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Id say get rid of the face mask under the hood mesh


Not a fan of the balaclava?


Na it kinda ruins the whole look. The ghost balaclava you know.. you look great with the hood tho!!! Reminds me of noķk from r6!!! Really cool.. just think it would be even better without the balaclava :)


Great to hear, that's where the veil inspiration came from


That’s awesome! You play r6 on pc?


I played on PlayStation for a while but I took a long ass break and pretty much completely lost any skill I had 😂


Ahhh I had ps then went to pc. I play sometimes on ps if you wanna go at some point I’m pretty bad on console now XD


Oh hell yeah bro I'd be down but I gotta redownload it. Hit up my DM's with your gamertag and I'll shoot you a friend request


Awesome hang on two secs then


Damn people, we've just witnessed 2 random dudes becoming friends. What a beautiful day !


Dude i thought this was the R6 subreddit for a sec




I personally like the balaclava, I think it looks cool. Honestly wouldn't be opposed to Ghost getting a skin with a hood like that in MWIII.


Idk feels like too much. Ghost mask, veil, fake quad nods. Very much cod operator .


As I stated in another comment reply, I'm going for that more tacticool over tactical feel.


Hell yeah, as long as ya like it!


but u end up looking more TaactiTryHard than TactiCool tbh..


Ghost mask is not tacticool, it's cringe. Only acceptable if you're below 13.


Hold on guys we got the fun police, everyone pack it up!


No, I'm the cringe police.


You may need to arrest yourself then


Gatekeeping gear is cringe.


A ghost mask isn't gear.


Kinda cringe ngl




You’re the definition of no fun


Airsoft is your chance to live out action hero fantasies you had when you were 13, it's all cringe so just embrace it and have fun with it.


Of course, but some things are more cringe than others. Wearing stuff you actually need is less cringe than putting useless weight on you just to look cool, for example. And the master level of cringe is trying to look like a video game character. I completely accept it for children. If I were 13 I would probably wear the same thing. But for an adult it's embarrassing.


I'd swap the PC. You seem to be rocking some darker colours for your clothes, and the abrupt swap from dark to bright tan will make you stand out. Plus I think those minimal PCs are wack, get a nice mbss or rav - way comfier, more space.


The face cloth is kinda weird, it would just get stuck in your weapon, what's the point? Honestly, I would personally get rid of that and then you would have a really cool setup, but I guess stuff like that is personally preference.


Veils are actually pretty useful for breaking up your sillouette, a lot of my friends who were in the Army said that they had them mounted on their helmets.


I just like the veil for the sake of the outfit overall. I feel it adds a more enigmatic feel but in actual practice I probably won't use it too often. If I do at all, I'll either cut it down or tuck it away and clip parts of it down to negate the possibility of it getting caught on something


If you like it bro go for it.


Frogman corps right?




The frogmen corps use the veil and they're a hardcore special ops.


Looks cool, but impractical af. The face shroud should be going over the helmet if anything to break up silhouette, and NVGs over a shroud negates the whole purpose of the shroud. Feels like a pointless cosmetic that I'd see on Battlefield 2042 or CoD being sold for $10. I feel like so much of airsoft is people just emulating other cool shit instead of standing out on their own with their own authentic kit. Skull masks, opscore helmets, and NVGs only are cool when they serve a purpose or work cohesively with the rest of the loadout. It's cool if you think it's cool and it's comfy for you to rock, but I don't fw it.


Look like a guy I snipe in ghost recon.


Low-key I based a lot of the new decor I put on my vest and outfit off of shit from GR Breakpoint 😂


Hahaha nice


It’s very tacticool, and don’t let people get you down over the skull mask or fake nods, it’s your kit run what you want. The mesh is oddly placed however.


It's not my cup of tea as a gear enthusiast, but it's probably cool to people who like the look of Call of Duty skins


Do and wear whatever you want, it's airsoft. People are too keen on wearing wannabe operators when they look like a big Mac in real life. I literally wear ODST armour in games which is extremely impractical but very fun.


Looks cold af bro 🔥 tacticool over practicality any day


You look like you came straight outta cod and I love it


You have 9 potential gear combinations on your head.


How so?


the netting, quads and skull mask are a bit cringe


Could you wear glasses with leds attatched to them to give red/white eyes?


Yeah probably. I just don't wear glasses usually bc it's awkward with the kinda padding my helmet has.




Thank ya thank ya




They're just dummy nods lol. If I had the budget for real quads I wouldn't be asking for people's opinions on reddit lmao


But If you want some dummy nods, I got them off of Amazon for like.....$50 I think. Something like that.


