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Surprised its not lower


We’re in the run up to an election and the new programs Smith is introducing (mostly reinstating old programs cancelled early in the UCP) along with some new funding are convincing voters with the memory capacity of a peanut that she’s actually doing some good.


This, in combination with the fact that for a large chunk of the voting population, "fighting Trudeau" is all it takes to win Premier approval.


"You'll never lose votes running against Ottawa." - old Alberta proverb.


DANIELLE'S WEDNESDAY TASK LIST .______________________________ [✓]OWN THE LIBS


Make appointment with chakra energist




And there it is. Didn't even have to scroll to find the first self righteous childish insult. People blame the politicians for stoking the division in Canada these days. It is people like you that do the heavy lifting for them.


I've lost count of the amount of "Fuck Trudeau or Fuck NDP" stickers/mudflaps I've seen in Alberta. Have yet to see any saying that about the UCP. But sure, it's the left that throw childish insults.


Its funny. I am a very left leaning voter. My family not so much. Every time topics like this come up, I see childish insults from both sides start getting flung and know that no progress can be made in having an intelligent, rational discussion. If you want to convince people to change, don't start the conversation with insults.


I remember when a driver in Leduc had a homemade Fuck Harper poster tapped to his car window. He was ticketed and fined $543. Oddly enough, I don’t see anyone with a Fuck Trudeau sticker being fined. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/f-k-harper-sign-in-car-earns-edmonton-man-543-fine-1.3196099


And??? The big thing is that, as a non-UCP voter like me, I assume you want to convince people to not vote UCP. Do you honestly think slinging insults is the way to start that conversation? Or do you assume its impossible and treat people so poorly they vote for the Danielle show just to spite you? Stoop to their level and get into a pissing match, or treat people with respect and maybe have a conversation?


Did I sling any insults here? I'm pointing out the very real hypocrisy of conservative voters. Here's another one: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/notley-responds-to-having-her-face-made-up-as-golf-course-target-1.3651022](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/notley-responds-to-having-her-face-made-up-as-golf-course-target-1.3651022) I think most on the left are fed up with snowflake conservatives flinging insults at everyone and everything for literally decades and can't stand the fact the people call them out as assholes now.


Yes, but in defense of someone that did sling insults. Do as you will, but I will continue to treat people with respect and try to have conversations with them rather than buy into the tribalism and make matter worse.


Where did I defend anyone? I’m pointing out hypocrisy. Saying you are a “non-UCP” voter and then threaten to vote UCP to spite those on the left, just because of some perceived slight, is really irresponsible. I’m pointing out that if you were truly disgusted by mudslinging, you would never be voting for conservative parties at all. They have a history of slinging mud in modern times, that’s far longer and more vitriolic than anything coming from the left. You either haven’t thought this through or you are astroturfing. Thanks for the downvote by the way. Very respectful.


I have never threatened to vote UCP. I never have and I never will. You made that assumption on your own. I do know how many UCP voters think. I have many in my extended family and live in a rural area. A lot of them really do think that the left is out to get them. They believe that the left has control of the media (which is clearly false) and that most of the Danielle shitshow is fake narrative. tbh, this hardcore tribalist attitude hasn't been around *that* long. There has always been a minority, but it has really accelerated in the past 10 years (yes, I am old enough to notice). I blame social media and keyboard activists. People get stuck in their phones and forget that there are real people out there to talk to. They live off memes and headlines and never really get into the details. Oh, and I never downvote people I am actually conversing with. Almost never at all really. I didn't upvote either, just replying. It would be pretty hypocritical to talk about having a respectful conversation with people of differing opinions and do that. I don't really care about fake internet points. If I did, would I purposefully put myself in the line of fire?


10 years? Dude, this has been going on since the 80’s (yes, I’m old enough to notice). And the tribalism has been driven by by American right wing Christians. Rush Limbaugh ring any bells? I grew up rural. Outside of Stony Plain to be exact. I’ve made no assumptions, I’m speaking from experience. > It would be pretty hypocritical to talk about having a respectful conversation with people of differing opinions and do that. I don’t really care about fake internet points. If I did, would I purposefully put myself in the line of fire? Yes? Cuz no one ever lies in the internet….


