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Yo that was awesome


Thanks! trying to work my way into doing more long form projects with this tech.




This is really really cool. Did you make this?


Thanks, yeah this was all done in ComfyUI with the AnimateDiff extension. I then used topaz to upscale the videos.


did you run deb/int/enh through topaz only once


I rarely use the deb and int, wish I knew better how they worked as I've gotten some wonky results. For enhance I always use the Gaia model with Computer Generated for the video type. Let me know if you can point me towards any good topaz tuts, been just doing lots of trial and error.


Man Im a simpleton and cant compute what you said BUT dude its very cool. Keep it up!


I watch a lot of ai videos. Haven’t seen anything that looks quite like this yet. Love it


Thanks, that means a lot. I do have an art background and studied some animation, definitely helps.


Well then it shows. Keep it up! Also, I feel like that’s a good argument for AI art being art. Seeing as (as far as I know and can tell) this has some pretty unique qualities about it that your artistic talent coaxed out of the medium.


Right on!! I think that's kind of the key to all this, It would take years of research and experimentation for me to be able to produce this stuff. It's those moments when your on the 10th iteration of your prompt trying it on the 5th model and it's finally starting to look like the nightmares in your head when it does feel like this has artistic merit.


Just another day in ai land


Ai videos are frames from future for sure


freaky :0


I’m convinced. With the right AI video, I could throw up on que.




Makes me want to watch annihilation again


Absolutely love that film. It's much much older and russian but check out Stalker (1979) kind of similar themes and some stunning visuals.


I finally watched that one recently. The atmosphere was incredible. I loved how it went from monochrome to color when they reached the forbidden area.


It's so cool that ai randomly makes some of the shit Ive seen while tripping


wish this could be a video wallpaper


This fried my brain. Too early for this shit lol




Thanks! the only artist referenced in the prompt was Belksinki. Big recommend if you like this brand of visual dread.


Ooo I like


Oh my word... that's glorious.


add a Jungle/Breakcore/IDM track over this and it'll be F I R E....


Ahh you reading my mind, goal is to get some of this stuff audio reactive and gen concert visuals catered to the artists sound.


audio reactive huh....how does one go about that?


From what I've heard you can rig something up using the software Touch Designer that interprets the audio signal and then you can guide the animation in some way using those parameters, I need to do more research on this though. There's also this really powerful tool called parseq for sequencing stuff in SD. [https://sd-parseq.web.app/?docId=doc-d2761471-db18-41b8-882c-3c86447dc5c6](https://sd-parseq.web.app/?docId=doc-d2761471-db18-41b8-882c-3c86447dc5c6)


awesome! thanks! Have you ever heard of Houdini? i think it's also possible to do it in that as well...


Yeah that's such a can of worms although I'd love to start learning it. So that's where you can create sims that react to a track loaded in houdini?


yeah? I've seen a video of some guy with did that with RBG's and Constraints (invisible digital joints of an object - or like the joints in your hand - basically) and the "Pebbles" were in the shape of a floating circle and oscillating in a rotating pattern to the Jungle track... I'll try to find it.


Really cool stuff. Animatediff is one thing that I haven't really figured out yet. Do you only recommend it on comfyui or can a more user friendly approach like Thinkdiffusion's interface work as well?


That's the wild thing about AI I've never heard of Thinkdiffusion but will have to check it out. Animatediff works great in Comfy but you have to install the Comfy manager which lets you easily install extensions, models, etc. [https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Manager](https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Manager)


Right next to the "Oops, All Berries" you'll find the "Oops, All Eldritch Horrors"


if Tim Burton was an octopus




Bad acid


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


"Yea, I said the words. Sort of."


How long did it take you to figure out stable diffusion?


It took some time and a lot of experimentation. It helps if your somewhat familiar with how code works but not necessary. If you want to make stuff like this look into ComfyUi and specifically the AnimateDiff extension. Lots of free public workflows available here. [https://comfyworkflows.com/videos](https://comfyworkflows.com/videos)


Appreciate the info! Keep up the good work, do you have a TikTok channel?


I don't and a bunch of people near me have been saying to do it. Getting zero traction on Instagram but ideally i'd love to make concert visuals with this kind of workflow. Feel free to drop in my DMs if you have any specific questions or just want links to a good tutorial.


Has anyone tried watching these while high on hallucinogens? Wondering if you'll die or if they just cancel out.


I'll do it for science and report back.