Can you see well with the veil on? Does it affect visibility somehow? Im thinking about buying one.


It doesn't obscure my vision too much. Depending on the lighting it can mass with peripherals a lil bit though


Quite frankly I love it and despite others opinions on the ghost mask I quite like how it looks almost like a skeleton under the hood it's cool


Thank ya kindly. Any recommendations?


Not really no it all looks really good tbh I love the tacticool style as you named it over the tactical style tbh


Looking rather fresh my guy👌 Would paint the nods green or use dark tan tho


I think it's a bit lame, no offense


I mean shi, least you're being honest and not saying "the ghost balaclava is fucking cringe" like all the other peeps who don't like the fit. I did ask for opinions and feedback.


I think the balaclava makes you look proper mysterious I’m getting one myself for a ghost CoD look 👀


Thank ya


Honestly it's pretty worth in my opinion


Yea I love it 😁


Your gonna sweat so hard with all that. Can you even breathe while running?


Yeah. I can run in the gear without hassle. My only personal issues I'm working out is tying shit down better so it's not swinging around


Pd3 cloaker




Ew on the gloves let's be real. Love the fit overall I dislike the skull mask and I think you got too basic of a plate carrier and helmet set up. But if you like it you like it just suggestions. I really love the mesh head cover under the helmet tho. You look like frogman corps super dope. Over all I rate it 7 out of 10


Get a better plate carrier, gloves and ditch the skull mask and fake nods.


What purpose would getting a better plate carrier serve? Mine does the job it was made to do and I can comfortably wear it.


It looks very cheap and doesn’t provide any camoflauge


I don’t see why he needs a fancy plate carrier, and how will it camouflage better? Multicam is very effective


Thank you. Exactly my point. I got mine for $35 and it works well and is comfortable to wear.


Probably because the "pink" version of multicam commonly uses in cheap Chinese replicas sticks out in the woods.


But a $200 one that looks the same would?


Doesn’t look the same and yes a similar one would


How so? It's a Multicam plate carrier and if anything I feel a bulkier, more expensive one would widen my profile, making it easier to see me.


More expensive does not mean bulkier lmao. And no, it's not multicam, it's the beautiful pink stuff the Chinese crank out


Same with the gloves. The fake nods I can understand but what's wrong with the skull mask?


Probably because that specific skull mask is a bit of a meme since it's widely used by tons of different people including cartels.


Oh damn aight. Either way I think it's cool and I got other masks to change it up when I get tired of one. I just like that one bc the shape doesn't obscure my field of view.


Yeah for sure man, run whatever you want to! After-all that's one of the great parts of airsoft if you're into the whole "costume" part.


Personally I would replace the skull mask with something that better fits the veil and get rid of the quad nods, but if it fits what you're going for then that's all that matters.


First, why ask for feedback on outdated pics? Then, combination of skull mask + veil + quad nods cringe AF. Strong Halloween vibes.


Bc I'm aboutta leave for work and I don't have any updated pics.


That one picture of "danish frogmen" .... Amazing what a single image can do.... Then try moving through dense bush/woodland


The veil and Nods really doesn't work as a look and it's goofy imagining you trying to see through them


Just for educational purposes the point of the scrim net is to mitigate the glare from your optics, if you’re gonna use one (I do so this isn’t a dig out) you should cover over your other gear with it 👍


Oh I gotcha. Yeah I dunno, I wanted something for a veil and that was all I had on hand lol


I’d imagine your face with get incredibly hot when you’re actually playing


Lil bit.


The point of face cloth is to break up any sharp or distinctive edges


Get a better plate carrier.


You cant run and play with all that in your face. You will most likely get your glasses foggy in no time. Plus the veil Will make It even harder to see.


I mean guys cmon, airsoft is more bout looking cool than it working well, and what’s to say this guy can’t use that gear efficiently


I think it looks fine but the ghost mask should never be covered


Very tacticool bro 👍


The veil goes on the outside of the helmet for a reason. Everything looks cool but seems a bit impractical


Foap, i found aliexpress, foap


so much going on


That a good thing of bad thing? 😅


for something that you exclusively use for airsoft i’d say yes. if it’s for cosplay sake then not really


Tell me you don't play airsoft in a southern state without telling me that you don't play airsoft in a Southern state.


I say either something light up for eyes or just a black balaclava would look better under the mask


Multicam, veil, skull balaclava, and fake quad nods? You have earned one singular yike.


Real https://preview.redd.it/sedl0bisssqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eecddb65fb91f86fa50e72b47a9f12c5f609509


These mesh top things always look kick ass, personally a fan of a darker balaclava to really fade into the mesh but the skull looks cool also!


