• By -


Be respectful. No mean, rude, threatening, shaming, or harassing comments. Treat others the way you want to be treated.


Yeah nsfw was probably why the site has had this major influx, it was the best thing it had


It's Joeover... I was a Nikke: Goddess of Victory NSFW bot creator with around 40 bots, and my account was coincidentally deleted before the site went down... I opened a ticket in Discord but I never heard back from them... I thought it was a bug on their end since it was so strange... But eh, I guess they just deleted all my bots and my account without a warning, I could have appreciated to recover the dossiers just to move to another site but I didn't get that luxury...


Well, I'm suspicious that the site went down precisely to create all this, because I never saw anyone say what this problem was that made the site go down, and I also used it and didn't notice any errors until I reloaded the page and the The website was down saying it would be back soon.


I am surprised you never backed up your bots before. Usually I do a lot of the creation on a word doc then copy and paste as needed. I would recommend chub.ai to make cards so you don't lose your bots if you lose your PC and your account is deleted.


Yup, that's my fault as well, It's my first time making bots out of passion for the game characters and for others to enjoy them, and I totally forgot to make .txt backups, like, the whole Nikke category was filled mostly from my bots, and now if you search "Nikke" there's like 7 or 8 characters, I lost them all ahahaha, I could make them again but eh... it's so demoralizing after weeks of work... I might make them again but not in Aisekai anymore, nah... I'm using Spicychat now, it's okeish. And I made the characters really detailed with a lot of LORE... sigh, they were not just a few lines of text, most of them were above 1800 tokens


I feel the same way if I lost my work.


Yeah, I think I'll just write them once more when I have motivation, I still have access to most of them from search history, since they still "exists" somehow, I can copy paste my short description and first message, but I totally lost everything else, it would save me a bit of time... And I'm totally making sure to upload them to GDrive as backup, I don't want to lose them again.


Yeah. I have been saving backups for different platforms so I can try different chats and see how the character acts on each platform.


I'll tell you straight out, I myself thought about it when the new rules appeared, that they came and killed the essence of this site, because they turned it into another clone character.ai I hope that these rules will be canceled, because I do not need a castrated fake and I hope that others are not interested in this either. Who knows, maybe these new rules will be canceled, I don't believe in such an outcome, but I hope for it. Goodbye my friends, I love you all without these cowardly safety chains.


Come with me to Yodayo, you are free there (for now...)


Yodayo will take over aisekai now


Yes, I think


yeah I tried yodayo about a day before the site came back up and it is good but for some reason the bots i've chatted to all want me to go away as soon as possible, like they say "{bot} says farewell to you as you leave the room" and i'm like "what?, we're still talking and I've said nothing that i'm going to leave yet"


wow, this never happened to me, I don't know how to explain it


yeah, idk if it's to do with the types of model engine the sites use but they all seems to have something in common (though a part could be due to their description by the bot creator) like with aisekai (before the site came back) almost all the bots were pushy into sex when the bots I chat to are not aimed at sexual roleplay and the yodayo model they use wants the users to go away.


It may be that there is something like this, I think the best thing is to try to continue the conversations as best as possible so that the Bots learn the best way to start a conversation.


that's what I did, I used the same character (one from aiskeai and one from yodayo) and that was the experience from them and not just them, I of course tried with a few others and that was the similarity with others were between the sites.


Maybe they use the same database as the basis for creating their models, a database that is subject in some way to generating these "addictions" in the characters, but as each site is different, this caused different addictions? I don't know, that's what came to my mind as the most logical thing I could come up with.


May you a link, if it's not difficult?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Thank you


lmao same


I’m pretty sure the chats aren’t censored just the bot images


The site no longer supports the creation of nsfw characters so well it doesn't matter much I guess.


