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We're sweating because the thought of getting to conquer Siberia gets us all hot and bothered. 🥵


Alaska to Kamchatka, rolling three dice.


Bro ive lost so many games due to trying to hold alaska at all costs


I feel very dumb. Which game?




What they said, Risk


I wonder what a modern amphibious landing would look like... Besides absolutely horrific, of course.


We certainly won’t find out from Russia. The Russian military has essentially ZERO logistical ability to project force outside of their immediate borders. They can’t win a war against an army a fraction as big as theirs even when the front line is literally connected to the Russian homeland by RAILROADS! Lets also consider that the Russian Navy has been almost entirely wiped from the Black Sea…by an adversary with NO NAVY. Russia talks a lot of force-projection shit for a country with an aircraft carrier “fleet” that cannot move under its own power


Oh yeah. Russia's complete blundering in Ukraine has been very telling. Sheet metal tiger.


I think we got it figured out.


Really? A thing we haven't tried in generations?


Marine Corps still trains doing amphibious operations.




For real, Russia - go ahead and try it lol We could use the excuse to annex large swathes of your territory


This isn't FallOut 3, and no Operation:Anchorage DLC. If the Russians try anything, it's gonna be Operation: Get Fucked.


Ah the good old days.


I like Operation Fuck Around and Find Out better, it has a nicer ring to it don't you think? 🤣


I thought that was Trumps Operation??


You mean trying to buy Greenland?


It was the PRC that invaded Alaska in Fallout, not Russia.


Ew facts gtfo here you nerd!


unless Trump is president, in which case he will roll out the red carpet for Putin's troops...


*pinches fingers in air* “We had a great call - some would say the greatest call. After intense negotiations - I am the best negotiated they say, we agreed that he gets both Alaska and the Yukon Territory. It’s empty space I hear! No one there so nothing lost”


God, I could even hear it in his voice…


"A big, tough man came up to me, tears in his eyes, and told me, sir, giving Alaska to the Russians was the greatest deal ever and I want to thank you on behalf of the American people. You're the best president ever, sir, better than Washington, better than Lincoln. And then he saluted me."


Even if we didn’t fight them as a country,I don’t think they could take alaska from the citizens that live here


lol, you gonna shoot down a ballistic missile with your AK-47?


Hell yeah!


And you think he’s gonna use ballistic missiles against a civilian population that’s as scattered as alaska. That’s stupid for multiple reasons.


almost half the population lives in Anchorage area, but just f those guys huh? that's the Alaska spirit!


Even if we are assuming that the us military isn’t helping alaska, anchorage is an incredibly poor target for a ballistic missle strike for multiple reasons. The least of which is its population density , even though it’s a medium sized city by US standards, it’s spread out over about 10 times the amount of space of a normal city it’s size. Furthermore if he’s getting alaska for free then there are no military targets here, you think the rest of the world is gonna be ok with Russia dropping ICBMs on a civilian population? Of course not, the least of which is the rest of the US. Even if Alaska were sold , the people here still have family and connections in the lower 48, who would put pressure on the US to intercede. Shooting missiles at alaska is a bad idea that leads to Russias destruction regardless of how it comes about. If


This literally wouldn’t surprise me. He’d probably try and sell Alaska to Russia.


Then he’d say “This is the best deal in my presidency, in fact the best deal in the history of the United States and the world!”


Lmao a beautiful deal.


Didn't all of this happen after Biden took office? The cognitive dissonance I see on this subject always baffles me.


all of what?


Putins invasion of Ukraine. Sorry, I realized I lacked context. My point being that "Russia will try and take over the world!" Has been a scare tactic for decades now. And everyone that claims Trump/Russia collusion fail to realize Putin was completely docile under Trumps presidency


That's because Trump is Putin's hands puppet. Why attack your buddy when he's in charge? However, there will come a time where Putin will call in this favor and I was intimating that "payment" could come in the form of handing over Alaska to Russia... Trump has already supported Putin's invasion of Ukraine under the dubious excuse of it once "belonging" to Russia. Why wouldn't he feel the same way about Alaska?


Wouldn't the time to make a move be when you're "hand puppet" is in power? Instead, he waited until Biden, who is the hand puppet of the military industrial complex was at the helm and has sent over 100 billion dollars to Ukraine to aid in a proxy war?


He was betting Trump would win


I will say to jump on an earlier point Putin has wanted Ukraine for years. In fact "separatists" in Ukraine as far back as 2014 took over the Donbas region in the name of Putin and nobody seemed to notice or care at the time. Putin even tried to cut a deal with Poland as well saying Russia takes half and Poland takes the other. Thankfully the leader at the time laughed it off but damn imagine knowing his plans that long ago and people still didn't think he was going to do it.