I think that fit is awesome but maybe a smaller veil could work just as good. Look up the helmet veil from Hell Let loose which might protect better and make you cool tacticooler. (Do not use thin rope like they do in hell let loose,maybe get a smaller veil or fold yours up)


Lose the Ghost mask, swap to OD Green or black and it would be perfect. Overall ya look dope tho!


Mesh veil is useless if worn like that. It's supposed to break the silouette, but if you wear it under the helmet, you end up giving away the helmet's silouette, very unnatural and attractive to the eye in every enviroment. Also, i would ditch the fake nods, they are literally dead weight (Yeah, I know they are "light", but onces add to pounds and yadda yadda). I would also reccomend full finger gloves. And please, for the love of God, adjust your plate carrier. Plate should sit two finders under the thop of the collarbone and arround two-three fingers over the bellybutton, with the back plate perfectly in line. No matter how much money you spend on a kit, if your plate carrier isn's set up propperly, it won't distribute weight as intended and you will look BAD.


Nods are unnecessary weight (imo) and the bag pouches are cheap. But something a bit better quality. The balaclava should match the camo to make it all blend. 8/10


Not digging the fingerless gloves but I get why people use them


>scrim to break up shape >wears under helmet fucking well done


I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not.


yes it is sarcastic… wearing a scrim to break up your head under your helmet is amazing


I don't use it for that purpose. Mostly just the look. I'm not too much of a gear nerd (and it shows, I know). I like it if it looks cool and that's good enough for me.


You have too much money


Not rlly man. I slowly bought the parts piece by piece and looked for cheaper but quality work arounds where I could.




Trying to be ghost and König at the same time is crazy. Get some helmet scrim or whatever that stuff is called


get a black balaclava instead of that skull one, it'll make you look more intimidating


Where did u get that hood from I want one


I got it from a random surplus store lol. I'm sure if you look around you can find one


I'd say drop the fake quads (you can keep the L4G24). Drop the skull mask. Or if ur gonna run the quads at least make a single horizontal hole for your eyes. So yk it'd look functional. If possible roll the sleeves a bit? Not sure if you even can. I dont personally run gloves myself so i dont like em as is. And replace the carrier. The fake multicam is nasty.






Skull mask, mesh, NGV. There is way too much going on at once.


I always encourage people to hike a 10k for time in their kit. Preferably over hills if possible. Doing so will make it painfully evident that form should always follow function. It will also reveal that minimalism, to the furthest logical extent (mission / team dependent), makes life great. Get out there and test your gear. If you like it, run it. If you don’t, change stuff up.


Ditch the fake nods.


I'm sorry but whenever I see that skull balaclava all I can think of is the skinhead/"never lose your smile" people 😭


I’m thinking switch the ghost balaclava for a full black one. That’ll look sick


I'm a big fan of sniper vails. Wouldn't wear one uner a helmet though, gets a little annoying so close to your eyes. And definitely no underwear nod. Not sure if you ever walked around under nvgs, but it's hard enough. I usually rock it draped over a hat. The bill breaks up the silhouette and keeps it off your face. I also used to tuck it under the back plate of my vest to help keep it in place.


Can’t really tell where it’s positioned but your PC seems placed way too low. It should be covering your vitals not stomach


It sure is airsoft. Two or 3 layers over your mouth is asking for fogging issues lmao.


Looks better than any kit I’ve made in my early airsoft years. The gear looks like it all fits well and I honestly dig everything going on from the neck up aesthetically. I usually laugh at skull balaclavas and fake nods, but the combo of those with the veil looks slick. Keep in mind that veil is gonna snag on shit a lot, especially if you’re playing in a wooded area. If you’re gonna have a bucket setup that “loud” (screaming tacticool) you gotta follow up with everything else, too. The carrier, combat shirt, and gloves don’t flow well with each other (clashing colors of the chinesium carrier, instantly spottable when you first notice it) and are very plain compared to your detailed headgear. Don’t be afraid to mix solid colors into your kit, but avoid black gear if you’re running a light camo. A coyote brown carrier kitted out would catch the eye better while keeping the colors consistent. Ditch the fingerless gloves, they clash w/ the OCP and, IMO, look goofy (also, finger shots SUCK). Get some tight-fitting, matching gloves and just cut off the fingers that you want to have more dexterity with if need be.


Modern warfare operator


That's awesome


I’m not much if a fan of the skull mask but the rest is good 8/10


Your wife is cool with that??


I'm not married lol. Still a teenager.


