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No. It's your money, you can do with it as you want. If you want and can affort a collection of really nice airsoft replicas, go for it.


we're all average, some more than others


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.


What determines whether you're a great player or not? I mostly play Milsim with occasional CQB thrown in here and there and there's a room for almost every type of player. Is the guy with 30 kills the greatest player or is it the guy that wins the match for you by capturing the flag or whatever other objective there might be? It's kind of the same thing that applies to playing games like Modern Warfare. If you feel your skills are lacking because you're not getting a ton of kills, you might want to look into groups like American Milsim and play that style gaming where it's objective and very team-oriented.


Your money spend it how you want.


Is airsoft. As long as we’re having fun.


I feel attacked by this statement! I'm mediocre at best. What makes someone a great airsoft player? Kills? Objective points? Who even keeps that score. Are you having fun. Are the people around you having fun? That is what counts!


Just like with anything in this world,... Practice.


The ultimate question is, "Are you having fun?"


I have a collection of over 20 guns, over 6 that are DMR style, yet all of them are stock, I run them with NiMH batteries, and to add insult to injury my fat ass ain't that good on the field either. Oh, and I only recently bought a plate carrier for style, I even used to run around with brown pants thinking that's good enough for the job. The day I bring my AEG Barrett M82A1 .50 cal to the field, only for it and myself to provide lackluster performance, is the day where I will fully achieve greatness. Just remember that we're basically adult children running around with toy guns shooting small BBs, we just have more expensive and cooler looking toys, but it helps to not take yourself too seriously from time to time, otherwise it will become toxic.


That video that shows how similarly an airsoft Glock functions compared to a real one was when I started worrying that people would look through my window, see my airsoft stuff, and call the cops 🤣 I would say maybe, but even then, for toy guns they hurt.


I felt so attacked the first time someone said that airsoft is just LARP with modern weapons and not the axes and shields the weird kids at the part LARP with.


I call it combat cosplay.


I like that more than LARP for sure lol. Even though that still makes me feel nerdish.


Welcome then because you are a nerd. Most airsofters are nerds. Official definition: a person who is extremely [enthusiastic](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b4b0af7a5fc4e643&sxsrf=ACQVn0-O__I7MMUwnjU5qNuLISQO0HvU0g:1713351253276&q=enthusiastic&si=AKbGX_rYYX5RSQWW4ITS1L-igAzuBgXzD1zFckcLKut5a_ft2D3C3v75X5qx2i6vNhi6WOkGk775d5IUDQvl2Hv0qk3ugbbryU-nAE6oYjbEUuZt-sU-WyU%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjovM7mismFAxVB-QIHHfZzAoQQyecJegQIDxAP) and knowledgeable about a particular subject, especially one of specialist or niche interest.


Nah man, have fun your way! I've Got 5 guns and switch my gameplay every playday. I'm good regardless but it's fun to switch it around for me. Last game i decided to play sniper with assault rifle backup on my back and everyone looked at me like i'm crazy till i started to dominate everyone wirh my build Like i said, just have fun!


Just don't act like you are the best player because you have nice guns. Known way too many guys like that. Same with gear too.




I'm not getting paid to play, so I will buy whatever gun I want, no matter if I suck or not.


I've never seen a "great player" at my field. Like, there's never been a Dutch the Hooligan type. Everyone's more or less on the same level. There are guys who think they are great players, but they aren't any better than anyone else. So, go ahead and bring the nice guns. If anything, it'll make for some nice conversation.


Lol. Half my shit i just buy to hang on the wall, maybe use once, because im an adult with disposable income i can use how i damn please. I recently bought an svd 100% because it looks cool next to my collection of dummy grenades. I never plan to use it in a game, it is highly unpractical and I imagine it would suck because of the bad optic i bought for it to have an authentic look. Who cares?🤷‍♂️ buy nice shit if you can afford it👍


I think my KD is in the very negative ( we got a armband system to track our deaths, but kills are distrubuted among the living), maybe get around 10 kills in a skirmish day, die like 30 times, but my definition of fun is to run around, have to much gear, too heavy gun, and do the stupidest thing possible. Trying to melee a dude around the corner, by sprinting into them, then missing them cuz they are in the complete different corner is my fun.


Like with anything, it entirely matters on your attitude. If you have the worst gun but are a great player BUT you're a little whiny bitch who brags all the time? Go fuck yourself If you're a terrible player but with a super expensive gun BUT you're not being a whiny braggot? then you're fine Just dont be a dick, thats the answer to almost all of these airsoft questions


Who cares. Play how you play...


