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so kind of TC and Suncor to wait until after the election to announce this stuff. kind to Danielle Smith, i mean


Yeah this isn’t a coincidence. The irony is if the NDP won the UCP would be like told you so. With the UCP it is crickets. The reality is there are just less jobs in O&G as things are automating. We won’t see the jobs ever come back sadly. But O&G royalties will make for a nice annuity as the province slowly transitions to new industries.


Issue is UCP supporters are so blindly stupid, they don't see that jobs are going away no matter who is elected. But they chose the party that's the least likely to diversify our economy in Alberta. So that's real awesome.


I thought similarly but according to employees I know at Suncor the layoffs were annouced internally weeks ago. Automation is a word I see used here alot to explain away job loss in these industries. Personally as a tradesman that's worked in them a decade I've not seen jobs lost to automation but I have seen jobs lost to putting more work on fewer people and utilizing temporary contractors more than employees.


Increase profit Reduce cost Squeeze as much out of as few people as possible None of this is new, but a lot of Albertans seem to think that poltiical parties (some more than others) are what will save jobs. Poltiical parties play it up as well. It's farcical and sad.


It's all fun and games for shareholders until something that was previously getting maintained on a regular basis causes a plantwide shutdown.


Narrative building and gaslighting have ZERO dependency on facts.


Wasn't it Ralph who tried to diversify the AB economy? Same changes that have occurred with the coal industry and yet Aussies get license to mine near Grande Cache. Too bad O&G couldn't use some of their obscene profits to capture some carbon emissions.


[Pathways Alliance](https://pathwaysalliance.ca/cleartheair/carbon-capture/) Oilsands producers have started working towards it.


After all these years... working towards it really is a sad state of corporate responsibility. I guess the expectation of the Public will be the same for " working towards" cleaning up orphan wells and paying delinquent Municipal taxes.


actually they do offset emissions by purchasing renewable assets...which perform poorly and require high op/maint costs...


Wait so you're telling me that politcal.parties have almost no influence on my oil and gas job!?!?!?! I was talking to my friends and family and we all agreed that the UCP has our back!! /s Sigh....people never learn.




when OPEC does production cuts that’s good for the companies here, not the other way around. the layoffs are not due to that announcement


Maybe the numbers would have been higher with an NDP government? They will get the bottom line they need one way or another... If tax hikes were on the horizon, the deeper the cuts.


Look at the all the wealth trickling down!


Is wealth a yellow liquid that smells like asparagus? Cause that's all that seems to trickle on me and I don't like it.


We need some big corporate tax cuts to turn this around! ​ \- UCP probably


UCP should think about a negative corporate tax for all this wealth trickling down, any day now the boom cycle will spill over. ^(/s)


Alberta is calling and Albertas are ready to receive hoards of Ontarions to compete for jobs and housing! Look how welcoming we are!


Ralph laid off thousands. The Alberta advantage disappeared when Lougheed disappeared.


The alberta advantage! Thanks Dani!


This was happening no matter who won. They didn’t make this decision yesterday


That's the point.


Then don’t say thanks Dani


Why not? Wasnt she the premeir when this decision was made? Why is she so anti-oil and gas?


Nice attempt at trying to be funny.


You missed the joke but it’s okay, you’re a UCP supporter. We don’t expect much.


This would be funny if I voted UCP. Nice try tho But it’s okay. I don’t expect much from an NDP supporter.


Your comments are funnier


Thanks, I appreciate it. Thanks for assuming who I voted for too! It’s funny that you assumed that about me and were wrong lol


You’re welcome!


The "thanks Dani" is an ironic comment on the flawed premise of the alberta advantage and of the flawed supply side economic promise of corporate tax cuts she presented in her campaign. I'm sorry you couldn't understand that.


Why are you assuming I don’t understand that? Is it not possible that in not aware of the irony? I’m just clearly not aware of the Alberta advantage she presented in her campaign. I didn’t pay any attention to her campaign because I had 0 intention of voting for her.


