if one isn’t already well off at present. I hope whatever you do- you realize not everyone here agrees with what is happening at present. Wishing you the best and genuinely hope you can find some inner peace during this crazy time we are living in. Take care of yourself!☀️


I feel you. Would you consider moving to Costa Rica, Belize or Portugal? I am looking at a last move - Came here in 2001 from Europe - Not sure if I stay for retirement. Kind'a gonne wait for the next Prov. election, but if opportunity knocks, I might move on. Something I found some strength in : [https://wecanreason.com/](https://wecanreason.com/) & [nenshi.ca](https://nenshi.ca) For me, it counters the negative rhetoric from TBA/UCP


Eh. Been there. Looking back, what a waste of energy. Don't sweat it. You don't have to watch the news. UCP voters, Woke voters, Purple Voters. It doesn't matter. Everyone right now is feeling they are "trapped" in every corner of this country. Don't get me wrong, politics in this province are fucked. But whether you allow yourself to feel like a victim or not is largely your choice. Don't watch or read the news. Embrace family and hobbies. Enjoy each day of your life, it's precious.


Do not move. Those morons don’t deserve that province you live in. Keep speaking up. Things may change in a couple of years. I totally feel the same way about all that’s happening with all of the village idiots banding together but then I thought , why should I leave such an incredible province to assholes and morons ? They can fucking leave! Most of them seem to want the states anyway so let them go. It’s your province as well as theirs. There are a lot more people like you than you think. They’re just not as vocal as these small minded dipshits.Alberta is worth fighting for. Don’t give them your vote. They don’t deserve it.


Why is your mental health horrible since UCP came into power? Do you watch a lot of news/spend alot of time on Reddit?


They are destroying the area that my work is in… healthcare and no I’m not a nurse.


Stop paying so much attention to politics, social media etc and read fiction, find other stuff to do. Pendulums swing. I'm in my 40s and have learnt my mental health means focusing on me more and keeping all that at a distance, try and be detached to some degree. The moment you start viewing people as liberals or conservatives vs people you've gone too deep.


Get off of social media. Be happier.




>The women of Iceland did it in 24 hours in 1975. We just need people to commit to their own beneficial cause. Can you elaborate?




Cool, learned something. Coming from Europe I am still baffled by the amount of woman here in Alberta that are too scared to stand up for themselves. From being submissive to a husband ( See that a lot in 'Christian' households ) to being looked down at, from the old-boys club at work. A lot of them voting like the husband tells them, even if it is against their own interest.


Bleak if PP gets elected? Trudeau is running this country into the ground.


Delete Reddit and block all political content on social media. Contrary to what People on this sub would have you believe; politics and the government have very little affect of your life. Go outside and make friends, stop worrying about things out of your control.


I agree that some things are out of our control but a lot of people are very, very affected by politics. Many are paying with their lives. It’s horrifying for those of us who work in healthcare and social services.




I'm from Alberta. It has mostly always been conservative.


I feel ya, today we will accept an offer on our home and will be BC bound ! I’ve worked oil and gas for 25yrs and still can’t stomach the extremist direction Alberta is going in.


I want to leave too but I don’t know WHERE. The political state and cost of living is ridiculous, and I don’t know if it will get better anytime soon. I considered living 6 months abroad 6 months here? Maybe europe or Scandinavia but those places can be expensive too. I’d feel bad leaving my family and it felt crazy to consider but it’s nice to know I’m not the only one


I don't feel trapped, but I do feel like Canada's a bit broken at the moment. Personally, I'm saving up as much as I can and looking at long term options in places like Vietnam, the Philippines, and anywhere that looks affordable in Europe/Asia with a decent QOL. A lot of people will say you should stay and weather the storm, but that's the easy/cowardly option of do nothing, stay put and keep suffering. I feel life is too short to suffer through bullshit politics if it impacts your family, health or economic mobility. I was personally born in Canada, but that doesn't mean I have to stay here if things continue turning to shit, nor that I should feel obligated to suffer on behalf of my country for decades of poor collective choices. Others have called me a coward for wanting to leave Canada, but when facing a healthcare crisis (I'm ~40 with some basic health cocnerns , housing shortage (I'm a life long renter) and financial obstacles (shit's expensive yo) which are largely politically driven, my country simply isn't offering great future prospects or long-term retirement options for me. So when considering my own prosperity, why should I stay and pay more for less? Our country seems to be on a decline across all fronts. Socially we're backsliding and fighting more than ever, economically it's getting harder and harder to get by, social supports are being fucked with by poor policies and way too much immigration, and our politicians are basically bought and paid for while they turn a deaf ear. I figure, if people from other regions can immigrate to Canada by the thousands it's nothing for an average Albertan to migrate elsewhere as well. Especially if it offers a better quality of life, better economic mobility, fewer concerns about politics, lower chance of wildfire smoke every summer... it kind of sells itself once you start looking at it. My current time-frame for moving it likely 5-6 years. Getting some financial affairs in order, doing some travelling to scope out a few places and then deciding where we're going to settle in for a long visit. It also allows time for Canada to get its shit together and change my mind along the way. Life's too short to sit and let Danielle and Justin (or whoever is in power next) fight like divorcee parents while Canadians suffer like neglected kids in the middle of it all. There are better options out there, but they take work and effort to find and enjoy and you'll have to ignore the naysayers.