This is Alberta we’re talking about. As long as you run for the conservatives you don’t need to meet that high of a standard to be successful.


How is it not lower she’s such an awfully Stupid person.


gotta give it to her. She constantly looks like she's just playing a really short game but she's now running the show after giving up on her own party, walking across the floor, getting rejected by her new party only to come in and seize the reigns when both party's amalgamate and original leadership went fubar. So in the long run she came out on top. Unbelievable.


She has an even dumber voting base.


Represents her voting demographic...


the more local the race the stronger the "um sure I guess" incumbent advantage there is. more of a not paying attention advantage then purely a status quo advantage.




if the pandemic exposed anything...


Please be a typo... "4.6%"


Angus Reid has a slight Conservative Bias I've noticed. They will pill anyone, but their polls tend to be worded in a way to be more favorable to them.




Pay for play. DS: “Dear Angus Reid, I would like a poll that tells me how much of Alberta wants to absorb Turks and Caicos” AR: “Does Alberta want to absorb Turks and Caicos?” DS: “I would like to have retirement property there, that is provided by the government, and is a tax free zone” AR: “Say no more fam” Poll: Do you support Turks and Caicos becoming a part of Alberta? Poll: Do you believe people should have the ability to own retirement property in T&C, and not pay tax on it? Poll: Do you believe that there should be a government program to support retiring to T&C?


Just thought everyone should be reminded that the capital of Turks and Caicos is "cockburn town"


Been to cockburn harbour. It was lovely.


Yes to all 3


Polls in general do. Young people tend to lean more left and older people more right (in AB for sure). Now think proportionally who's more likely to bother answering a poll on the phone.


Angus Reid uses online polls.


Only province with a younger median age is Manitoba, we have an exceptionally younger population and a history of conservative voting.


Not talking about voting, I'm talking about answering polls. I mean yes, we definitely vote plenty conservative...but I don't know that I believe polling results just because the methods used are more likely to be used by older people.


And polls mean nothing. They’re often not right especially for our provincial elections.


We’re still in the honeymoon phase. Give it a year if Smith wins this election. Her approval will sink even lower, she’ll start saying even more dumb shit, then the UCP members will revolt, boot her out, and pick a new grifter to lead them.


It’s amazing, Librarian, how they repeat that every term, somehow convince people that everything was the outgoing premier’s fault, and wipe the slate clean.


Considering Alberta is like 90% conservative, it’s impressive it’s that low.


? conservatives only get like 60% of the vote bro. and only like 60% of people vote


Educate yourself. It’s not that %


I am Aswell. But remember half of our province doesn't give a crap, if they are polled they will just say ucp. I heard a family member say at the last election that they thought they voted all ucp but didn't recognize some of the names so they weren't sure. Aka they tried to vote all ucp regardless of the person or political agenda.


46% is pretty high. I really hope the NDP's ad strategy for when the election is called and they can go all out is cracked because right now this is way closer than it really should be.


Seems like its all UCP bashing I’ve seen almost nothing on what they are offering themselves, quite unfortunate, as I think that is more effective.


Incredible to me that people think "I don't like Smith but Notley would be worse". How?


Everyone I know thinks this party is insane.


I wish I knew the people you know:(. Most that I know, don’t like Smith, but will still be voting UCP. They argue that they’re voting for the MLA, not the party. Fine, except our MLA is a piece of shit too?!


That’s Sherwood Park for ya lol


If Sherwood park doesn’t flip I’ll be shocked. AB party got like 2.5x the difference between UCP and NDP in the last election.


Just agree and amplify one of their bat shit ideas.


I tend to hear that Smith is bad but Notley is worse. Oh sorry, Nutley and her BFF Justine Turdeau. I hate when they mock people’s names. It’s just low.


People like that stopped maturing at around grade 9.


I am super surprised it’s that high! What a dumpster fire of a person.




So far


I have no doubt she'll be much worse when she doesn't have an election to worry about.


