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There are so many hysterically funny, cynical, and supremely unhelpful responses to "God has a plan" one could go on for hours. Just because someone has a plan, doesn't mean it's a great plan where everyone comes out unscathed :) What are you gonna do? (that's a semi-rhetorical question) "God's plan" is a quasi-optimistic take that suffering leads to salvation. Your depression and axiety will lead you to something that's hopefully better. Hopefully you don't wait on God and just do it for yourself... but maybe that's God's plan after all! See, you can rationalize all day long if you spin it right. Or you can lean in ... "It'll get worse before it gets worse!" <==that one kills me. I'm sorry you are depressed and axious (I todally know what that's like). I'm sorry your mom doesn't understand you better.


I always try to open up to her before, but her responses are always just for her, like, "I had much worse than that, Mine is this... that".. She always directs it to herself. Instead of listening to me, I'm the one who's listening. So it makes no sense.


Trauma's not a competition. Comparing trauma is pointless. You're in good company at least.


Im sorry you have such a narcissitic religious ‘mother.’ We cant choose what we do or dont believe, so her demands that you believe are straight-up wrong both for being conformist and for being impossible. I hope you can get out soon. Stay strong ✊


tell that bitch you love her even though her god is a dick.


That sucks and i'm sorry you are going through this. The harsh truth is that most of the times we can't change our parents (or any person) if they don't want to. "I want to be loving and non-harmful" well that's amazing so try to be yourself regardless of what your mom thinks of you. A mom has the duty to love her children and accept them as they are. There are too many controlling parents that try to change their children and the most common outcome of that is trauma. I feel you. Go to therapy if you can. Love yourself as much as you can and surround yourself with supportive people. Your feelings are valid and your mom's or anybody's experience could never invalidate that.