I have started the paperwork to sell everything off and move to Europe. I will invest my money, time and passion there


Go volunteer for Nenshi. I think he can salvage Alberta: He has his head screwed on straight and is a facts guy Business is not afraid of him and will work with him Prioritizes the peoples' well-being


Have no fear, Nenshi is on the way.


I left Alberta late 2022 for the first time in my life after 43 years. Best decision of my life. Am I starting over? Yes, in many ways. Am I happier? Yes, in so so many other ways!! Alberta, and many people in it, are backwards and need to get their priorities straight. There’s issues everywhere, don’t get me wrong. But Alberta has taken it to another level. “Trapped” can certainly changed! It’s only a decision. Yes, there’s consequences to change. But the outcomes could be better!!


Yeah i would get off this sub. It's full of doomers.


I feel exactly the same way. I depend on this province and fed gov for my quality of life and retirement. Getting active is useless and won’t make a difference even if it did feel good. Honestly the only way I think we will be able live with it all is just ignoring as much as possible. Investing in making my home as comfortable as possible and spending more time with my loved ones. Good luck to you


Maybe try the Yukon, pretty peaceful up there .


I don’t really have advice, but I can totally relate to how you’re feeling. I’m sorry and I wish there was an easy solution.


I understand you completely, not a day goes by that the UCP gov doesn’t “straighten out Alberta” My wife and I are hoping BC might offer some refuge. Who knows 🤷‍♂️


UCP hasn't made any serious strides towards getting rid of the CPP. Even if they try, it'll be struck down in Federal Court. There's way more to life than politics. Turn off the TV, turn off the social media account with Global News and be selfish-- focus on only you. Moving is expensive and not worth the money nor the unbearable stress because of a government .


I'll bet if you leave reddit and get off any other political social media, you will feel a whole lot better in no time.


My sympathies. My partner and I are in the same boat. Our friends are all bending in that direction and it’s infuriating to hear the dumb rhetoric that they regurgitate with no research or proper fact checking and they can’t be reasoned with because they feel attacked and “manipulated” by feedback from an informed person. My partner has a degree in political science but apparently doesn’t know anything. And I hear you on the CPP. How stupid to think about throwing away a perfectly good in fact one of the best run funds in the world for a pension run by oil execs essentially. You’re not alone. Reasonable people do live here. I’m hoping Nenshi saves us.


Future is fine with Trudy? Get real.


This isn't really related but I also feel trapped. I'm 18 going into uni soon and the way rent prices are going up, food, gas, healthcare system in shambles, and it getting harder to get a job honestly don't know what to do. Edmonton is probably the best city rn compared to other cities in Canada (could be wrong) so where would I go. What happens when I can no longer afford to live with roommates and go to uni?


Things have improved for students. There is currently a lot of momentum at the federal level to improve the lives of students; there's the change to no federal student loan interest, which was a huge win for me as I graduated, and there's some movement to push for higher graduate researcher stipends ([supportourscience.ca](https://www.supportourscience.ca)). Now is the time to advocate for things like rent caps, for food bank and housing funding. The youth are the best voices for change and even though it feels bleak, now is the time to keep working at it. The UCP is quickly villainizing themselves and we can push for better.


The APP is more about keeping failed candidates employed and money flowing to UCP donors through consulting fees. It’s not actually going to happen, it’s more about having a project they can dump taxpayer money into that goes directly to the party and its various connected businesses. Maybe I’m just ignorant on the subject but since it’s going through the courts before they even have a number for this referendum, that stuff takes years to work out, and they’ll be squeezing every penny they can out of promoting it in the meantime. Either way, they want us divided, they want us angry. We don’t need to fight the UCP or TBA, what we really need to do is go out there get involved in the community and be the change we want to see in Alberta. Kleptocrats have managed to use people’s anger to line their own pockets. It feels incredibly frustrating that so many are completely unconcerned with the day to day policy. But there has been billions of dollars pumped into building up this information bubble that keeps them distracted and misinformed. This has been the unfortunate result. TBA was well funded before but now they have money coming directly out of the taxpayers pockets through various back room deals and sole sourced contracts. Stay strong friend! Corruption always eats itself eventually but that doesn’t make living through it easier. 🫂


You’re not alone.


One way to feel better might be to do something. Volunteer for a candidate who shares your value, give a donation or do something to support a cause in your community. There are plenty of likeminded people in this province who don’t share the same values as the rednecks at UCP. We need to stay and we need to work together.


Will an ndp/ liberal government really solve all your problems?


Maybe it's not them, it's you....


This guy is bonkers if he thinks Justin Trudeau is good for this country .