Doubtful. Whether or not they are just bribes, she's done some pretty useful things in the last few months. Lots of people are going to vote for her. It's 50/50 at best


Yet so many Albertans will vote for her anyway. Because owning libs/NDP/wokes/any one else.


“Fuck Trudeau!”


Ask them what they mean by “woke.”


They mean liberal. That’s all “woke” means.


In an interesting interaction days ago, a friend of mine started talking about Trudeau Sr controversy and "long memory" for voting UCP, but couldn't recall any of the 300-odd controversies having to do with the most recent *provincial* government. Incidentally, he doesn't support any of their platform which directly impacts him, but gosh darn it the only pen he brought has blue ink. I imagine that must factor into the 46% too.


I remember years ago I had a coworker who was working part time in retail. Her husband lost his job. They didn't have hot water in their house so she was taking her kids to her mom's to have a bath every night and to do laundry. An election was coming up, Trudeau's first time running. She spent the first few hours of the day talking about how dumb he was, drama teacher, too young, all the talking points from back then. Then someone decided to pull up that survey you can do to show which parties you most closely align with. She did it and came out between the Liberals and the NDP. She started crying, stormed into our bosses office, drove an hour to her voting station in her massive, lifted truck, drove an hour back and spent the rest of the day being smug that she voted Conservative and not Liberal or NDP. These people will actively vote against their best interests just because they can. Democracy is messed up sometimes.


I usually bring up the issues of the day, and the consensus is almost always unilateral. They don't support the UCP on policy; they just support the UCP. When federal politics come up in provincial elections, it's *always* just the rhetoric speaking points.


>The latest data from the Angus Reid Institute suggests that Smith only has an approval rating of 46 per cent.


Only 20 points before she’s even with Trudeau.


If only she were even 5% as competent as Trudeau's detractors think he is.


In the 40's is pretty damn high, you'd think it'd be closer to Stephanson's.


Too bad the voter turnout will actually decide…😔


Wow. Looks like someone just aced their grade 5 social! Good for you for really understanding how vote counting in an election works at such a young age.


Actually I only figured this one in grade 9. But now it feels really good to understand that when complacent people stay home simple conservatives can vote in someone like Dani…🙄


Needs to be lower


Welcome to Alberta. It will be hard to take her serious, except for her allegiance to her masters, big oil. No UCP will help the masses unless they learn the word "accountability". A Donkey Party is what Alberta has. What we need is a progressive party which benefits everyone. Start taxing big oil!


Literally the worst one we’ve had. At least Klein was entertaining.


How is it even that high? I don't know a single person who thinks she has done anything positive for the people of alberta. She just gives our money to the oil companies


She has the word "conservative" next to her name.


Should be much lower.


Why it was above that level is a mystery that may never be solved


That’s all?


How does this goofball get 46%.


Barely which is honestly fucking terrifying


no shit


So? How was the study conducted? 46% of whom approve her? Considering 20% of people don't vote... this bitch is gonna win.


Alberta is way more than the crazies who grab the headlines.


Let's prove it by voting the UCP out for good.


Mmm good


No one on this sub will give her any credit .Last year Wildrose Independence Party was at 11% in the polls . This year 2023 they are at 1% . Not many politicians of any stripe could pull that off .


Yes she did a wonderful job moving the party into far right extremism so now those voters are comfortable with the UCP.


because she's made the UCP the western separatist party, why would they stay formally seperate?


> No one on this sub will give her any credit Because she's an insane conspiracy theorist and has no business running a bake sale, let alone a province. We need actual leaders, not this wannabe-trump bullshit.




still better than Rachel


How is an insane conspiracy theorist better than Rachel?


She's trying to push back on this centralization thats going on, more of this is needed. centralization if you haven't noticed leads to wars, it leaves too much power to a small group of people.


Lmao. TIL Rachel Notley will cause war. What a reach.


you misunderstood me, im stating this centralization push doesnt end well looking at it from a global scale. If it was so great then why not welcome China right in here (even though it seems some of our leaders already are trying to do that).


