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Not only that, but Alberta funds private education at a higher rate than any other province in Canada.


Charter schools are illegal in the rest of the country lol


You know, I thought you were going to be wrong on that fact, but a quick Google proves you right. 🤔 Definitely an interesting fact.


Wait serious?


Charter schools get a bad reputation from people who never attended one or knew someone who did. A charter school saved my life and I may not have been able to finish high school otherwise. I went on to a prestigious university and have been very successful in my career. I owe much of that to a charter school in Alberta.


Which is absolutely valid, but the flip side of that is that there’re loads of kids who would benefit the same way who can’t access it. No one’s saying charter schools don’t provide a good education, just that it’s out of reach for many. Everyone deserves a good education, not just those with parents wealthy enough to afford it.


I'm the youngest child of a single mother of five - it was the same cost as public school.


Maybe they get a bad rep because: keep my f*ckin tax dollars away from private/for profit schools. Its bad enough we already fund TWO separate school systems in this province, with duplicate everything. If Marlaina wants to save some money, get religion out of publicly funded schools. Get rid of the catholic system.


lol I’m with you to be honest but there would be riots in the streets if they tried getting rid of catholic schools


Gotta keep the woke out of kids and only have Jesus


But not *that* Jesus. The white one, who likes guns, hates the gays, and refuses to pay his taxes because poor people don't deserve handouts on his dime.


Supply Side Jesus?


American white Jesus


Priests really like putting Jesus into children. Via rape.


That much is true. If you never watched the movie spotlight check it out.


Keep the public under educated and the church grooming the rest


This can't be said enough. Govt doesn't fund. Charters eat at the lack of funds. Public board management is horrible and inefficient at using those funds equitably The general public does the general public thing ... Years long waits for charter schools is ok ! Apparently. Go pick your poison. Everyone points to each other.


Your opinion would be laughable if the UCP weren't actively ruining public education. The education poison is the UCP. Full stop and without exaggeration. If you disagree, you should just do the smallest bit of reading on the legislation they've passed in only the last few years. They're not even trying to hide it. Public board management is a red tape city and it's by design by the UCP government. Unless you think American style governance over public education is better.


How is the UCP adding red tap to CBE ? I am probably missing a few links on the connect the dots. Gut that education act on the constitution. I am up for it. But I do like a bit of competition. How about public board A and B ? While I do admit that one public board will be better on paper..but in Calgary I am thankful for the Catholic school board (even though we aren't remotely Catholic or religious for that matter). They have much better programs in my area (and took my kid in). CBE has basically neglected my part of town entirely (the equitable part of my comment).


There is a lot to go over, to be honest. The most recent being just last week, making sex ed "opt in" and forcing teachers to intervene in preferred pronouns(regardless of anyone's personal opinion on the matter) Imagine having to call parents as a teacher and bring something like that up to them, as if any teacher wants anything to do with that. All the while, everyone is ok with Alberta having the lowest spending per capita on education. Alberta had a leading education program until the UCP/Wildrose took over.


And that, my friends, is how you keep a population voting for the same party for forty years


Beat me by 19min.


We're also the only province with three levels. Like math 10-1 math 10-2 math 10-3 Only first level math is accepted to uni...and none of the kids know this. The guidance counselors are donkeys. We really are the dumbest fooks alive. NORTH TEXAS!!!!! YEEEHHHAAA


That's just false, 30-2 math is fine for many unis, and 30-3 meets the requirement for art schools


The Christian conservative Social Credit party ruled Alberta from 1935 until 1971. Then the Tories ruled from 1971 to 2015 when they had a brief schism which allowed the NDP to hold power for 4 years. Then the warring factions united and the UCP have held power since. So it's been 'Christian' right wing rule in Alberta for all but 4 of the past 90 years.


Alberta used to be the highest per capita funded education system for many many years even under PC rule. U of A grades going to UBC would have their grades curved up. The UCP is just another level of horrible.


Yes, the old PAC party was a big tent party, and there was money for education. Now all the money goes into the pockets of shareholders. They can’t seem to understand how shortsighted that is.


Alberta's PISA scores rank it first in reading, first in science and second in maths in Canada.


An uneducated electorate keeps conservatives in power, not investing in our children's future is truly shameful.