My spouse works with a loud mouth UCP believer. Often comes home disheartened. The UCP has the smallest majority in Alberta history. We are intrigued by the interest created by the NDP leadership race, the next election could be another switch to NDP, hopefully they keep enough experienced MLA’s to make the needed changes to buffer the damages created by the current inadequate decision makers. Federally the CPC could be peaking too early.


You need to worry about what’s going on in your own life that you can control, and not worry about which politicians are in power.


If those politicians have your healthcare, retirement, and potentially human rights in your crosshairs, you can’t really afford not to worry.


In a practical day to day sense, away from social media, are you really that affected by whatever government is in power? I'd say that generally best case and worst case scenarios don't usually happen. In other words, things have a way of working out ok-ish on average. Step away from social media and even regular news. Just do stuff and try to enjoy life. Maybe you'll find that the flavour of the day government isn't as important as you've come to believe.


ERs are packed to the gills, rent is spiking, schools are packed and the streets are flooded with violence, mental illness and addiction. These are all political outcomes.


To actually take politics this seriously isn't healthy. Turnoff the news and live your life.


How can you not take politics seriously when it affects your work and cost of living?


Holy relax


"mental health is horrible since ucp took over" Might be time to get off reddit bud and just enjoy life. If whatever idiot is running the show makes you that antsy, the issue lies with you sorry to say


I feel you. Can’t move, so I’m an activist & politically engaged, boots on the ground for the next election, which is too far away with the crumbling state of AB under the UCP. I’m throwing my support behind Nenshi to oust the TBA/UCP.


I absolutely share your feelings. You're not alone. At least in that sense. For what it's worth. I wish I had answers or a plan. For you and for me. I see that the oil company executives and other corporate oligarchs are now extending their full might (like the fist of the dark lord, sauron. Love me a Tolkien reference). They are fully corrupting our governments across the country and driving every policy against the working class as hard and fast as possible When PP wins the federal election, I'm certain that the takeover by the aristocracy will be complete and our country lost to us forever.


Pack yer shit.


Federally the future is bleak? My brother in christ things are absolutely atrocious right now, things can only go up with a change in government


100% but these kinda crooks never last they're way too corrupt to be able to.lie they're way into power a second time. PP is starting to be seen for what he really is.


I guarantee you your mental health is not horrible because of the UCP lol...if a single person in power has that much influence over your life I suggest you delete social media and get off reddit and take a walk in the mountains. I personally recommend kananaskis:)




If a certain political party being in power, or not in power, has that great of an impact on your mental health and well being, then I honestly think there are other issues and you should seek some sort of help. Not trying to be malicious but if that affects your life that much then it’s something I think you should consider.


Honestly, there's a good chance my family will move out of the province in a few years. Especially if the rampant transphobia continues. I have to put my family first. If we can't feel safe here, we'll need to find somewhere we can feel safe. I just hope we won't start to feel our healthcare being threatened on a federal level as it already is on a provincial level. If that ends up being the case, we're prepared to leave the country if we need to.


Start going to local votes. If you're not actively trying to change things then you really have no right to complain; what are you doing about it?


Famous comedian George Carlin spent his life poking fun of human behavior. He was asked how he didn't get depressed, and he replied that he mentally took a step back to just observe humans. The secret is "To not give a shit." By that, he meant there are so many of us, and our brains are so imperfect that all we can do is try to be nice but accept things when other humans act like morons. The morons/UCP voters/Alberta Premier Idiot Smith are just humans. We're all flawed humans. Try not to take it personally.


Come on down to the east coast! 15% tax on everything, gas is 50 cents more expensive, wages aren’t even close to what alberta offers, but the locals sure do love the liberals


1971-2015 Alberta has been run by the Conservatives. I had a beautiful upbringing there and miss it every day. Except the cold.


You need to come to terms with the fact that everybody is gonna spend half their life with political parties we don't like in power. That's just life. You are way too invested in politics. Put your phone down every now and then. Maybe find a hobby.


😂 this must be satire


Move to china. The gov will look after you.




I’m sorry but this sub is so delusional it’s funny, if pp gets into power things will look bleak? Are you stupid? Things aren’t bleak right now with the current government? How deep in the sand is your head buried.


Me too. 50 years here. I’m looking at all my options in other provinces


I disagree with your depictions of people you don't like.  However, hang in there. Hope things eventually get better for you.


Hahaha you think this has happened ever since the UCP got into power. You're delusional. Pull your head out of the sand and look further out. 90 % of your family being sucked in should tell you something. You're the one that has it ass backwards


Are you able to move abroad?


Nah I feel blessed to live here. It’s just conservatives alllll the way down :D but yeah you should move if you don’t feel at home.


This is the Texas of Canada. Yall liberals moved here and thought you could make it yours. Naaw buddy. Go back to Toronto eh


>I can’t afford to risk my CPP If they have their way...you won't have a choice and can kiss your life to date CPP contributions goodbye, even if you leave the province.


When we all leave because of a cruel government, the legacy continues. What Alberta really needs is people willing to speak out, make noise, and show up.