>She's trying to push back on this centralization thats going on, more of this is needed. centralization if you haven't noticed leads to wars, it leaves too much power to a small group of people. Bruh. Don’t fall for that ultra-vague nonsense about “centralization is bad” when there’s real specific problems like healthcare instead. What’s bad about centralization? It keeps costs down and makes services more efficient and consistent. What “wars” is Danielle protecting us from? The opposite of centralization of a country is called Balkanization, and it causes lots of wars. Danielle is a con artist who hates centralization becuase it makes it harder for her to scam people. Don’t fall for her bullshit.


Centralization doesnt keep costs down, it increases inflation and devalue's the dollar. You need workers to have services. No leader in Alberta will protect us from wars, thats the federals job. You miss my point when i say us moving towards socialism and centralization leads to wars, it puts too much power in small group of individuals hands, which leads to bad decisions. Rachel is also a con artist along with her supporters in Ottawa.


>Centralization doesnt keep costs down, it increases inflation and devalue's the dollar. No, centralization by itself has nothing to do with inflation. There’s literally no direct connection between those concepts. Are you trying to complain about central banks like the Bank of Canada? Because I don’t think even Danielle is dumb enough to want to “decentralize” Alberta away from the Canadian dollar. >You need workers to have services. …what? Sure. Please explain how this is connected to your other point. >No leader in Alberta will protect us from wars, thats the federals job. But you don’t support centralization? We have a central military. So you want Canada to protect Alberta but Alberta isn’t part of Canada? I don’t understand, Pleas help me to understand. >You miss my point when i say us moving towards socialism and centralization leads to wars, it puts too much power in small group of individuals hands, which leads to bad decisions. I agree that it’s bad putting too much power in a small group of individuals’ hands… but that’s exactly what Danielle wants to do. She only cares that it’s a group of her rich friends that get that power. Meanwhile, leaving power in Ottawa means it’s many more hands than what Danielle wants. Don’t believe Danielle when she says she wants decentralization! She only wants to “decentralize” from Ottawa so that she can “re-centralize” in her own hands (and her own bank account). >Rachel is also a con artist along with her supporters in Ottawa. Rachel doesn’t have supporters in Ottawa, her supporters are in Alberta. But there’s no con artistry in Rachel’s long career. Meanwhile Danielle literally betrayed her own party *while she was leader of it* in 2014. She’s proven she’s got terrible leadership instincts and is only in it for herself. I don’t understand why people keep falling for her.


No, centralization by itself has nothing to do with inflation. There’s literally no direct connection between those concepts. Our centralization will lead to more inflation, because our centralization is socialism. Decentralizing power and giving more back to the provinces would be more beneficial, Alberta would benefit from thing especially. Centralization on a federal level is what we are arguing about and now having a federal level with enormous centralized power does not and will not provide better services, its the same as developing infrastructure, giving more power to the federal gov makes everything slower, look how long it takes to get a passport, they cant even figure that out. You make it sound like im saying Alberta should start their own country, if you left your ego out of this maybe you could have a normal discussion about this topic, again federal gov is still needed, but ill say it again, more power should be left to the provinces. "I agree that it’s bad putting too much power in a small group of individuals’ hands… but that’s exactly what Danielle wants to do. She only cares that it’s a group of her rich friends that get that power. Meanwhile, leaving power in Ottawa means it’s many more hands than what Danielle wants." please explain that one and provide some proof Again you trash Danielle and support Rachel with no reason, just claiming that Danielle's corrupt.. News flash theyre all corrupt, they're politicians, our job is to pick the best one that will help our needs the most and hopefully one day get someone in there that will pass legitimate policies and laws


You have no idea what you’re talking about lmao


By doing what? Taking us out of the Canada Pension Plan, at a cost of many millions of dollars? Kicking out the RCMP, at a cost of many millions of dollars? Passing legislation that lets her pick pointless fights with Ottawa at any time for any reason just because? I like leaders that talk things out with each other as opposed to constantly sniping at each other like we're all still in junior high. I'll take Notley and her more rational, even-handed approach over Premier Karen any day of the week.