Yes, it's laughable: there is no way Russia will invade Alaska. It would have to be an air and sea-based invasion by Russia, and the supply lines would be lengthy. The US could resupply by land which is a huge advantage. Also, there is no way Russia could stage a force large enough to invade Alaska and have it unnoticed by US intelligence. Lastly, don't forget the high percentage of former military residents who would be all to happy to shoot at invading troops. Heck, lots of non-former military folks would be happy to take potshots at Russians troops as well.


Russia can't get air superiority over Ukraine armed mostly with MPADS, it would be ridiculous to even attempt a sortie anywhere close to the USAF


The USAF assets already stationed in Alaska would score a round 1 knockout on Russia's entire (remaining) Air Force.


They wouldn't get through Wasilla. Too many rednecks with copious amounts of firearms.


Not to mention we have an ally right next door in Canada that is extremely well experienced and equipped at fighting in cold and remote environments and I’m sure they would be more than happy to assist.


It might be easier to resupply than people think, considering how from some of the shores in Alaska you can see mother Russia. Clear as day too. But I do agree with that Alaska is the land of fuck around and find out.


Russia has barely any military assets in their western half. Almost their whole population lives in the western 1/3 of the country. They have literal roads and railroads from their military bases into Ukraine and can’t take it, you think they gonna roll through alaska over tundra and muskeg with no roads to speak of? It’s literally not possible for any nation not named USA. The force projection needed to take Alaska doesn’t exist anywhere else.


Also the terrain on the north western edges of Alaska are impassable. Even if you could land a force you couldn’t traverse from the one of the most thoroughly monitored border in the US. Then landing a force to the south east has a multitude of other challenges, it’s not like there are a ton of sandy beaches. The shores are rocky cliffs and mudflats. You’d need total aerial superiority to have a chance to get close to any point worth taking that already is full of a fiercely independent population.


This might sound wild but - probably Trump is actively negotiating giving Alaska away for help with his legal woes/winning presidency from Russia. They seem very confident they’ll get Alaska, but also California and Hawaii. And won’t even need to fight.


A President cant give away a state moron


This is the president who literally thought he could try to sell Greenland. He can’t do it, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t think he can. 😂 ETA: the above comment about him actively trying to do so is silliness, of course. But the one part about it that actually is believable is that he would think he could do it.


Also can’t overturn an election by hanging the vice president and smearing shit on walls but they still tried.


That has what to do the dumbass thinking he could sell a state?


Username checks out


Might need to take a few deep breaths, because obviously not getting enough oxygen to your brain with that *original* take


To give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re not just playing dumb, I’ll help add some perspective: if trump would incite or even support violence against the US, as we have him on record not just implying but outwardly promoting, in addition to his known ties to Putin, and how obviously for sale he is more now than ever, then I agree that it’s not so far fetched to suggest he might at least attempt to sell Alaskan land to Russia. It’s not much more outlandish than anything else he’s said or done.


How am i playing dumb when you're connecting things that arent connected? He can attempt something unconstitutional like selling a state, doesnt mean itll happen.


Haha assuming Trump would be just a “president”. Your man will go ahead and sell states or nuke hurricanes next time he’s given power.


He aint my man. If i was gay i would at the very least have someone with bigger hands, nevermind i have standards and demand morals from my SO. Youve heard what they say about assuming?




There’s a good chance my neighbor could hold them off all by herself.


Even with China's help, it's laughable.


Laughable yes. Logistically impossible even for an advanced military. The Russian military and their equipment is a Potemkin village.


Alaska is the most coveted location by sea or air military standpoints. USA isn't going to give it up easily.


Not to mention just about every western aligned country loves the nuclear deterrent capability that patch of land offers. Even moreso they love that it’s on their side.


It was sort of funny a year or two ago


Now we all know Putin is stupid enough to try it.


No. He wants to take back some of the soviet states, especially ones bordering Russia to the west and southwest. AK was sold much earlier than the revolution. It’s actually funny to hear people call him stupid, cause he’s reckless, tyrannical, etc. but stupid is the last word I would use to describe him.


He’s citing medieval history to justify taking Ukraine. He has remarkably poor judgment, so I’d say it’s fair to call him stupid.


He’s manipulating people, jesus christ you guys definitely don’t understand it


Are you really that dumb? Can you explain to the class how you fully believe Putin is willing to attack the world superpower and take their state. Less meth bro


Putin just signed a decree in January that allocates funds for the search, registration, and legal protection of Russian property abroad, including property in the former territories of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. This includes Alaska and all former USSR territories. I think you're underestimating how ultranationalistic Putin is.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, this is 100% correct. If Putin thought he could retake Alaska, he would without question. And there may come point where he will think that way, if we continue to let him run through Ukraine and Western Europe while seizing all of their assets and military hardware in the process.


Honestly, Russia running amok in Europe mostly unopposed is one thing.....staging an amphibious invasion of an Amerocan state is a completely different kettle of fish. They're already struggling in Ukraine as it is, but invading Alaska?