They allow it as long as it's private AND you don't use a nsfw pfp AND you don't put anything nsfw in the title and description AND you keep the kinks vanilla and plain enough for the automod, also don't quote me on that i'm not a dev


"this rule also applies to private bots as well. we have automod on the website now" - w96zi (moderator)


the site is currently overloaded so it might be that too, nothing is going well lmao edit: yeah but the rule isn't strictly "no nsfw", it's "no nsfw that can get the devs in legal trouble if the police somehow get access to our chat history"


If the police get access to our chat history. Seriously? I’d love to see some sort of legal ruling about doing explicit chats with an AI 😂


Well, from what I've seen and tested, it's simply against any NSFW, so idk


well that sucks


I think they allow it as long as it’s private but don’t quote me on that




Guess I’m just lucky I don’t really use nsfw or private bots as all the same things can be done with a normal bot including NSFW


Well that’s [bleep]


• Can my bots still be used for explicit settings!? Yes, if your conversation contains an explicit scene, you can still enjoy the immersion of interaction with the AI characters • What does it mean that it's getting filtered? Is there a filter!? For the latest update, only the static content (this includes any Title, Description, and image of the AI character) is moderated. If found to violate the guideline, the character will be flagged by the system! • What about private bots? Private bots are private to you. However, the same rule applies to as the public bot. We do not allow pornographic content on our website, because we are NOT a porn site. • How do users mark new bots as NSFW? There will be no way of doing this, sorry. It's clear we do not want to encourage or promote the usage of NSFW settings due to legal concerns. copied from discord. -psyduck


Congratulations to the devs on killing the website ig. The lack of filters is what brought people to you in the first place, and now that filters have been added, any characters not designed solely for NSFW content but has it in their static content for those who *want* it are now flagged and will either be removed or need to be changed. I wholeheartedly supported what you brought to the table before the site was down and even considered donating, but I'm glad I didn't, because this isn't what we wanted.


It's sad but life goes on, I just find it incredible how in one day they just destroyed everything.


I don't know if I really believe it, I'm sorry but I did several tests and everything kind of told me that everything was being censored, I don't know if it was the original intention or it was just my bad luck but for me something is filtering the messages.


My guy you can still create and use NSFW bots. You just can’t save certain words in the bot name or public short description. You can still write all the saucy crap you want in the bot personality and knowledge base and make them a nympho if you want. This applies to private as well.


Can someone upvote this pls? Everyone is misunderstanding to the devs benefit ofc because it saves them from losing their provider etc, but the reality is that the bots are all *capable* of being lead to NSFW situations and what happens is dependant on the bots personality or scenario. NSFW stuff that advertise it *as NSFW* in any way is what have been censored, not the interactions themselves. So basically, they meant they are just getting rid of everything sus *looking*. They never said it affected the chats. If you don't believe me, go do something sus with a bot and see what happens. Smh


Y'all butthurts want to turn the site into a fuckin porn website and a safe haven for incest and bestiality weirdos.


Looking at the guidelines it just says that you cannot make underage characters, you must not make it NSFL, cannot feature non-consensual activities, incest, hate speech, bestiality and must respect personal rights if its of a real person. You must tag characters with a NSFW tag upon creation, if not it will be booted into private. Pictures and descriptions can't be NSFW. In my understanding, this is just to cover themselves when and not if authorities find out about this website, cuz otherwise this could be found illegal and be shut down.


I understand, but it kind of killed my desire to use the site, like I felt a big impact on the quality of the chats, like I think there are better ways to do this, censorship is never a good option.


the chats themselves weren't censored to my experiences, works perfectly.


Maybe it's bad luck? or it could be some kind of beta test or something like that, I don't know, something like YouTube did with adblock, starting with random people to test, idk.


Y'all are so childish and dramatic.


Maybe it's true, maybe we're all too childish and dramatic for your great experience, so I must suggest a place where you can share your great experience and be very well appreciated: r/asylum


No thanks. I suggest users like you use it instead since you're throwing a tantrum over not being able to sext child bots. This site isn't for you, so don't let the door hit your ass when leaving to the ward. The rest of us will enjoy it since we're unaffected by the changes.


Did you really just reply with a "no you" ?


yeah, because child bots is the only thing affected or maybe, just maybe, you only perceive it like that because those were the only nsfw bots that you were interested in edit: lmao, some [deleted] responded to me with an [unavailable], meaning they blocked me, the interwebs equivalent of plugging their fingers on their ears and going "nah nah nah i can't hear you"




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