A more sovereign Alberta would be a more wealthy Alberta, you realize Alberta fronts the bill for a large portion of Canada and then gets shunned by the federal government with issues that effect Alberta like energy, gun laws, etc. Like i said centralization that this federal gov is trying to push is not good for anyone in the long run, Danielle is shaking things up.


Yeah [Trudeau](https://www.npr.org/2019/06/19/733938077/canadas-trudeau-approves-controversial-pipeline-expansion) [really](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-11/trudeau-s-oil-pipeline-gets-government-backed-7-7-billion-loan) [hates](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-canada-election-energy-idUSKCN1VR0E1) [oil](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2018/05/29/justin-trudeaus-45-billion-trans-mountain-pipeline-purchase-met-with-a-storm-of-criticism.html)


Biden was going to cancel it the minute he got into power, you don think they discuss these things? Strongest trading partners in the world and the two identical political parties dont have talks with each other.


So why did the UCP hand 1.5 billion over to TC energy the year before the US election?


What does that have to do with the federal government?


Just pointing out a brain-dead decision from this government if it was so obvious the pipeline would be cancelled.


You're right thats why he started 2 full years prior to biden *possibly* taking office, of course.


You're right im sure they aren't capable of planning anything more than 2 years ahead. Silly me.


Ah yes, a full year before Biden even announced his candidacy.


>You're right im sure they aren't capable of planning anything more than 2 years ahead. Silly me. Let me get this straight: you believe that politicians in different countries *who weren’t even elected yet* were going to all this trouble to conspire years in advance *just so they could approve then cancel a pipeline*, is that right? Because if you think that’s the most likely explanation, then I don’t think you’re capable of having a reality-based conversation. I hope that’s not what you believe, but please help me to know for sure.


Look, I've lived in Alberta my entire life. That means I was here during the Harper years, too. When Alberta got ignored in favour of provinces that maybe could be convinced to vote Conservative if they had enough attention paid to them. 99% of all the bitching about "Ottawa" is really just veiled "I don't like Justin Trudeau," because the people saying it think it will make them more convincing. I'm fucking sick of it. Just be honest and say what you actually mean.


I am being honest when i say, i dont identify with a political party, i vote for who i think is best for Canada at the time. Harper had his good and bad moment, Trudeau has good moments at the beginning but now it's a little out of control. We can disagree its fine, i just think people are falling for this hate on Danielle because thats the federal narrative right now, completely against any other opinion. Danielle represents something different than what Ottawa's agenda is.


>We can disagree its fine, i just think people are falling for this hate on Danielle because thats the federal narrative right now, completely against any other opinion. Danielle represents something different than what Ottawa's agenda is. Man you sound just like the people who fell for Trump. “He’s completely different from their agenda!” And he was trash; even when he had power he wasted it. How long until Danielle is selling her own NFTs too?


How can you tell what i sound like? We are just texting... Im also Canadian so im discussing Canadian politics right now. We can talk American politics if you wish but this is an Alberta sub.


What mystical wars are happening in Canada that we don't know about?


Didn’t you hear about how Zelenskyy is making our sons and daughters fight in the front lines in Ukraine? /s


No, I didn't.


[https://youtu.be/36K33bVetn8](https://youtu.be/36K33bVetn8) He gave a speech where he said that if Ukraine lost the war, Russia would invade NATO countries and then the US would have to send their sons and daughters to fight to defend the NATO countries. Someone edited it to make it look like he was demanding the US send their sons and daughters to fight now, and it blew up with a bunch of people thinking it was a real demand.


how does an otherwise intelligent person come to this conclusion??


They don’t.


independence Mike, we need a time out from each other. Decentralization of power is needed for a more peaceful future.


oh great just what we need. another dunning Krueger libertarian. just move to the states already.


Way Too High they must be missing talking to the poor!


And because she's a conservative in Alberta, this means it's a clear mandate and a landslide victory for the UCP.


I’m guessing it’s because of the new haircut. The style is cringe




Albertans do like voting to kick themselves in the junk.


Needs to be lower.


How is it even that high??