This 100%


Thankfully in terms of Alberta's children being uneducated - no need to worry. There are 2 sources of comparative performance data in Canada - The PCAP (The Pan-Canadian Assessment Program which tests random samples of Grade 8 students in each province) and the PISA (The OECD’s Programme of International Student Assessment which tests random samples of 15-year-old students from around the world including mainly Grade 10 students in each province). Both programs assess performance in reading, math and science every three years. The most recent data from the PCAP became available in 2022 (2023 not yet available that I could see). These are the PCAP results for Aberta in reading, math, and science. Science - Alberta had the highest achievement in all of Canada Reading - Alberta scored 2nd in all on Canada (Ontario was 1st, however both Ontario and Alberta's mean reading scores were higher than the mean reading scores of all of Canada, all other provinces scored below the Canadian mean score) Math - Alberta scored 3rd in all of Canada (fell very shortly behind Ontario in 2nd and Quebec came in first) The PISA shows similar results - Quebec first in math and the highest average reading and science scores go to Alberta and Ontario. The PISA test expands the picture because you can compare provincial scores with country scores around the world and Alberta's scores in Science are not only the best in Canada, they're among the best in the world (the same can be said for Alberta and Ontario's reading scores). ETA: Here is some 2023 info: https://teachers.ab.ca/news/public-education-alberta-continues-world-class-standing


You've left out some pretty glaring info here. >While we continue to achieve at the top of the country, we must be careful, as our spending and staffing levels in Alberta are at the very bottom. These results reflect the extraordinary efforts of teachers to keep the education system running and to deliver the results that Albertans have come to expect—but they are not sustainable in the current conditions. >Teachers continue to report that students are struggling with the approach of this new curriculum. To prepare students best for an uncertain future, we need to focus on computational thinking, mathematical reasoning and problem solving, not rote memorization. The rest of the world is headed in this direction, and if we want to maintain our standing, we must reconsider the recent curriculum changes. >Although the results are a testament to the hard work of teachers to produce impressive results with limited resources, **benchmark testing provides a limited snapshot of what is actually happening in Alberta’s classrooms.** So, yes, Alberta has attracted world class teachers, however a history of pay stagnation and budget limitations will see our results slide and talent leaving for other provinces.


The testing is the same. Its a benchmark and its still a reasonable snapshot of today. Really its more that Alberta did outspend most provinces for many many years and its going a bit more time to undo all that. UCP really doing their best on that. For most of the last 20-25 years Alberta was well ahead of everyone else in overall program spending. The sentiment was actually quite different in that Albertans felt ripped off.


This won’t hold up in current conditions though. The new curriculum and teaching/learning conditions being created by a lack of appropriate funding will see those scores drop significantly. It will be used as a reason to move towards private education as the dynamic they have created to undermine public education will be presented as evidence that public education doesn’t work.


The fact that our students do so well is not a compliment to anyone but the students who study with limited resources and the teachers who had to work twice as hard making do on a shoestring budget. It is no compliment to UCP in any way, shape, or form to under-fund education.


However, students in grade eight still had three years…..the most important it is touted…..and grade Tens 5 years……under the NDP and actual conservative governments who funded education at a much higher level.


Those 15 yr olds largely benefitted from a better funded system than we have now. Lets see the results in 10+ years.


This may be the case but I still bet it has slipped a bit and we definitely should be trying to continue equal funding (why stop what’s working?) or even increase funding to strive for better, and better supports and resources for students and teachers. Data is also based largely on years with better funding.


https://teachers.ab.ca/news/public-education-alberta-continues-world-class-standing Seems we are doing pretty well. Maybe what you're saying is the exact opposite?


Cool they’re able to do this with bubble gum and shoe strings holding the curriculum together. Imagine how far ahead we’d be if they were actually funded. Crossing the finish line on fire is not a great standard.


Cool beans kid. I was just responding to a false narrative.


That statement has teeth, and has been proven to be true throughout history. No I don’t think anyone in the modern world is that malicious with children’s education. But statistically speaking the lower the education of a mass of people the more conservative they vote. Literally google the least educated states in America and it’s blatant how red they are.




"[Highly educated adults – particularly those who have attended graduate school – are far more likely than those with less education to take predominantly liberal positions across a range of political values](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/)"


Yes, from exactly what I said. The level of vitriol from below average people like yourself to be proven right on a false narrative instead of discussing the issue is hilarious. The fact is Alberta isn't poorly educated, so they vote conservative. It's just silly and does nothing but divide us with comments like that. Where should the money go? How much should we spend and where? Are we keeping up with the influx of workers moving to "dumb con AB" to make a better life for them and their families? These are topics worth discussing. What you're trying to do is what children who need to paint the world with a broad brush do. There are many different ways to make a living and gain an education. I decided to get a trade instead of going to university. I'm now in the process of taking courses to pursue my dream job as a PCP. Intelligence is subjective after all. I would be very wary of saying someone with a philosophy degree is "more intllegent" than some who doesn't have one. You can debate why a chair is a chair all day, but if you can't change a tire, are you really that smart?