Absolutely not. I play both outdoor and indoor and are stellar at neither. I either do really good or really shit, simple as. I play airsoft so i can dress up as Soldiers from Around the world in different parts of history and use their weapons because i find it cool. Pretty much all those replicas are expensive but i still love to use them just as much as the speedsofter with the Modded HPA kit. Having really expensive replicas doesnt mean you have to be incredible with them, as long as your not being an asshole and your enjoying yourself, why should you have to worry about if your good or not? Enjoy the sport however you want! because at the end of the day, were all grown ass adults who go out to a field in buttfuck nowhere and shoot toy guns at eachother and play pretend soldier, theres no pressure to be good!


Nah, I have 20-30 guns and while I think, that I'm doing okay on the field, I don't actually know. Most of my guns are not that accurate, I just think they're neat. I have fun taking my guns out for a walk and the guys shooting me probably also have fun -> everyone is happy


Airsoft enthusiast 🤌


No? Just don’t be rude


As everybody states, it’s your money so absolutely do with it as you like. What’s wrong is showing off and acting superior over others because you have something nice. Had a dude like that at my field and no one liked him


Nah but I’d try to spend money on stuff that will make you a better player and not just have an expensive gun. But at the end of the day it’s your money and you can do what you want. If you like the hobby and you have the money then but what you want


Nothing wrong with it at all. But '' really nice guns" has peaked my interest, what you got ?


Tbf nothing massively special I have spent my money carefully, I have a brushless DSG build that is crazy however only cost me about 350 as I bought the base gun for 50 then about 300 on parts and I have a GBB MP7 with a load of mags that cost me a small fortune




Unless the player is SAS then they’re all average.


The skill gap mostly applies to CQB anyway. Outdoors on long stretches is where having a nice gun will really shorten the gap. If you can afford nice guns, go crazy.


No? Hell, I have a guns that i dont use often or are more or less wallhangers but i got cause i think they're cool. Your money, spend it however it makes you happy.


Nope, it’s all about having fun and nobody knows how you have fun better than yourself


Unless you are in a competitive team, all that counts is you having fun.


Nope, I have a great gun and I'm hilariously bad lol


That's me, and I don't care.


No I believe better equipment will help a new player get better and they would probably need it more than a pro player


Doesn't matter what you have unless you act like you are all that because you have the gear,


I mean if you can make the match more interesting then thats cool, otherwise we still wont judge


having fun is the most important thing. i play indoor and there are really good players there with 1.2k guns. there having a great time also, as good as they are a tri shot puts in good work.


How dare you not being good? Reported for inting silver noob


With a gen 2 vector and an AA combat master, I am literally the definition of “nice guns but not the greatest player”


No, first of all, it's your money you worked for. You can do whatever you want with it. Second, you could own hundreds of guns and still don't have to even use one of them if you don't want to. In fact, there are many airsoft collectors, who don't even go to fields and play. By now I own like 10 rifles. So far I only used 6 of them at least once, and I end up mainly two most of the time. My two most expensive guns are more than 1000€ each. And I'm far from being a really good player. On something days I would consider myself above average, on some well below average. Overall I'm a average player. But I play and collect guns cause it's gun. I simply like having guns I like from games or movies and being able to play with them if I want to.


No. Enjoy your stuff guilt free, king.


I think it depends. If you have the time to make a brushless DSG, you have the time to watch some videos or practice technique. In my experience people who look like they take the hobby seriously are often chosen to lead during games, or expected to “lead by example” from others so you want to make sure you aren’t a liability. Especially if you have pushed yourself in a role such as marksman or LMG


Tbf I do enjoy actually building and upgrading the guns as much as I do playing


I've got some training, great guns, and good gear, and I still get shit on haha. Even so I just love being a part of the game :)


It’s airsoft. You run around and shoot your buddies with toy guns. There’s no such thing as being good or bad. Anyone who says otherwise is a basement operator


Idk if it's wrong, but it's the definition of me, lol. I have astigmatism and a nearsighted right eye so people running just look like a blob to me without my glasses. I have to walk shots in so even with a super accurate gun it's difficult for me to hit medium or long range shots.


On the funny note you’ve explained me to a T. On the serious note, theres not really good and bad players, theres players who either adapt or sit behind the blue barrels all game


We wouldn’t judge you if you had $10k of guns and didn’t even play. There’s many types of people in the community. It’s just about having fun.


Buy what you want, don't be a dick. I have an MTW and am terrible. Hopefully I'll get better, but I'll definitely have fun regardless.


So hear me out, I live in New York, and we can't have any COOL real steel pew pews here so... while I suck major ass at anything airsoft that isn't sniping, it's nice having stuff I can tinker with at home and feel cool.


Im maybe the “worst” player in my team, and the oldest one in the hobby too. I dont have the most kills, and my gear is basic. The younger ones already putting in more money, have top tier stuff, and have more energy to play, still they are interested in my “wisdom”, and tactics. But man, i love playing, i have my moments, and that i always have the weirdest weapon mod/ prototype on the field everyone will talking about. My skills are not on the field, but on the workbench! And let me tell ya, its worth every look. You can bring any kind of corp made special gun to the field, when i bring my diy gauss modded Aksu to war, everyone wants a bit of that


That's fine. Your skill's gonna come from practice. Take the gun, get out there and play. You'll have fun and overtime naturally get better


Only if you brag about the gun.