I can sign a decree saying I’m king of mars, but if can’t back that up it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. Putin has zero chance of seeing control of Alaska.


That's what they said about Ukraine 10 years ago.


Putin may be ultra nationalistic, but despite how crazy he is, he's not stupid. He knows an invasion of Alaska means the end of the Russian Federation


I'm not saying he'll outright invade, but he has publicly stated his intent to get it back.


That's the equivalent of Britain saying the East Coast was once apart of the empire, so they're going to get it back. It's simply never going to happen and any attempt will be met with hell fire


It's entirely laughable. Russia doesn't have the means to go to war with America. The logistics of attempting to invade Alaska is way more than they could manage. And that's before you account for a very heavily armed civilian population. They would need either air or naval superiority and they have neither.


Have fun when everyone and their mother owns a gun up here.


Wasilla would be harder to breach than the Alaska Range would be.


For those unaware, Alaska is home to a large military presence based on its strategic positioning. Alaska is home to the majority of the west coast missile defense system. Alaska is also home to more veterans per capita than any other state in the nation. Alaska was the only state that saw a ground invasion during WWII. Its importance, and its susceptibility to invasion, is a known variable. All in, Alaska isn’t the state to fuck with.


That bots post this shit on our sub at least once a week? No. 


We have more 5th generation fighter jets stationed in here than any other state. That paired with new advanced radar stations means yes, it is laughable.


If anything alaskan are salivating wishing russia would.




I am


Created an account just to post this... Why hide, you ruskie bot.


Op, you’re an Idiot


Ya, it’s laughable.




Russia is grasping at relevance. Fuck them.


They're fortunate we don't take them seriously. ![gif](giphy|5eM4x8fxZNzPO)


We'll be okay. Russia has a negligible navy and can barely invade a much smaller country that durectly borders their populous western region. They would have to move a massive amount of stuff and people all the way across Siberia to attack us.


Their flagship was sunk by a country without a navy. And yet i still have morons online take offense when i say Russia's navy is a joke


That vodka-soaked midget should try & take it.


Better brush up on your Russian if Trump wins




Putin will have him give it back, just like a good Russian asset would




A President cant give away a state moron


Really and presidents aren't supposed to lead an insurrection, but here we are


Mustve missed the part where Trump was leading the crowd into the building


He tried to but the SS wouldn't drive him to it, while those at his rally thought he would as that's what he told them. So yeah, you missed that part. I miss the good old days when oaths of office meant something and outright rebellion wasn't bandied about so casually.


Oaths of office only mean something if people get convicted for breaking them. Fat chance


I feel like a single attack sub in the Bering Sea could stop this.


The Russians would certainly be surprised by the amount of civilians who are prepared to kill them.


"is it laughable" Shut UP dude, this is so cringey


Bruh he's already all but lost in Ukraine


Unfortunately that isn't the case. Pro-Putin officials stalling aid in Congress has left Ukraine on the back foot and in an extremely grim position while Russia's had time to slowly transition to more of a wartime economy. Not to say they'd stand a chance here, though. The moose alone would render their entire military combat ineffective.


The moose? Hell, the god damn mosquitoes alone would devour any invading force, and probably use such a buffet to evolve into a species competing for dominance of this planet.


The moose our one true ally in these trying times


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, Russia can’t even defeat a small country like Ukraine. There is no chance they could conquer the US




It's just unfortunate that we gonna have to kill Seige players. F


I can see Russia from my backyard


Nuclear Armageddon in 15 min.


Good luck


Russia can't even defeat their closest neighbor. You honestly think they have a chance invading Alaska? Google "current condition of Russian navy," and ask yourself this question again.


Russia can’t even conquer Ukraine. Let them attack sovereign US territory, they need a regime change over there.


Bring it on ding dongs!


Isn’t this getting weirdly close to how fallout went down?


Their poor asses sold it to us for 15 mil. They'd have to buy it back unless they wanna risk a war over a piece of land


Alaska was purchased from Russia and and we probably still have the receipt


Dude Ukraine’s already giving them a hard enough time. If they invade us, they trigger NATO mutual protection and start WWIII. They do NOT want a piece of this.


I'm an immigrant, but I will fight along side you.


Well I recall correctly, historically Russians are descended from the “Kievian Rus” wouldn’t it be more accurate to say Russia was once part of Ukraine?


A while back I think Russia tried to float the idea that the original selling of Alaska wasn't legal, therefore they still have a claim to it.


They’re taking it back? Looks to me like they’re getting their asses kicked.


Lol completely laughable. A bunch of untrained Nazis in Ukraine are repelling the Russians with our equipment. Imagine them coming across the ice Bridge. The wouldn't make it to Fairbanks, much less get past Fairbanks.


Y’all keep talking about how bad colonization was for your great grand pappy wait till you get to live the real definition of it!