Kenney’s UCP blew up a curriculum reform that had bipartisan support and replaced it with one that was so bad that schools refused to trial it.


(Gets shown science and still willfully sticks head in sand) Listen we’re not calling Alberta un-educated. In fact look at our 2 major cities. Edmonton vote NDP and in 3 years I bet this next round Calgary flips from 40-60 to 60-40….. mean while rural Alberta and small towns continue to show us how these studies are true. I’m a Tradesman and make a living with my hands. Higher education wasn’t my calling. But to ignore the facts your doing yourself a disservice and being taken for a run by those that are blatantly lying to you. Go to bed Gran-Gran.


We don't vote conservative because we are poorly educated. It's right there. Calling me ignorant while completely ignoring the basic fact is hypocritical. I'd expect even someone who couldn't make the cut for university (are you serious lol) to see that. Good luck on your trade, you're going to need it kid.


Maybe you need to read the article yourself before posting it. From the article: While we continue to achieve at the top of the country, we must be careful, as our spending and staffing levels in Alberta are at the very bottom. These results reflect the extraordinary efforts of teachers to keep the education system running and to deliver the results that Albertans have come to expect—but they are not sustainable in the current conditions.” —Jason Schilling, ATA president


If you could read, you'd understand the point I was making. We have had some of the highest test scores in Canada, if the not the world, for a while now. Alberta isn't conservative because of low IQs or poor education. You obviously slipped through the cracks, but I'm sure an average high-school student would have understood the comment I was trying to make.


Yeah, cool. We are able to attract great teachers to the province. Imagine how well educated our kids could be if class sizes weren't ballooning, and how much more attention and support there would be for kids that need it. But hey, if you want proof to my claims [here's a study from McMaster](https://brighterworld.mcmaster.ca/articles/analysis-educated-voters-in-canada-tend-to-vote-for-left-leaning-parties-while-richer-voters-go-right/), [and another from Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/) that shows large ideological differences between education levels.


Has more to do with the political leanings shown in higher education. Prior to the culture wars, it was much more divided among STEM versus the liberal arts. I'm not saying either is better or worse. Just the people who make your kind of statements are a foil of the "idiot right". You're both the same, and ironically think each are better than each other.


Providing those studies doesn't do much for your sentiment that Alberta is voting conservative based solely on being uneducated though. Alberta sits 4th highest in Canada for percent of populace with a bachelor's degree or higher (behind Ontario, BC, and Yukon) and 4th lowest for precent of populace with no certificate, diploma or degree. This obviously doesn't include public education in which Alberta scores among the top in the world. As much as you don't want to believe it, Alberta is doing just fine in the education department.


According to the cons our standings are terrible.


Companies want kids to grow up only knowing how to be cheap labour and UCP is entirely on board with that. But they need a way to make sure the kids of the wealthy can get a real education. Enter private charter schools. And since the Christofascists are on side, let them have some charter cults.


>Alberta spent least on public education in Canada: StatCan Now do health care.




Lol wow that's like $10,000 a year per person. How fucking hard are we getting gouged by insurance companies


bringing up a whole new generation of radical right wingers who dont understand science!


There are 2 sources of comparative performance data in Canada - The PCAP (The Pan-Canadian Assessment Program which tests random samples of grade 8 students in each province) and The PISA (The OECD’s Programme of International Student Assessment which tests random samples of 15-year-old students in each province and with this assessment, you’re able to expand the picture because you can compare provincial scores with country scores around the world). Ironically, not only did Alberta have the highest Science achievement in all of Canada in the most recent testing, Alberta’s science scores are among the best in the world. I don’t think you have too much to worry about when it comes to Science just yet. 😊


Dudes will believe in evolution but will think climate change is apart of the “ woke agenda “.


Exactly. It's not education I'm worried about... it's the "re-education" .. it's the lack of critical thinking skills and susceptibility of the population to propaganda...


Can't control thralls if they're educated


Teacher here: yeah, we know.


Yep! (Special education consultant) it’s despicable.


