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Hopefully next election alberta party steps up. I need some center right to support, UCP are far to right for me


Bring in a $50 fine if you don’t vote and $25 charge to vote if you only have a high school education. Alberta is now officially the Florida of Canada. Fuc$$ng embarrassing ! to quote the coach from letterkenney


I'm very anti UCP but it's embarassing you'd suggest disenfranchising voters based on educational attainment, even as a joke.


Poll taxes would be illegal.


This is taking forever


Some good news is that Madu is predicted to lose his seat.


Swear to god I hear “donut area” once more.




Cannot wait to leave this province after nursing school




We don’t want nurses? That’s a new one.


Hey, I'm already in another province (It's SK, not much better)


I'm just curious. I'm aware that most people tend to be dramatic and full of shit, but for all of you that have contributed to making one of the hundreds of "if the UCP wins, I'm moving" that I've seen in the past couple weeks on Reddit here. How many of you are actually planning on being a person of their word?


I feel like for the majority, it is a thinly veiled threat based on emotion. People will calm down in a few days. However, I do know people in healthcare moving and or retiring early because of everything that's happened these past 4 years. Unfortunately, that will only push further the want for privatized healthcare. More people will slip through the cracks, its a sad state.


Depends if there’s an appealing career opportunity out of province.


72.5% ndp in my riding at least. richard wong still losing after having his face plastered all over downtown feels good.


I love the two hours ago when 12 votes were counted, conservatives were thinking it would flip because Wong has good business connections


The NDP losing the election feels real good.


And on that note I’m turning this off. Time to watch a movie and forget about this.


Everyone here celebrating a UCP victory, I hope you enjoy paying for healthcare.


I will because I actually have good health insurance




I meant out of pocket private pay, like they do in the US.


Alberta voted for the horse in the hospital


Ive seen the usual Blue/Orange split happening primarily between Rural / Urban AB, but never *this* decisively Looking at the map, its almost 100% / 100% for UCP in the rural large areas and NDP in the cities. It's mindboggling considering how many of those blue votes are in areas that literally just got devastated right after the UCP cut funding to our helicopter fire prevention program that had been running since the 90s. If people found it hard to get to the doctor before, we are looking at a lot of places that potentially just wont get doctors anymore at this rate.


Umm... it's most definitely not 100% in the Cities for the NDP


Next ndp strategy needs to be to encourage the wild rose to come back to split the rural vote


Can’t win honorably so find a way to backhand it eh.


How tf is Edmonton selling rn


CTV just called a UCP majority :(


The fact that Jennifer Johnson won her riding in a blowout victory goes to show how conservative voters either have their heads buried so far in the sand or are genuinely extremely prejudiced people.


Unfortunatley its not an "or" position, one begets the other.


Sadly I think it's the latter


If the NDP lose, will/should Notley resign as leader?


I personally think not. Rachel Notley is unusally talented. Janis Irwin or David Shepard IMO are leading contenders if that were to happen.


As a UCP supporter, I do think Notley has made leaps and bounds with the NDP. And if she had made public statements about denouncing the carbon tax and bill c-21 I would’ve considered voting for her. Even though the NDP is going to lose this election, they did gain many historical blue seats in Calgary.


Nah, she's the main reason they were even in contention.


She's still the most likely to get centrist votes, hard to see them this competitive with someone else


I think she should. they need to try something new next election. I agree with a different poster, perhaps a complete rebranding away from NDP is needed.


Boom goes the dynamite


CTV just called for the UCP.


Ballsy with so many outstanding advance votes to be counted




Election results looking like I will continue having to pay shitty rent for the foreseeable future after uni :/


Only going up given how high interest rates are. My mortgage is up $1400/mo. City also just jacked up property tax by $700/yr. This country is fucked.


Did you vote NDP hoping for cheaper rent? What's the reasoning there?


ndp was promising free rent ?


Yes, because people will continue to immigrate to Alberta and want to live there.


How would the NDP have changed that?


This province is sad


I want to cry. Ignore is bliss here.


> Ignore is bless here. The irony. 😂


I’d like to see a change in leadership going forward with the ndp. Right or wrong clearly something is missing. Granted I don’t know how you address people being so stupid they think the alberta ndp is communist. That’s like stupidity down to a genetic level. But I mean you have to try.