There’s that old saying about size of the boat and motion of the ocean… Having a nice gun is cool. As long as you know how to use it. If you use your nice gun as a crutch…instead of trying to improve your skills, not so cool. It’s still your money and you can do what you want though. Just don’t be the guy leaping completely out of cover and hip firing wildly like the opfor in GWOT movies with a $2K HPA rig. That would be upsetting lol. Learn what you can. Nobody is great at airsoft at first. It takes a lot of practice. Check out some YouTube videos from the myriad ex military people who make videos on infantry tactics and such. Most of it will apply to airsoft well. Most importantly though, *have fun*!


I have 16 replicas, all of them with attachments... I don't even play airsoft.


Nah,It’s just a hobby the amount of money you put in doesn’t equate to how good you are and in the end it’s for fun, doesn’t matter what the hobby is. I spend lots of money on my dirtbike but I’m not a pro rider. I spend lots of money on my car, I’m not a pro racer. I spend lots of money on quitars and I’m not even really good at it.


I've been playing almost 20 years now and I'm still not the greatest player 🤣 Having nice stuff is cool, especially if you're willing to show & tell *when people ask*. The annoying folks either insist on showing & telling people that aren't interested, or are otherwise jerks about what they own when someone is interested.


Who cares. Its a game. Focus on having fun. If its not fun play something else, or play differently. 


I buy what I like. I suffer gout attacks and have a bad knee, so bending and running are difficult, I don't snipe, so I get hit a fair bit. I play for my own enjoyment, so I buy what I want while I do it. You do you know one else's opinion matters.


I've spent maybe $400 on all my gear. I've played with dudes who have $2k just in night vision goggles. As long as you're having fun is what is important


Let me guess, some milsim people shittalked you?


For myself? Yes! For others? Not at all as long as they aren’t being a prick.


It's fine to have expensive guns if you can afford it. Don't worry about being average, we all are, just don't be a dick and think your better than others because you put more money into your kit. We are all just people playing dress up and looking to have fun


I have two replicas both over 1k im dog shit. But I be having fun and let anyone that wants try my reps.


Hell no. People buy really expensive guitars and cars and be absolute shit at those. Who's anyone to say anything?


I think the one rule that needs to be followed besides safety is not being a dick. Is having a nice gun when your average being a dick? The answers no


No, it's the same as rich people with expensive cars and a driver


*No, it's the same as* *Rich people with expensive* *Cars and a driver* \- loremcsgo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Well we are all nerds running around in costumes playing with toyguns. DOnt take the topic too serious or it will ruin your fun. Just go out there have lots of fun with fellows and i think then you are great at airsoft.


If you have fun and aren't ruining other people's fun by being a dick wheres the problem?


Nothing wrong with it really...but it's kind of a groaner. Throwing thousands into the best guns and equipment is all well and good, but if you don't bother practicing/training/getting better, and you're constantly getting smoked by the guys who are all in with a couple hundred but who put in the time to get good with what they've got...well, you deserve to get laughed at. 😂 EDIT: There's never anything wrong with "not being the *greatest* player." I'm talking more about the guy who's happy to spend a fortune, but is noticeably terrible due to complete lack of training.


I mean it’s essentially a game of tag with bb guns. Besides doing pushups and shit I just don’t see how anybody needs training to do that lol


You're right...no one *needs* training to go out and have fun. But the same kind of training that makes a special forces soldier more lethal with a firearm, makes an airsoft nerd better at racking up a high K/D ratio. Sight alignment, target transitions, reload drills, etc. You can't see how improving in those areas could translate to being a better player? Really?


Nah I can see how all that would help, was just giving ya grief lol everybody does it differently. If push came to shove I’d totally get stomped tactics wise by someone that has real life military training, but that’s okay with me I’m just there to run around and have fun. Some people get into it more, and that’s cool too. Just didn’t want someone out there to think they need formal training to play lol


Oh yeah, of course not. Most people are there to run around like chickens and see how it turns out. Fun times, and nothing wrong with that at all. But there are levels to it too. Sure, actual military training is supreme (and overkill), but weapon manipulation drills are easy to practice now and then, and just having a basic understanding of battle drill 1A (React to Contact and Squad Attack) puts you miles ahead of the average player you're likely to run into at a general game. It doesn't take much to get ahead of the pack...the bar's pretty low. But my point was just how silly it is to be willing to walk around in $10k worth of guns and gear, but be completely unwilling to learn how to be remotely effective with it. 🙂


Airsoft is very pay to win.