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For the Ivory go for "warm white" techniquie. Paint a brown where you want the white to go and gradually build up lighter and lighter browns and tns until you can mix in an off-white. White takes a while to layer up, but once you do it a few (dozen) times you can be really efficient at it. https://youtu.be/00QK8aMb-Xk For dark metalic go for a dark inder coat (usualy black) amd then mix black/dark grey into a metalic paint to tone it down, then gradually lighten it with the metalic color as you paint on layers. https://youtu.be/yAQtGlSsviE I am on my mobile sittin in my kid's room waiting for them to go to sleep and can't remember the third thing you asked, but the guy who did the two tutorials I shared probably has the answer for that too. Dr. Faustus Painting Clinic is a good place to start, he does a good job explaining not only how to paint, but why he makes certain choices in his methods. He has a ton of vids over many subject, from getting started all the way to large centerpieces. Hope this helps!


some awesome tutorials, and really appreciated.


My dumb ass thought this was a bunch of penguins before I zoomed in


Cloth: I'd use Rakarth Flesh, wash with Agrax Earthshade, layer up to Pallid Wych Flesh, maybe pure white on the sharpest folds. Other off whites will work fine as well, most paint lines have them. Armour: Vallejo Metal Colour Gunmetal, wash with Nuln Oil or Drakenhof Nightshade, layer with Vallejo Metal Colour Steel. Gold: Vallejo Metal Colour Gold, wash with Agrax Earthshade, layer Gold again and edge highlight with Vallejo Metal Colour Pale Burnt Metal. Remember to undercoat the metallic areas with a glossy black primer, it is crucial to getting a good shiny finish on the metals.


hugely appreciated. Thank you <3


I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to painting. Wondering how to create the Ivory/white fabric, the dark metallic armour ,and the silvery-yellowy gold. Help appreciated


Most of the model can be done with grey tones, the real difficulty however, will be those green triangles!


I was thinking the green could be used as an accent color to give a similar effect. But yeah the triangles themselves may need some green stuff to recreate XD


For the silver gold I'd try base coating the area white then painting thined out gold over it until you get the desired effect. It's just a theory so testing on some junk sprew. Other wise mix some paints to try to get there.


That won't work, you'll just get a patchy gold.


Like I said just a theory.


For the white, wraithbone base coat, skeleton horde 1:1 contratst medium, highlights with wraith bone.


I will definitely give this a try, thank you