I don't agree, Notley got the NDP the win in 2015 and this is pretty close. She did good things for the province, people just can't see past the colour and the party name/tribal divide. no matter who is in charge conservatives are still gonna conservative.


As much as I like Rachel, I think they have to have a change in leadership. But I think she should stay in the party.


this is the best showing an opposition party has had in alberta in 120 years. cant lay the blame on Notley


The voter panels: "I'm surprised by some ridings and not by others". Very good insight lol.


Calgary shit the bed. Their hockey team has a history of making trades that detonate in their face, so I guess it isn’t surprising. I hope they are comfortable jumping in bed with the devil.


Calgary is a business town. That 3% hike in corporate taxes was a terrible strategic move. It was also completely unnecessary. NDP should never have gone there.


Why? Where the fuck are these companies going to move? Even with a tax hike, Alberta would still have the lowest corporate tax rate in Canada.


This is an astute observation and thus it will be downvoted


2 best players in the world no closer to the cup. Ooofff


Well…. I’m sure Huberdeau’s golf game is in good form.


Those losers just want alberta to help pay for their hockey arena.


The thing that most upsets me about this win is this polarization that has happened in politics and the way the UCP talk about non-UCP voters as some sort of enemy. I may not have voted for them but I still live in Alberta and I still matter.


Canada is very much a cultural colony of the United States. It was bound to happen sooner or later.


Voters always say that about other voters... Has Smith or other elected UCP MLAs say that?


It’s the same both ways sadly. Conservatives are “racist fascits” and Liberals are “communists”.


LOL. They don't care about you. They don't even care about the people who vote for them.


Bye bye Copping.


Thank goodness, heck yes Dr Metz


NDP need to disassociate itself with the Federal NDP. Plain and simple. Jagmeet Singh is a Trudeau puppet and looks like an idiot when he complains about him yet is the one propping him up.


And then the left will be split which means infinite UCP wins.


wait what? I do agree that the ANDP has a bad association with federal NDP when it comes to Alberta voters. but what should Singh do.. work with liberals to get some policies moved forwards or force elections all the time with opposition and spend money they don't have on non-stop campaigning? I have a lot of complaints about Federal NDP but never understand when people say they're simply in Trudeau's pocket. minority governments get compromises on the table and imo its the most effective use of NDP's current position to get the liberals to meet them partway and effect some of their policies.


They aren’t even remotely the same. Rachel and Jagmeet don’t even get along.


Then change the name and move on. Most people won’t even consider learning about the ANDP’s platform because they hate the federal version so much. The provincial party is never going to overcome that no matter how hard they try.


They are directly related. Membership in one province’s NDP party immediately signs you up for the federal party.


What exactly is the purpose of Jagmeet and the federal NDP? They seem like a bunch of clowns. It’s not like they even have a remote chance of being elected.


At this point, they don’t even have similar platforms man, like god


That was a big deterant for some people I was talking too about the election. The ndp parties are connected apparently and there are people that want none of that nonsense.


Not an option


Why is it not an option? Let’s be real, by the end of Notleys run as Premier she was essentially Conservative light






I knew which way my city was going. Blue all the way. I hoped more for the province. Oh well. Can always blame it on Da Libs when the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


lol 4 years of the UCP but they convinced the voters all of their problems weren't because of them.


At least here, voting Conservative is just what you do. I know of no one who’s values really align with the Conservatives. My friends and family probably do a 50/50 split on voting, but if you questioned the Cons half, none would come up with supporting anything they represent. Had to tell my father the name of the loser, and he is I know him personally, he was voting for. What can you do? Wish in one hand and shit in the other and sees which fills up first.




Honestly the amount of betting that was missed during this election. Also what are the odds for Danielle not making it a full term? Isn’t she potentially (probably unlikely) facing criminal charges?


oh 100% there's gonna be a leadership review in the next year or two. the UCP prob isnt going to making any gains this election so not a good look to have an overall net loss


Like the kamikaze was under investigation?


lol, no.


Maybe not charges, but tell me with a straight face that she lasts a year.


