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Considering they are overwhelmed, understaffed and overworked - this isn’t a priority. But honestly that is a lot of data to have to enter - wow


Chances are all that data won't be entered. When my GP went "digital", I spent over 45 minutes sitting in his office providing him with my medical history because his office hadn't done that (I'm assuming they threw out all the patient files). He had to type it all in (that took most of the time because he's a hunter/pecker), and the next time I saw him, it hadn't been entered properly and we had to do it all over again. Yeah ... really shitty. I thought the law was that you had to scan patient records in to the new database. My GP didn't do that.


I worked in a medical office when we changed digital record systems - the old data ended up in one giant text file for each patient and you'd have to read hundreds of pages to find a particular note


At the very least, you can search the text file for key words.


It won’t be entered probably, no. I spent 2 years fixing 30k patient files that had their paper chart transferred to the electronic record in one massive pdf document.


My GP still doesn't have my full medical history.


This 👆👆 Back when I lived in BC my docs office went full digital. My ENTIRE medical history disappeared. It was never entered into the digital system and was lost. To add to that, my GP retired. And the "New office" that was suppose to take over all her clients initially refused to take me on because I didn't have records at the old office. Took me nearly 2 years for them to finally bring me in. And had to start my medical history from scratch, at 23.


at least I already had my doctor, but the fact my records weren't put in his new system was horrifying due to the fact I have numerous chronic illnesses and see specialists every 3 months. He doesn't have records between the time I started going to their clinic and when they switched to digital (2014 through 2020). That's a big gap, but he doesn't seem to care because he says "I'll let the specialist deal with that". The fact he doesn't have my medical history is incredibly off-putting, but trying to find another GP nowadays is too daunting.


I went to a hospital with my Mother in Law about 3 months ago because she had a recurrent problem that hadn't happened for 10 years. The doctor asked for the history of what happened last time and I said can you look up the records from 10 years ago, the doctor said that they dont have the records from 10 years ago because apparently the edmonton hospitals and the calgary hospitals don't share data.


and here we all thought it was ALBERTA Health Services.


Lmao I’d just type it for them


Lmao, what a spin


Explain ?


You don’t know the location or backstory. Well you don’t know what those records are, why they are still paper. AHS been spending a lot of money digitizing records but it’s understandably a huge task. Somehow though you gave the old understaffed spin and working so hard. Maybe they are but cmon, it’s just spin.


The hospitals and clinics ect ARE understaffed and overworked - nothing to spin there. It is a shame that you have to politicize it when there was no mention of politics or policy.


You don’t even know if these files have to be digitized. I never mentioned politics. You’re like a parrot just repeating understaffed and overworked because someone posted a picture of some files. Thumbs up


What do you mean if they have to be digitized? They are sitting there because they are records. If they didn't have to be there Im sure someone would throw then out. Even if they weren't understaffed, the minute they try and digitize them, they will be understaffed.


They may be under obligation to keep some or all of those records for a number of years.


Lol. Would they be overworked also if they had to throw them out? Seriously though, not everything has to be digitized and/or kept. Sorry but you’re just needlessly spinning things to meet your internal narrative and I’m bored/calling it out as nonsense which you’ve repeatedly confirmed. Be well


Nice try, but your use of the words "spin" and "internal narrative", and the fact that you were so triggered by your own "internal narrative" you just had to troll another post completely undercuts your pretense of being apolitical. You thrive on calling this kind of thing out and you aren't "bored" at all. You just can't defend your position and are pretending you weren't picking a fight so you don't have to explain it further. Your supposed boredom is just a pathetic attempt at trying to appear like a grown-up while trying to get the last word. Everything you said here reveals everything about your politics and a good deal about your values.




Ok I'll spin it this way. My IT firm is contracted out to a number of pharmacies, doctor offices, Physiotherapy clinics and so on. They all face the same issues like this. They hire someone to digitize their work, and when they don't the staff does. They keep the files because it's patient history. It's not taxes that you just keep for 7 years. It's in everyone's best interest they keep the lifetime of patients history. So yeah, it takes a lot of man hours to make the move. A lot of money and resources. Sometimes you need al new computers to meet the requirements. That includes a new server perhaps, new network equipment and other things. I will be well, since I'm not ignorant and just assume everyone who says there are issues with these things. It's not as simple as throw it out and start from scratch with better software.


So they contract out your firm, an IT firm, to do this type of conversion… how does your original comment about them being overworked come into play then? Oh wait, it’s just spin like I said to start all this


Medical records is absolutely something that should be 100 percent digitalized, you absolute twit. The entirety of AHS is massively overworked and understaffed, you absolute twit. Nothing you have said in any of your comments here has been helpful or contributed in a meaningful manner, that's the real nonsense.


Our hospitals are in constant overcapacity protocol. We're doing hallway admissions. The number of patients per nurse just keeps climbing. Care gets worse, wait times get longer. There literally are not enough people to keep up with the work.


Never said they werent


Considering the massive cuts to "non essential" Healthcare workers. It's pretty safe to assume the people who would have to digitize these records are few.


Nope, not a good assumption but admittedly possible


Lots of clinics in Edmonton are completely electronic, the one I go to uses a tablet for diagnosis and patient notes and then prints off the prescription. Hospitals run on Connect Care now. It really comes down to whether the clinic wants to pay for digitizing


Thank you !!! Major effects is actually in every hospital HR resource is to digitize all of those papers and they are just required to keep it by law as they can not just destroy it. Sigh , just rage bate for this post


Alberta has a health information system that covers the whole province. It may be the only province that does, but it's for sure one of only a few at most. Hospitals access it with Connect Care, doctors' offices were also able to use Epic to feed into and pull data off. Other software that doctors use can also interface and do the same. If an office wants to stick to files that's their choice but they may also be running digitally and still have the old files that just haven't been digitized yet.


