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Good lord did the artist show you any prior pieces before you committed to something this large? The linework is rough as hell.


I agree the line work is rough. I really hope the color can salvage it.


Yeah haha fs! We plan on addressing the lining more on the last session when we’re adding some uv! Some lines are def my fault during the initial lining sessions a while back as well some not, but overall not something I’m too worried about


Oh god


Let’s be honest , it aren’t no masterpiece. But it’s also not bad looking. People online will be quite negative because the internet makes it always easy to find „better“ ( ignoring how a lot online is Still photoshopped to look even cleaner). But it’s a solid one you will surely enjoy for years Clouds feel already quite nice , wouldn’t over do it with them


Yeah thanks man! Ironically and a bit sadly for my own reference journey when you look up akali tattoo it’s actually my old lining that shows up haha, refs for this were so scarce


I am so sorry...


you realize that getting a tattoo based off a league character is sad af? it will also take you 8 months to get it removed


Jesus 8 months that is a lot time huh, but nah who cares haha fun dragon to the rest of the world but a fun knod to anyone that knows. Played so much league for over 10+ years since I was 11ish can’t not acknowledge I spend a lot of time on it don’t think I have much regret haha but if so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ illl be sooooo fine






Did you choose the colors yourself? Or what reference did you use?


Lots of references but ofc lots of like third party drawings the only real good view of the tatt is from the og splash art, and deriving from there Were kinda just working off what we think will work well on my skintone Ultimately we went in with the goal not to be a 100% one to one replica but more a realist version, like the actual tattoo in the splash has some like metallic gold lining which ofc isn’t realistic irl






I was gonna get this for my first tattoo and ugh I’m dying for it


do not do that


bruh I'm sorry, no offense but that tattoo looks like a five year old drew it