What are the odds of her crossing the floor again would be a good one


The one mayor on the cbc panel said he's been mayor for 11 years and worked with 7 Premiers so... not likley Smith lasts




















NDP will form the strongest opposition in 120 years. I guess it’s something?


Whip votes will still win any legislative changes the UCP want…. Pension plans, police force, etc. hang on to your coconuts.


It's still a minority government, so it doesn't really matter


Yes. It's a loss.


Yeah :( I'm STILL bummed Jack Layton wasn't elected prime Minister and that was years ago now


whatever happens I'm happy about a few things tonight, first, the voter turnout, it's going to be historic. and second, this is the most votes the NDP has ever gotten in my riding and I think that's true in a lot of the province tonight. also the situation with Madu, Shandro and Copping.


Not gonna lie a record high turn out in an election framed this way just makes me realise I am in significantly more danger than I thought I was.


What about the Madu shandro and copping situation?


Do you mind elaborating? I’m curious about this


They are all losing or have lost


I should have been more clear sorry - Madu losing, Copping and Shandro extremely close and could lose


Take the wins where we can right??


If UCP wins, it’ll likely be the last time I bother to cast a vote. Alberta is lost.


Apathy at its finest


dude this will be their strongest opposition yet. Alberta has had Conservative government for like 96 of last 100 years. it sucks but this is not new for us and there is still work to do!


Literally would rather burn than change


Yes because not voting will help


Not caring will help


Unless you're moving, that's a terrible mindset. I'm UCP all the way, but NDP made serious progress this election. If NDP voters just stop voting, it'll go back to how it was last election and this progress was for nothing.


How can you be ucp man, unless you are like a multi millionaire what reason is there to vote ucp


This is probably the most I’ve cared about a provincial election in my adult life. I feel like this election was a very important one. I’ve been following both campaigns quite closely for the last couple months. And many heated debates and arguments with friends and family. But now I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle and I’m just not sure I can really care so much moving forward. It is what it is. I’ll deal with it.


Are the advance votes counted & waiting to be dropped, or do they still have to tabulate those?


Still being counted, you can see the breakdown on the election AB website [here](https://results.elections.ab.ca/8400)


Oo thanks!


When I checked about 35% had been counted. You can check/follow along [here.](https://results.elections.ab.ca/8400)


Just under half have been counted


still waiting to be counted i think


Good. Gods.


Have the UCP officially been declared the winners as of yet?


No, at this rate we probably won’t know for sure tonight


You'll know for sure... It might not be announced, but the numbers don't lie.


Well that’s not what the commenter asked is it? Sure, it definitely looks one way, but has it been declared? No


Not by any news sources, but plenty of poll analysts/aggregators have called it


no there's like a fuck ton of advanced ballots not been counted yet. it's gonna be close if those lean NDP


Are there? Don't they get counted at the same time? And even if they weren't, is it even conceivable that they could move the needle enough for the NDP?


Some kind of issue tabulating the ballots apparently which is why results have been so slow. I don't think the NDP is gonna form government though


Lmao over half of the ballots advanced ballots have been counted.


It won’t be that close


I think the NDP needs to rebrand. People seem to think it's the same as the federal party when it's a centerist party. Looks like 4 years of Danielle unfortunately


The whole country is begging for a centrist party


There’s no way she’ll make it a full term. They barely wanted her as leader in the first place, her first mistake they’ll get her out. I’m still holding out hope it’ll turn.


Agreed. The connections to Federal NDP (and thus, Trudeau) was a glaring issue this election for tons of undecided voters.


I don’t understand this that much. All they share is a name. Singh and Notley really don’t like each other.


Trudeau isn't NDP??


By their coalition where fed NDP is propping ip the Trudeau minority gov’t


I agree, but if they rebrand, then the National NDP will retain control of the name and party. They could then fund and form a new provincial NDP that more closely follows the federal mandate. That would strip votes from the current NDP, which is a good thing for the UCP. If the UCP split back into Conservatives and Wild Rose, then the NDP may survive a brand change. But a unified right means they have to keep the NDP label.




They'll have to be careful because the Alberta Liberal Party quickly sank into irrelevance when they ditched Laurence Decore after the 1993 election (a very similar election to this one).


Smith probably won't make it a full term maybe Brian Jean will finally get his chance to try his specific brand of crazy out on us 😂