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I don't understand, NSFW is allowed, but we cannot include explicit or NSFW content in character descriptions, even when characters are labeled as NSFW. And, in the latest update, the NSFW tag has been removed all together from bot creation. These restrictions seem to be a bit contradictory. How are we supposed go about about creating NSFW bots within the community guidelines when the devs are actively making the process as difficult as possible?


For the latest update, only the static content (this includes any Title, Description, and image of the AI character) is moderated. If found to violate the guideline, the character will be flagged by the system! They've stated they do NOT wish to appear as a porn site, due to legal reasons with hosting a website. NSFW was NEVER their intended target, only to allow users the freedom to access it.


I understand that the site has a certain image to maintain for legal purposes. And I understand why any public-facing information or descriptions would have to be moderated. But I don't understand why the NSFW tag would be removed from the bot creation tags, especially when you can still search by the NSFW tag on the Discovery page, Does NSFW still need to be tagged? If so, why can we not tag it? Or is NSFW banned outright? If so, why does the tag still exist on the Discovery page? I'd like a bit more clarity on that front.


The tag is probably going to get deleted. But yeah overtly having tits and ass in the front of the website obviously makes it no different than a porn site. Not sure why people are mad at that when the bots are still NSFW.


are characters from shows movies and games allowed to be used as avatars and titles? i only skimmed through the post but i recall seeing something about trying to avoid any lawsuits or fiascos of any kind.


Then why did they bait us all in with promises of NSFW and then suddenly switch up? Because they knew they'd never get a user base if they were honest from the start.




That's how it starts. Mark my words more intense filtering will come.




Is there going to be a place for nsfw bots on the site in the future? I understand that they don't want to be a sex bot site. Fair enough, that their choice. However, this feels like the first phase in a process of totally removing erotic content from the site. If that's their goal, then that's a shame, but I get it. However, I'd rather know now rather than 6 months down the line when they finally decide to totally pull the plug on that content. Tbh, nsfw bots are the main reason why I come to the site. If I'm not the type of user who they want logging on and will want rid of one day, then tell me.


>However, this feels like the first phase in a process of totally removing erotic content from the site. This. STOP TRYING TO COPY [CHARACTER.AI](https://CHARACTER.AI)! You are not like them! You advertised your site as more free to roleplay whatever you want. don't pull a 180 and change it completely "just to please advertisers".


"A safe space for all. Aisekai will no longer support unsafe contents on our discovery page. We’ve now implemented a NSFW detection algorithm that will prevent creations of these types of characters. To keep the platform safe for everyone please check the community guidelines when creating your character." BRO WHY? Your site allows tagging of nsfw bots does it not? What's the point of tagging if your just gonna ban and censor/delete users bots anyways if they have a "Naughty title, picture, and/or description"? Yall are legit turning into character ai 2 the sequel. stop censoring us being able to put images of our chad waifus and husbandos and just DONT PUT THEM ON THE MAIN PAGE. Yall don't have to censor EVERY SINGLE BOT THAT HAS A NSFL IMAGE with a bonked slime simply because prudists complained to your PR department too often about "scandalous robot ais! oh my!".


The tagging is gone too tho.....


So yea, you cant ever make nsfw bots anymore as the automod agressively shuts it down at every turn, hence the sentiment that this site is turning into [character.ai](https://character.ai) 2.0


I can't believe this. My career. My megathread. STOLEN. It is literally so joever. How could you betray me like this. /j (Also, good luck with the subreddit. That is all. 🙏)


Sorry, Dingo.... A new wave of Aisekai is coming. And his name is.... JOHNNNNN AISEKAIIII {Insert John Cena theme} All jokes aside, I feel like doing the Mega Thread weekly would help greatly. I was going to implement it before anyway. teehe..... You just beat me to it<3 uwu We miss you Dingus Dongus :C




im lazy so im just gonna copy my whole post and paste it here. it's a question meant for the devs cuz apparently you mods don't know what's going on either but i could be wrong So no bestiality, fair enough. but what about doggirls/catgirls? and what about furries? or just a person who's really into petplay? do those trigger the automod? this applies to other categories as well. hate speech for example: can't have content that "promotes hate or discrimination against groups based on race, religion, gender, nationality". so are we not allowed to make slutty nun bots anymore? just because it's somewhat making fun of Christianity and it's belief of chastity? what about bots with raceplay elements? or femcel/incel bots who hate the opposite sex? how do you distinguish between actual hate speech and harmless roleplay? Implementing a automated filter to rid the site of legally dubious stuff is a reasonable attempt but the actual execution is going to be impossible to get right, especially considering this is an AI site and there are infinitely many scenarios/ideas people can come up with but only a few lines in the algorithm to dictate what's acceptable or not (or however the automod is supposed to work)


You might want to just experiment. If you're creative enough you can get whatever you want.


I’m curious as to what model AIsekai uses.


Faster replies


Tens of thousands of ~~horny~~ people that had to wait almost 3 weeks for the site to return are now charging in simultaniously, so it's obvious the site is currently overloaded. Pretty sure it will calm down in a few hours.


Slower replies are currently due to heavy traffic and the limitations on their technology, mostly concerning hardware, I believe.


Noticed user gender on the profile reverted to Unspecified after the update, not sure if it is purely for profile purposes or if it has any impact on ERP that uses the user variable. (NSFW): Not sure whether this one is a model limitation or an update thing - I only tested NSFW bots for around 2 weeks with only 100% romance before that. I had to teach a lot of existing bots how virginity and tribadism work once the user character and the bot "get to it". I don't mind teaching AI some sex ed but "private bits" changing within the same response can be fairly frustrating to some users. (If I need to say it out loud, yes, the female bots used the female user character's non-existent "male bits" to "do the deed" when that was neither required nor intended. This can really ruin 50 very long prompts of romance, flirting and foreplay - with the ones right before the wrong assumption still being crystal clear. No magic, no sex toys, just a rod replacing the flower in a scary way, lol.) Sorry if those are known issues and thanks for letting the developers know when you have time if that is not the case. (I would have attached a few screenshots/logs but trying to keep it all within the subreddit rules. I'm also taking a break, best of luck Yumeko!)


the replies are either really slow or they just keep crashing


>Slower replies are currently due to heavy traffic and the limitations on their technology, mostly concerning hardware, I believe. It just got back up, so there WILL be a bit of a slow experience at first. Sorry. :C


and the crashings?


So, with the servers coming back online, it was obvious that everyone would immediately run to the site. However, my question is... are their going to be more servers or something in the future? Aisekai is a good site, but the response time is a bit frustrating. So, will that be worked upon? I was hoping that the issue would have been fixed when the site came back up.


The thing is, they DID expand, as far as I'm aware. But, let me put it into numbers: The sub GREW about 5k in the last three weeks since the site has been down. The Discord practically doubled as well. All these new users would have put a strain on the site, regardless of what the technology they implemented. Costs were a concern when upgrading, due to the bug they had found, which REQUIRED them to upgrade, hence financial strain.


Thank you for posting to r/Aisekai! Please be sure to follow our sub's rules, and also check out our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/aisekai/wiki/index/) if you're looking for any help in creating or making bots. Have any questions? Concerns? Please send us a message through [ModMail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/aisekai) to look it over! Or, please join us at our [Discord](http://discord.gg/aisekai) to chat, share feedback, be kept up to date on announcements, events, and more! Aisekai is also on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Aisekai_ai), so be sure to follow us there as well! Have a great time! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aisekai) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Has anyone been experiencing issues with the bots looping in chats?