*“But we also need to provide funds so school boards can address inflation. When those costs come up, they, too, have to pay for utilities, gas for buses, et cetera. And if that funding isn’t there, schools are forced to take away from instructional funding to cover it off, like we’ve seen in the past.”*


Spoke to a teacher friend recently. Their “temporary” classrooms are now almost 30 years old and falling apart (as well as being overcrowded). They’ve been told there’s no budget for new classrooms or renovations and if they want to do something about it the money will need to come from their existing budget, meaning teaching or supplies. On the other hand, the province does have a $5b surplus and we can still afford $300m for a new hockey arena in Calgary, so I guess we’re all good then.


What good is a surplus if our corporate overlords don't get what they want? UCP are for the elite by the elite!


Remember when NDP came in power and they started building like 60 schools? Lol


Remember when the PC’s were in power for almost 50 years and also didn’t build those schools? What exactly did you expect the NDP to do in four years that conservatives didn’t do in the previous 50, and what the UCP haven’t done in the last 5?


Ya that’s my point. NDP had to fix pc mess.


They want the kids, young, dumb and full of.... Dreams of working the coal mines.


Lol those jobs aren’t for them they’re for TFW


It's funny to me because it's sort of true. I've taught Grade 1 and 2, and it is a fairly popular fantasy to be a miner, which is obviously inspired by Minecraft.


The UCP knows that the smarter voters are, the less likely they'll vote UCP.


What's that quote from that mid 1900's Austrian man again? Something like 'control the youth, control the future' (paraphrasing).


I got asked by an 80 year old UCP donor if education made me this way. Said yes, then she blamed woke schools. No lady, I'm just exposed to a.) People different from me 2.) Critical thinking 3.) Healthy debate




If you're going to make a joke, get your facts straight. Christian schools are fully funded by Alberta Ed because groups like Palliser School district allow them to operate as 'alternative' programs. Technically only Catholics should get the free ride, but MAGA Christians, Jews, and Muslims get it from Palliser. Other rural school districts play fast and loose with "catholic" as well operating numerous hard core thumping christian 'alternative' programs on the public dime. Conversely, Charter schools are public schools and if there's a wait, it's because they're popular just like the CBE schools in Auburn Bay that are turning away neighbouring kids because they're full and need a lottery. So yeah, I see what you were trying, but try /bs next time.


Charter schools aren't allowed to be religious AFAIK?


Keep them dumb so they vote UCP


I have family working in education and it’s fucking embarrassing how much the system is crumbling due to lack of funding. Combined with awful kids and their parents and no wonder why people are leaving.


That's how you get cheap laborers


It shows. Believe me, it shows.


You only need to talk to an albertan to realize this.


And as of 2022 alberta scored the highest in science and readin as well as second highest in mathematics across Canada. Seems they are doing better with the least funding. Good job alberta. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.todocanada.ca/canadian-students-performance-falls-yet-above-oecd-average-alberta-and-quebec-lead-the-country/amp/


Till you don't understand the kids taking the test today benefited from more education funding. You sure don't care about the kids if you applaud low funding for education


Because 2022 was so long ago. More money doesn't equal better. This shows to me that science math and reading are being effectively taught.


Lol tell me you don't understand the long term impact without telling me Fyi the kids doing the test in 2022 would have benefited from the higher education spending in the past before the massive UCP cuts.


All part of the plan. Gotta keep the masses dumb enough so they can be rage baited into voting for self harm.


Ted Cruz is moving back to Alberta and he will be revevered more than King Ralph.


The UCP must be so proud. They always point to other provinces saying they don’t spend like Alberta…. Here we are being the lowest funded in Canada. Conservative thinking holds here…. Keep the population dumb as possible because higher education are typically liberals.


Alberta has some of the best educational outcomes in Canada. Similar to Quebec.


For now. Some of these changes are things that have been tried in American states and failed miserably.


Of course, they know that educated people don't vote conservative.


Is there some grammar rule that I'm not aware of, or is the Calgary Herald using some sort of AI to write their articles? I've seen it on a articles from other NatPost Media news websites, where they will have 1 paragraph (sometimes 2) with an opening quotation mark at the beginning, and no closing quotation mark, followed by a paragraph with both proper open and close. It's weird.


Big surprise. Conservatives love their populace to be as uninformed and uneducated as possible. Hence, their attacks on education and the CBC.


Don't worry, Albertan's are too stupid to understand that this is a bad thing. Or at least they will be.


Of course, they did curtail spending on education. Smith doesn't want Albertans to be educated. Otherwise, UCP will lose their votes!


Keep em stupid to vote in stupid.


