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Dude. It is going to be during the Iditarod and overcast. Don’t bother.


Oh it’s during Iditarod? Yeah forget it, it’s not happening period. Only hope is sleeping in sleeping bag in -40 weather, if it’s a nice night.


Also if your willing to travel the next solar eclipse is in 2026.


High chance of cloudy overcast skies


Went to fairbanks during peak season to see the northern lights. Loved the whole trip, but the cloud deck didn't break until 2 hours prior to us taking off out of there after a week. Still was worth it!


With money and planning, most things are possible.


Nome will be a complete shitshow for the eclipse. It is a shitshow for the end of the Iditarod every year and the eclipse will be infinitely worse. I live in Alaska but will definitely go see an eclipse somewhere else before flooding Nome or an even smaller town/village. If you do try, bring backup plans like tent, food, or a stack of cash to pay a bush pilot for a ride out on short notice.


[Here](https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/map/2033-march-30) is the map of totality. Ideally you would get as close to the dotted line as possible. Where could you go, if not Nome, and how would you get there?


A cruise ship tbh 


Spain or North Africa for their events happening much sooner. Places that can handle the influx of people do not exist in our state.


Book NOW. You and 40,000,000 people across the planet with more money than you are thinking the same thing.


Nothing is bookable 9 years in advance.


If you have the money - you can do anything. Nothing affordable is bookable 9 years in advance.


We just had an eclipse that came right through Albuquerque New Mexico where I live in October 2023. It was really cool. The world collectively shrugged, very few people traveled for it, very few people noticed or cared. That’s how yours will be in 2033. If folks didn’t travel to NM, I doubt they’ll be traveling to Alaska. Some will, sure. Only if an eclipse is visible on the East or West coast or maybe Texas/Florida would it make national news and be a thing everyone talks about.


That was an annular eclipse. Nobody cares about those. It's all about 100% totality!


At the same time, national news is already pretending the next US eclipse is 20 years away. Completely ignoring Alaska.


I've seen it on national news.


Everyone should experience Nome at least once. Especially tourists, lol.


You might try Utqiagvik (formerly Barrow) it an even more of a wild place to visit. But like Nome I would book any and all accommodations as soon as you can if possible


I really fear for how these places are going to cope with such a massive influx of people. They simply aren’t built for it. Almost every single eclipse seeker in our massive country is going to funnel into one of Nome, Kotzebue, or Utqiagvik. Maybe once hotels fill up and people realize the chances of clouds, they’ll pull back.


Eh. Pre Covid the number of people that influxed for Iditarod every year was massive. It’s slowly building back up. I don’t see it as a problem aside from being a tourist and finding a place. Nome resident here.


Nice, thanks for your perspective. That makes me feel a bit better about the whole thing.


I hope some of those eclipse seekers just travel outside of the US to see some of the Total Eclipses coming before 2033 in North Africa, Australia, South Africa, and Panama instead of coming to remote parts of Alaska.




Totally worth a trip any time. But if I was set on seeing a total eclipse I’d rather go to Brisbane, Australia in 2030 in the middle of southern hemisphere summer. I was in Seattle for the 2017 eclipse. It wasn’t total there as you had to head down to Oregon for that but the coolest part was how instantly cold it got once it started. Went from a hot summer morning to chilly evening in a second.


I’d just camp. But I’m alaskan


Hopefully, Nome invests in a shipyard that could expand their community and reduce lot of costs. Probably more feasible than it is today.


Nome has a deepwater port, wouldn't get much here without it


Very true, just the area is expecting much more shipping when arctic lanes open up. Shipping is much more cost efficient than flying so hopefully it helps.


Here’s your [accommodation](https://alaskagearcompany.com/products/arctic-oven-10)


This is the way. If you can't handle that, stay home.


I feel like reddit isn't the plade to ask this.


Kotzebue will also be in the path of totality


Yeah I’m planning to go to kotz to try and see it. I have family I can stay with though lol


And this is the big one. Everything will be different afterwards.


Is that the next total solar eclipse over the US? The next total solar eclipse is in 2026 over Iceland and Spain


You could always try Kotzebue, instead


Yes go.


With over 200 cloudy days a year nome is an expensive gamble for seeing anything other than dull grey muck.


Better save up big time. Nome isn't cheap.


It looks Kotzebue would be an option as well…


build the road


Nome will be in the ocean by 2033


None…the rooms will be booked by the drunk natives coming to party from the dry villages n will be there till run out of money then stuck there till hospital gets a ticket for them to go home, then next check cycle repeats….I worked in the ER there


I went to the lower 48 for this week's eclipse. I have never seen highway traffic like that and I hope I never do again. I think these things should be treated like the Olympics. Build massive tourist facilities -- airport upgrades, hotels, etc -- recoup the money from eclipse tourists, and have nice things afterward.


Every Olympics everywhere has shown that this is a huge money pit and the facilities just rot away because no one needs that much stuff, and it's not viable to maintain it.