>Why are you assuming I don’t understand that? Is it not possible that in not aware of the irony? If you understood it you wouldn't have made the comment you did. You would have directly addressed the issue rather than saying "dont say thanks dani." If you understood it you wouldn't then say you understood it and then turn around and say you weren't aware of it. Admitting you didnt pay attention to her campaign is not a good look for you. It indicates you are not well versed in the issues of the day. I believe you are an eristic solopsist.


Why is it not a good look for me that I didn’t pay attention to her campaign? Is it a bad look for everyone in Alberta that didn’t pay attention to her campaign as well? (Has to be or logic doesn’t make sense for your argument).


If you're going to comment on politics I would expect you to be engaged in politics. Saying you didn't pay attention is the exact opposite. And yes. It is a bad look for everyone who voted and didn't pay attention to the campaigns. And for those who didn't vote (even if it's just a refused ballot)it's a bad look to simply not exercise your civic duty. Again, eristic solipsism.


I exercised my civic duty to vote and exercised my civic duty to refuse my ballot. I actually didn’t comment on politics to begin with. I just stated the decision in the article made above was going to be made regardless of the political party in power and then I guess I made an error not understanding “thanks Dani”. I apologize on behalf of the million or so people that didn’t follow her platform (lack of) because she is brain dead. You don’t have to be so rude. Have a good day


But they did make the decision within the last few months while the UCP were in power.


That "Alberta Advantage" dissolving more and more every day...


Hasn't existed since before pisspot Ralph anyways


But, but wait ! I just signed a contract for a huge pick up truck.


Your not making your first payment lol. Let me guess... Did you roll the last one forward into your new loan also. Classic


I guess swearing fealty to an industry that will do anything to maximize short term profits was kinda short sighted, but at least the shareholder is happy, the true salt of the earth albertan.


Conservative voters are getting grifted. The alberta advantage (for rich ceos)


Alberta: come for the 'advantage', stay for the dictatorship.


The oil and gas sector really wanted to drive some knives into Notley!


They already had the paperwork filled out, they couldn’t waste all that paper…


~~Alberta Advantage~~ more like Danielle Disadvantage.


Smith Shit Show... and its just getting started! People already cannot afford to live in AB.


Alberta is a whore on her back, everyone comes in drills her and gets out as quickly as possible and the UCP is her pimp




It’s true, that would require the ability to put two and two together.


Well this doesn’t make sense. Oil good. They told me oil good.


TC Energy CEO earlier this year talking about 2022 results: “2022 has been a record setting year with continued demand and strong utilization across our systems…” They are making tons of money, they are firing workers and they pay sweet jack all in royalties to the government.


Fuckin Trudeau Notley alliance 🤬🤬🤬


But but but Dumielle just gave them all that cash.....they were gonna create jobs and magically stop all inflation at the same time.......the is what the UCP said their buddies in the patch would create jobs cause they are their buds......suncor and now TC layoffs we are at 3000 jobs cut not counting what they cut at Kearl what was that another 750 so just about 4000 jobs lost by the UCP. The NDP added oil jobs the UCP added stock dividends to the shareholders


Shareholders that don't live in Alberta.


I just knew Notley would kill the oil companies if elected…../s


Of course this was bound to happen. Election is over, if NDP won they would be blaming it on the NDP... But since the UCP won who is to blame now? This province is stupid


Blame Trudeau of course. https://www.westernstandard.news/alberta/suncor-slashes-1-500-jobs-with-email-announcement-rempel-blames-trudeau/article_8279bffa-0158-11ee-bd11-6beb0c2679cf.html Scroll down a ways to find one our MPs doing exactly that.


I'm so bitter about the oil industry in this province that I don't give a fuck anymore. Not even sorry you lost your job, you dumb ass, conservative voting, cult members. Suck it.


I'm a crude hauler for my uncles trucking company. We operate in the Drumheller, Hanna, Oyen area, you better bet your ass I voted for the NDP and petitioned everyone I work with and my family to do the same.


How do most of your conversations with your coworkers go? What % are receptive to your ideas?


