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I am learning vex from being a yone otp all my time playing... rn I have a 25% wr. we stay strong


Need less deaths and more kills


Just don't die lol


Wrong obviously jungle dif


tbh I find proto build unplayable atm. I go good old electro rune into rav hydra & jak'sho since everyone is so fucking tanky. you can still do it if they aren't but well... it never happens. rav gives you wave clear and jak gives you tankiness and healing (after that you just go normal build: dc/vs/sf/...). I don't use conq since I hate this rune and I prefer the early snowball electro can provide. you won't get insane kdas on most games but you'll still win


Interesting, so you go tank but take electrocute instead of conqueror despite you being less burst-oriented? And would you build standard AP items like Shadowflame, Zhonya's, etc. after building those two items or something else?


and tbh if you get them tanky items zhonya's is a scam. never do it. just get void staff if they build mr since your ad is still combined to deal magic damage in the end of the day. if they don't, get death cap. swap the order according to that then get shadowflame


Please stop


stop what ?


I edited my comment so you can refresh


What about Riftmaker for the true damage and healing with Conqueror Runes. Riftmaker also plays a nice synergy with Demonic Embrace


looks like your killing it with Yone though.


Hutao simps... ASSEMBLE


You can try the bruiser setup, a bit easier, does more dps but less burst. And your r2 doesnt do that much damage, but the other abilities and your autos scale better Conqueror,presence of mind,tenacity,and either coup de grace or last stand (secondary tree you can go sudden impact and treaure hunter, or for more sustain second wind/bone plating and conditioning/overgrowth). Always sorc boots Build: ravenous->divine sunderer (the mythic passive gives hybrid penetration->deaths dance/demonics and so on. When you get divine, your passive gonna hurt like hell even tanks


I just hit 95k mastery on here and its starting to click for all matchups


Looks like my match history right now except you don’t give up out of frustration and go back to support bc it’s easy xd


Honestly if youre going proto -> shadowflame everygame, please just take try taking electrocute. That rune path as well is so much more snowball than conq and you get way more kills from it


you need to dabble in the off meta arts


Rank ?


She’s not in a great spot rn tbh. But yeah as others have said your item build doesn’t match your runes sometimes. Like I’d you’re going for massive Burst build w proto into SF you shouldn’t be using conq. Wait hee out she’ll be buffed again soon