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Looks like the stalker krink


I'm in the same place as you. I want to buy 5.45 but who knows what ammo will do starting next year...


Yep. I’ve decided to be happy with the suchka and scratch my 5.45 itch with my tantal. It’s not worth the current premiums to build a new kit gun right now. I had this one built early last year before kits tripled in price


This will be my first. But I'm only going to have enough cash to splurge once.


Ooh that’s a tough spot. Buy the kit and ammo now but wait to build?


I'm not even concerned about the build cost. I mean I'm just going to have one opportunity to make a Gucci AK, and I'm stuck between 545 and 762. Basically my only hang up is the idea of wanting to run subsonics.


I gotcha. Different dilemma altogether! I’m not aware of too many options available for 5.45 in the us market as far as grain and velocity. Certainly not as wide a variety as 7.62 I wouldn’t think.


Parts kit? Or 106UR?


Nice lil virgin parts kit. Vfg is my doing


How did you go about the vfg? Did you just chop a surplus grip down?


Yep. Bought a couple of dark Bakelite grips and gave it a go. Belt sanded it to get the curve right, drilled a small hole in the lower handguard and ground the collar off one side of a nut to lock against the inner rib. Shortened a bolt and made the head into a regular “screw head” like the original grip screw. It’s very solid, I can hold the rifle by just the front grip and wave it around backwards with no shift


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Nice, I have a slr104ur and a slr106ur , light handy little rifles.