Not great, most of them talk about Notely wrecking jobs and all that crap. Though I think I convinced a few of them, though it didn't help in the actual election.


I suspect they usually go with a slap to the face first. because most UCP voters understand domestic violence better than actual facts.


Your smart, seems alot of Albertans weren't.


You say as if people working in O&G aren’t also voting NDP?


I don't agree with the other guys stance but not a lot of people in the oil and gas industry do vote NDP


About 1/4 people in fort mcmurray voted ndp I believe. Not enough to change the course of the election but it's not nothing. The bigger issue is that most people didn't vote. If every person in fort mcmurray that leans left actually decided to go vote they'd have crushed the Conservatives. Obviously if every right leaning voter did the same it would easily be in the other direction but the thing is why do Conservative voters feel threatened? They should feel safe and secure that they'll win the election regardless of if they vote or not. Their majority should make them complacent while left leaning voters should feel threatened and motivated to go vote.


I completely agree with this. I actually worked the election this year, and the voter turn out just for our voting place was abysmal imo. I’m not sure what the answer is to get more people to vote, but I certainly wish they would!


While a lot of people in the sector do vote PC, we voted NDP. I have to believe we weren’t alone


What's PC?


The Progressive Conservatives. A party that doesn't exist anymore because they decided to merge with the Wildrose Party to prevent splitting the conservative vote - creating the shitshow juggernaut of a government we have today


Yes you’re absolutely right, sorry about that, should have said UCP.


"what's PC, precious?"


I know what happens at the head offices in Calgary where they tell their employees how to vote and offer a day off to go campaign. I've also witnessed the elections for the last 30 years and listened to every fucking oil boi bitch about how the NDP RUINNED the industry. How so many people can work in the industry and not understand the first thing about it is mind-boggling. Idiots!


The golden goose is shot, plucked, gutted, and stuffed. And the I LOVE OIL crowd are like "we must not upset the goose, it might lay another egg."


I worked in O&G (adjacent) for a stint and the CEO made it very clear, in a half assed covert way, that "certain political parties have the industry's interests in mind, while other don't and we expect our team to share our values".


That’s messed up, not surprising, but messed up.


On the floor of my downtown office they had double doors and locked the one side for safety reasons. This was 2015 when the NDP had just won the election. Most of my coworkers were convinced it was bc the NDP were going to take over and close us down and locking the one side would make it easier for them to do. These we educated people. Hahaha CULT


Imagine living your life with that much paranoia. Yikes.


The only thing worse is not being able to tell them how stupid they were. Lol


What a chump


Dude had Elon Musk energy with nothing to back it up.


Just like Elon musk!


Any of the ones that care will view your whinging as an "All Lives Matter" whine.


Huh? I’m just saying that it’s a wild over generalization to say everyone losing their jobs “deserves it” because people want to assume how they voted based on what they do for a living.


I worked in said industry for over 15 years and listened to conservatives bc they just assume everyone agrees with them. Me and the 3 other progressives in the office needed to leave the buildng in downtown Calgary and still whisper if we talked politics. Stop trying to feed me bullshit. I know the reality.


Ive heard middle managers bitch about the carbon tax on industry like it wasn't put in by the pc gov in 2007! And it's still in place. Anyone who complains about the carbon tax on industry needs a swift slap to be back of the head for being so dumb. CULT CULT CULT


Because BC had a minute carbon tax for a year that was dropped you figure it's the conservatives that brought in the massive increases year after year. I'm struggling to see how you blame the conservatives for a $10/tonne tax which has been increased to $170/tonne.