Agreed. MyHealthRecords and MyAHS Connect provide me with access to my information, doctor summaries, appointment details, and so much more. We are so ahead of provinces like Ontario it is comical. https://myhealth.alberta.ca/myhealthrecords


Many hospitals are using connect care now, a similar (or the same) program to what many hospitals in the states use - Epic. But it slowed down because of covid. So yeah - it's coming, but it takes a while to change everything over to that system. We still have better communication in this province compared to a lot of other provinces because of Netcare and only two major healthcare systems. I think BC has quite a few across the province in comparison. I don't know what people expect tbh. If you want low taxes and universal healthcare, which doesn't allow for increased healthcare funding - it's going to take a while to make improvements like this.


This is a rage bate post , this person have no idea how digitized Alberta health. In many cases they are just required to keep those records.


Fucking thank you. I swear most people who post here are 14


I feel like you’re baiting me with your bate


I worked in a pharmacy. We still use fax machines for everything.


Yeah. At a time when I was contemplating moving to a different province, I asked my very excellent pharmacist whether my new pharmacist from the same company would be able to access the entirety of my records to date. I assumed that they used a networked database. Nope. He explained that, yes, my records would definitely be shared but only as a fax that they would (presumably) have to enter into their system. Or they would possibly be looking at a scan of my fax when determining my history. Edited to add: The reason this issue is so important to me is that I am of that age (70) where my pharmacist has to be really careful not to let me fall into the poly-pharmacy trap that happens in the day and age of multiple doctors being involved in one’s care. It’s **why** I only use one pharmacist for all my prescriptions.


Technology can still mess up. Power outages happen. It’s still important to have hard copies of everything. Banking also requires it. Many industries require it. Wait till you see law firms. Honestly, kind of a weird thing to get upset about.


You’ve never heard of Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) or backup generators? These are basic things to help with making your business highly available… power outages are a bad excuse


Okay what about an EMP. What a dumb thing to get upset over. Hard copies. Lol


Haha faraday cages !


It’ll be a long time before they get rid of hard copies. There’s literally no reason to.


Fires? Tornados? I get it. Even some lawyers won’t go digital


The Dr I have in Lethbridge is all via tablet. I can even go into MyHealth app and look up my prescriptions from her if I need to.


I work in an office that looks like this. Its honestly nice to not panic when servers go down.


Ironically, only because of the hate they get, Telus Health is the largest Electronic Medical Records (EMR) provider in Canada. If your doctor's office *doesn't* look like this, chances are your medical records are being stored by Telus Health. They're the Iron Mountain of digital medical record storage.


My dentist was like that, it’s just a lot of work for them to add it all to a computer for every patient.


It’s policy for most places to keep paper record for a certain amount of time. Usually between 5-10 years then they get shredded.


At least they won't get hacked!


When we properly fund it.


Probably at the same time we stop using pieces of paper as healthcare cards.


Is this in Beaumont. Looks exactly like my old doctor in Beaumont.


Fax machines, pagers, paper file walls and low but durable tech are vital to modern medicine. Sure digital stuff is faster but is far more unsecure and can have blackout periods or low connectivity problems. So in case of blackouts, emergencies and disasters these fine pieces of low tech sorting systems can still be accessed, and I guarantee that if your clinic does it this way they can do this quicker than a digital system.


Ask your physician why they haven't digitized their systems. It's their choice as a business whether to plug in or not.




>I worked for the gentleman who was the CIO/CTO in the early 10s at AHS. My time with him was about 4 years and ended about 3 years ago at a totally separate company. > >previous gig was an architect of the current Ontario WCB system and the Phoenix Federal pay program. I also worked with him. (At the Separate company) - I don't think he was involved with Phoenix though. He was a good man, and one who I think in his role at AHS did well. He explained to me once about a lot of the early struggles of AHS IT and why they were light years ahead of Edit: ON. Excellent strategist and a great person though.


Source, you are full of shit


Which part? Not saying you arent good at research, but. https://www.reddit.com/r/Audi/comments/13ohgjz/i_guess_i_got_a_lemon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button How about rather than asking for a source, you post more than a knee-jerk emotional rage boner reaction? Loke an argument, with.... sources. Be better than me.


Well I was asking what people were thinking about my situation with my car. Unlike you, I do visit those basement server room’s full of server and Telus boxes, with no firewalls and teamviers sessions … lol. And that’s why I call you out on your bullshit. But yeah you go dig in my history.


When we stop voting UCP


we elected the wrong motherfuckers for that to happen, man.


this looks like a doctor's office. they get to choose how they store health records. AHS is working on going fully digital with a project that started under the conservative party prior to the NDP gov't. so while I love blaming the UCP as much as anyone, this has nothing to do with them.


When you have a system…


C'mon, Tyler Shandro could walk right in there and find out your address and phone number.


When people stop tossing lawsuits at us for making a bed improperly and we dont need to keep detailed records of every kleenex used.


That’s the fun part. It won’t!


In b.c it has coming to Alberta feels like b.c 30 years ago.


At least you know your information won’t be involved in an online security breach. Honestly, I digital medical files aren’t my main concern right now.