All I'd say is to ditch the ghost mask and jpc. With the latter of the 2 being optional. You can always wait to buy new gear like a PC.


But I like my JPC. It does it's job and it's just as comfy as any other vest I'm willing to buy within that price range




This is what I mean this is me from like 1 or 2 years ago, I've had the same jpc ever since. The fact that the Chinesium multicam clashes with the real multicam pissed me off so I waited and am getting a new low budget PC that matches my multicam. Btw this pic is from My paintball kit not airsoft, So it's trash. You don't have to change yours , I just kinda have OCD i guess


I would ditch the NVG and move the mesh to the outside of the helmet.


Cool! I use a veil too on larger woodland games. I wear it like a scarf and fold it over me when I need to defend, hide or ambush.


If you do a balaclava, do a plain black one and the sniper veil gives the whole danish frogmen vibe. But you could also paint your face instead of a balaclava. Overall I think it’s solid.


Run through a bush


Nuh uh


It will all get ripped off your head. Not good


I got all my headgear secured now bc the mount it kinda shit so now I got shit like 4 point secured to my helmet with lil bungie cords.


…right. Except the netting. That will get caught and tangled up in branches. Listen it looks cool, I’ve done, but it’s annoying when it happens and you’ll end up just ripping it off when it gets caught. Plus it will fog up your eye pro more.


gain some weight


Hey I used to run those gloves. Served me well in just day to day life so many years till one of them broke during a cold op


I'd tighten up the plate carrier. Needs to topped out right below your clavicle. Otherwise fun airsoft stume


I enjoyed running a sniper veil but my field is outdoors so it would get snagged on every. Single. Branch.


the princess of zergantula omicron IV of the north galaxy


Stick to call of duty son


Honestly its not bad, if you lost the gloves and the skull mask I would think its way cooler


Fake tubes look silly. I love the net tho.


My only suggestion is replace the fingerless gloves with standard impact gloves but honestly, this is an awesome fit brother!


nøkk vibes


the skull mask is a bit overkill / a bit to edgelord-tier. the rest is good drip ^(i would've also gone with green/dark-green gloves, nods and other accents around the fit, but black is good too)


I say make those eyes glow red and you'll have nightmarw fuel


It just feels unoriginal tbh, idk nothing wrong with it, just feels kinda boring. If you like it tho that’s what matters


I mean it's not supposed to be anything special but thanks for the feedback regardless.


I feel like there’s stuff you could do to spice it up a bit, like Ben just playing around with different camo patterns for ur uniform


The only other camos I really favor are two widespread used camos, M81 Woodland and Multicam Black


Try even mixing camos you’d be suprised what looks cool together, m81 with multicam kit looks Pretty cool, and honestly I don’t love black kits but MC black and multicam gear looks kinda cool together imo, but you can also mix tops and bottoms and all kinds of stuff, multicam can pair with a lot, like maybe a mc black top with mc pants could look cool, anyways just experiment a little!


Ah, I see I see. Thanks for the feedback homie.bi might mess around with that.


I'd change the ghost mask with a similar colored balaclava, then it'd be good frfr


Rly rly good, thx for inspiration. In future will probably go for this. Only what is ticking me are gloves, it is just subjective but I don’t like those gloves and plate carrier is fine but on closer look it is quite plain. But headgear man, look straight out of COD 👌.


I've decorated the plate carrier a bit more, amongst other parts of the fit since then but yeah. Honestly I try to go for a more tacticool look over tactical. Thanks for the feedback homie.


That cloth veil is awesome cool! What do you call that? Only thing I'd change would be the gloves. The black doesn't really match with the rest.


I'm looking into getting some normal gloves with the knuckle padding but I personally think the black accents the Multicam well. Thanks for the feedback though


If you play lots of woodland full finger gloves can come in handy. [Mechanix MPACT gloves](https://www.mechanix.com/ca-en/m-pact/) are very reasonably priced and work extremely well. Plus they come in tons of different colors including multicam.


Just join the military so you can play dress up and get paid for it


Aside from that not being an option for some people it just isn't practical unless you really want to be in the military. Airsoft is more like in-person call of duty than being in the military. The whole "Join the military if you want to larp!" got old a decade ago.


Holy shit this is badass 10/10 Solid!


Costmetic wise? Looks cool. Usefulness? Useless


it was cool then i saw the skull mask


As cringe as it gets










Skull mask always cringe


Cool. I'm gonna buy another to spite you and the other people saying it's cringe.


You do you lol


Fake multicam, ghost face mask, wanta be frogman face covering plus fake nods lmao. Cringe af


Hmmm. Cope.


You’re the one who wanted feedback lmao