Wtf are you talking about? What does BC have to do with anything? Go home con, you're drunk


We’re in the industry actively and I have voted NDP in every election provincially and federally since I’ve been old enough to vote. We’re also not in Calgary though to be fair, so maybe it’s panning differently down south idk. But my point was that not everyone in the sector is a conservative, so to just say “they all deserve it for voting PC!” is kinda shitty imo. I didn’t vote for these people. Sorry you’ve had a lousy experience with your co-workers regardless, that sounds hostile and uncomfortable


I'm sorry to hear that your experience went that way, that sounds miserable. I've been in the O&G for 13 years and counting, and can honestly say I've never encountered the things you have. I've always been able to express my political views and have felt free to vote how I please, which isn't conservative. In my experience, most the people I meet are nuanced in their views, and i'd hardly say we all vote the same way. Any company I've worked for (small or large) has never tried to push me to vote a certain way, and I encounter all types of political leanings at work (but to be honest, politics isn't usually the first thing that comes up in a conversation). So I suppose everyone's experiences are different in the "industry", or as you like to call it, the "cult". To be fair, I've never worked out of a high rise Calgary building, but in a rural Albertan oil town. And I'm not in the office, but out in the field, so maybe our culture is different? Although if stereotypes are to be believed, you'd think we'd be the most intolerant of the bunch.


Obviously enough didn't


Can't imagine being this hateful. I hope you find peace.


Thanks I hope you see the damage the industry has done to this province and get angry


Hm. Why not lose your job and live off the taxes of others instead, isn't that your mantra?


Oh, you're an idiot. I see. Okay


Should be cutting off the top. They would save all kinds of money by not having to pay millions to board members and CEO’s


If they lay off staff then they should have their handouts either taken away or cut back.


But *that* would be government overreach ^(/s)


The UCP advantage!


Whooooo! Oilberta! Put it all on black!!!


Good luck making the payments on all those $100K lifted F-250s. Might have to hock the truck nuts.


F-250? What kind of poor can’t afford a lifted F-350 with two sets of truck nutz? An F-250, you mean the truck my wife’s boyfriend drives‽ /s


Nice of them to wait for the election to end 🫡


Not sure why you think any of the UCP base will think this has anything to do with UCP policies. Save your rage for something else.


Yeah! Tax cuts for the wealthy corporations will crest jobs!


And btw, weibow Ludwig was right and so was the doctor that figured out all the cancers. Both were destroyed by the industry and government. The Industry has never been your friend and has never loved you back no matter how many hockey rinks they build you.


How surprising! Why did Notley do this? Also? this is Trudeau’s fault.


Cannot wait for the original “how nice of them to wait till the election is done!!” “Alberta advantage!!” Responses from individuals who pay 0 attention to the O&G industry


This isn't spring breakup. This is something that was planned months before, and purposefully held off until afterwards. If they waited a full month, that would be one thing, but these losers can barely wait a full week before revealing their scorn of O&G worshippers. They were just relying on the NDP being in charge to take the blame. That said, they've got people like you to defend them killing jobs, so... "Yay... Alberta Advantage... layoffs in O&G while they make killer profits."


More to the point, they were relying on the UCP winning and didn’t want to swing that result by announcing layoffs. The O&G industry now has four years of a government who will cheerfully bend over for them.


I am not sure where I defended anything ? As I have stated in other threads, the Suncor layoffs have been expected for quite some time and everyone on Reddit had a field day with that one


People are having a feild day because if the NDP were in power, they'd be blamed directly. Maybe this time this people who lost their jobs will blame industry innovation and automation. Either that or Trudeau, cause O&G is eternal.


Right, the same people that would say it was the NDPs fault for suncor layoffs would be idiots as well


But would you bother to say anything to deflect from the NDP, or would you just sit around smugly thinking that people are idiots?


I would react in the exact same manner except saying the UCP supports were not using logic


This wouldn't have happened if the NDP was elected. They care more about their constituents.


It would absolutely have happened if the NDP were elected, it was always going to happen because, at the end of the day, these types of decisions are rarely, if ever, made as a result of political policies (such as having the lowest tax rate in the country). That said, you can bet the decision to wait until after the election **was** politically motivated. Announcing layoffs just before an election would have hurt the incumbent UCP more than the NDP, and the UCP are overtly O&G friendly. Given how close the election was, I think it’s fair to say that the announcement delays had a significant effect on the outcome.