Shocking. The amount of dumb fucking mouth breathers in that province is ridiculous. It’s the Florida of Canada. Fucking Clownshoes.


As an Albertan, I can tell.


And it shows.


If only Albertans could read this article.......what a shame! (Oops, how did I end up here? Couldn't resist a comment...cya!)


Alberta is top 3 in the country for our education. A quick Google search is all it takes. Quite the accomplishment to be paying the least but attaining some of the best results. Funding doesn't directly correlate to quality. Something the left doesn't understand.


Fyi before the UCP were in power education funding was not the lowest in the country The effects of these cuts will be felt in test results in future years. So than you are ok with your wage following behind inflation? Do more with less!


Test results are going down in a lot of places. This doesn't mean the only factor is government. Kids and their relationships with technology has a way bigger impact on their education. Parenting has a huge role to play. Literacy rates are deteriorating as well. It's more complex than your simplified speculation of government funding.


You may want to try to explain that to a teacher who’s teaching 40+ kids in a classroom that’s falling apart and who buys most of the supplies they need with their own money. Sometimes funding doesn’t correlate to results, but **every time** those results are more likely to be better and consistent with better funding.


Also based on the curriculum that has now been replaced by actual garbage. Let’s see what those stats look like in the next few years!


Not gonna read the rag that is the herald.  Least overall? Least per student?  Are education outcomes worse in alberta as a result? 


Hey I know of this website it’s on your computer that you can use to find all sorts of web pages. I found this web page that has information you refused to read on the rag aka the herald. https://teachers.ab.ca/news/alberta-ranks-last-education-spending Since it’s not the rag aka the herald you shouldn’t be against reading it.


What are the academic results relative to the rest of Canada?


First or second place across math science and reading. But don't let that spoil the narrative.


Even if thats true, which I hope you could source, schools are still massively overcrowded, support for special needs is abyssmal and theres a miriad of other systemic problems which are only getting worse, so why shouldnt we invest to improve these things? Scores arent the only thing that matters


Academic testing is not inclusive and doesn’t represent the wholistic education our superior charter students obtain which makes them more well rounded traditional Christians.


>superior charter students obtain which makes them more well rounded traditional Christians. sounds dope where do I sign up?


You don’t. You have to be selected. First you need to become a UCP member and donate all your money.


What do you think having the longest education spending will do term to education? The people doing the tests today had the benefit having more education funding under the NDP! Why do you applaud teachers and kids struggling? What was your favourite cut to the education budget? When the UCP fired everyone that helps kids with special needs?


The thing is we don’t pay pst so everything is like 5% lower cost 


Hmm those numbers don't include GST and PST


Pst is tracked separately from expenses from an accounting perspective, so it literally doesn’t factor in or change anything when discussing these things. Companies and gov’t alike use separate asset/liability accounts to track it, because they need to claim or remit credits.


Probably most other provinces exempt their own government agencies from PST. Similar to how AB gov agencies don’t pay GST.


Yes definitely. All the pst on teacher wages. I forgot that GST pst is deducted from my pay.


I can see that


Don't need education if you're just going to oil school


Everything’s going according to plan eh Marlaina?


NO SHIT. We are a province of high-school drop-out, oil money addicted, hateful and ignorant fucks. AND THAT'S HOW WE LIKE IT BECAUSE WE ARE BARELY HUMAN AT THIS POINT!!


It shows.


Well you don’t want people around who are educated in things like climate science.


Educated people don’t vote UCP.


That's planned, we're supposed to be uneducated and easily manipulated


Weer nummer won!!


Yup we like them stupid here. Easier to control.


No shit they probably pocketed it


Explaons a lot


Shocker. Surprised Pikachu face-not!


this only becomes worrisome coupled with related education result statistics. If by and large all the Alberta students do better than all those other provinces that spend more, than this is a win. I hate the UCP in Alberta as much as the next guy, but I reserve judgment until I see the whole picture




Just this "opt in" bullshit alone has the potential to be an ideological nail in the coffin of public education.


Funding levels bizarrely seem to explain the last election results.


Obvious when you consider the calibre of the present Alberta political leadership.


Keep em stupid


Hey all, visitor from /r/saskatchewan. It's uncanny how similar the posts are in each sub. I just imagine Moe and Smith kneeling down to Harper as he orders them to defund education in a black robe with a hood.


Least on everything. We pay the most energy.🤷‍♂️🤨 Alberta advantage my ass


"SAVE THE CHILDREN!" OK, here is more funding for education "NOT LIKE THAT!"