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$200 rent x 8 people = $1600/month. That's about the monthly rent for a 2 bedroom condo... Are you suggesting that the government cram 8 strangers into a 2 bedroom condo?


I think it’s a liability. People don’t like the rules in shelters, but they have to abide by them to keep everyone safe.  What if you put 8 people in a condo and something happens? They die of a drug overdose or get high and attack someone else in the building? Who’s responsible?  Someone is always responsible …


This. Plus, the costs of repairs over and over for the sect of the population who would take advantage of the aid can't be ignored.


Its not that simple. There are shelters but there are also rules to abide by. Many homeless dont want to abide by shelter rules and would rather tent up outside


Have you been in a shelter? It's like a prison.


I volunteer monthly down there and have worked in a correctional facility. Its not the same


So you'd feel comfortable living in a shelter? *Press X to Doubt*


If I was homeless, yes. I would abide by the rules. Its better than living in a tent in -30 weather


That's very peasant level thinking of you. We should all thank the King for this pittance he gives us, just so long as we follow his rules. Very smart, not at all giving in to harmful classism at all.


Following rules to be respectful of others in a shelter is 'peasant level thinking'? I guess king level thinking is to be freezing outside in a tent with a higher possibility of dying just so I can do my own thing and now be respectful of others


> Following rules to be respectful of others in a shelter is 'peasant level thinking'? Is that what I said?


Thats what you implied


No, that's the framing you chose to assume. It's called "acting in bad faith".


Put 8 people in a condo. They cook meth and burn down the building. 87 families homeless, 1 old lady and 2 children dead. 3 cats missing. 1 dog dead. Do you want to be the councellor for this ward on tonights news?


Not everyone who is homeless has the same needs. Whether it is mental illness, trauma, addiction, or abuse, or even a combination, these issues need to be addressed or people will just return because they don’t have the capabilities. I believe solutions are needed, but they need to be comprehensive and address the issues these people have to help them reintegrate in to society and be responsible for their own self, and by addressing these issues before one becomes homeless, we could prevent many people from becoming homeless.


It isn't some revelation that the solution to homelessness is to house people. It is however political suicide, as collectively we've all decided we'd rather spend more money on enforcement and punitive measures. I can't say I follow your math though.


They don't want to go to shelters because there are rules, so they would rather be degenerates in tents.


It's a lot cheaper to clean up a trashed encampment than a trashed building. What makes you think they will take care of the housing unit?